


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ncreased signaling and characterizes a GPR56 splice variant.
2  Factor H levels, especially carriers of the splice variant.
3 e production of PKC betaII and the VEGF 165b splice variant.
4 died, because it has been considered a minor splice variant.
5 use brain, with ClC-3c being the predominant splice variant.
6 ulin and of its muscle-specific metavinculin splice variant.
7 nt systems via expression of different ClC-3 splice variants.
8 WERING LOCUS M-beta (FLM-beta) and FLM-delta splice variants.
9  might be exploited to target specific CXCR3 splice variants.
10 eptor gene OPRM1 creates multiple C-terminal splice variants.
11 nduced changes in the levels of SRSF2 3' UTR splice variants.
12 own to repress translation of specific SRSF2 splice variants.
13 ng a set of 6TM truncated mu-opioid receptor splice variants.
14 distinct modes of targeting of the two K-Ras splice variants.
15 has four isoforms (PDE4A-D) with at least 25 splice variants.
16 is known about miRNA regulation of the OPRM1 splice variants.
17 tially due to the increased expression of AR splice variants.
18 macological targeting of individual receptor splice variants.
19  a context-dependent algorithm for selecting splice variants.
20  different genes, alternative promoters, and splice variants.
21 vel expression of the transporters and their splice variants.
22 of mRNA encoding different IGF-1 alternative splicing variants.
23 ncluding expression of AR gene mutations and splicing variants.
24 ull-length AR (twofold, P < 0.05) and the AR splice variants 1 (threefold, P < 0.05) and 7 (threefold
25 rcise-induced expression of total BDNF, BDNF splice variants 1, 2, 4, 6 and fibronectin type III doma
26  exonic mutation c.3538G>A causes 3 in-frame splicing variants (23del, 26del, and 23/26del) which can
27 ndent cell migration but did not affect RAGE splice variant 4 cell migration.
28       We further show that human CDKN1A mRNA splice variant 4 is preferentially translated following
29 pression of the splice variant of RAGE (RAGE splice variant 4), which is resistant to ectodomain shed
30 y showed that detection of androgen receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7) in circulating tumor cells (CTC
31 mine if pretherapy nuclear androgen-receptor splice variant 7 (AR-V7) protein expression and localiza
32                                           AR splice variant 7 (AR-V7, also termed AR3) is the most ab
33  transcripts including the androgen-receptor splice variant 7 in a cohort of prostate cancer patients
34     The androgen-receptor isoform encoded by splice variant 7 lacks the ligand-binding domain, which
35 thesized that detection of androgen-receptor splice variant 7 messenger RNA (AR-V7) in circulating tu
36 usly that the detection of androgen receptor splice variant-7 (AR-V7) mRNA in circulating tumor cells
37 otype and coexistence of more than one TNNT2 splicing variant (90.5% GG v 41.7% GA/AA; P = .005).
38                           CD33 generates two splice variants: a full-length CD33M transcript produced
39 eceptor-deficient mouse that lacks all Oprm1 splice variants, ablating mu-opioid activity in these an
40                These results show that CXCR3 splice variants activate different signaling pathways an
41 gene expression analysis for RBM20-dependent splice variants affected sarcomeric (TTN and LDB3) and c
42 full-length transcript and the most frequent splice variants (AID-DeltaE4a, AID-DeltaE) were detected
43 (LHY) and CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) splice variants, among other alternatively spliced trans
44 greater amounts of a non-coding Neurog3 mRNA splice variant and had fewer Neurog3/Insm1 co-expressing
45                    Isradipine inhibition was splice variant and isoform dependent, with a 5- to 11-fo
46 y transcript has three potential alternative splice variants and cell-type specific expression result
47 we describe examples of these CKD-associated splice variants and ideas on how to manipulate them for
48 be gathered from this database for different splice variants and ncRNAs, such as microRNAs and lincRN
49 n of functional IFNlambda4 through noncoding splice variants and nonfunctional protein isoforms.
50 e results in reduced bimodality of all hTERT splice variants and significant upregulation of alpha sp
51 ology of ligand binding to CXCR3 alternative splice variants and their downstream signaling pathways
52 d as a soluble form generated by alternative splice variants and/or by shedding.
53 s with novel transcription initiation sites, spliced variants and alternative polyadenylation sites.
54 odifications, amino acid variants, alternate splicing variants and protein cleavage patterns.
55 sequencing-based RNA-seq is able to identify splicing variants and single nucleotide variants in one
56  Quiescent LNEPs activate a DeltaNp63 (a p63 splice variant) and cytokeratin 5 remodelling program af
57 urrent depends on the species of origin, the splice variant, and the concentration of the purinergic
58 identified including indels, stop-gain/loss, splice variants, and recurrent gene variants indicative
59 se to somatic copy number amplifications, AR splice-variants, and steroid treatment.
60 both full-length androgen receptor (fAR) and splice variant AR (AR-V7) to inhibit AR transcriptional
61 ealed that miR-124 directly downregulated AR splice variants AR-V4 and V7 along with EZH2 and Src, on
62 y and protein levels of both full-length and splice-variant AR.
63 course of development, including in abnormal splice variants (AR-SV)-driven advanced stage castration
64 R-FL) and constitutively active truncated AR splice variants (AR-Vs).
65 ility to repress the expression of AR or its splice variant, AR-V7.
66 ing to upregulation of the androgen receptor splice variant AR3 which has been shown to play a role i
67 use cerebellum revealed that thousands of RE splice variants are associated with translating ribosome
68 static to sic-3, indicating the LHY and CCA1 splice variants are needed for sic-3 circadian clock phe
69 ctivated states, and the differences between splice variants are occluded by antiepileptic drugs that
70                                        SRSF2 splice variants are then stabilized by caffeine-mediated
71 mechanisms including resurgence of AR and AR splice variant (ARV) signaling.
72     In contrast, the microtubule-interacting splice variant ARv567 was sensitive to taxane-induced mi
73 at two clinically relevant androgen receptor splice variants, ARv567 and ARv7, differentially associa
74                            Androgen receptor splicing variants (ARVs) that lack the ligand-binding do
75 findings highlight the importance of an MDM2 splice variant as a critical modifier of both p53-depend
76 same pattern of 5' untranslated region (UTR) splice variants as the transgenic mice and the human can
77 Ps may control expression of AR-V7 and other splice variants as well as their downstream functions in
78 rotein fragments from two different human CT splice variants, as predicted from SCA6 patients, in PCs
79 n transcript isoforms, including length- and splice variants, as well as between overlapping polycist
80 ly inhibits ASIC1a, but has no effect on the splice variant ASIC1b.
81 ve: ASIC2a is activated by acid, whereas its splice variant ASIC2b is not.
82 e differential expression of two alternative splice variants (ASV), which differ in length and in the
83 microheterogeneity with numerous alternative splice variants (ASVs) and post-translational modificati
84 ubunit, long and short Cav1.3 alpha1-subunit splice variants; beta3/alpha2delta1).
85                                   The betaE' splice variant bound more weakly than alpha, showing tha
86            It differs from the adult CaV1.1a splice variant by the exclusion of exon 29 coding for 19
87                       We identified a GABRG2 splice variant (c.549-3T>G) in 2 unrelated patients as w
88 ternate 5'-splice donor sites, to yield five splice variants (canine mda-7sv1, canine mda-7sv2, canin
89 te RNA processing of caspase-9 generates the splice variants caspase 9a (C9a) and caspase 9b (C9b).
90                               Like the adult splice variant CaV1.1a, the embryonic CaV1.1e variant fu
91 rom the aberrant expression of the embryonic splice variant CaV1.1e in the skeletal muscles of myoton
92 ength CaV1.3L and two C-terminally truncated splice variants (CaV1.342A and CaV1.343S) and their modu
93  derived from mice expressing different CD44 splice variants (Cd44(+/+), Cd44(-/-), Cd44(s/s), or Cd4
94 ified compound heterozygosity for a maternal splicing variant (chr5:60195556, NM_000082:c.618-2A > G)
95 genome, assemble transcripts including novel splice variants, compute the abundance of these transcri
96 CRs), Oprm1 also produces a set of truncated splice variants containing only six transmembrane domain
97                              The fibronectin-splicing variant containing extra domain A (Fn-EDA) is p
98 pended on glycolysis, which controlled Foxp3 splicing variants containing exon 2 (Foxp3-E2) through t
99      Our data predict that Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 splice variants contribute differentially to Ca(2+) load
100 sults demonstrate that the production of DCC splice variants controlled by NOVA has a crucial functio
101 nt splicing products and loss of canonically spliced variants correlate with stage and progression in
102  median expression level, 92-98% of observed splice variants correspond to errors.
103             Both CXCL10 and CXCL11 activated splice variant CXCR3A.
104             The dopamine D2 receptor has two splice variants, D2S (Short) and D2L (Long).
105             Molecular manipulations of CPEB2 splice variants demonstrated a key role for this RNA spl
106 d that expression of alpha6 integrin and its splice variants differs between epithelial and mesenchym
107     Here, we evaluated the role of PKCdeltaI splice variant during adipogenesis.
108 splasin A (EDA) is produced as 2 full-length splice variants, EDA1 and EDA2, that bind to EDA recepto
109 racting partners represent contribution from splicing variants, emphasizing the importance of isoform
110                   Furthermore, we identified splice variants encoding distinct nuclear and cytoplasmi
111 s in The Cancer Genome Atlas to analyze TP53 splice variant expression.
112          Chronic alcohol exposure can change splice variant expression.
113 hout exon 2 revealed that both groups of FIR splice variants facilitate tumor-supporting effects.
114 t confirm that the 15-kDa protein is a novel splice variant form of TREM-1 (TREM-1sv).
115 xpression of the constitutively-active AR-V7 splice variant generated by AR cryptic exon 3b inclusion
116                         MDM2-ALT1, the major splice variant generated, is known to activate the p53 p
117 or drug target, has a highly conserved minor splice variant, GRgamma, which differs by a single argin
118  the splicing event is highly conserved, one splice variant has been selectively removed from Nav1.1
119                                A plethora of splice variants have been implicated in CKDs as well.
120 ile mutations in MST1R are rare, alternative splice variants have been previously reported in epithel
121 eptor agonists at the two most abundant hH3R splice variants (hH3R445 and hH3R365) across seven signa
122 e, we provide mechanistic insight that FGFR3 splice variants IIIb and IIIc impact considerably on the
123 ), and replicated previous associations of a splice variant in APOC3 (rs138326449) with triglycerides
124 gest causal roles for these genes, as does a splice variant in SLC16A8.
125 isoform of CaMKII is the predominant nuclear splice variant in the adult heart and regulates cardiomy
126 une diseases or measuring the ratios of mRNA splice variants in cancer stem cells.
127 uantitative technologies for monitoring mRNA splice variants in cells.
128 es is cancer, many reports detail pathogenic splice variants in diseases ranging from neuromuscular d
129  Using PCR approaches we have identified two splice variants in human tissues, which we have named MT
130 ging can be used to detect and quantify mRNA splice variants in living cells.
131 modifications act on the p53 protein and its splice variants in stem and progenitor cells to silence
132  concentrations for the different IGF-1 mRNA splice variants in the cohort of tissues by employing su
133                            We identified LSR splice variants in the colon carcinoma cell line HCT116
134 rease in the numbers of established damaging splice variants in these genes.
135 that 72% of multiexon genes express multiple splice variants in this single tissue.
136 functional properties of epithelial-specific splice variants in vivo.
137 5[C] are associated with expression of CASP8 splice variants in which sequences from intron 8 are ret
138 of SCN5A cardiac sodium (Na(+)) channel mRNA splice variants in white blood cells (WBCs) with risk of
139 , 37 base pairs upstream from an alternative splicing variant in NDUFAF6 chr8:96046951 A > G; rs74395
140          This indicated that there are short splicing variants in addition to GABAB receptor subunit
141                            Analysis of TNNT2 splicing variants in healthy human hearts suggested an a
142              Together our data indicate that splicing variants in WDR35, and possibly in other IFT-A
143        In this report we describe pathogenic splicing variants in WDR35, encoding retrograde intrafla
144 We previously identified TRAILshort, a TRAIL splice variant, in HIV-infected patients and characteriz
145 c glycine receptor channels, including their splice variants, in the same cellular expression system
146 sed expression of an exon 10-skipped CYP24A1 splice variant; in a minigene model the latter was atten
147 relin, receptors and the recently discovered splicing variant In1-ghrelin, in human normal pituitarie
148                       Androgen receptor (AR) splice variants including AR-V7 function as constitutive
149                                          The splice variant is detected in 73% of xenografts derived
150  by SCN1A, the increased availability of one splice variant is detrimental.
151 rovide converging evidence indicating that a splice variant isoform of the Acbd7 mRNA is expressed an
152 arkedly reduce the activity of wild-type and splice variant isoforms of AR at submicromolar doses.
153  Transcript levels for pan-ErbB4, four ErbB4 splicing variants (JM-a, JM-b, CYT-1, CYT-2), parvalbumi
154         Here we report that one of the K-Ras splice variants, K-Ras4a, is subject to lysine fatty acy
155         One of these novel PTP1B variants, a splice variant lacking exon 6 (PTP1BDelta6), was found e
156 in exon 11 of BRCA1 express a BRCA1-Delta11q splice variant lacking the majority of exon 11.
157 though SRPK1 readily phosphorylates RS2 in a splice variant lacking the N-terminal RS domain (Tra2bet
158                            Identification of splice variants lacking a signal peptide suggests the ex
159 Recent reports highlight the emergence of AR splice variants lacking the LBD that can arise during di
160 constitutively active androgen receptor (AR) splice variants lacking the ligand-binding domain.
161 neffective or where constitutively active AR splice variants, lacking the LBD, become overexpressed.
162 we identify biallelic mutations in PIEZO1 (a splicing variant leading to early truncation and a non-s
163 ed lens epithelium-derived growth factor p75 splicing variant (LEDGF), which is a reader protein of H
164 e found that FKBP65 forms complexes with LH2 splice variants LH2A and LH2B but not with LH1 and LH3.
165 onal activity and constitutive activity of a splice variant-like AR.
166 e kinase (PK) over its constitutively active splice variant M1 isoform is considered critical for aer
167 estigated the relationship between macroH2A1 splice variants, macroH2A1.1 and macroH2A1.2, and liver
168                                 Moreover, AR splice variants may preclude patients with advanced dise
169 es the generation of the proapoptotic, short splicing variant (MCL1-S) and diminishes the antiapoptot
170                       However, a fraction of splice variants might correspond to spurious transcripts
171 erns, we hypothesized that these WBC-derived splice variants might further stratify patients with HF
172                  However, a LDAH alternative-splicing variant missing 90 amino acids at C-terminus do
173    Here we demonstrated that a truncated 6TM splice variant, mMOR-1G, can rescue IBNtxA analgesia in
174 ially deleterious (nonsynonymous, stop-gain, splice) variants (n = 2,398 for EA; n = 1,693 for AA) an
175  competes with both HGF/SF and its truncated splice variant NK1 for MET binding, despite the location
176 s to quantify any human protein and numerous spliced variants, non-synonymous mutations, and post-tra
177              These full-length and KIDINS220 splice variants occur at precise moments in cortical, hi
178              In human cells, C-Ala is also a splice variant of AlaRS.
179   Vertebrates have evolved a neuron-specific splice variant of C-Src, N1-Src, which differs from C-Sr
180        In parallel, we found that a specific splice variant of canine CNGA3 removes a region of the p
181              Here we identified in rodents a splice variant of CaV1.2 channel, named CaV1.2e21+22, th
182 w that the resurgence of a specific neonatal splice variant of CaV1.2 channels in adult heart under s
183 ing to increased expression of a mesenchymal splice variant of CD44 and a more invasive phenotype.
184 echanism featuring translation of a specific splice variant of CDKN1A that facilitates G1 arrest and
185 CaV1.1e is the voltage-gated calcium channel splice variant of embryonic skeletal muscle.
186 g the production of the extra domain-B (EDB) splice variant of fibronectin (FN), a hallmark of tumor
187                     The dominant alternative splice variant of human IL-36beta mRNA was isoform 2, wh
188 utamine to glutamate, as catalyzed by GAC, a splice variant of kidney-type glutaminase (GLS).
189                  In this study we describe a splice variant of Lcp2 that reduced the amount of wild-t
190 the formation of MDM2-ALT1, a stress-induced splice variant of MDM2, even under normal conditions.
191        Previous studies in mice identified a splice variant of MTP with an alternate first exon.
192 anism that requires superoxide and a nuclear splice variant of NADPH oxidase.
193 d haplotype likely reintroduced an ancestral splice variant of OAS1 encoding a more active protein, s
194    Here we describe rPGRP-LC, an alternative splice variant of PGRP-LC that selectively dampens immun
195 -/-) mice, which lack the NH2-amino terminal splice variant of PTEN, were unable to eradicate Pseudom
196                    Ectopic expression of the splice variant of RAGE (RAGE splice variant 4), which is
197 The presence of the neuronal-specific N1-Src splice variant of the C-Src tyrosine kinase is conserved
198 pe of splicing usually gives rise to a minor splice variant of the endogenous gene and in silico anal
199 e investigated the signaling regulation of a splice variant of the estrogen receptor, namely estrogen
200                               The first is a splice variant of the ProTalpha gene, known as isoform C
201                                  sst5TMD4, a splice variant of the sst5 gene, is overexpressed and as
202 to increased expression of an antiangiogenic splice variant of VEGF-A.
203              These findings demonstrate that splice variants of a single receptor gene can regulate s
204                               Examination of splice variants of Ca(V)2.2, containing either exon 37a
205  three transcription start sites and several splice variants of ChemR23 in both monocytes and macroph
206 RT-PCR in mouse brain, we detected two novel splice variants of Htt that lacked the 111-bp exon 29 (H
207                                              Splice variants of human MTP have not been reported.
208                                      Several splice variants of IgE exist in human plasma, including
209            In this study we identified short splice variants of KV10.1 resulting from exon-skipping e
210 k, we report the identification of two novel splice variants of Md1, which are expressed at similar l
211 resistance in C. finmarchicus, we identified splice variants of NaVs that were predicted to be toxin
212 ula densa expresses alpha-, beta-, and gamma-splice variants of neuronal nitric oxide synthase 1 (NOS
213                                          The splice variants of NOTCH2 and FLT3 resulted from complet
214                                  AA-enriched splice variants of PIK3CD, FGFR3, TSC2 and RASGRP2 contr
215  and temporal distribution of three selected splice variants of the breast cancer susceptibility gene
216 unknown stoichiometry of the three different splice variants of the capsid protein in adeno-associate
217          Our results show that the different splice variants of the CTs differentially distribute wit
218                 Here, we characterized novel splice variants of the cytoplasmic C-terminal domain of
219                                              Splice variants of the mu opioid receptor (MOR), which m
220 ioids may be possible by targeting truncated splice variants of the mu-opioid receptor.
221                           We found that four splice variants of the peptidase inhibitor 16 (PI16) mRN
222  for the H3R; further, it is unknown whether splice variants of the same receptor engender the same o
223 tic cells, where they constitutively express splice variants of the tumor antigen (TAg) gene.
224 nique on the localization of NMD-insensitive splice variants of two Arabidopsis thaliana genes, RS2Z3
225  this study we analyzed whether NGT and both splice variants of UGT (UGT1 and UGT2) are able to inter
226 taining the stress-regulated exon (STREX), a splice-variant of the alpha-subunit that displays altere
227 l cells and promoted cell death, a truncated spliced variant of Bnip3 mRNA deleted for exon 3 (Bnip3D
228         These cells either contained a novel spliced variant of the L1 mRNAs that bypassed the suppre
229 ctions between brain-expressed alternatively spliced variants of ASD risk factors.
230 of fusion proteins in plants, we show that a splicing variant of AtGLR3.5 targets the inner mitochond
231 ernative splicing of SCN5A mRNA and that the splicing variant of SCN5A produced in DM presents a redu
232 d downregulation of a short alternative mRNA splicing variant of the methyl-CpG binding domain 2 gene
233               In addition, novel alternative splicing variants of three neuropeptide genes (allatosta
234  allow us to investigate the effects of this splice variant on the progression of tumorigenesis.
235 r in exons 1 or 2 and therefore, render both splice variants oncogenic.
236 ing, the method found three cryptic intronic splice variants (one known and two experimentally verifi
237       Akt3 is expressed as two alternatively spliced variants, one of which lacks the key regulatory
238                      Expression of the short splice variants or deletion of the C-terminal PDZ-bindin
239 at are not due to gene fusions, multiple RNA splice variants or pleiotropic effects.
240 ween the large number of active and inactive splice variants, or gain-of-function and loss-of-functio
241 mble the naturally occurring alternative p53 splice variant, p53-psi.
242 tor co-activator 1 alpha (PGC1alpha) and its splice variant PGC1alpha4 increase skeletal muscle mass.
243                     Human PHLPP1 encodes two splice variants - PHLPP1alpha (~140-150 kDa) and PHLPP1b
244 th of details in terms of genes, expression, splice variants, polymorphisms, and other features.
245           We previously reported that SmgGDS splice variants promote prenylation and trafficking of G
246 n did not change, whereas the minor-to-major splice variant ratios increased with age.
247                                Although both splice variants regulate death receptor (DR)-induced apo
248 eriments reveal that these intron-containing splice variants remain within the nucleus, which allows
249  proportion of splicing errors to functional splice variants remains highly debated.
250                                        These splice variants represent a short (CT-short without poly
251   Expression of GIRK2a, an SNX27-insensitive splice variant, restored GABABR-activated GIRK currents
252                  Furthermore, an alternative splice variant resulting in a truncated protein was pres
253 sing a miR refractory acetylcholinesterase-R splice variant showed a parallel propensity for convulsi
254   In addition, DAB2IP can inhibit several AR splice variants showing constitutive activity in PCa cel
255 monstrate that this evolutionarily conserved splice variant shows higher antiviral activity than full
256 pocampal, and motor neuron development, with splice variants similar to the variants seen in our pati
257  of hormones and neurotransmitters, and both splice variants, SNAP-25a and SNAP-25b, can participate
258                                        Using splice variant-specific antibodies, we detected K-Ras4A
259 phic response is dependent on the TrpC4alpha splice variant-specific sequence that binds to PIP2.
260 e harbors a previously uncharacterized XIRP2 splice variant, suggesting XIRP2's role in the hair cell
261   Seven haplotypes (hap I-VII) and four mRNA splicing variants (SV) of A3H have been identified.
262                               GHRH-R and its splice variant, SV1, were present in 22Rv1, LNCaP, and V
263 These functions are associated with over 200 splice variants (SVs), most of which are catalytic nulls
264 expression analyses identify TaAGL33 and its splice variant TaAGL22 as the FLC orthologs in wheat (Tr
265            Co-expression with distinct ClC-3 splice variants targets ClC-4 to late endosome/lysosomes
266                                   The SAP102 splice variant that possesses a C-terminal insert (I2) b
267  axis has a key role in regulating the CD44E splice variant that promotes gastric tumorigenesis.
268 ytes from AML patients and with a novel CD33 splice variant that retains CD33 intron 1.
269 anscripts led us to identify NT5E-2, a novel splice variant that was expressed at low abundance in no
270  contributes to pre-mRNA metabolism, and the splice variants that accumulate in sic mutants likely af
271 rganizer of NBs, is expressed as a number of splice variants that all efficiently recruit p53 partner
272 , identified multiple novel intron-retaining splice variants that are developmentally regulated and m
273 event in plants, often leads to PTC-carrying splice variants that are insensitive to NMD; this led us
274 n of constitutively active androgen receptor splice variants that drive disease progression.
275 redicted deleterious nonsynonymous, stop, or splice variants that segregated with severe COPD in at l
276                                       Of the splice variants, the most common results in a stop codon
277 ion in CDI was observed in two major channel splice variants, though to different extents.
278 lectrophysiological characterization of this splice variant through whole-cell patch clamping on tran
279 absence of the CTM, allowing short Cav1.342A splice variants to activate at lower voltages without af
280 ng at a depth that allows even low-frequency splice variants to be monitored.
281 These results highlight the potential of RNA splice variants to serve as novel biomarkers and molecul
282  of TRPM2 and its interaction with the short splice variant TRPM2 short variant (TRPM2-S) in mediatin
283 ethod identified 32 potential exonic cryptic splice variants, two of which were experimentally evalua
284 he production of a low-level rodless plectin splice variant unaffected.
285 rally mediated expression of the versican V3 splice variant (V3) by ASMCs retards cell proliferation
286              VLDLR has two major alternative splice variants, VLDLRI and VLDLRII, but their biologica
287                          Interestingly, this splice variant was expressed in human regulatory T cells
288 ably, this increased burden of NMD, INIT and splice variants was more pronounced in a set of 1397 inn
289 NA levels for the various mu opioid receptor splice variants were assessed to determine whether stabi
290     We observed that the analysed IGF-1 mRNA splice variants were characterized by multimodal distrib
291                                     Two VAL1 splice variants were identified through RNA sequencing a
292                                   Three KCC2 splice variants were identified: the formerly described
293 cating pervasive splicing; yet most of these splicing variants were cryptic and increased in nuclear
294  by pharmaceutical companies possess certain splice variants, which evade inactivation.
295                                 One of these splice variants, which is also expressed by mouse macrop
296 y unappreciated evolutionarily conserved Md1 splice variant with important functions in the regulatio
297 and proteome repertoires, creating different splice variants with distinct cellular functions.
298              The receptor CXCR3 can have two splice variants with opposite functions.
299 ual cells predominantly express single hTERT splice variants, with the alpha+/beta- variant exhibitin
300 rexpress specifically the extra long Galphas splice variant (XLalphas).

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