


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 in mediating invasive behavior of neoplastic squamous epithelial cells.
2 tly higher in these cells than in esophageal squamous epithelial cells.
3 erentiation of mammary epithelial cells into squamous epithelial cells.
4 ical functions of EGFR in primary esophageal squamous epithelial cells.
5 a and Stat5b in normal and transformed human squamous epithelial cells.
6 d cyclin D3 as mediators of proliferation in squamous epithelial cells.
7 nic mice expressing HPV16 oncogenes in basal squamous epithelial cells.
8 onfers significant promoter activity only in squamous epithelial cells.
9 nduced by PMA regulate the ED-L2 promoter in squamous epithelial cells.
10 iptional target that is activated by KLF4 in squamous epithelial cells.
11 r increase the steady-state levels of p53 in squamous epithelial cells.
12 les of EGFR, EGF, and TGF-alpha to groups of squamous epithelial cells 2 days after naphthalene injur
13 h an epithelial to mesenchymal transition in squamous epithelial cells and increased cell motility.
14 ermine an intestinal phenotype in esophageal squamous epithelial cells and may contribute to the deve
15 expression of MCPyV T antigens in stratified squamous epithelial cells and Merkel cells of the skin e
16  In summary, GKLF is expressed in esophageal squamous epithelial cells and transcriptionally activate
17 Falpha) induces cyclin D1 mRNA in esophageal squamous epithelial cells, and this appears to correlate
18                                      Primary squamous epithelial cells are also inhibited by p16.
19                      These data suggest that squamous epithelial cells are generally sensitive to inh
20  suction aspirates when no organisms or > 10 squamous epithelial cells are present; discontinuing bro
21 g newly established primary human esophageal squamous epithelial cells as a platform, we overexpresse
22 lear activities may be specific to cancerous squamous epithelial cells, as normal keratinocytes do no
23                                   Stratified squamous epithelial cells assemble a specialized protect
24 eporter gene construct when transfected into squamous epithelial cells but not in nonsquamous epithel
25 PV) type 16 early genes is targeted to basal squamous epithelial cells by regulatory elements of the
26                 Our results indicate that in squamous epithelial cells, collagen-alpha2beta1 integrin
27 ed p16 function in ESCC lines and in primary squamous epithelial cells cultured from mouse skin.
28 factor that is uniquely active in stratified squamous epithelial cells, designated as keratinocyte sp
29                                              Squamous epithelial cells have both adherens junctions a
30 opose a novel mechanism for tumorigenesis in squamous epithelial cells; i.e., inadvertent expression
31 and LMP2B had no effect on the morphology of squamous epithelial cells in monolayer culture, but thei
32 viruses (HPVs) occurs only in differentiated squamous epithelial cells in papillomas, condylomata, an
33 hermore, overexpression of DeltaNp63alpha in squamous epithelial cells in transgenic mice leads to in
34 e species in their ability to infect vaginal squamous epithelial cells in vivo independently of proxi
35              Disruption of p63 expression in squamous epithelial cells increases IGFBP-3 expression,
36 in the immortalization of primary human oral squamous epithelial cells (keratinocytes) as an importan
37 addition, transfection of a normal-appearing squamous epithelial cell line with N-cadherin resulted i
38                              Two independent squamous epithelial cell lines were transduced with a li
39  suspension-induced death in a set of cloned squamous epithelial cell lines with different levels of
40 al cadherin (E-cadherin and/or P-cadherin in squamous epithelial cells) linked to either beta-catenin
41 P-1) with benign and malignant conditions of squamous epithelial cells, little is known about other E
42 C, but negative reactivity to the stratified squamous epithelial cell marker, cytokeratin-4.
43 (AHRR) locus, which is observed in blood and squamous epithelial cells of smokers, but not in lung ca
44 ant frequency in primary tumors derived from squamous epithelial cells of the esophagus (ESCC).
45 lpha are expressed in increased abundance in squamous epithelial cells of the injury target zone, dis
46  which showed elevated levels of LAP mRNA in squamous epithelial cells of the tongue near sites of ti
47 eek putative death factors, we observed that squamous epithelial cells of the tongue were negative fo
48 608 (69.1%) met the quality criterion of <10 squamous epithelial cells per low-power field, and 1162
49                   The survival and growth of squamous epithelial cells require signals generated by i
50               The presence of low numbers of squamous epithelial cells (SECs) and high numbers of pol
51  number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils and squamous epithelial cells (SECs) per low-power field and
52                                              Squamous epithelial cells showed minimal to no staining,
53                         These koilocytes are squamous epithelial cells that contain an acentric, hype
54 introducing myc-tagged forms into simple and squamous epithelial cells that do not express Dsg1 or Ds
55 plantation in a distinctive subpopulation of squamous epithelial cells that normally occupy focal dom
56 hick), nonkeratinizing, tightly packed small squamous epithelial cells that surmounted a highly regim
57 erent methods for the extraction of DNA from squamous epithelial cells were also evaluated.
58 darum readily colonized and infected vaginal squamous epithelial cells, whereas C. trachomatis did no
59 t1 and Stat3 was constitutive in transformed squamous epithelial cells, which produce elevated levels
60  resulted in reversion to a normal-appearing squamous epithelial cell with increased E- and P-cadheri

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