


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e proper subnuclear storage of an SR protein splicing factor.
2  regulatory network controlled by a neuronal splicing factor.
3 rotein with a fold more similar to the PRP18 splicing factor.
4 clear speckles, where it targets a cell mRNA splicing factor.
5 pre-mRNA splicing by lysine methylation of a splicing factor.
6 gonism between CELF2 and the RBFOX family of splicing factors.
7 splicing program with sequence specific NOVA splicing factors.
8 proteins, thus functionally inactivating the splicing factors.
9 viral RNA cis elements and host trans-acting splicing factors.
10 HM domains from alternative and constitutive splicing factors.
11  spliceosomes in collaboration with numerous splicing factors.
12 eme among MDS-relevant mutations of pre-mRNA splicing factors.
13 er elements, as well as in genes that encode splicing factors.
14  i.e., protein-protein interactions with key splicing factors.
15 cularly in genes encoding RNA processing and splicing factors.
16 ed by both intronic repeats and trans-acting splicing factors.
17 bidopsis thaliana AtPTB1 and AtPTB2 as plant splicing factors.
18 sion also extend to alternative splicing and splicing factors.
19 s with U2AF ligand motifs (ULMs) of pre-mRNA splicing factors.
20 tion and is a frequent target of alternative splicing factors.
21 uppress the cohesion defect in cells lacking splicing factors.
22 ses the interactions between AR pre-mRNA and splicing factors.
23 und by the Muscleblind-like (MBNL) family of splicing factors.
24 ght complexes that include known chloroplast splicing factors.
25 ts, and contribute to the timely eviction of splicing factors.
26 cluding one enriched for mRNA processing and splicing factors.
27 or coordinated recruitment of UHM-containing splicing factors.
28 emodellers, microRNA-processing proteins and splicing factors.
29 sue culture cells, the majority of which are splicing factors.
30 f the proteins pulled down by H1.0 were core splicing factors.
31 ng signaling, epigenetic, transcription, and splicing factors.
32 n between the expression of IR-A and that of splicing factors.
33 odifications are balanced in these essential splicing factors.
34 y 'hotspots' of the SF3B1 and U2AF1 pre-mRNA splicing factors.
35 SR) proteins are essential nucleus-localized splicing factors.
36 a ternary complex with U2AF(65) and U2AF(35) splicing factors.
37 ding of shuttling dynamics of Arabidopsis SR splicing factors.
38 ts UHM domain and ULM motifs in constitutive splicing factors.
39                                              Splicing factor 1 (SF1) recognizes 3' splice sites of th
40  that are reduced by dietary restriction via splicing factor 1 (SFA-1; the C. elegans homologue of SF
41 cing factors, including serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1) which has roles in alternative
42 lation of the oncogenic serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1 (SRSF1).
43 e such target is SRSF1 (serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1) (SF2/ASF, splicing factor 2/alternati
44  factors QKI and SRSF1 (serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 1) and dysregulation of Gomafu leads to
45 ess a mutated allele of serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 (Srsf2(P95H))-which commonly occurs in
46                         Serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 (SRSF2) is an RNA-binding protein that
47 h high affinity to serine- and arginine-rich splicing factor 2 (SRSF2), a crucial protein in exon def
48 ntain binding sites for serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 (SRSF2), and SRSF2 knockdown lowered l
49 se (IDH) 1, IDH2, EZH2, serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 2 (SRSF2), p53, casitas B-lineage lympho
50 ne/arginine-rich splicing factor (SRSF) 1 or splicing factor 2/alternative splicing factor (SF2/ASF)
51 ntly showed that the serine arginine protein splicing factor 2/alternative splicing factor (SF2/ASF)
52 e/arginine-rich splicing factor 1) (SF2/ASF, splicing factor 2/alternative splicing factor), an essen
53   We recently described serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 (SRSF3 or SRp20) being a proto-oncogen
54 ferentiation, including serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 (Srsf3) and hepatocyte nuclear factor
55 in, in conjunction with serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 (SRSF3) and SRSF10.
56 te-specific deletion of serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 3 (SRSF3) impairs hepatocyte maturation
57 ng mRNA capping enzymes, elongation factors, splicing factors, 3'-end-processing complexes, and termi
58                  Specifically, inhibition of splicing factor 3B subunit 1 (SF3B1) with meayamycin B p
59 ons in spliceosome components, including the splicing factor 3b subunit 1 (SF3B1), are associated wit
60    We identify human kynureninase (KYNU) and splicing factor 3b subunit 3 (SF3B3) as the primary cons
61 odysplastic syndrome (MDS) have mutations in Splicing Factor 3B, Subunit 1 (SF3B1).
62 we show that FANCI and FANCD2 associate with splicing factor 3B1 (SF3B1), a key spliceosomal protein
63 ere we report a protein related to the human splicing factor 45 (SPF45) named splicing factor for phy
64                                              Splicing factor 45 kDa (SPF45) is an alternative splicin
65 cripts include those of serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5 (SRSF5) and regulatory factor X4 (RFX4
66 MLs) and identify new recurrent mutations in splicing factors (5/12 AMLs in SF3B1 and 2/12 AMLs in U2
67                                              Splicing factors affect the AS of multiple downstream ta
68 Mss116p, previously known as a mitochondrial splicing factor, also acts as a transcription factor tha
69 tion of DHX38, encoding an USP39-interacting splicing factor, also reduces the viability of these cel
70 ion with a reovirus strain that targets this splicing factor alters splicing of cell mRNAs involved i
71 r 1) (SF2/ASF, splicing factor 2/alternative splicing factor), an essential splicing regulator that a
72 t DARPP-32 regulates the expression of SRp20 splicing factor and co-exists with it in the same protei
73  includes the binding site data of microRNA, splicing factor and RNA binding proteins in the browser
74 e first evidence of viral antagonism of this splicing factor and suggest that downstream consequences
75  its major predicted gene targets, the SF3B2 splicing factor and the guanine nucleotide exchange fact
76 efect is directly linked to the SC35 (SRSF2) splicing factor and to the presence of nuclear aggregate
77 I (RNAPII) elongation and the recruitment of splicing factors and adaptor proteins to chromatin compo
78 was found between gene expression changes in splicing factors and alternative spicing of other genes
79               This leads to sequestration of splicing factors and alters pre-mRNA splicing in a range
80 rtin-SR2) is implicated in nuclear import of splicing factors and HIV-1 replication.
81  are particularly enriched in RBPs including splicing factors and interestingly also regulators for o
82 riptome-wide dysregulation of genes encoding splicing factors and key proteins essential for SC fate
83 egulation by viral RNA cis elements and host splicing factors and offers potential therapeutic target
84  GSK-3-dependent phosphorylation of multiple splicing factors and regulators of RNA biosynthesis as w
85          Palmitate modified expression of 17 splicing factors and shifted alternative splicing of 3,5
86 The identification of mutations in predicted splicing factors and spliceosomal proteins that affect c
87 tion, including transcription factors, other splicing factors and synaptic proteins.
88 d to as WDR79/TCAB1) controls trafficking of splicing factors and the telomerase enzyme to Cajal bodi
89 e the structural bases for nuclear import of splicing factors and the Tnpo3-CPSF6 nexus in HIV-1 biol
90                      The interaction between splicing factors and the transcriptional machinery provi
91 sical interactions between TRAMP and several splicing factors, and further showed that TRAMP is requi
92 ates with precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) splicing factors, and inactivation of RBM39 by indisulam
93 hat LEDGF/p75 is associated with a number of splicing factors, and RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis
94 rimary cell affected by mutations in the RNA splicing factors, and these changes occur at an early ag
95 n rates, (ii) binding to pre-mRNA to recruit splicing factors, and/or (iii) blocking the association
96 liceosomal proteins and accessory regulatory splicing factors are among the most common targets of so
97                                              Splicing factors are de-regulated in cancer, and in some
98 ontrast to their GMAS targets, the predicted splicing factors are more conserved than expected, sugge
99                             Mutations in RNA splicing factors are the single most common class of gen
100            Prp8 stands out among hundreds of splicing factors as a protein that is intimately involve
101 mplified system with fewer than half as many splicing factors as humans.
102 d identify USP39, which encodes an essential splicing factor, as a critical gene for the viability of
103 ors of ros1, we identified STA1, a PRP6-like splicing factor, as a new RdDM regulator.
104 nRNPA1, an RNA-binding protein and auxiliary splicing factor, as a substrate of TRAF6.
105 ferring signals to alter gene expression via splicing factor/AS networks.
106                        SR45 is an unusual SR splicing factor bearing two RS domains.
107 ) evolved a new function as a group I intron splicing factor by acquiring the ability to bind group I
108                             Although several splicing factors can modulate SMN2 splicing in vitro, th
109               The UHM-containing alternative splicing factor CAPERalpha regulates splicing of tumor-p
110                                 Depletion of splicing factors causes defective processing of the pre-
111   Here we demonstrate that expression of the splicing factor CELF2 (CUGBP, Elav-like family member 2)
112  showed the positional preference pattern of splicing factors, characterized by enrichment in the int
113               Thus, LEDGF/p75 interacts with splicing factors, contributes to exon choice, and direct
114  report that SON, previously known as an RNA splicing factor, controls MLL complex-mediated transcrip
115 d CCA1 intron in vitro, suggesting that this splicing factor could be involved in regulation of intro
116 d CCA1 intron in vitro, suggesting that this splicing factor could be involved in regulation of intro
117 otein motifs and found that some alternative splicing factors could affect tumor-specific gene expres
118 cytes, by upregulating the expression of the splicing factors CUGBP1, hnRNPH, hnRNPA1, hnRNPA2B1, and
119 veral factors (signaling molecules, kinases, splicing factors) currently being identified systematica
120 n between its central protein, eIF4AIII, and splicing factor CWC22, we found that eIF4AIII and the ot
121 ugh interaction with SRSF3, a host oncogenic splicing factor differentially expressed in epithelial c
122                       Depletion of this cell splicing factor enhances reovirus replication and cytopa
123 nce, the amino acid sequences of trypanosome splicing factors exhibit limited similarity to those of
124 om patients and controls, we identified four splicing factors exhibiting significantly altered expres
125 o the human splicing factor 45 (SPF45) named splicing factor for phytochrome signaling (SFPS), which
126 nerally thought to activate the SR family of splicing factors for efficient splice-site recognition,
127 wledge, they are the first two specific nad5 splicing factors found in plants so far.
128 pecific cargoes such as serine/arginine-rich splicing factors from the cytoplasm to the nucleus.
129  and higher prevalence of mutations in other splicing factor genes were observed (P < .001).
130                       Moreover, GMAS-related splicing factors had stronger consensus motifs than expe
131                  Recurrent mutations in core splicing factors have been reported in several clonal di
132                       Recurrent mutations in splicing factors have emerged as a hallmark of several h
133 nt by repressing expression of two canonical splicing factors, heterologous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
134 iates with GGGGCC repeat RNA in vitro is the splicing factor hnRNP H, and that this interaction is li
135 n the E6 ORF through interaction with a host splicing factor, hnRNP A1, and regulates E6 and E7 expre
136                                Recently, the splicing factor hnRNPA2/B, which is decreased in Alzheim
137               We uncovered the effect of the splicing factor Hnrnpl on Aire-induced transcription.
138  genome stability proteins, we find that the splicing factor Hsh155 disassembles from its partners an
139 cterization of SCL33, a serine/arginine-rich splicing factor, identified multiple novel intron-retain
140 rnative splicing but also revealed how these splicing factors impact functional properties of the hea
141 cing factor 45 kDa (SPF45) is an alternative splicing factor implicated in breast and lung cancers, a
142           Yeast Prp28 is a DEAD-box pre-mRNA splicing factor implicated in displacing U1 snRNP from t
143 irst time the role of DARPP-32 in regulating splicing factors in gastric cancer cells.
144 events and characterize potential associated splicing factors in HD.
145 stem; however, the requirements for specific splicing factors in neurogenesis are poorly understood.
146               STAR proteins differ from most splicing factors, in that they contain a single RNA-bind
147 alters splicing by directly binding to known splicing factors including DDX5, hnRNP K, and PRPF6.
148 and 2 were coimmunoprecipitated with several splicing factors, including serine/arginine-rich splicin
149                         Knockdown of several splicing factors increased BMP4-dependent transcription
150 mouse model with a genetically altered titin splicing factor; integrative approaches were used from i
151                         It was proposed that splicing factors interact with the RNAi machinery or reg
152 n of serine/arginine rich (SR) proteins, the splicing factors involved in the production of FN isofor
153                    The observed reduction in splicing factors is consistent with the elimination of s
154 w that in vivo binding and activity of these splicing factors is driven largely by intrinsic RNA affi
155 r of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) family of splicing factors, is one of the mutation targets associa
156 migration indicated that SRPK1, encoding the splicing factor kinase SRSF protein kinase 1, is relevan
157                   The enrichment of numerous splicing factors like hnRNP proteins before ZGA was surp
158  regulate exon 13 inclusion via trans-acting splicing factors like PTBP1 and TIAL1.
159 and plants contains only a single gene for a splicing factor, Maturase K (MatK).
160 NA co-localizes with and sequesters the mRNA-splicing factor MBNL1, leading to missplicing of essenti
161 rocessing requires the conserved alternative splicing factor MEC-8/RBPMS.
162 CLIP-seq/RIP-seq datasets involving numerous splicing factors, microRNAs and m6A RNA methylation.
163 lter the strongest consensus position of the splicing factor motif, except the more than 100 GMAS SNV
164 P is required for optimal recruitment of the splicing factor Msl5p.
165 utant alleles of nab2 and genes encoding the splicing factor, MUD2, and the RNA exosome, RRP6, with i
166                        Overexpression of the splicing factor muscleblind-like 1 (MBNL1) increases nuc
167 t substrate, required for phosphorylation of splicing factors, mutation of Clk1 Akt phosphorylation s
168                                              Splicing factor mutations change the pattern of splicing
169                                              Splicing factor mutations tend to occur in the founding
170  an emphasis on the clinical consequences of splicing factor mutations, mechanistic insights from ani
171         We previously reported that the SR45 splicing factor negatively regulates glucose signaling d
172 exons are regulated by the neuronal-specific splicing factor nSR100/SRRM4, through its binding to adj
173 ults indicate that the SLO3 PPR protein is a splicing factor of nad7 intron 2 in Arabidopsis mitochon
174 ascribe a mechanistic function to individual splicing factors or even to discern which are critical f
175 ations of genes involved in DNA methylation, splicing factors other than SF3B1, and genes of the RAS
176                                     Pre-mRNA splicing factors play a fundamental role in regulating t
177                       Here we identify SFPQ (splicing factor, poly-glutamine rich) as an RBP that bin
178 e top candidates include three host proteins splicing factor proline and glutamine rich (SFPQ), non-P
179 stimulated the expression of Socs3 and Sfpq (splicing factor, proline/glutamine rich) that attenuate
180 s from intact liver demonstrated that the SR splicing factor proteins SRSF3 and SRSF4 bound to the G6
181 e hydroxylation of transcription factors and splicing factor proteins.
182                                 The pre-mRNA splicing factor PRPF8 is a crucial component of the U5 s
183 ypyrimidine tract-binding protein-associated splicing factor (PSF) as OEE-binding factors, which was
184  responsible for increased expression of the splicing factor PTBP1 (polypyrimidine tract binding prot
185 oreover, follow-up molecular analyses of one splicing factor PTBP1 revealed its impact on disease-ass
186      In PH, miR-124, through the alternative splicing factor PTBP1, regulates the PKM2/PKM1 ratio, th
187 led functional analysis of the top candidate splicing factor, Ptbp1, revealed that it is a critical b
188  planar cell polarity effector SCRIB and the splicing factor PUF60 to the syndromic phenotype, and th
189 emonstrate that Gomafu binds directly to the splicing factors QKI and SRSF1 (serine/arginine-rich spl
190 rose gradients with the previously described splicing factors Raa1 and Raa2.
191             We hypothesized that alternative splicing factors RBFOX2 and RBFOX1 might mediate splicin
192 application to the developmental alternative splicing factors RBFOX2, CELF1/CUGBP1, and MBNL1.
193 deletion of the RNA Recognition Motif of the splicing factor RBM20 (Rbm20(DeltaRRM)mice).
194 tance for plant response to ABA and that the splicing factor RBM25 has a critical role in this respon
195                      Here we report that the splicing factor RBM4 suppresses proliferation and migrat
196                       We determined that the splicing factor RBM47 is downregulated during EMT and al
197                             The multi-domain splicing factor RBM5 regulates the balance between antag
198      Gsk3 DKO reduced phosphorylation of the splicing factors RBM8A, SRSF9, and PSF as well as the nu
199 t ADT-induced AR gene transcription rate and splicing factor recruitment to AR pre-mRNA contribute to
200                Somatic mutations of pre-mRNA splicing factors recur among patients with myelodysplast
201              Accordingly, AS of the putative splicing factor REDUCED RED-LIGHT RESPONSES IN CRY1CRY2
202                 It is generally thought that splicing factors regulate alternative splicing through b
203       Although much is known about how these splicing factors regulate pre-mRNA splicing events, comp
204 nents is the cause of such defects, and that splicing factors regulate telomeric heterochromatin thro
205                   Here we show that SRp55, a splicing factor regulated by the diabetes susceptibility
206 n the RBFOX1 gene which is a neuron-specific splicing factor regulating a wide range of alternative s
207 ssion of proteins with relevant functions in splicing factor-related diseases both in association wit
208 ered subnuclear organization specifically of splicing factors required for A complex formation, which
209 ubset of key splicing regulators, or "master splicing factors," respond to environmental cues to esta
210 These toxic RNAs alter the activities of RNA splicing factors resulting in alternative splicing misre
211 inding protein that associates with the core splicing factor RNA binding motif protein 39 (RBM39) and
212  possible recently through inhibition of the splicing factor RNA binding motif-20.
213                                          The splicing factor RNA-binding motif 20 (RBM20) regulates t
214                We found that knockout of the splicing factor SAM68 partially rescued body weight and
215                                          The splicing factor SC35/SRSF2 binds to nuclear RNA and faci
216 med that H1.0 directly binds to FACT and the splicing factors SF2/ASF and U2AF65.
217 ginine protein splicing factor 2/alternative splicing factor (SF2/ASF) enhances the expression of CD3
218 or (SRSF) 1 or splicing factor 2/alternative splicing factor (SF2/ASF) to be important in the express
219                             Mutations in the splicing factor SF3B1 are found in several cancer types
220                   One of these, the pre-mRNA splicing factor SF3B1, is also frequently mutated in can
221 metrically dimethylates arginine residues on splicing factor SF3B2 (SAP145) and has been functionally
222  Complete loss of function of the ubiquitous splicing factor SFPQ affects zebrafish motoneuron differ
223 ether, we uncover the axonal function of the splicing factor SFPQ in motor development and highlight
224                      We demonstrate that the splicing factor SFRS2 is an OCT4 target gene required fo
225                                              Splicing factors (SFs) play an important role in AS regu
226 r approach identified lysine 130 of the mRNA splicing factor snRNP70 as a SETMAR substrate in vitro,
227  free as well as GTPase Ran- and alternative splicing factor/splicing factor 2 (ASF/SF2)-bound forms.
228  the splicing regulator serine/arginine-rich splicing factor (SRSF) 1 or splicing factor 2/alternativ
229 nt proteins involved in mRNA-processing: the splicing factor SRSF1 (SF2/ASF), the RNA helicase p68 (D
230 e splicing of the MDM2 minigene and that the splicing factor SRSF1 binds exon 11 at evolutionarily co
231                   We further showed that the splicing factor SRSF1 binds to a regulatory element in C
232 trate a novel mechanism of regulation of the splicing factor SRSF1 in human T cells and a potential m
233 w splicing events regulated by the oncogenic splicing factor SRSF1 in lung cancer.
234                                              Splicing factor SRSF1 is upregulated in human breast tum
235 of VEGF splice isoforms is controlled by the splicing factor SRSF1, phosphorylated by serine-arginine
236  HIV-1 promoter is regulated by the cellular splicing factor SRSF1.
237 ay activation and induction of the oncogenic splicing factor SRSF1.
238 on and mass spectrometry of the prototypical splicing factors SRSF1 and hnRNPA1.
239 tein phosphatase 1 (PP1) with the SR protein splicing factor (SRSF1) to understand the foundation of
240      Moreover, RBM4 antagonizes an oncogenic splicing factor, SRSF1, to inhibit mTOR activation.
241                                              Splicing factor SRSF10 is known to function as a sequenc
242 ive Deaf1 splicing through activation of the splicing factors Srsf10 and Ptbp2, respectively.
243 kles, where it forms a complex with the mRNA splicing factor SRSF2 and alters its subnuclear localiza
244  the first report of viral antagonism of the splicing factor SRSF2 and identifies the viral protein t
245          Here, we show that mice lacking the splicing factor SRSF2 but not SRSF1 in hepatocytes have
246  Here we report that mutations affecting the splicing factor SRSF2 directly impair hematopoietic diff
247 anthine caffeine increases expression of the splicing factor SRSF2, the levels of which are normally
248 ypoxia-induced expression and binding of the splicing factor SRSF3, and increased binding of total an
249                                           SR splicing factors (SRSFs) control splicing but can also c
250 n caused increased levels of the cellular SR splicing factors (SRSFs) SRSF1 (ASF/SF2), SRSF2 (SC35),
251 e gene is controlled by serine/arginine-rich splicing factors (SRSFs), and HPV16 infection induces ov
252 nding motif protein 25 (RBM25) is a putative splicing factor strongly conserved across eukaryotic lin
253 red for the IE2's fourth intron to bind to a splicing factor such as U2AF65, as determined by an RNA
254 peats form hairpin structures that sequester splicing factors such as muscleblind-like 1 (MBNL1).
255 ional CAD risk genes, including the putative splicing factor SUGP1 Indeed, we found that rs10401969 r
256 oncentrating hormone receptor 1 (MCHR1), and splicing factor SWAP homolog (SFRS8)] was associated wit
257 form switching mediated by ESRP1, a pre-mRNA splicing factor that regulates EMT.
258  have clinical implications because SF3B1, a splicing factor that we identify to be essential for coh
259 lutamine-binding protein 1 (PQBP1) is an RNA-splicing factor that, when mutated, in humans causes Ren
260 leblind-like (MBNL) genes encode alternative splicing factors that are essential for the postnatal de
261  screening, we identify a set of 26 pre-mRNA splicing factors that are required for sister chromatid
262 d by the combinatorial behavior of different splicing factors that bind to multiple binding sites in
263                        AtPTB1 and AtPTB2 are splicing factors that influence alternative splicing.
264 k genes in fungi, plants, and flies, but the splicing factors that modulate these effects to ensure c
265 cted depended on the ratio of Rbm20 to other splicing factors that vary with tissue type and developm
266  little is known about the regulation of the splicing factors themselves.
267 eport suggesting that MCM7 is a critical RNA splicing factor, thus giving significant new insight int
268  this motif are necessary for the binding of splicing factors TIA1 and Pcbp1 and that these proteins
269 orylated HDAC1/2 is recruited to pre-mRNA by splicing factors to act at the RNA level with KAT2B and
270 n is associated with impaired recruitment of splicing factors to affected introns, which are conseque
271  differentially regulates RNA processing and splicing factors to drive T cell differentiation.
272 ole of combinatorial regulation by different splicing factors to fine tune gene expression programs d
273 ort on the impact of mutated or dysregulated splicing factors to hematopoiesis, mRNA splicing, and MD
274 r ADT conditions, recruitment of several RNA splicing factors to the 3' splicing site for AR-V7 was i
275 P1 to RNAPIIo and for the recruitment of RNA splicing factors to the actively transcribed chromatin,
276 NA synthesis, ZFP106 translocates with other splicing factors to the nucleolus.
277  translocation of Hnrnpa1 and other pre-mRNA splicing factors to the nucleus in a transcription-depen
278 s and association with alternative splicing (splicing factors), transcript abundance (AGO2) and mRNA
279               Linking an essential canonical splicing factor (U1 snRNP) to this pathway provides stro
280                                The essential splicing factor U2AF(65) normally recognizes a Py tract
281                   How the essential pre-mRNA splicing factor U2AF(65) recognizes the polypyrimidine (
282 sense point mutation (S34F) in the essential splicing factor U2AF1 which occurs in human cancers pert
283                   Recurrent mutations in the splicing factor U2AF35 are found in several cancers and
284 formational space sampled by the multidomain splicing factor U2AF65 using complementary nuclear magne
285 uclear localization and interaction with the splicing factor U2AF65, which promotes mRNA processing a
286  To understand how SRPK1 phosphorylates this splicing factor, we performed mass spectrometric and kin
287 licing event is likely regulated by multiple splicing factors, we identified the SRSF3 oncoprotein as
288            The loss of genes that encode RNA splicing factors weakens cancer cells in a way that coul
289    L4-33K is a virus-encoded alternative RNA splicing factor which activates splicing of viral late g
290                  Mutations in genes encoding splicing factors (which we refer to as spliceosomal gene
291  that nuclear speckles are storage sites for splicing factors, which leave these sites to splice cell
292 Since nuclear speckles are storage sites for splicing factors, which leave these sites to splice cell
293                    SR proteins are essential splicing factors whose biological function is regulated
294 rs, and/or (iii) blocking the association of splicing factors with pre-mRNA.
295 splicing include RNA-protein interactions of splicing factors with regulatory sites termed silencers
296 dicted that GMAS SNVs often alter binding of splicing factors, with SRSF1 affecting the most GMAS eve
297                      MeCP2 and its partners, splicing factor Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) and methy
298       We report the crystal structure of the splicing factor YT521-B homology (YTH) domain of Zygosac
299 s1076560(T) disrupted a binding site for the splicing factor ZRANB2, diminished binding affinity betw
300 3 (RGH3) protein is orthologous to the human splicing factor, ZRSR2.

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