


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 drive terminal differentiation in stratified squamous epithelia.
2  squamous intraepithelial lesions and normal squamous epithelia.
3 ntally validated, particularly in stratified squamous epithelia.
4 ation of keratinocytes in hyperproliferating squamous epithelia.
5 ected to the basal compartment of stratified squamous epithelia.
6 expressed in basal cell nuclei of stratified squamous epithelia.
7 tical for the development and maintenance of squamous epithelia.
8 h, like Klf5, is localized to basal cells in squamous epithelia.
9 th markers of the keratinocyte of stratified squamous epithelia.
10  and promotes development and maintenance of squamous epithelia.
11  life cycle, which takes place in stratified squamous epithelia.
12 ell growth and differentiation of stratified squamous epithelia.
13 s of cornified envelopes found in stratified squamous epithelia.
14  is expressed normally in the basal layer of squamous epithelia.
15 d columnar epithelia, whereas laminin formed squamous epithelia.
16 eases preferentially expressed by stratified squamous epithelia.
17 ope in terminally differentiating stratified squamous epithelia.
18 , and p16 and bcl-2 in benign and dysplastic squamous epithelia.
19 n the survival and proliferative capacity of squamous epithelia.
20 tion-related protein expressed in stratified squamous epithelia.
21 ntiation of its host cells within stratified squamous epithelia.
22 , DSG1, and GRHL1 in metaplastic compared to squamous epithelia.
23 cycle control that promote carcinogenesis in squamous epithelia.
24 tected in other tissues that have stratified squamous epithelia.
25  of growth and differentiation in stratified squamous epithelia.
26 important for barrier function in stratified squamous epithelia.
27 y of the cell envelope barrier in stratified squamous epithelia.
28 of the cornified cell envelope of stratified squamous epithelia.
29 tion in terminally differentiated stratified squamous epithelia.
30 cells of epidermis and some other stratified squamous epithelia.
31 ium control to the functioning of stratified squamous epithelia.
32  staining in lymphoid follicular centers and squamous epithelia.
33  the initiation of CE assembly of stratified squamous epithelia.
34 ssed in the suprabasal layers of stratifying squamous epithelia.
35 ndritic cells (DCs) that populate stratified squamous epithelia.
36 nd immediate suprabasal layers of stratified squamous epithelia.
37 e cornified cell envelope (CE) of stratified squamous epithelia.
38 be restricted to keratinocytes of stratified squamous epithelia.
39 se that affects mainly conjunctiva and other squamous epithelia.
40 nate differentiation pathways for stratified squamous epithelia.
41 ted by TGF-beta 1 in normal human stratified squamous epithelia.
42 fin beta expression is restricted to several squamous epithelia.
43 d transgenic mice that express in stratified squamous epithelia a mutant of E6 lacking the last six a
44 restomach, and skin, all sharing stratifying squamous epithelia, alternatively called keratinocytes.
45 of the cornified cell envelope of stratified squamous epithelia and become cross-linked to other prot
46 d function of a contiguous, fully-stratified squamous epithelia and exhibited barrier function simila
47                  These tumors arose from the squamous epithelia and from sebaceous glands and were ch
48  keratinizing and nonkeratinizing stratified squamous epithelia and in a number of other epithelia.
49  and bcl-2 in benign and dysplastic cervical squamous epithelia and invasive squamous cell carcinomas
50                            In other types of squamous epithelia and squamous cell carcinomas, a simil
51 ance of Dsg3 for adhesion in deep stratified squamous epithelia and suggest that pemphigus autoantibo
52 nd maintenance of hair follicles and diverse squamous epithelia and that this ligand-inducible and ti
53 ifferentiation of oral-esophageal stratified squamous epithelia and the absence of oral-esophageal tu
54  kinase (RTK) is expressed in basal cells of squamous epithelia and the outer root sheath of hair fol
55 on, culminating in a striking absence of all squamous epithelia and their derivatives, including mamm
56  restricted to tissues containing stratified squamous epithelia and was absent or only weakly express
57 lpha, the predominant p63 protein isoform in squamous epithelia and YB-1, can physically interact.
58 e involved in barrier function in stratified squamous epithelia, and is assembled by transglutaminase
59 postmitotic, differentiated keratinocytes of squamous epithelia, and that HR HPV E7 does so more effi
60 "high risk" HPVs specifically target genital squamous epithelia, and their lytic life cycle is closel
61 ous basement membrane zone of the stratified squamous epithelia are essential to maintaining skin int
62 tch in maintaining homeostasis of stratified squamous epithelia by indirectly promoting mitosis in ba
63    Human papillomaviruses infect stratifying squamous epithelia, causing benign and malignant lesions
64 xpress the HPV16 E6 or E7 gene in stratified squamous epithelia, display many acute and long-term phe
65                                   Stratified squamous epithelia express the alphavbeta5 integrin, but
66                Different types of stratified squamous epithelia-for example, the "orthokeratinized" e
67 ection in the differentiated cells of normal squamous epithelia from different body sites despite an
68  transgenic mice expressing the rv-cyclin in squamous epithelia from the bovine keratin-5 promoter.
69 helial barrier tissues, including stratified squamous epithelia from vagina and skin, as well as cubo
70 e that ectopically express whn in stratified squamous epithelia, hair follicles, and the transitional
71  expression of mutant E7 genes to stratified squamous epithelia in mice.
72 uses (HPVs) replicate only in differentiated squamous epithelia in warts and in epithelial raft cultu
73 ell proliferation and is highly expressed in squamous epithelia, in regions of active proliferation.
74                             As expected, all squamous epithelia including skin, oral mucosa, trachea,
75 s a normal secretory product of a variety of squamous epithelia, including epidermal keratinocytes.
76 uman papillomavirus (HPV) gene expression in squamous epithelia is differentiation dependent in benig
77 rin is expressed in all layers of stratified squamous epithelia; it becomes membrane associated in th
78 le antigens in the basement membrane zone of squamous epithelia may serve as targets for a wide spect
79               p63-deficient mice, which lack squamous epithelia, may model acid-reflux damage.
80 vely expressed in nonkeratinizing stratified squamous epithelia of human esophagus, tonsil, cervix, l
81              KPRP is expressed in stratified squamous epithelia of skin, tongue, and esophagus.
82 he endogenous fluorescence in the stratified squamous epithelia of the 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene
83 lasias to metastatic carcinomas developed in squamous epithelia of the skin, oral mucosa, salivary gl
84 ined tissue-specific ablation of Klf4 in the squamous epithelia of the tongue, esophagus, and foresto
85 C lines, human HNSCC tumors and hyperplastic squamous epithelia of transgenic mice overexpressing Del
86 vo activities of HPV-16 E7 when expressed in squamous epithelia of transgenic mice.
87 ction in undifferentiated basal cells of the squamous epithelia requires the activation of a subset o
88 ce expressing HPV-16 E7 oncoprotein in their squamous epithelia succumb to uterine cervical cancer.
89 r cell layers of epidermis and in stratified squamous epithelia such as the oral cavity, esophagus, a
90 he basal (germinal) cell layer of stratified squamous epithelia, such as the epidermis, and in germ c
91                            Within stratified squamous epithelia, such as the epidermis, desmogleins a
92  the differentiated strata of several native squamous epithelia susceptible to HPV infection.
93 transactivator selectively in the stratified squamous epithelia, the resulting Bi-L E7/K5-tTA bitrans
94                                In stratified squamous epithelia there are two major isoforms of desmo
95 entry in differentiated keratinocytes of the squamous epithelia to support viral DNA amplification.
96      Until now, stem-cell fate in stratified squamous epithelia was believed to be achieved largely t
97 n the malignant transformation of stratified squamous epithelia, we reexpressed RARbeta in squamous c
98                                          The squamous epithelia were reconstituted in organotypic 3-d

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