


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e screening for pulmonary vein stenosis with spiral computed tomography.
2                                 Discovery by spiral computed tomography advances, teleconsultation em
3                                              Spiral computed tomography and serum tumor markers had l
4               To evaluate low-radiation-dose spiral computed tomography and sputum cytology in screen
5  retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), spiral computed tomography, and serum carcinoembryonic a
6 64 (Coronary Evaluation Using Multi-Detector Spiral Computed Tomography Angiography Using 64 Detector
7    (Coronary Evaluation Using Multi-Detector Spiral Computed Tomography Angiography Using 64 Detector
8          Studies suggest that screening with spiral computed tomography can detect lung cancers at a
9  recent study of a management approach using spiral computed tomography combined with testing for dee
10                        Through a marriage of spiral computed tomography (CT) and graphical volumetric
11 imaging techniques such as contrast-enhanced spiral computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (
12 the phantom was scanned with single-detector spiral computed tomography (CT) at 130 kVp and 230 mAs.
13 ensional (3D) images of the vasculature from spiral computed tomography (CT) data sets.
14 ung cancer screening with low radiation dose spiral computed tomography (CT) is discussed.
15 r that is detected on annual screening using spiral computed tomography (CT) is unknown.
16  controlled trial to undergo either low-dose spiral computed tomography (CT) or observation.
17 hy for trauma, diagnostic peritoneal lavage, spiral computed tomography (CT) scan, diagnostic laparos
18                            Multiple low-dose spiral computed tomography (CT) trials have been propose
19                                              Spiral computed tomography (CT) was performed of the abd
20 tastases from colorectal carcinoma underwent spiral computed tomography (CT) with 7-mm collimation.
21 y bypass grafts in 26 patients examined with spiral computed tomography (CT).
22 y (EBA), magnetic resonance angiography, and spiral computed tomography, currently the three most pro
23                                  On multirow spiral computed tomography examination, the narrowest lu
24 haracteristics of mediastinal lymph nodes on spiral computed tomography for the purpose of differenti
25 r preoperative abdominal or thoracoabdominal spiral computed tomography images.
26 We investigated the ability of multidetector spiral computed tomography (MDCT) to detect atherosclero
27  resonance imaging (MRI), multi-row detector spiral computed tomography (MDCT), and electron beam tom
28                  Given the dynamic nature of spiral computed tomography scan development and the rema
29 ance imaging seems to be more sensitive than spiral computed tomography scan for the identification o
30                   Responses were measured by spiral computed tomography scan.
31 iographers and the immediate availability of spiral computed tomography scanners in trauma centers li
32          Virtual colonoscopy using abdominal spiral computed tomography scanning allows total colonic
33                                              Spiral computed tomography scanning revealed multiple in
34 vided right-lobe grafts underwent volumetric spiral computed tomography scans preoperatively and post
35                     Surgery for TAR based on spiral computed tomography screening and diagnosis is re
36 problem and so recent favorable reports with spiral computed tomography screening of high-risk popula
37  exclusively on the use of contrast-enhanced spiral computed tomography, with angiography reserved fo

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