


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 interactions with numerous components of the spliceosome.
2 quired to assemble galectin-3 onto an active spliceosome.
3 moved from their respective pre-mRNAs by the spliceosome.
4  dynamic protein-protein interactions of the spliceosome.
5 substrate RNA from the catalytic core of the spliceosome.
6 and introns are removed from pre-mRNA by the spliceosome.
7 t comprises a major subunit of the assembled spliceosome.
8  its overall connectivity to the rest of the spliceosome.
9 ctivation process and the active site of the spliceosome.
10 o transesterification steps catalyzed by the spliceosome.
11 ing the splicing cycle as carried out by the spliceosome.
12 ture and function relationships in the human spliceosome.
13  protein, a unique component of the U12-type spliceosome.
14  splice site complexes within the assembling spliceosome.
15 ibitor that targets the SF3B1 subunit of the spliceosome.
16 ng proposed to be the ribozyme progenitor of spliceosome.
17 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) or spliceosome.
18 st potential tumour-promoting defects in the spliceosome.
19 trate that it physically associates with the spliceosome.
20 omal introns and other key components of the spliceosome.
21 like subfamily and an essential component of spliceosome.
22 ivity to pharmacological perturbation of the spliceosome.
23 d SNRNP200, it forms a central module of the spliceosome.
24 nctional interactions with components of the spliceosome.
25 ilitating the physical rearrangements of the spliceosome.
26 large ribonucleoprotein complex known as the spliceosome.
27  are highly plastic as compared to the major spliceosome.
28 nd localizes to nuclear speckles adjacent to spliceosomes.
29 iat spliceosomes (ILS) and defective earlier spliceosomes.
30 spliceostatin A (2) are potent inhibitors of spliceosomes.
31 ction from transposon transcripts stalled on spliceosomes.
32 e, which subsequently gets incorporated into spliceosomes.
33  or increases U2 snRNP recruitment, enhances spliceosome A complex formation, and facilitates exon de
34                 Splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a complex of five major small nuclear ribon
35              This process is mediated by the spliceosome, a large and dynamic RNA-protein machinery c
36  Precursor mRNA splicing is catalyzed by the spliceosome, a macromolecule composed of small nuclear R
37 pes, the molecular bases and consequences of spliceosome aberrations in cancer are poorly understood.
38 fter the first step of splicing (C), and the spliceosome activated for the second step (C*).
39 ure provides important new insights into the spliceosome activation process leading to the formation
40 uclear RNA-protein complex (di-snRNP) during spliceosome activation via ATP-driven translocation on t
41 e the key events in Saccharomyces cerevisiae spliceosome activation.
42 ndicating that both proteins may function in spliceosome activation.
43 sive exchange of proteins that occurs during spliceosome activation.
44 2-U6 helix I, all RNA elements that form the spliceosome active site.
45 , and transforms into a catalytically active spliceosome after extensive compositional and conformati
46  and that protein and metal cofactors of the spliceosome alter how snRNAs respond to these modificati
47                      These findings make the spliceosome an attractive new target for small-molecule,
48  regulating levels of core components of the spliceosome and alternative splicing of downstream genes
49          An immune response directed against spliceosome and glycolysis proteins was observed with ca
50 n homologue C9ORF78 also associates with the spliceosome and is overexpressed in multiple cancer cell
51       However, the Prp43 binding site in the spliceosome and its target(s) are unknown.
52 NAs (snRNAs) are the basal components of the spliceosome and play essential roles in splicing.
53 RBM25 interacts with components of the early spliceosome and regulators of alternative splicing.
54 earrangements of RNP complexes including the spliceosome and ribosome.
55 protein factors work together to remodel the spliceosome and stabilize a conformation competent for 3
56                      Patients with chromatin-spliceosome and TP53-aneuploidy AML had poor outcomes, w
57 g in Drosophila cells, we identify many core spliceosome and transcription termination factors that c
58  was associated primarily with the activated spliceosome and, accordingly, SPF27 silencing blocked th
59 induced circular RNAs processed by the minor spliceosome, and an enriched propensity of minor spliceo
60 ng: U1 small nuclear RNA, a component of the spliceosome, and Malat1, a large ncRNA that localizes to
61 ted with transmembrane transporter activity, spliceosome, and transcriptional regulation.
62 that conformational perturbations within the spliceosome are a naturally occurring and generalizable
63 NA and RNA-protein interactions in the minor spliceosome are highly plastic as compared to the major
64 ating that, in the absence of H2A.Z, stalled spliceosomes are disassembled, and unspliced RNAs are re
65 e U4 and U6 snRNAs are incorporated into the spliceosome as a base-paired complex within the U4/U6.U5
66 this active site configuration exists in the spliceosome as well.
67 elopment to target altered dependency on the spliceosome, as well as aberrant splicing, in cancer.
68 ols with which to probe different aspects of spliceosome assembly and function.
69 rs, such as SR proteins and hnRNPs, modulate spliceosome assembly and regulate alternative splicing.
70 ns to stabilize weak U2/BS duplexes to drive spliceosome assembly and splicing.
71 Madrasin interferes with the early stages of spliceosome assembly and stalls spliceosome assembly at
72      These data suggest that early stages of spliceosome assembly are sufficient to functionally coup
73                         MBNL1 enhances early spliceosome assembly as evidenced by enhanced complex A
74 ly stages of spliceosome assembly and stalls spliceosome assembly at the A complex.
75  indicate that the U2AF heterodimer promotes spliceosome assembly by a dynamic population shift towar
76 showed accumulation of the kinase into large spliceosome assembly factor-positive speckle domains wit
77 able exon region of CD44 pre-mRNA to inhibit spliceosome assembly in favor of expressing the mesenchy
78 cing are important tools for identifying new spliceosome assembly intermediates, allowing a finer dis
79 t bring the two splice sites together during spliceosome assembly must occur with a high degree of sp
80          Perturbations that slow the rate of spliceosome assembly or speed up the rate of transcripti
81 spliceosome component PRPF8 is essential for spliceosome assembly through its participation in ribonu
82 s from pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) requires spliceosome assembly with pre-mRNA, then subsequent spli
83 ith Prp5p, the first ATPase that acts during spliceosome assembly, and localized the interacting regi
84                        Stem IIa forms during spliceosome assembly, and stem IIc forms during the cata
85 oprotein (snRNP) biogenesis is essential for spliceosome assembly, but not well understood.
86 splicing during the exon definition phase of spliceosome assembly, but the assembly steps leading to
87 tudies provide mechanistic insights into how spliceosome assembly, dynamics, and catalysis occur; how
88 avone inhibits splicing in vitro by blocking spliceosome assembly, preventing formation of the B comp
89                                       During spliceosome assembly, protein-protein interactions (PPI)
90 ative to wild type, resulting in inefficient spliceosome assembly.
91 ired to unwind the U4/U6 snRNA duplex during spliceosome assembly.
92  plays important roles during early steps of spliceosome assembly.
93  domain and has been shown to participate in spliceosome assembly.
94 licing inhibitor that blocks a late stage of spliceosome assembly.
95 tors that interfere with different stages of spliceosome assembly.
96 liceosome formation during cotranscriptional spliceosome assembly.
97 ndicating a requirement for a SL4 contact in spliceosome assembly.
98 wn to bind pre-mRNA at the earliest stage of spliceosome assembly.
99 ing, mostly by disrupting multiple stages of spliceosome assembly.
100 cient splice-site recognition and subsequent spliceosome assembly.
101 of 3'-splice site during the early stages of spliceosome assembly; however, its precise role in RNA s
102      The endonuclease CPSF3 (CPSF73) and the spliceosome-associated ISY1 are responsible for pro-miRN
103 on and splicing (RES) complex is a conserved spliceosome-associated module that was shown to enhance
104               Here we report that defects in spliceosome-associated protein CWC27 are associated with
105                         Here we identify two spliceosome-associated proteins-SAP145 and SAP49-as PRMT
106 haromyces cerevisiae pre-catalytic B complex spliceosome at near-atomic resolution.
107                      Analysis of the cryo-EM spliceosome B(act) complex shows that the resistance mut
108 e.g., the fully assembled but not yet active spliceosome (Bact), the spliceosome just after the first
109 synthetic lethal with inhibition of the core spliceosome, because MYC-driven growth and increased tra
110 i-snRNP represents a substantial part of the spliceosome before activation.
111 NA, these introns must be removed within the spliceosome before export of the processed mRNA to the c
112                The ATPase Prp16 remodels the spliceosome between the first and second steps of splici
113 uires close apposition of intron ends by the spliceosome, but when and how apposition occurs is uncle
114 odulate the ATPase activity of Prp16p in the spliceosome by controlling access to its RNA substrate/c
115       In this fashion, Brr2 can activate the spliceosome by stripping U6 snRNA of all precatalytic bi
116 mic profiling, we showed that JA targets the spliceosome by up-regulating SF3B1 and SF3B3 protein in
117                          We propose that the spliceosome can also repress protein-coding gene express
118 ndrial organelle suggest that nuclei-encoded spliceosome can mediate splicing of mtRNA.
119 30 years of genetics and biochemistry of the spliceosome can now be interpreted at the structural lev
120 mic ribonucleic protein machine known as the spliceosome catalyzes the removal of introns from premes
121    We identified a specificity for the minor spliceosome complex containing RNA Binding Region (RNP1,
122                           Isolation of early spliceosome complex revealed that the mutation impairs b
123 r of the tri-snRNP (small ribonucleoprotein) spliceosome complex, drives cancer proliferation by pref
124 tures of B, B(act), C, C*, and intron lariat spliceosome complexes revealed mechanisms of 5'-splice s
125 -snRNP complex proteins, but not other snRNP spliceosome complexes, selectively abrogated growth in c
126 alysis of a hypomorphic mutation in the core spliceosome component PRP8.
127                                     The core spliceosome component PRPF8 is essential for spliceosome
128          Mutations in SF3B1, which encodes a spliceosome component, are associated with poor outcome
129 ted the disruptive impact of mutated generic spliceosome components and splicing regulatory proteins.
130  the database provides an easy reference for spliceosome components and will support future modeling
131  by forming multiple interactions with early spliceosome components bound proximal to 3' splice sites
132                              We propose that spliceosome components contribute to sister chromatid co
133                   While somatic mutations in spliceosome components have been discovered in several c
134                   Genetic defects in several spliceosome components have been linked to a set of non-
135  mutations (75%), we identified mutations in spliceosome components in 88%, including SRSF2 codon 95
136 de links to gene and protein records for the spliceosome components in other databases.
137 vity and suggest that modulation of specific spliceosome components may prolong healthy ageing.
138                                     iCLIP of spliceosome components reveals that PRPF8 depletion decr
139 ent a model where Nab2/ZC3H14 interacts with spliceosome components to allow proper coupling of splic
140                                         When spliceosome components were depleted or inhibited pharma
141 iabilities Owing to Partial losS) genes, and spliceosome components were the most prevalent.
142  of comutations in epigenetic regulators and spliceosome components, and how these mutations cooperat
143 INTERPRETATION: Interference with particular spliceosome components, including small nuclear RNAs, ca
144 t aberrant splicing patterns or mutations in spliceosome components, including the splicing factor 3b
145 d that FgPrp4, the only protein kinase among spliceosome components, is important for intron splicing
146 everal genes encoding components of the core spliceosome composed of a heteroheptameric Sm complex we
147 biasing the relative stabilities of distinct spliceosome conformations.
148                     The active centre of the spliceosome consists of an intricate network formed by U
149 in all complexes by Prp43_Ntr1GP, and in the spliceosome contacts U2 proteins and the pre-mRNA, indic
150 ysis and that this constraint is overcome in spliceosomes containing mutant SF3B1.
151               Here, we determine whether the spliceosome could constitute an attractive therapeutic t
152                                We identify a Spliceosome-Coupled And Nuclear RNAi (SCANR) complex req
153 icing complexes at distinct stages along the spliceosome cycle.
154 ar at distinct times during development in a spliceosome-dependent and transcription-independent mann
155 ished role in assembling constituents of the spliceosome, diverse cellular functions have been propos
156 ceosome, and an enriched propensity of minor spliceosome donors to splice into circular RNA at un-ann
157 x reveals the two major conformations of the spliceosome during the catalytic stages of splicing.
158 ntermediates, allowing a finer dissection of spliceosome dynamics and function.
159 ranslational modifications contribute to the spliceosome dynamics by facilitating the physical rearra
160 ator of protein-protein interactions for the spliceosome dynamics.
161                      The U12-dependent minor spliceosome edits 879 known transcripts.
162 owing binding of the U4/U6.U5 tri-snRNP, the spliceosome either reverses assembly by discarding tri-s
163 er to our view of how the eukaryotic nuclear spliceosome evolved after bacterial endosymbiosis throug
164                                          The spliceosome excises introns from pre-mRNAs in two sequen
165 s not require U2AF2, a core component of the spliceosome, for its processing.
166 utant molecules and proteins associated with spliceosome formation (U2AF35, U2AF65, U1A, and U1-70K)
167 sites across an intron is a critical step in spliceosome formation and its regulation.
168            U6 rearrangements are crucial for spliceosome formation but are poorly understood.
169          By using metal rescue strategies in spliceosomes from budding yeast, here we show that the U
170 oding RNAs, leading to the redistribution of spliceosomes from this abundant class of intron-containi
171 expression, leading to the redistribution of spliceosomes from this abundant class of intron-containi
172 iption of ETS family target genes related to spliceosome function and cell death induction via altern
173                                Modulation of spliceosome function may thus provide a new therapeutic
174 ese results demonstrate a conserved role for spliceosomes functioning in 3' end processing.
175                     The observation that the spliceosome functions in 3' end processing raised questi
176         We hypothesize that cells harbouring spliceosome gene mutations have increased sensitivity to
177        Although DNA sequencing has uncovered spliceosome gene mutations that promote alternative spli
178        Heterozygous somatic mutations in the spliceosome gene U2AF1 occur in approximately 11% of pat
179                     Somatic mutations in the spliceosome gene ZRSR2-located on the X chromosome-are a
180            We now present data in support of spliceosomes generating 3' ends of telomerase RNAs in ot
181                         Somatic mutations in spliceosome genes are detectable in approximately 50% of
182 so had less mutations in the methylation and spliceosome groups compared with patients >/=60 years of
183 ions in SETBP1, epigenetic modifiers, or the spliceosome has been determined only in isolated case re
184 to individual snRNPs, purification of intact spliceosomes has not been achieved yet.
185         Mutations in components of the major spliceosome have been described in disorders with cranio
186 are required for disassembling intron-lariat spliceosomes (ILS) and defective earlier spliceosomes.
187  microscopy structure of the yeast P-complex spliceosome immediately after exon ligation.
188  A cryo-electron microscopy structure of the spliceosome immediately after lariat formation.
189 t to normal cells, partial inhibition of the spliceosome in MYC-hyperactivated cells leads to global
190 which are removed from precursor RNAs by the spliceosome in two sequential but tightly coupled transe
191 m eukaryotic messenger RNA precursors by the spliceosome in two transesterification reactions-branchi
192 genetic or pharmacological inhibition of the spliceosome in vivo impairs survival, tumorigenicity and
193 is the responsibility of the major and minor spliceosomes in collaboration with numerous splicing fac
194                                              Spliceosome inhibition resulted in the accumulation of h
195  the context of leukemia, treatment with the spliceosome inhibitor E7107 (refs.
196 thod was applied to a rapid synthesis of the spliceosome inhibitor herboxidiene.
197                   The total synthesis of the spliceosome inhibitor thailanstatin A has been achieved
198                    Spliceostatins are potent spliceosome inhibitors biosynthesized by a hybrid nonrib
199           However, the current collection of spliceosome inhibitors is very limited.
200 RCA1, both in vitro and in vivo Furthermore, spliceosome inhibitors reduced BRCA1-Delta11q levels and
201 ndustrial efforts to develop natural product spliceosome inhibitors, including FD-895 (1a), pladienol
202                            New structures of spliceosome intermediates and associated protein complex
203 ation of catalytic core of the U12-dependent spliceosome involves U6atac and U12 interaction with the
204                                          The spliceosome is a complex machine composed of small nucle
205                                          The spliceosome is a dynamic complex of five structural RNAs
206                                          The spliceosome is a huge molecular machine that assembles d
207                                    The human spliceosome is a large ribonucleoprotein complex that ca
208                    Here we discover that the spliceosome is a new target of oncogenic stress in MYC-d
209                           After assembly the spliceosome is activated for catalysis by rearrangement
210 ar ribonucleic acid (snRNA) component of the spliceosome is targeted for additional post-transcriptio
211                                          The spliceosome is the extremely complex macromolecular mach
212 otic retroelements, including telomeres, and spliceosomes is unmistakable.
213 d but not yet active spliceosome (Bact), the spliceosome just after the first step of splicing (C), a
214 ccompanied by the formation of a chloroplast spliceosome-like machinery.
215 cogenic candidate, SNRPB, which encodes core spliceosome machinery components.
216                                          The spliceosome machinery is composed of multimeric protein
217                                          The spliceosome machinery is composed of several proteins an
218 and of core components of the nuclei-encoded spliceosome machinery within the mitochondrial organelle
219  regulatory potential of changes in the core spliceosome machinery, which may be relevant to slow-ons
220 ress on splicing, and that components of the spliceosome may be therapeutic entry points for aggressi
221           Furthermore, interactions with the spliceosome may contribute to repression by Gro.
222 ition to the second step conformation of the spliceosome, mediated through its interactions with the
223                     The mechanism underlying spliceosome-mediated 3' end processing has remained uncl
224                      Here we report a unique spliceosome-mediated TER 3'-end cleavage mechanism in Ne
225 tion and development of small molecules with spliceosome-modulating activity as potential anticancer
226  San Diego has undertaken a SAR study on the spliceosome modulator FD-895 that focused on improving c
227                             Furthermore, the spliceosome modulator, E7017, selectively kills SF3B1(K7
228 and prognostic tools and the availability of spliceosome modulators opens novel therapeutic prospects
229 ster linkages in RNA lariats produced by the spliceosome must be hydrolyzed by the intron debranching
230                             In doing so, the spliceosome must distinguish optimal from suboptimal spl
231                                          The spliceosome must identify the correct splice sites (SS)
232                                              Spliceosomes must ensure accurate removal of highly dive
233 patients >/=60 years of age, the presence of spliceosome mutations associated with a lower complete r
234  factor gene IFH1 genetically suppresses two spliceosome mutations, prp11-1 and prp4-1, and globally
235 onical splicing events involving U2- and U12 spliceosomes occur within nuclear pre-mRNAs.
236      Intron removal requires assembly of the spliceosome on precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) and extensive r
237             Sequential assembly of the human spliceosome on RNA transcripts regulates splicing across
238 ssential early step in the assembly of human spliceosomes onto pre-mRNA involves the recognition of r
239 vents NTR from disrupting properly assembled spliceosomes other than the ILS.
240                                          The spliceosome plays a fundamental role in RNA metabolism b
241             Together, these data suggest the spliceosome possesses far lower fidelity than previously
242                    E complex is the earliest spliceosome precursor in which the 5' SS and BS are defi
243 d in RNA-binding motif protein 20 (RBM20), a spliceosome protein induced during early cardiogenesis.
244  to the carboxy-terminal domain of the yeast spliceosome protein PRP18, which stabilizes specific pro
245 e commonalities include mutations in SETBP1, spliceosome proteins (SRSF2, U2AF1), and epigenetic modi
246 rs transcription elongation, suggesting that spliceosome rearrangements are tied to H2A.Z's role in e
247                 These alleles change how the spliceosome recognizes the BS and alter splicing when no
248 ma antigen recognized by T-cell 3 (SART3), a spliceosome recycling factor, binds to the DUSP-UBL doma
249  XRN2 in the same complexes along with other spliceosome-related proteins.
250 ose that Cwc2 is a target for Prp16-mediated spliceosome remodeling during pre-mRNA splicing.
251                                              Spliceosome remodeling is carried out through the action
252 some assembly with pre-mRNA, then subsequent spliceosome remodeling to allow activation for the two s
253 r RNAs (mRNAs) via RNA splicing, whereby the spliceosome removes non-coding introns from pre-mRNAs an
254 ules that target different components of the spliceosome represent valuable research tools to investi
255 strate that BUD31 is a component of the core spliceosome required for its assembly and catalytic acti
256 ucleoprotein machines, such as ribosomes and spliceosomes, RNA functions as an assembly scaffold as w
257  in order for U6 to pair with U2 to form the spliceosome's active site.
258 -mRNA) and extensive remodelling to form the spliceosome's catalytic centre.
259 lace the RNaseH domain (RH) of Prp8 near the spliceosome's catalytic core and demonstrate that prp8 a
260 , we discovered that the low abundance minor spliceosome's catalytic snRNP, U6atac, is strikingly uns
261          However, the mechanism by which the spliceosome selects only certain exons to circularize is
262 sion and regulation of eukaryotic genes, the spliceosome selects splice sites for intron excision and
263 dings indicate that group II introns and the spliceosome share common catalytic mechanisms and probab
264    A viral transcriptome including the viral spliceosome should be evaluated to gain new insights int
265 r, we detected 5'splice site cleavage by the spliceosome, showing that cleaved upstream exon transcri
266 ound in Prp3 orthologs, thus qualifying as a spliceosome-specific RNA interaction module.
267 ion of U6atac snRNA contains a U12-dependent spliceosome-specific targeting activity.
268 ith RNA polymerase III (POLR3) and the minor spliceosome specificities.
269 y of circular RNA production occurs at major spliceosome splice sites; however, we find the first exa
270 copy structure of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae spliceosome stalled after Prp16-mediated remodelling but
271 dependent splicing repression occurs through spliceosome stalling at complex A.
272 mponents and will support future modeling of spliceosome structure and dynamics.
273 ears have led to the solution of a number of spliceosome structures at high resolution, e.g., the ful
274  proteins show that Tls1 associates with the spliceosome subunit Brr2.
275 iciency of SMN protein, which is crucial for spliceosome subunits biogenesis.
276                                      Loss of spliceosome subunits increases the dissociation rate of
277      Based on structural homology with other spliceosome subunits, and recent findings of altered RNA
278 rs, including the U5 snRNP components of the spliceosome, such as EFTUD2.
279  the U5 snRNP200 complex, a component of the spliceosome that in normal cells is found in the cell.
280 th a particular focus on the major and minor spliceosome, the factors controlling RNA splicing, and t
281 een considered the "master regulator" of the spliceosome, the molecular machine that executes pre-mRN
282  the nascent snRNA during its journey to the spliceosome.The mechanism of U6 small nuclear ribonucleo
283 the evolutionary ancestors of the eukaryotic spliceosome, thus representing an ideal model system to
284 w they differentially interact with the core spliceosome to perform their functions.
285 , suggesting an increased burden on the core spliceosome to process pre-mRNA.
286 ng and a deeply conserved role for the minor spliceosome to promote cell differentiation from stem ce
287 ese ATPases function further by enabling the spliceosome to search for and utilize alternative branch
288                      We hypothesize that the spliceosome "toggles" between such error-prone/efficient
289 odeling, cohesin complex, methylation, NPM1, spliceosome, transcription factors, and tumor suppressor
290 ZRSR2 as an essential component of the minor spliceosome (U12 dependent) assembly.
291  small nuclear RNA (snRNA) components of the spliceosome undergo many conformational rearrangements d
292                                          The spliceosome undergoes dramatic changes in a splicing cyc
293 to facilitate the conformational changes the spliceosome undergoes during catalysis.
294 ctivity of SR and hnRNP proteins to the core spliceosome using probabilistic network reconstruction b
295  has focused on the Saccharomyces cerevisiae spliceosome, viewed as a highly simplified system with f
296                                          The spliceosome was targeted by small interfering RNA-mediat
297      We identified that QKI localizes to the spliceosome, where it interacts with the myocardin pre-m
298 dynamic ribonucleoprotein complex termed the spliceosome, which is composed of five small nuclear rib
299                                Targeting the spliceosome with small molecule inhibitors provides a ne
300            RNA and protein components of the spliceosome work together to identify the 5 splice site,

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