


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 th the exon 5-encoded NH(2)-terminal segment spliced out.
2 B, originally reported in rats and mice, are spliced out.
3  a number of protein domains that tend to be spliced out.
4 forms of amelogenins, exon4 is most commonly spliced out.
5  of the group I intron that likely cannot be spliced out.
6 s in the beta-form, the middle exon has been spliced out.
7 ts recombination in Escherichia coli, but is spliced out after delivery of the plasmid into mammalian
8 ly shown to bind an exogenous RNA substrate, splice out an internal segment, and then ligate the two
9 his traceless ligation, the intein itself is spliced out and excluded from the final conjugation prod
10 isoform is produced when the upstream AUG is spliced out and translation is initiated at the downstre
11       These data indicate that when exon4 is spliced out, as occurs most of the time during alternati
12 that this insertion is an intron that is not spliced out because of a 6-bp deletion at its splicing s
13 igenic peptide sequences in introns that are spliced out before the mRNAs exit the nuclear compartmen
14 s also associated with failures to correctly splice out CASP8 intron 8 in breast and prostate tumours
15 what surprisingly, 28% of all occurrences of spliced-out domains are not effected by straightforward
16 ly distributed domains as well as those with spliced-out domains are predominantly involved in the pr
17                  This insert was not totally spliced out during mRNA processing.
18 the psoriatic epidermis had the IIICS region spliced out (EDA+, FDB-, IIICS-, III9+), which was share
19 hose, C2delta(17), in which exon 17 has been spliced out, encodes a polypeptide that contains the C4b
20 on4 sequence led us to hypothesize that when spliced out, exon4 may generate a novel mature miRNA.
21 pted, on average, by 11 introns that must be spliced out for proper gene expression.
22  mutations localize to exon 12, which may be spliced out forming an isoform depleted of the unusually
23 ce site, while a 3.2-kilobase pair intron is spliced out from the FP gene to generate the FP(B) isofo
24 11 was produced; the normal exon 10 was also spliced out; (ii) a sporadic case had a 1 bp deletion in
25 ated within the alpha-specific motif that is spliced out in Pcyt2beta and on two PKC consensus serine
26         The 11th and 12th exons of TAB1 were spliced out in TAB1beta, and an extra exon, termed exon
27                          The middle exon was spliced out in the beta-form.
28  mutations in the exons (25 and 31) that are spliced out in the isoforms.
29                  In mouse CRH-R1c exon 3 was spliced out; in mCRH-R1e exons 3 and 4 and in mCRH-R1f e
30             However, it remains unclear when spliced-out introns are recognized by TRAMP, and whether
31 g to prepare for the subsequent targeting of spliced-out introns to rapid degradation by the nuclear
32 of these unwanted RNA transcripts, including spliced-out introns, are first recognized by the nuclear
33 ls, such as splicing-defective pre-mRNAs and spliced-out introns, are rapidly degraded by the nuclear
34 e protein segments V, III(15), and I(10) are spliced out, is one of the major splice variants present
35                                  Intron 2 is spliced out more efficiently than intron 1.
36 ctive mutation in this regard was the exon 9 splice-out mutation (delta9).
37               Mammals contain two types that splice out mutually exclusive types of introns.
38 he shift in expression from the splice-in to splice-out MYPT isoform, GTPgammaS no longer produced fo
39 st that the relative expression of splice-in/splice-out MYPT isoforms determines the magnitude of ago
40     Inteins are single turnover enzymes that splice out of protein precursors during maturation of th
41 troponin T missing 11 amino acids due to the splice out of the normally conserved exon 8-encoded segm
42 anism for turkey dilated cardiomyopathy, the splice-out of a normally constitutive exon generates an
43                                              Splice-out of the adjacent exon 6 occurred in the guinea
44                        This exon is normally spliced out of all FcgammaRII isoforms, except the inhib
45 sociated with transcripts in which exon 1 is spliced out of frame to 3' Notch1 exons.
46  was used to demonstrate that the intron was spliced out of mRNA in vivo, and sequence analysis revea
47 ucture is the presence of introns, which are spliced out of pre-mRNAs prior to translation.
48 Inteins are mobile genetic elements that are spliced out of proteins after translation.
49  vivo rRNA indicated that the intron was not spliced out of the 23S rRNA.
50 edicted to code for the 1305-bp product were spliced out of the 936-bp transcript.
51 A showed that B.fr.I1 was functional and was spliced out of the bmhA gene.
52 eviously unrecognized 239-bp intron which is spliced out of the pre-mRNA transcript to leave a 114 nt
53 of these PTC mutations--if not alternatively spliced out of the transcript--have neutral effects.
54            Four of the six upstream ORFs are spliced out of the vast majority of frq mRNA species.
55  through the PURG-A polyadenylation site and splicing out of an intron of >30 kb.
56 ase, the PTT shift was explained by in-frame splicing out of exon 10, in the presence of a normal exo
57  gene indicated that MCL-1S results from the splicing out of exon 2 during mRNA processing.
58                     We also demonstrate that splicing out of exon 2 occurs with the wild-type constru
59 to SMN1, except that a point mutation causes splicing out of exon 7 and production of a largely nonfu
60            This mutation causes the abnormal splicing out of exon 8 from most STAT1 mRNAs, thereby de
61 the short form of Bok (Bok-S) represents the splicing out of exon three during transcription.
62  upon transposon insertion, allowing perfect splicing out of the RNA.
63 include by-products of regulated alternative splicing, out-of-frame mRNAs derived from unproductive g
64                                              Splicing out or deletion of other C-terminal cassettes s
65               A sixth isoform is produced by splicing out part of the PAR and basic DNA binding domai
66 ntaining the potential DNA binding domain is spliced out, predicted to lead to the generation of a pr
67 pituitary GHRH-R, whereas in SV(2) exon 7 is spliced out, resulting in a 1-nt upstream frameshift, wh
68 f OS-9 binds to meprin beta, implicating the spliced out segment in the binding, and suggesting the p
69 ntain the double-homeobox domain of DUX4 but splice-out the C-terminal portion.
70 a t-13g mutation in intron 1 associated with splicing out the first coding exon (exon 2).
71                     Contrary to expectation, splicing out the two C-terminal splice cassettes of NR1
72              Isoforms Pax-5b and Pax-5e have spliced out their second exon, resulting in proteins wit
73 ecretin receptor in which the third exon was spliced out to eliminate residues 44-79 from the NH(2)-t

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