


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  even epsilon553del7-CHRNE yields a normally spliced transcript.
2 produced a large amount of the alternatively spliced transcript.
3 n of a processed gene that originated from a spliced transcript.
4 sed pseudogene possibly resulting from a mis-spliced transcript.
5 plicing of a retained intron in the normally spliced transcript.
6 obe that is consistent with an alternatively spliced transcript.
7 ther depended on the sequence of the mature, spliced transcript.
8 he HYDIN gene are expressed in alternatively spliced transcripts.
9 s the 3' cistron, has been found to generate spliced transcripts.
10 hows the same mutations and no alternatively spliced transcripts.
11 e 12q12 gives rise to multiple alternatively spliced transcripts.
12 R gene is expressed as several alternatively spliced transcripts.
13 but can generate at least two differentially spliced transcripts.
14 ldehyde reductase gene has two alternatively spliced transcripts.
15 veral oppositely imprinted and alternatively spliced transcripts.
16 bly assembled into a number of alternatively spliced transcripts.
17 gh-throughput quantitation of differentially spliced transcripts.
18  (Z) locus and expresses three alternatively spliced transcripts.
19  both the cNTS and rNTS as two alternatively spliced transcripts.
20 man cDNA of about 5 kb and two alternatively spliced transcripts.
21 nd polysome association of HIV unspliced and spliced transcripts.
22 ttribute to preferential decay of aberrantly spliced transcripts.
23 id level and generates several alternatively spliced transcripts.
24 y the expression of multiple HPV18-specific, spliced transcripts.
25 ted by the presence of several alternatively spliced transcripts.
26 kb and gives rise to multiple differentially spliced transcripts.
27 d the potential interaction of alternatively spliced transcripts.
28 kipping events, which may reflect aberrantly spliced transcripts.
29 S activity in a diverse set of alternatively spliced transcripts.
30 ntron 54, decreasing the levels of correctly spliced transcripts.
31 ned within the transcriptional unit of novel spliced transcripts.
32 k genes and dynamic changes in alternatively spliced transcripts.
33 ,766 genes and 67,453 of their alternatively spliced transcripts.
34 f intron-containing RNAs to otherwise poorly spliced transcripts.
35 er sequences by deep sequencing successfully spliced transcripts.
36 nor site that reduces the level of correctly-spliced transcripts.
37  A novel peptide is encoded by alternatively spliced transcripts.
38 ide (SSP), and are produced by alternatively spliced transcripts.
39 firms the presence of multiple alternatively spliced transcripts.
40 TCs) comprised the majority of alternatively spliced transcripts.
41 ding precursors of regulated or suboptimally spliced transcripts.
42 o proteins (p31 and p37) from differentially spliced transcripts.
43 y facilitate identification of alternatively spliced transcripts.
44 ained transcripts are less stable than fully spliced transcripts.
45 cific patterns and some having alternatively spliced transcripts.
46 polymorphism in exon 4 and the alternatively spliced transcripts a and b of the CCND1 gene encoding c
47 in exon 5, with the result that incompletely spliced transcripts accumulate to high levels at the mut
48 n-containing protein, produces alternatively spliced transcripts across inbred strains of mice, and i
49               We identified an alternatively spliced transcript acted upon by both NAS and NMD, indic
50 nscriptome RNA-seq dataset, we developed the Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (STAR) soft
51  development, gives rise to an alternatively spliced transcript [alternative messenger RNA (alt-mRNA)
52 ther TNL genes, RPS6 generates alternatively spliced transcripts, although the alternative transcript
53                        Ocat encodes a 5.5-kb spliced transcript and is transcribed in the opposite or
54                 We report here that both the spliced transcript and its encoded protein are readily d
55                                 PEG1-AS is a spliced transcript and was detected as a strong 2.4-kilo
56 (2) 116 hypothetical genes had alternatively spliced transcripts and 187 genes displayed polyadenylat
57 ion, we found that a subset of alternatively spliced transcripts and 5'-extended mRNAs with NMD-elici
58 r in strain C57BL/6J results in 5% correctly spliced transcripts and a lethal phenotype.
59 iously unidentified amelogenin alternatively spliced transcripts and demonstrated that exon-8-encoded
60   Developing a full catalog of alternatively spliced transcripts and determining each of their functi
61                                Alternatively spliced transcripts and exon scrambling were detectable
62 ges in coding genes, including alternatively spliced transcripts and noncoding RNAs.
63 igation described the presence of abnormally spliced transcripts and point mutations of TSG101 in bre
64                          These unspliced and spliced transcripts and putative proteins encoded by SPV
65 tina-specific genes, including alternatively spliced transcripts and to prioritize candidate genes wi
66 ma1 and L(d)/Fc mu genes generated correctly spliced transcripts and were capable of secreting chimer
67 human cell lines with numerous alternatively spliced transcripts, and a full-length human coding regi
68  proteins appear to arise from alternatively spliced transcripts, and are thus identical, except the
69                                              Spliced transcripts (apart from the most abundant transc
70  not usually annotated as genes but produced spliced transcripts (approximately 25% success rate).
71          At least three of these alternately spliced transcripts are differentially expressed in diff
72                            Two alternatively spliced transcripts are expressed, which differ in 129 b
73                       Numerous alternatively spliced transcripts are generated from the gene for the
74  cSHMT proteins expressed from alternatively spliced transcripts are inactive as well.
75 RNA sequence analysis, several alternatively spliced transcripts are significantly changed.
76                A large number of alternative spliced transcripts are synthesized from the PML gene, r
77 ential effects of a variant on alternatively spliced transcripts, as well as the difficulty in assess
78 F 50a gene product (which is produced from a spliced transcript), but activates that of ORF 50b (an u
79   db/db mice also produce this alternatively spliced transcript, but with a 106 nt insertion that pre
80 ialyltransferase gene not only overexpressed spliced transcripts, but also produced high levels of un
81 morphism G/A870 results in two alternatively spliced transcripts, CD1a and CD1b.
82 hat is highly transcribed in roots and whose spliced transcript constitutes a target mimic for miR171
83 S mutation (c.661-31T-->G) and alternatively spliced transcripts containing 81, 246, 358, and 523 nuc
84 ; and variants 2-5, a group of alternatively spliced transcripts containing some unique untranslated
85 xpressed (until approximately week 15), with spliced transcripts continuing to be expressed at later
86                            An EBV LMP2A-like spliced transcript crossing the terminal repeats encodes
87                           This alternatively spliced transcript, Delta7-SMN, encodes a truncated prot
88                            Two alternatively spliced transcripts derived from the mH2A1 locus are res
89 teins are 91% identical, their alternatively spliced transcripts differ.
90 wever, the Delta1b and Delta1d alternatively spliced transcripts, due to deletions within the first e
91 his way reducing the number of alternatively spliced transcripts duplicate genes produce.
92  changes in RNA expression and alternatively spliced transcripts during human cortical development.
93 cancer cells, leading to the production of a spliced transcript, E6*I, of E6.
94  ESTs which derive from spliced or partially spliced transcripts either contain intron sequences or a
95                  Moreover, the alternatively spliced transcripts encode proteins that lack the transm
96  The utility of this method was assessed for spliced transcripts encoded by the human Na+-K+-2Cl- cot
97                                          The spliced transcript encodes a protein product of 302 amin
98                           Interestingly, the spliced transcript encodes a variant of gC that lacks it
99                                    The fully spliced transcript encodes K-bZIP, the KSHV homologue of
100 Relish, Aedes Relish has three alternatively spliced transcripts encoding different proteins.
101 on, many loci produce multiple alternatively spliced transcripts encoding proteins that may serve sep
102                 There are four alternatively spliced transcripts, encoding three proteins with differ
103            These cDNAs represent differently spliced transcripts ending at different polyadenylation
104 ymocyte subsets, with the Vbeta5.1(L)-8.2(V) spliced transcript expressed earliest as well as most st
105 s in a reduction of a specific alternatively spliced transcript expressed from the early gene region
106 ressed genes and the number of alternatively spliced transcripts expressed per gene, and that the cel
107 ressed genes and the number of alternatively spliced transcripts expressed per gene, which represent
108                   In addition, alternatively spliced transcripts, expressed only by the murine gene,
109                 We identified an alternative spliced transcript for B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP)
110 -length open reading frames of alternatively spliced transcripts for a large number of human genes an
111                  We identified alternatively spliced transcripts for both KCNE1 and KCNE3, including
112                                Alternatively spliced transcripts for the S3 and alternatively polyade
113                    A survey of alternatively spliced transcripts found that, in the rgh3 mutant, a fr
114                    In contrast, the normally spliced transcript from wild-type CHRNE and the exon 6-s
115   Our results not only show that differently spliced transcripts from a gene result in totally opposi
116 in the human genome, including alternatively spliced transcripts from known genes and potential novel
117 ble-stranded RNAs formed by hybridization of spliced transcripts from protein-coding genes to antisen
118 by the down-regulation of the HIV-1-specific spliced transcript generating a 1.2-kbp reverse transcri
119 BACE1 proteins translated from alternatively spliced transcripts have dramatically reduced beta-secre
120 ase in the number of predicted alternatively spliced transcripts; however, validation of these predic
121 isoform of Erbin encoded by an alternatively spliced transcript in human tissues lacks this SID and f
122  of Met kinase that lead to an alternatively spliced transcript in lung cancer, which encodes a delet
123             An increased level of aberrantly spliced transcript in the reticulocytes of the probands
124         The first approach, RT-PCR, detected spliced transcripts in a wide range of embryonic and adu
125 s enzyme generates a number of alternatively spliced transcripts in addition to the fully spliced for
126 ome sequences yielded a set of alternatively spliced transcripts in four angiosperm genomes: three di
127            Here, the authors assess DGKalpha spliced transcripts in human LAgP neutrophils.
128 pecific differential ratios of alternatively spliced transcripts in indica rice under Cd stress, and
129 accumulation of full-length yet incompletely spliced transcripts in the chromatin fraction, suggestin
130 RT show the presence of multiple alternately spliced transcripts in these tissues, corresponding to f
131 PCR) assay, we identified several abnormally spliced transcripts in which MLL exons were joined in an
132 hromatin and produces several differentially spliced transcripts, including a novel isoform, PARP-e,
133 sease gene, expression of this alternatively spliced transcript is also enhanced.
134 cterially challenged fish but only the fully spliced transcript is detectable in blood.
135                      Detecting alternatively spliced transcripts is difficult when they are rare.
136                               The aberrantly spliced transcript lacked 57 bases, including a second i
137  spleen exclusively express an alternatively spliced transcript lacking exon 13.
138 q-like globular domain, and an alternatively spliced transcript lacking exon 5 (EEG-1S) encodes a sig
139 gth RNA and abundant levels of an aberrantly spliced transcript lacking exon 7.
140 S7 + 2T > G allele produces an alternatively spliced transcript lacking exons 4-7, encoding an in-fra
141 reduction is due to production of aberrantly spliced transcripts lacking either exon 6 or exons 6 and
142                                Alternatively spliced transcripts lacking exon 7 sequences encode a st
143 mere dysfunctional CMP identified aberrantly spliced transcripts linked to pathways relevant to MDS p
144                           This alternatively spliced transcript may contribute to KSHV adaptive immun
145 nctional domains suggests that alternatively spliced transcripts may regulate Mxi1 functional activit
146 ducible antigen expression and alternatively spliced transcripts may represent additional ways of gen
147 RT-PCR analysis uncovered two differentially spliced transcripts, "mcal-A" and "mcal-B." The two tran
148 ene locus encodes at least two alternatively spliced transcripts, MCG10 and MCG10as.
149                 Compared with constitutively spliced transcripts, most aberrant transcripts accumulat
150  and functional analysis of an alternatively spliced transcript of human AQP4, AQP4-Delta4, that lack
151 on concomitant induction of an alternatively spliced transcript of the cat-2 gene encoding high affin
152  differential expression of an alternatively spliced transcript of the RNA-binding protein TIAR in hu
153           We observed that the alternatively spliced transcripts of a subset of these genes, involved
154 forms are generated from three alternatively spliced transcripts of C9orf72; a long form (C9-L) and a
155                          Three alternatively spliced transcripts of p33ING1 encode p47ING1a, p33ING1b
156       Preliminary searches for alternatively spliced transcripts of Pcdh15 identified novel splice va
157        In contrast, one of the alternatively spliced transcripts of the bcl-x gene codes for the prot
158 hat the relative abundances of alternatively spliced transcripts of the calcium regulatory protein tr
159   We have previously described alternatively spliced transcripts of the human C2 gene.
160  Wnt gene, Wnt10a, and for two alternatively spliced transcripts of Wnt10b, as well as analyses of th
161                                Alternatively spliced transcripts often encode functionally distinct p
162 euromuscular SMA phenotype is an incorrectly spliced transcript or transcripts involved in establishi
163  that express more variants of alternatively spliced transcripts per gene are those that have higher
164 ants have been compared to the alternatively spliced transcripts predicted by an EST clustering progr
165                            Two alternatively spliced transcripts, psiHLAO1 and psiHLAO2, of a copper-
166                                            A spliced transcript putatively encoding a truncated versi
167 sly are distinct products from alternatively spliced transcripts remains to be determined.
168  These proteins are encoded by unspliced and spliced transcripts, respectively, from the p5 promoter
169 ) with absent or minute amounts of correctly spliced transcripts, respectively.
170 a novel, abundantly expressed, alternatively spliced transcript resulting from the inclusion of a 155
171 regulated because of the accumulation of mis-spliced transcripts resulting from erroneous SON-mediate
172 -untranslated region (UTR) of an alternative spliced transcript SERPINF1-012 RNA-seq analysis demonst
173              set-2 encodes two alternatively spliced transcripts, set-2(l) and set-2(s), both of whic
174  cells, and the corresponding differentially spliced transcripts show distinct expression patterns in
175  is it works in genomic space, not simply in spliced transcript space as some similar tools do.
176 e gene, HemT, that encodes two alternatively spliced transcripts specific to hematopoietic cells (Hem
177       Many tissues also produce translatable spliced transcript (SpORF2).
178 n of a third accessory protein from a doubly spliced transcript suggests that MMTV is the first murin
179 The sequence of AtCutAp encoded by the fully spliced transcript suggests that the precursor consists
180                         We have identified a spliced transcript that contains sequences from the HCMV
181 tate cancer cells expressed an alternatively spliced transcript that encodes a 45-kDa glycosylated pr
182               We identified an alternatively spliced transcript that encodes a form of mouse OB-R wit
183 RNA that encodes the M1 matrix protein and a spliced transcript that encodes the M2 ion channel.
184 obrevin is encoded by a 2.5-kb alternatively spliced transcript that is found throughout the brain.
185 tients, enhances expression of an aberrantly spliced transcript that skips the preceding 101 bp exon
186 , and by identifying candidate alternatively spliced transcripts that are differentially expressed ac
187  transcripts (BARTs), a set of alternatively spliced transcripts that are highly abundant in NPC but
188 2 86, that are translated from alternatively spliced transcripts that differ in their 3' ends.
189 s-specific and tissue-specific alternatively spliced transcripts that encode proteins with modified c
190 sence of additional alternatively initiated, spliced transcripts that encode RTA.
191          The DPPX gene encodes alternatively spliced transcripts that generate single-spanning transm
192 tion response that upregulates alternatively spliced transcripts that have skipped offending prematur
193 r TH2 lineage consists of four alternatively spliced transcripts that regulate the expression of TH2
194 ations is the up-regulation of alternatively spliced transcripts that skip the PTC.
195                                       In the spliced transcript, the same sequences interact with nuc
196          To ensure specific amplification of spliced transcripts, the primers used for real-time nest
197 w that despite the presence of alternatively spliced transcripts, the protein from the fully spliced
198                 The ability of alternatively spliced transcripts to encode different protein isoforms
199 genes encode a large number of alternatively spliced transcripts to produce a series of related neuro
200 and IE2(579aa), produced from differentially spliced transcripts under control of the ie1/ie2 promote
201                      The major alternatively spliced transcript utilized a less favorable acceptor sp
202                In addition, an alternatively spliced transcript variant of Ptgds missing exon 3 corre
203  that overexpressed TrkB is an alternatively spliced transcript variant of TrkB (TrkBT1) with a uniqu
204 part, direct the expression of alternatively spliced transcript variants (FGF1.A, -1.B, -1.C, and -1.
205 es, 65,167 transcripts, 31,909 alternatively spliced transcript variants and 2,367 non-coding genes/n
206 robe, indicating that a stable, incompletely spliced transcript was accumulating.
207           Using this approach, an abnormally spliced transcript was identified that contains an extra
208             However, only the early multiply spliced transcript was measurably translated.
209 uman tissues revealed that the alternatively spliced transcript was present in all of the samples, an
210 ration of Xenopus oocytes, the alternatively spliced transcript was unable to promote maturation.
211        Evidence for additional alternatively spliced transcripts was obtained from de novo junction d
212 ological significance of these alternatively spliced transcripts, we expressed various transcripts in
213                                          Two spliced transcripts were cloned from human bone marrow a
214                                     Normally spliced transcripts were generally the prominent transcr
215                           Many alternatively spliced transcripts were identified, including groups la
216                        Several alternatively spliced transcripts were identified, including one that
217                           Four alternatively spliced transcripts were identified: an extension of exo
218                  Consensus and alternatively spliced transcripts were induced by lipopolysaccharide i
219 h varieties and, in some cases, incompletely spliced transcripts were observed.
220                      All other alternatively spliced transcripts were rare.
221                                Alternatively spliced transcripts were regulated differently throughou
222 -exon minigene, and millions of successfully spliced transcripts were sequenced after transfection of
223 press full-length mRNA and two alternatively spliced transcripts, whereas thymus and spleen exclusive
224 ied in Col-0, but not Mt-0, leading to a mis-spliced transcript which could explain the low expressio
225 ses increased expression of an alternatively spliced transcript, which encodes a previously unrecogni
226 his novel gene expresses three alternatively spliced transcripts, which encode gene products differen
227 ) splice variants, among other alternatively spliced transcripts, which is exacerbated by cool temper
228  resulting in nuclear detention of partially spliced transcripts, which may be exploited to modulate
229 is performed against both primary as well as spliced transcripts will be invaluable in elucidating th
230                                Alternatively spliced transcripts with 5' variable sequences, three of
231 BDNF is generated by multiple, alternatively spliced transcripts with different 5'- and 3'UTRs.
232  human IRF5 exists as multiple alternatively spliced transcripts with distinct function(s), it is imp
233  protein annotation policy for alternatively spliced transcripts with more divergent predicted protei
234          Gtl2 encodes multiple alternatively spliced transcripts with no apparent open reading frame.
235 o transcript analysis revealed an aberrantly spliced transcript, with intron 44 retained in the mRNA,
236                                  This exon 2-spliced transcript would give rise to a truncated p73 pr

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