


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat are both ecologically and evolutionarily stable.
2 than those previously identified as the most stable.
3 mer formed by this region is extraordinarily stable.
4 l droplets, while Tween80 emulsions remained stable.
5  evaluation of the electrode was found to be stable.
6 teria (1, 1.5 and 2SD), 25% were cognitively stable, 41% cognitively declined, 15% improved and 19% f
7 ic and thickness effects remained relatively stable across different AAS subsamples comprising variou
8             This subnetwork organization was stable across task-engaged and resting states, suggestin
9  Prevalence of ICD behaviours was relatively stable across the 2-year observational period.
10             Daily habits remained relatively stable across time from 42% in 1997 to 38% in 2012 (line
11 cts frustrate efforts to design and engineer stable, active enzymes without laborious high-throughput
12 ation to the first reported room temperature stable, acyclic, two-coordinate N,O-silylene 7 exhibitin
13          Although selective pericyte loss in stable adult retinal vessels surprisingly does not cause
14 capsulation, the printed black phosphorus is stable against long-term (> 30 days) oxidation.
15 indlin-2 and cortical actin dissociated from stable AJs and redistributed to radial actin stress fibr
16 (2+)-bound, and beryllofluoridated CKI1RD (a stable analogue of the labile phosphorylated form) were
17 d compare the performance of networks with N-stable and (N-1)-stable network-capacity allocations by
18 secreting killer yeasts, K28 is structurally stable and biologically active as a disulfide-bonded het
19           Orientation switching is long-time stable and can be induced by applying low voltages of 20
20  two subgroups of patients; firstly, MP with stable and characteristic radiologic changes and secondl
21                              cgMLST provides stable and expandable nomenclature, allowing for compari
22  T cells by contributing to the formation of stable and heritable transcriptional patterns.
23 n oxide-loaded ferritin proteins to create a stable and highly energetic liquid composed of aluminium
24 l patients to conceive when disease has been stable and inactive on appropriate medications, and asse
25  balance between assembling virions that are stable and maintaining conformational flexibility.
26 tion plasmids and approaches for the speedy, stable and marker-free introduction of transgenes encodi
27 edation risk was high, individuals developed stable and more differentiated social ties compared to w
28 to biotechnological strategies based on more stable and more specific structures.
29         Cartilage formed from hMSCs remained stable and organized in vivo.
30                                The resulting stable and potent FPR2-selective antagonists (i.e., RhB-
31 led cellular oscillator architecture permits stable and replicable ensemble responses to diverse sens
32 a short period of soaking in a KBr solution, stable and reproducible formal potentials of -157 +/- 2
33                                            A stable and reversible Li metal anode is achieved in virt
34                                          Air-stable and soluble tetrabutylammonium fluoride (TBAF) is
35 itation was based on proteins for which heat-stable and species-specific peptide markers had been det
36 is the 8E5 cell line, which is assumed to be stable and to contain one HIV provirus per cell.
37  species and eukaryotic cells, metabolically stable, and apparently not susceptible to the action of
38 asers are compact (centimetre-scale), highly stable, and efficient.
39                          Among patients with stable angina or an acute coronary syndrome, an iFR-guid
40 ver time, but the standardized incidence was stable around 11 per 100,000.
41        Three-quarters of adolescents were on stable ART at transfer, of whom 74% were virologically s
42 pletion of the assembly factor Erb1 prevents stable assembly of seven other interdependent assembly f
43 roteasomal degradation of TRF1, leading to a stable association of TRF1 with Tin2 to form a shelterin
44 rway microbiota in patients with symptomatic stable asthma and relate composition to airway inflammat
45                                Patients with stable asthma exhibited exaggerated capsaicin-evoked cou
46 ven histologic findings and BI-RADS 3 masses stable at 12 months were eligible.
47 ve survival rates (RSRs) remained relatively stable at 32.9%, 33.2% and 33.2% during each decade.
48 temperaturet 35 degrees C and was relatively stable at 77 degrees C, with 59.93% loss of activity.
49                       These new linkages are stable at a wide range of pH values (pH 2.8 to 12.8), un
50 ically fouled, and the achieved LRV remained stable at different operating TMPs.
51  where high hybridisation rates appear to be stable at least since the 1990s.
52                 The capsule dispersions were stable at pH 2.0-7.0 and after heating at 95 degrees C f
53                    The ECs are antigenically stable at temperatures above the conversion temperature
54 orylation of the tail results in prematurely stable attachments that restrain spindle elongation.
55 ygdala neurons was stimulus-specific, formed stable attractors and was predictive of memory content.
56 ions near MECOM and LMO2 These clones showed stable behavior over multiple years and never expanded t
57  and predicts that LAMP is thermodynamically stable below a critical chiAC, above which LAM3 emerges.
58 male), the standardized annual incidence was stable between 7.6 (95% CI, 7.4 to 7.9) and 7.8 (95% CI,
59  precise, high-throughput technique revealed stable between-host variation in colonization when indiv
60                                A compact and stable bicyclic bridged ketal was developed as a ligand
61 g photopigment were expressed, having a dark stable blue intermediate state.
62 orrelation between activity and movement was stable both over time and across VR environments.
63        Homeostatic signalling systems ensure stable but flexible neural activity and animal behaviour
64 veloped methodology for the determination of stable carbon isotope ratio was evaluated in comparison
65          Emissions from trees had an average stable carbon isotope value (delta(13)C) of -66.2 +/- 6.
66                          Fatty acid and bulk stable carbon isotope values of cave-adapted shrimp sugg
67 e, the main difficulty resides in generating stable catalysts.
68 avitation controlling paradigm that sustains stable cavitation while suppressing inertial cavitation
69 nditional cell reprogramming, we generated a stable cell culture of an extremely rare and aggressive
70                     Senescence is a state of stable cell cycle exit with important implications for d
71  facilitate the VLP platform, we generated a stable cell line expressing high levels of ZIKV prM-E pr
72 , cells incubated with MIR21 inhibitors, and stable cell lines with inducible expression of MIR21.
73  H3K9me2 and H3K27me3, which are involved in stable cellular differentiation, specifically in cardiom
74 d with 5H-purin-6-amine could maintain their stable characteristics.
75 for Evaluation of Chest Pain), patients with stable chest pain and intermediate pretest probability f
76 ary practice, more than 25% of patients with stable chest pain referred for noninvasive testing will
77 graphy as part of the clinical evaluation of stable chest pain.
78  MRI studies were performed in 97 clinically stable children with CF across the pediatric age range (
79 her, these findings indicate that ostensibly stable chromatin modifications can be dynamically regula
80                             DNA is much more stable compared to RNA and thus provides a larger and mo
81                                   It forms a stable complex with XPC in the nucleoplasm under steady-
82 udies clearly reveal that LumC13-ALK5 form a stable complex.
83           Enterobacterial MlaA proteins form stable complexes with OmpF/C (5,6) , but the porins do n
84 detail a synthesis process yielding safe and stable compounds, and visualize how these nanomedicines
85 meters are regulated by VEGFA signaling, and stable connections are spatially regulated by endothelia
86  liver sinusoidal endothelial cells remained stable, consistent with the absence of progressive graft
87 tory of ASA sensitivity with known/suspected stable coronary artery disease or presenting with an acu
88 l flow reserve with best MT in patients with stable coronary artery disease to assess clinical outcom
89 ation or against each other in patients with stable coronary artery disease.
90 erally accepted model to predict outcomes in stable coronary heart disease (CHD).
91                           A room-temperature-stable crystalline 2H-phosphirene (1) was prepared by tr
92 color developed due to ICT in the moderately stable cyano substituted enolate intermediate.
93 rget gene, to control the establishment of a stable developmental program for the formation of flower
94 hange DII group than in the antiinflammatory-stable DII group (hazard ratio = 1.32, 95% confidence in
95  (Pinteraction = 0.055), the proinflammatory-stable DII group was at increased risk of overall CRC an
96 enolic compounds leading to the formation of stable diketones e.g. 1,2-quinones.
97                         The highly thermally stable dimers dissociate on the sub-second timescale whe
98 ugh other CLC channels and transporters form stable dimers, ClC-4 was mostly observed as monomer, wit
99                   Eight patients experienced stable disease > 3 months, including a patient with meta
100 mplete response, 49%; partial response, 38%; stable disease [SD] or local disease progression [DP], 1
101 of 17] partial response), with 18% (3 of 17) stable disease and 30% (5 of 17) progressive disease.
102               Complete and partial response, stable disease, and progressive disease were defined acc
103  response, partial response, minor response, stable disease, or progressive disease.
104 ic in the HeLa cells; whereas the WT-MIP was stable dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, and it appear
105                   Patients who were taking a stable dose of methotrexate were randomly assigned in a
106                  Patients were maintained on stable doses of antipsychotic medications.
107      The bacterial composition of the JC was stable during development and mirrored that of the ANG.
108  MS, and the strong covalent cross-links are stable during ionization.
109                      All of the reagents are stable during long-term storage and can be prepared in a
110  unity) in the pedestal ingrained with quasi-stable edge-localized mode (QSM) which commonly appears
111                                          The stable effector functionLess (SEFL) antibody was designe
112  the level of cognition but exert relatively stable effects over time.
113    However, developing active, selective and stable electrocatalysts is challenging and entails mater
114 amond (BND) was reported as an efficient and stable electrode for selective reduction of CO2 to ethan
115               Despite this correlation under stable environmental conditions, the responses of both p
116  methylation changes can produce meiotically stable epialleles, which are transmissible through selec
117 ned innate immunity', and is underwritten by stable epigenetic changes in immune and metabolic pathwa
118 o capacity was constructed for the rapid and stable expression of recombinant proteins in different p
119  network structure and circuit simulation is stable, fault tolerant and efficient, which is a useful
120 onvex functions, for unbiased estimation and stable feature selection simultaneously.
121              However, due to the lack of any stable flea cell line or a published flea genome sequenc
122 ion of a transient complex that precedes the stable flipped-out complex, but it is not clear how this
123         The donut-shaped microparticles were stable for more than 18months and can be used as a carri
124   Nevertheless, HDAC activity contributed to stable gene silencing.
125  epigenetically inherited in cis, leading to stable gene silencing.
126 adruplex sequences that do not actually form stable genomic G4 structures, correctly assessing the G4
127      Reduction of the thermodynamically more stable goethite and hematite changed from complete and f
128 urements show that L1Cy5-7OTD dwells on more stable GQ for longer times and binds to such GQ with hig
129  and tau = 98 +/- 15 s for the more and less stable GQ, respectively).
130 erant recipients may contribute to long-term stable graft acceptance.
131 al entry, where virions with relatively acid-stable hemagglutinin (HA) proteins are rendered incapabl
132 torically, VZV is among the most genetically stable herpesviruses, a notion supported by more than 60
133 lian shelterin proteins POT1 and TPP1 form a stable heterodimer that protects chromosome ends and reg
134                                              Stable, high-resolution intravital imaging of the lung h
135 ve defined genetic markers able to segregate stable HIV-1-controllers from those who experience CD4(+
136                    EPR spectroscopy applying stable hydrophilic and hydrophobic radicals is advantage
137 nute myocardial injury even in patients with stable ICM.
138       Blood pressure and heart rate remained stable in all cohorts.
139       The High Pressure Quenched glasses are stable in ambient conditions after decompression.
140                         Centromeres are also stable in multiple F1 hybrid contexts.
141        The bromo- and chloroxenate salts are stable in the atmosphere at room temperature and were ch
142          The breakpoint appears to be fairly stable in the future, suggesting resilience of the Amazo
143                         These species remain stable in the liquid phase at room temperature but conve
144                               The enzyme was stable in the pH range of 3.0-8.0.
145 are consistent within individuals and appear stable in the population, with no reproductive advantage
146 ls of varied phenotype and function that are stable in the presence of IL-2 and IL-23.
147 ory T cells in liver transplant patients was stable in the study period.
148 e primary enzyme in humans that prevents the stable incorporation of deoxyuridine monophosphate into
149                         In contrast, the MHC stable insulin mimetope (InsB9-23 R22E) efficiently dele
150                  During S-phase, dynamic and stable interactions decreased considerably compared to G
151 ng reasoning demands are integrated within a stable intrinsic brain topology.
152 azo transfer to beta-keto sulfoxides to form stable isolable alpha-diazo-beta-keto sulfoxides has bee
153                                    The least stable isomer of the parental BN naphthalene series has
154                               Multielemental stable isotope analysis of persistent organic pollutants
155            The assay involves the use of the stable isotope dilution method.
156                           The multielemental stable isotope fingerprints facilitate the source identi
157              Degradation tests with radio or stable isotope labeled compounds enable the detection of
158  show by blue-native gel electrophoresis and stable isotope labeling in cell culture proteomics that
159                              Here, we used a stable isotope labeling technique ((18)O and (2)H) to de
160                                              Stable isotope labeling with multiple reaction monitorin
161  describe two new complementary approaches - stable isotope probing coupled with nanoscale secondary
162                                              Stable isotope ratios of HCHs cover the ranges from -233
163 here are limitations to 'substrate-specific' stable isotope tracers, which limit physiological insigh
164 tlands during winter - inferred from feather stable isotope values - induces residual effects that ca
165 to analyze the fate of individual atoms from stable isotope-enriched precursors to products to deduce
166 ss Spectrometery (GC-MS) together with (13)C stable isotope-labelled glucose and glutamine as metabol
167                                              Stable isotope-resolved metabolomics (SIRM) is an approa
168 asured with the use of liquid-chromatography-stable-isotope dilution-multiple-reaction monitoring-mas
169                                              Stable-isotope tracer experiments combined with nuclear
170                                 Here, we use stable isotopes and NanoSIMS to show that the cyanobacte
171 l studies and come in various forms, such as stable isotopes, compound specific analyses (e.g., amino
172 re we describe the results in a cohort of 10 stable kidney transplant recipients (median of 4.3 years
173 in I are associated with adverse outcomes in stable kidney transplant recipients.
174                         SH-SY5Y cells with a stable knockdown of Parkin or SLP-2, as well as induced
175                  Overall, this system allows stable labeling and monitoring of HIV genomic DNA within
176 th a normal Nugent score at all visits had a stable lactobacilli dominated microbiota with prevailing
177                                              Stable laser pulses with a duration as short as 660 fs a
178                                    Low noise stable lasers have far-reaching applications in spectros
179 linear body dynamics using local, online and stable learning rules is unclear.
180 , which renders ApoE4 thermodynamically less stable, less structured, and topologically less rigid co
181 egetation system, we include symmetric alpha-stable Levy perturbations.
182 situ release of the required hydrogen from a stable liquid offering one way of ensuring its safe stor
183 ect of BECs was significantly reduced in the stable LTx group (24 +/- 8%, P = 0.009), but not in the
184 e collected from patients with BOS (n = 10), stable lung transplant patients (n = 18), and healthy ag
185 strates is presented here for preparation of stable, macroscopic single-crystal blue-phase materials.
186             Nonmetabolic responders (n = 6) (stable metabolic disease or progressive disease) showed
187          Here, Li and co-workers fabricate a stable metal-organic framework functionalized with terti
188 ell egress and apoptosis to re-establish the stable microglial network.
189 ntrollable hierarchical porous structures in stable MOFs, which facilitates the diffusion and adsorpt
190 gy thus enables a new paradigm for using air-stable molecular dopants to improve conductivity in, and
191                   Specifically, structurally stable mutants show low aggregation propensity and moder
192        Here, we demonstrate the use of bench-stable N-H and N-alkyl oxaziridines derived from readily
193 w mass fractions of nanoparticles, producing stable nanoparticle dispersions and simultaneously offer
194 formance of networks with N-stable and (N-1)-stable network-capacity allocations by triggering cascad
195 and 3 phenylene rings, we construct moisture-stable Ni-MOF-74 members with adjustable pore apertures,
196  corals reefs across scales by analyzing the stable nitrogen isotopic (delta(15)N) values of the scle
197                            T-DNA inserts are stable; no transgene rearrangements were observed.
198      This study presents the complete set of stable noble gases for Barnett Shale and Strawn Group pr
199 r nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB), whereas stable, non-oxidizable analogs were less active, with a
200              In addition, Se devices are air-stable, non-toxic, and extremely simple to fabricate.
201 rus (HMPV) forms homotetramers composed of a stable oligomerization domain (Pcore) flanked by large i
202                 The patients were clinically stable on fingolimod.
203 cells' activity and task features was mostly stable on single days but underwent major reorganization
204  a photoswitch can be isomerized to the more stable one catalytically upon reduction, permitting the
205 hese structures, traditionally assumed to be stable only at acidic pH, have been found to form under
206 pression, respectively, thereby enabling the stable operation of lithium metal electrodes.
207             Additionally, attrition remained stable or decreased across both measures in nearly all c
208 the activity in non-melanized cells remained stable or decreased.
209 ide, and in many countries the prevalence is stable or decreasing.
210 i-vessel coronary artery disease, history of stable or unstable angina, previous multi-vessel percuta
211 ture overviews the basic principles of using stable organic radicals involved in reversible exchange
212 it high solubility and a tendency to provide stable organized structures with desirable electronic pr
213                             We randomized 54 stable outpatients with cirrhosis and ascites to rifaxim
214 ES toolbox, which supports generating models stable over a broad range of reconstructed and synthetic
215 se conditions, the compounds are kinetically stable over long time periods (>100 days).
216                  The 1T-MoS2 can keep highly stable over one year, presenting an ideal model system f
217 nce but otherwise leptosperin was chemically stable over prolonged storage at 37 degrees C.
218  encapsulation efficiency of 53-78%, and are stable over time (30days).
219 es widely between individuals but is largely stable over time within individuals [4, 5].
220 nulus rupture or aortic dissection, remained stable over time, whereas rates of cardiac tamponade and
221 d acidic esophageal reflux exposure appeared stable over time, whereas weakly acidic exposure decreas
222 h or major cardiovascular event has remained stable over time.
223 at instantaneous representations become more stable over time.
224 nction subscales, respectively, and remained stable over time.
225 ion in human prostate cancer cell lines, and stable overexpression of miR-194 enhanced metastasis of
226 ransient afferent nociceptive signals into a stable pain perception.
227                                   Clinically stable patients with ACHD who routinely visited the outp
228 gh precision, double-spike mass spectrometry stable Pb isotope data allow clearer discrimination of h
229 AR, 7 with BOS, and compared them against 13 stable pediatric LTxR at 1, 6, and 12 months after LTx.
230 es are presented with incompatible images, a stable percept gives way to perceptual alternations in w
231 ve an easy-to-use gas monitoring system with stable performance, an automated coupling-method was dev
232 , NO2, and black carbon at 30 m-scale reveal stable, persistent pollution patterns with surprisingly
233 print the transient phase diagram and find a stable photo-induced chiral spin liquid near the equilib
234  heterostructured nanotubes as efficient and stable photocatalysts for visible light CO2 reduction.
235 l type-specific levels of dve expression and stable photoreceptor fate.
236                              Patients with a stable platelet count of lower than 30 x 10(9) platelets
237 rs insight into the design of hydrolytically stable porous materials.
238                   At optimized conditions, a stable POS production with 22.0g/L/h volumetric producti
239 xide isomers derived from 1b led to a set of stable products: the cis/anti isomer was transformed int
240                                     The heat-stable protease Ser2 is secreted by the species Serratia
241  CuGaO2 is a promising HTL for efficient and stable PSCs.
242 own or limited due to inability of obtaining stable purified protein in sufficient quantities.
243 -dependent fork protection pathway, in which stable RAD51 filament formation prevents MRE11-dependent
244 ethylpiperidine (TEMPOH) was oxidized to the stable radical TEMPO by electron transfer to ferrocenium
245           This opens a new way of generating stable radicals with fascinating electronic properties u
246                              We engineered a stable Rca hexamer ring and analyzed its functional inte
247                By implementing an inherently stable, reconfigurable spatial-light-modulator-based pol
248 ession (<50 copies of HIV-1 RNA per mL) on a stable regimen for at least 6 months, CD4 count of more
249 PRTN3 promoter may predict the likelihood of stable remission and explain autoantigen gene regulation
250 rapies, with all patients achieving complete stable remission, pharmacologic remission, or minimal ma
251 de excellent patient and graft survival, and stable renal function over 4 years.
252                      Among ICU patients with stable renal function, the benefit of using sodium bicar
253 e to support learning but must also maintain stable representations to facilitate memory recall.
254  acid substitutions from ClO2-labile to ClO2-stable residues in the viral proteins, which likely incr
255                        The vectors exhibited stable RSV F expression in vitro and in vivo In conclusi
256 ng regenerated from its sulfite/sulfate heat stable salt, which enables the simultaneous absorption o
257  relate to the role of RG cells to provide a stable scaffold for neuronal migration, and suggest that
258  its coherent integration with a compatible, stable second component.
259  described herein allows the construction of stable secondary and tertiary amine-linked protein conju
260 pening of the primarily nucleated larger and stable seeds.
261 elet transfusion in solid tumors or chronic, stable severe thrombocytopenia) or that were addressed p
262 m, convert strictosidine to akuammicine, the stable shunt product of preakuammicine.
263 thesise the passively carrier-envelope phase-stable signal and idler pulses to generate 33 muJ, 0.88-
264                                 For the more stable silanone 2b (R = t-Bu), a selective transformatio
265  control in a laser cavity is critical for a stable single-mode operation of a ring laser.
266                                              Stable sinus rhythm restoration was immediate in 61.5% o
267 ontrary to the general understanding, highly stable solid electrolytes with metal anodes in fact prom
268  learning in wild-type mice was supported by stable spatial maps and robust remapping of place fields
269 iverge to produce distinct thermodynamically stable species (parallel and antiparallel G-quadruplex i
270 ricyclic "transition state" becomes the most stable species on the reaction hypersurface.
271 nd genes reveal persistent movements between stable speech communities facilitated by kinship rules.
272 s 53 (70.7%) showed a noninjured, preserved (stable [STA]) parenchyma.
273 membranes and maintain them in a soluble and stable state in aqueous solutions for downstream charact
274 that ZFs 3 and 4 form an unusual compact and stable structure that restricts their motions.
275 585P mutant was also compromised for forming stable subnuclear foci in living cells.
276 rdable, flexible, lightweight, efficient and stable supercapacitors, metal oxides have been shown to
277 er, with ClC-3-ClC-4 heterodimers being more stable than ClC-4 homodimers.
278                      Lutein esters were more stable than free carotenoids in vivo and the enzymes enc
279 6)Am-initiated transcripts are markedly more stable than mRNAs that begin with other nucleotides.
280 protein-coding regions and introns were less stable than mRNAs that end at 3'-UTR poly(A) sites.
281 Mg(2+) concentrations, are considerably less stable than natural variants under near-physiological io
282 in endometrial samples were found to be more stable than those previously identified as the most stab
283 yments of the bundled-payment group remained stable, the cumulative medical payments for the FFS grou
284                            The ExsY array is stable to heat and chemical denaturants, forming a robus
285 tiple local circuits and, importantly, allow stable tracking of the evolution of these neurons over t
286  to depend on GR SUMOylation, which leads to stable trans-recruitment of the GR-N-CoR/SMRT-HDAC3 core
287 on of proto-oncogene c-Myb in TAMs induced a stable transcriptional repression of 5-LO.
288                                              Stable transform-limited femtosecond soliton pulses were
289  the epigenome of T cells, thereby promoting stable Treg differentiation and functionality.
290                                              Stable, ultralow power consumption, and high-sensitivity
291                                 CSO remained stable up to 300 degrees C with negligible degradation.
292                       These active sites are stable up to 800 degrees C in oxidizing environments.
293                                              Stable upregulation of TSPAN1 in both DU145 and PC3 cell
294                    Patients with minimal and stable ventilator settings may be suitable candidates fo
295  "continuity field" has been demonstrated on stable visual attributes such as orientation and face id
296              We measured Hg, major ions, and stable water isotopes from the snowpack through the enti
297                         Such differences are stable with repeated exposures to acute total sleep depr
298 actions, the viral assemblage was remarkably stable, with the most abundant viral types persisting ov
299  an epigenetic state that is inherently less stable within the A. thaliana species.
300 e change adaptation, because it can maintain stable yields across a wide variety of environmental con

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