


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  vascularis, and in type 1 fibrocytes of the spiral ligament.
2 ; 2) basal loss of type IV fibrocytes in the spiral ligament; 3) apical loss of fibrocytes in spiral
3 rols, we localized AQP1 in fibrocytes in the spiral ligament and AQP4 in supporting epithelial cells
4 marrow-derived cells are concentrated in the spiral ligament and spiral limbus, areas that are known
5 ry epithelial cells and in fibrocytes of the spiral ligament and the spiral limbus.
6 an spiral limbus, osseous spiral lamina, and spiral ligament, and not in any other tissues in head an
7 in spiral ganglia neurons, fibrocytes of the spiral ligament, and supporting cells of the organ of Co
8 organ of Corti, the subcentral region of the spiral ligament, and the Reissner membrane.
9 C activity was localized to pericytes in the spiral ligament as well as nerve fibers innervating oute
10           They were most abundant within the spiral ligament but were also found in other locations n
11 ase in Ngb in spiral ganglia neurons and rat spiral ligament, but not in supporting cells, following
12 neath outer pillar cells and adjacent to the spiral ligament by approximately 90 degrees.
13         A portion of the GFP(+) cells in the spiral ligament expressed immunoreactive Na, K-ATPase, o
14         Previously, we demonstrated that the spiral ligament fibrocyte (SLF) cell line up-regulates m
15 orrelated with a substantial loss of type IV spiral ligament fibrocytes and a significant reduction o
16 -human specimens, GLAST was expressed in the spiral ligament fibrocytes but was not detected in the s
17                                      The rat spiral ligament fibrocytes were found to release CXCL2 i
18  demonstrated that the inner ear fibrocytes (spiral ligament fibrocytes) are able to recognize nontyp
19 uenzae-induced CXCL2 upregulation in the rat spiral ligament fibrocytes.
20 reactivity was detected in fibrocytes of the spiral ligament, from the basal to the apical portion of
21 e fibrocytes of the spiral limbus and of the spiral ligament in mouse and in human fetal and adult ti
22 e fibrocytes of the spiral limbus and of the spiral ligament in the cochlea, and in the fibrocytes of
23  decreased in spiral ganglia neurons and the spiral ligament in the prenatal and pre- and postnatal g
24  levels of TMC1 protein were observed in the spiral ligament of mutants when compared with wild-type
25 umulation of leukocytes, particularly in the spiral ligament of the basal turn.
26  the differential expression of GLAST in the spiral ligament of the basal, middle, and apical turns o
27 oreover, KARS has strong localization to the spiral ligament region of the cochlea, as well as to Dei
28 ood vessels located in the stria vascularis, spiral ligament, sub-basilar region, stromal tissue, and

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