


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nomic context using CRISPR/Cas9, changed the splicing pattern.
2 ion or stability of MAPK mRNA but alters its splicing pattern.
3 e levels of SMN protein due to its defective splicing pattern.
4 ecular weight form that was dependent on the splicing pattern.
5 mp20(-/-)mice revealed no differences in the splicing pattern.
6  regulators that mediate the neuron-specific splicing pattern.
7 cing pattern was distinct from the canonical splicing pattern.
8 -isobutyl-1-methylxanthine) also changed the splicing pattern.
9 a competitive advantage to the exon-skipping splicing pattern.
10 tere phenotype and second for effects on the splicing pattern.
11  for dominant effects on the Ubx alternative splicing pattern.
12  a dramatic sequence variation and a complex splicing pattern.
13 (in the C57BL/6 strain) changes the pre-mRNA splicing pattern.
14  the transgenic mice, and had a more complex splicing pattern.
15  understanding of the molecular basis of the splicing pattern.
16 -sequence changes created its human-specific splicing pattern.
17 actors that alter these relatively conserved splicing patterns.
18 ntributor to the emergence of human-specific splicing patterns.
19 d 15 MIR exons with tissue-specific shift in splicing patterns.
20 y determined targets were unaltered in their splicing patterns.
21 nal activation, or modulation of alternative splicing patterns.
22  were able to induce a change in alternative splicing patterns.
23 eled large-scale changes in mRNA alternative splicing patterns.
24 ition from non-NS to NS-specific alternative splicing patterns.
25 NA and coincided with reversion to embryonic splicing patterns.
26 result from use of alternative promoters and splicing patterns.
27 an SR proteins exhibit the same unproductive splicing patterns.
28 ls and to select cells that express specific splicing patterns.
29 es, and confirmed that ETR-3 regulates their splicing patterns.
30 ture termination of HIV-1 RNAs, and abnormal splicing patterns.
31 ential to identify novel genes and elucidate splicing patterns.
32  in SMN2) is responsible for the alternative splicing patterns.
33 -processing defects and alternative pre-mRNA splicing patterns.
34 ormation to sort out the complex alternative splicing patterns.
35 ormal, and there are no major changes in the splicing patterns.
36 ifferences in cell-type-specific alternative splicing patterns.
37 exons play a role in determining alternative splicing patterns.
38  participate in the control of cell-specific splicing patterns.
39 t Quaking (QKI) broadly promotes mesenchymal splicing patterns.
40 trength and balance of interactions to alter splicing patterns.
41 n-based effects that can change or determine splicing patterns.
42 chromatin binding and luminal expression and splicing patterns.
43  accurate information to identify meaningful splicing patterns.
44  histones modifications modulate alternative splicing patterns.
45 ession through altering alternative pre-mRNA splicing patterns.
46 plicing factors helping to establish meiotic splicing patterns.
47  transcription and disruption of normal mRNA splicing patterns.
48  assay, we showed that c.790A>G altered CIZ1 splicing patterns.
49               These mutations alter pre-mRNA splicing patterns.
50  different mechanisms of regulation of these splicing patterns.
51      The data also show that changes in mRNA splicing patterns accompany metastatic progression, whic
52        Here, we show that alterations in RNA splicing patterns across the human transcriptome that oc
53 hat ATP hydrolysis locks splice sites into a splicing pattern after stable U2 snRNP association to th
54  downregulated) show a reversion to neonatal splicing patterns after Celf1 re-expression in adults.
55                     We have investigated the splicing pattern and expression of the kainate receptor
56       Ultraviolet radiation (UV) changed the splicing pattern and induced or increased expression of
57         These results indicate that both the splicing pattern and longevity of alpha 0 mRNA are regul
58                                          The splicing pattern and molecular structure of SR1D indicat
59 s (TB1) in cell culture revealed an aberrant splicing pattern and production of a stable small (0.95-
60 e deficiency increased the complexity of the splicing pattern and triggered the differential alternat
61 n in these tumors correlates with the FGFR-2 splicing pattern and with Akt phosphorylation and Akt3 e
62 nges in cell-fate-dependent gene expression, splicing patterns and allelic imbalances.
63 is applicable to the majority of alternative splicing patterns and can be used to quantify alternativ
64 SRSF10 in knockout cells recovered wild-type splicing patterns and considerably rescued the stress-re
65 , relying on a splice graph representing the splicing patterns and exon expression levels indicated b
66 ively spliced introns/exons, events, isoform splicing patterns and isoform peptide sequences.
67  with high affinity have been shown to alter splicing patterns and offer promise as therapeutics.
68 y facilitates the interpretation of abnormal splicing patterns and the detection of genomic rearrange
69 y improves the performance in predicting the splicing patterns and their changes during hESC differen
70 e may enhance transcription and reverse SMN2 splicing pattern, and has induced promising motor-functi
71 SHV K15 resembles LMP2A in genomic location, splicing pattern, and protein structure and by the prese
72 model the between-sample correlation in exon splicing patterns, and a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
73 pported by polyadenylation data, alternative splicing patterns, and RT-PCR validation.
74                          B. distachyon SCL33 splicing patterns are also strikingly conserved compared
75 pe B transmitted/founder viruses showed that splicing patterns are conserved, but with surprising var
76                       GAIP/RGS19 alternative splicing patterns are differentially expressed in variou
77         Recent studies have highlighted that splicing patterns are frequently altered in cancer and t
78                Polymorphisms that alter gene-splicing patterns are functionally very important becaus
79        Here, we demonstrate that alternative splicing patterns are irreversibly chosen at a kinetic s
80 te-deficient plants suggests that changes in splicing patterns are nutrient specific and not or not c
81 be difficult to detect and interpret because splicing patterns are often heterogeneous even in normal
82                                  Alternative splicing patterns are regulated by factors that direct t
83                              Three different splicing patterns are used, and each type is found polya
84 scripts; five that resulted from alternative splicing patterns arising from the utilization of normal
85 ce exhibit the same tissue-specific aberrant splicing patterns as seen in FD patients.
86  of specific gene expression and alternative splicing patterns, as well as coexpression networks, ass
87              Of note is that the alternative splicing patterns associated with U2AF1 mutations were a
88                                Comparison of splicing patterns at orthologous loci in seven Drosophil
89 cluding multiple promoter sites, alternative splicing patterns, autoregulation, and stop codons.
90 xpression of a gene, but also changes in its splicing pattern between different tissues.
91 tive cassette exons for changes in embryonic splicing patterns between wild-type and 12 different str
92 lovirus promoter mimicked 1B-promoter-driven splicing patterns but differed from 1A-promoter-driven s
93 oan gene transcripts exhibit neuron-specific splicing patterns, but the developmental control of thes
94                        Alteration of correct splicing patterns by disruption of an exonic splicing en
95          Transcribed Alu sequences can alter splicing patterns by generating new exons, but other imp
96                       Changes in alternative splicing patterns can result from both inherited and acq
97                 Fibronectin mRNA alternative splicing patterns change from B+A+V+ to B+A-V+ during ch
98 en or among selected tumor types, or explore splicing pattern changes between tumor and adjacent norm
99 f the possibility that widespread changes in splicing patterns contribute to lymphocyte function duri
100 ripts across inbred strains of mice, and its splicing pattern cosegregates with the Pas1 allele.
101 ibroblasts, we speculate that a differential splicing pattern could conceivably lead to phenotypic re
102                                    Moreover, splicing patterns demonstrate previously unobserved leve
103 hat the CSHMT message levels and alternative splicing patterns display tissue-specific variations.
104             Some of the human-specific brain splicing patterns disrupt domains critical for protein-p
105    Alt-d mRNA shares the same coding region, splicing pattern, downstream untranslated region, and si
106              Two regulators known to control splicing patterns during neuron and muscle differentiati
107                             An altered SNX14 splicing pattern for a CCD case was demonstrated by RNA
108  We discuss the implications of this unusual splicing pattern for the diverse mechanisms of exon reco
109 ves a graphical or sequence-level summary of splicing patterns for a specific gene.
110               MBNL proteins promote opposite splicing patterns for cTNT and IR alternative exons, bot
111                                  The overall splicing patterns for exclusive and inclusive exons show
112 d MBNL1 in adult heart induces the embryonic splicing patterns for more than half of the developmenta
113 U2OSE64b and the p53-/- cells showed altered splicing patterns for the CD44 receptor.
114                                  Alternative splicing patterns for the engulfment and cell motility 1
115                                      The RNA splicing patterns for TNF, LT-alpha and LT-beta genes ar
116 ural regulatory element dictates alternative splicing patterns (for example, human cardiac troponin T
117 ene accurately recapitulates the alternative-splicing pattern found in humans.
118 tes two cryptic splice sites, and alters the splicing pattern from extant splice sites.
119                                      Similar splicing patterns have also been found with murine melan
120 l protein complement, and aberrations in the splicing pattern impair HIV-1 replication.
121 ly erythroid-specific, ie, distinct from the splicing patterns imposed on the same transcripts in non
122 ress different exon 4 variants, and that the splicing pattern in a given neuron can change over time.
123 /squid transcript, shows an altered pre-mRNA splicing pattern in PSI mutant testes.
124 ence of cross-species retention of a complex splicing pattern in the 3' portion of RPGR, the function
125 y alternatively spliced, and we describe its splicing pattern in the flight muscles, identifying a ne
126 rs changed little in either concentration or splicing pattern in the same cells.
127              We compared the E1a alternative splicing pattern in transcripts expressed from the full-
128 th other UGC elements disrupted the alpha-TM splicing pattern in transfected cells.
129 ller isoform is produced from an alternative splicing pattern in which two exons are skipped.
130          We identified different alternative splicing patterns in 35 genes comparing cells with mutan
131   Importantly, we found aberrant alternative splicing patterns in a mouse model of RTT.
132 ele-specific ACE minigenes generated similar splicing patterns in both ACE-expressing and non-express
133                                     Aberrant splicing patterns in cancers have been implicated in suc
134  Caenorhabditis elegans, we demonstrate that splicing patterns in different neurons are often distinc
135 or the acquisition of cardiomyocyte-specific splicing patterns in fibroblasts.
136 n (IBD) showed that LEDGF/p75 contributes to splicing patterns in half of the transcription units tha
137 P1 revealed its impact on disease-associated splicing patterns in HD.
138                                              Splicing patterns in human immunodeficiency virus type 1
139 UG and to act as an inhibitor of alternative splicing patterns in muscle.
140      This study highlights the robustness of splicing patterns in plants and the importance of ongoin
141                                  Alternative splicing patterns in pollen and seedling were highly cor
142 ost likely due to recapitulation of neonatal splicing patterns in regenerating fibers.
143                 Cells can change alternative splicing patterns in response to a signal, which creates
144 ound classes altered SMN mRNA levels or mRNA splicing patterns in SMA patient-derived fibroblasts.
145                                              Splicing patterns in somatic cells follow C. elegans con
146 irst demonstrations of identical alternative-splicing patterns in species that are separated by over
147 T transcripts revealed two major alternative splicing patterns in the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR)
148 egy in mice, we show that mutually exclusive splicing patterns in the Ca(V)2.2 gene modulate N-type c
149  channel, we systematically investigated the splicing patterns in the neonatal and adult rat hearts.
150 wide phylogenetic survey of lineage-specific splicing patterns in the primate brain, via high-density
151 DNAs demonstrated the occurrence of the same splicing patterns in these species.
152 cific exons in genes exhibiting differential splicing patterns in various cell types.
153                          Analyses of the ewg splicing patterns in wild-type and ELAV-deficient eye im
154 ilar alterations in gene expression and mRNA splicing patterns, indicating that mislocalized FUS resu
155                                          The splicing pattern is cell-specific.
156 ate that the early, in contrast to the late, splicing pattern is not regulated by stage-specific or s
157                                The embryonic splicing pattern is reproduced in primary skeletal muscl
158                                          The splicing pattern is tissue specific.
159                               Variability in splicing patterns is a major source of protein diversity
160 streamlined graphical representation of gene splicing patterns is provided, and these patterns can al
161 g accurately identified the Qp-derived EBNA1 splicing pattern, lytic gene splicing, and a complex spl
162              Thus, mechanisms in addition to splicing patterns must control pyrin's subcellular distr
163                                          The splicing patterns observed in the Arabidopsis mutants pa
164  screens to detect compounds that affect the splicing pattern of a gene.
165 xpressed in various cancers, and shifted the splicing pattern of Bcl-x pre-mRNA from Bcl-x(L) to Bcl-
166 oligonucleotide (5'Bcl-x AS) that shifts the splicing pattern of Bcl-x pre-mRNA from the anti-apoptot
167                              Analysis of the splicing pattern of ectopic transcripts in lymphocytes i
168             The exon-intron organization and splicing pattern of epilysin differ from that of other M
169 n a positive manner to mediate the embryonic splicing pattern of exon inclusion.
170 anges in splicing activity that modified the splicing pattern of Fas, a key pro-apoptotic, p53-induci
171 beta2 and TGF-beta1 modified the alternative splicing pattern of fibronectin pre-mRNA and enhanced th
172                           Changes in the RNA splicing pattern of Ikaros occurred at two stages: (i) a
173 e compared the regulation of the alternative splicing pattern of LH2, both endogenously and in the mi
174       As in T cells, hnRNPLL also alters the splicing pattern of mRNA encoding the adhesion receptor
175                    Meayamycin B switches the splicing pattern of myeloid cell leukemia factor 1 (MCL1
176 ession in 293 cells, promotes a shift in the splicing pattern of RFXANK/Tvl-1 toward the transcriptio
177                                          The splicing pattern of specific isoforms of numerous genes
178 thereby alter the expression and alternative splicing pattern of target mRNAs.
179 egulates its expression without changing the splicing pattern of the ED-A segment.
180 ther variations in the SMN genes affects the splicing pattern of the genes.
181 hich SR proteins are responsible for AS, the splicing pattern of the GFP-intron-GFP reporter was inve
182 identify inter-individual differences in the splicing pattern of the GSTM4 gene, we used reverse tran
183 e find that VCP inhibition causes an altered splicing pattern of the large pruning gene molecule inte
184 Here we demonstrate that MBNL3 regulates the splicing pattern of the muscle transcription factor myoc
185 lines differentially affects the alternative splicing pattern of the same substrates, such as caspase
186  for snf in establishing the female-specific splicing pattern of the sex determination switch gene, s
187 in order to identify ones that can alter the splicing pattern of the SMN2 gene.
188 emonstrated that these mutations altered the splicing pattern of these genes.
189 hey are apparently incapable of altering the splicing pattern of these pre-mRNAs.
190          The findings indicate that that the splicing pattern of transcripts of SPV and B19 is simila
191   We analyzed RNA deep sequencing to compare splicing patterns of 201 837 exons between the cases wit
192                                              Splicing patterns of a reporter gene that mimics the ear
193 nformation on the expression and alternative splicing patterns of any known gene.
194                     However, the alternative splicing patterns of canine cTnT are different in develo
195 rrently with restoration of the normal adult-splicing patterns of four pre-mRNAs that are misspliced
196               To assess its influence on the splicing patterns of genes involved in apoptosis, we per
197 lterations in gene expression and changes in splicing patterns of genes involved in differentiation a
198 atabase was built upon genomic annotation of splicing patterns of known genes derived from spliced al
199                              We analyzed the splicing patterns of known Tdp-43 target genes as well a
200        PTBP2 was found to maintain embryonic splicing patterns of many synaptic and cytoskeletal prot
201 nts of alternative splicing, we measured the splicing patterns of over two million (M) synthetic mini
202 nowing the identity, relative abundance, and splicing patterns of pollen transcripts will improve our
203 equence elements in the promoter that affect splicing patterns of pre-mRNAs, we analyzed effects of d
204 erved, as well as significant changes in the splicing patterns of SCN8A and SCN9A.
205                  Further characterization of splicing patterns of several genes in MCF7 cells grown i
206 ssion of ASCO-RNA in Arabidopsis affects the splicing patterns of several NSR-regulated mRNA targets.
207 clear alterations in transcript profiles and splicing patterns of specific subsets of genes.
208 ute-2 (Ago-2) regulates alternative pre-mRNA splicing patterns of specific transcripts in the Drosoph
209 s that can be designed to specifically alter splicing patterns of target pre-mRNAs.
210 sual interface for exploring the alternative splicing patterns of TCGA tumors.
211                  Furthermore, examination of splicing patterns of TDP-43 target genes in human ALS re
212                                 The observed splicing patterns of the med and medJ mutant transcripts
213 amined the tissue expression and alternative splicing patterns of these two isoforms.
214  not significantly affected, the alternative splicing patterns of two model pre-mRNAs switched in a m
215 n plant nuclei, we have analyzed the in vivo splicing patterns of two-intron constructs containing 5'
216 e Arabidopsis mutations lead to more complex splicing patterns often involving exon skipping.
217 pothesis testing of differential alternative splicing patterns on RNA-Seq data.
218 mary mRNA transcripts, thereby affecting the splicing pattern or coding potential of mature mRNAs.
219 umerous studies have indicated that aberrant splicing patterns or mutations in spliceosome components
220 lting in aberrant transcription, alternative splicing patterns, or both, thereby leading to DM.
221 upled with experimental examination of trans-splicing patterns, our comparative genomic analysis reve
222 ient to control the tissue-specific pre-mRNA splicing pattern prevalent in situ.
223 sents intuitive graphical representations of splicing patterns, read counts and various statistical s
224 ic discharges, a shift toward adult pre-mRNA splicing patterns, reduced myofiber hypertrophy and a de
225 e report genome-wide analysis of alternative splicing patterns regulated by four Drosophila homologs
226       Our results suggest that alteration of splicing pattern represents a new approach to modificati
227             Establishment of the correct Sxl splicing pattern requires the coordinate regulation of t
228 r presence of TRPC2 a and b and describe the splicing patterns responsible for their formation, as we
229  splice site pairing establishes alternative splicing patterns resulting in the generation of multipl
230 es significantly due to numerous alternative splicing patterns, resulting in a prioritization problem
231 the level of similarity to their alternative splicing patterns, revealing patterns of tissue-specific
232 ndothelial cells from the injured liver, the splicing pattern reverted to that of normal cells, i.e.,
233       Despite these differences, the isoform splicing pattern seen in normal human brain is replicate
234 atterns but differed from 1A-promoter-driven splicing patterns, suggesting that promoter identity aff
235 testis, and a unique postmeiotic alternative splicing pattern supported the idea that Tcp10bt was Tcr
236                                          The splicing patterns surrounding exons 6 and 11 of COP1 in
237 arly transcripts have a unique 5' exon and a splicing pattern that differs from that of the late tran
238 nce results from a previously unreported RNA splicing pattern that eliminates not only the V region b
239 ysis revealed that BART transcripts with the splicing pattern that generates the RPMS1 open reading f
240 ons, many of which exhibit a muscle-enriched splicing pattern that is conserved in vertebrates.
241 dysregulation of Gomafu leads to alternative splicing patterns that resemble those observed in SZ for
242 ow symmetric trends and genes with symmetric splicing patterns that tend to have similar biological f
243 he c.915+15A>C variant caused a shift in tau splicing pattern to a predominantly exon 10+ pattern pre
244 8 toward the consensus sequence switches the splicing pattern to include exon 18 in all larval transc
245 n, almost 290 genes change their alternative splicing pattern upon Brd2 depletion.
246                       Because of the complex splicing pattern, use of alternative 5'-untranslated exo
247 rosophila projectin, as well as the possible splicing patterns used to generate different isoforms.
248 cription start sites, termination sites, and splicing patterns using rapid amplification of cDNA ends
249 jointly control constitutive and alternative splicing patterns via paralog compensation to control pa
250 hat developmental control of the alternative splicing pattern was distinct from the canonical splicin
251                        Once induced, the new splicing pattern was maintained over multiple cell divis
252                                          The splicing pattern was not altered by diabetes.
253                             An alteration in splicing pattern was observed for hnRNP A2/B1, itself th
254 nsitive changes in precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) splicing pattern, we mapped the transcriptome of Fe-defi
255 e circulating WBCs demonstrate similar SCN5A splicing patterns, we hypothesized that these WBC-derive
256 ied and the mutations which alter the normal splicing pattern were characterized.
257 Sequence elements regulating the alternative splicing pattern were mapped by in vitro splicing assays
258                                              Splicing patterns were confirmed with isolates from an i
259             Wild-type and mutant GABRG2 mRNA splicing patterns were determined in both BAC-transfecte
260  reported or detected in this study, and the splicing patterns were determined.
261                      Such cell type-specific splicing patterns were found in both mouse cerebellum an
262                                    Identical splicing patterns were found in transcripts from human p
263 entiation-associated changes in erythroblast splicing patterns were identified, including the previou
264                                     Aberrant splicing patterns were rescued in DM1 cells, and product
265    Aret also potently promoted flight muscle splicing patterns when ectopically expressed in jump mus
266  ESS did not significantly change the normal splicing pattern where the nt 3225 3' splice site is alr
267 dal variation in messenger RNA abundance and splicing patterns, which we validate by RNA-fluorescence
268 bidopsis intron mutations exhibiting complex splicing patterns will help to address fundamental quest
269  gene is spliced into five exons and shows a splicing pattern with exon boundaries similar to those o
270 nger coding region shares a highly conserved splicing pattern with several other Gli family members i
271  pattern, lytic gene splicing, and a complex splicing pattern within the BamHI A region.
272 previous studies have documented alternative splicing patterns within 5' and 3' regions of mRNAs enco
273  acids or small molecules) that modulate the splicing pattern would be facilitated by systems with wh

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