


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng of PML target genes using a PML-inducible stable cell line.
2 chia pastoris), COS-1 cells and in an HEK293 stable cell line.
3 s, E1 functions are supplied in trans from a stable cell line.
4 recordings from human Na(v)1.7 channels in a stable cell line.
5 spectroscopy, the purified receptor, and the stable cell line.
6 cation of HpSlyD and in an HpSlyD-expressing stable cell line.
7 nd constitutive expression in microsatellite-stable cell lines.
8 atic aneuploidy in previously karyotypically stable cell lines.
9 ector was used to create geneticin-resistant stable cell lines.
10 tically accelerate the production of complex stable cell lines.
11 nt human embryos, primordial germ cells, and stable cell lines.
12  rearrangements of the actin cytoskeleton in stable cell lines.
13 se (ERK) 2 activation compared with beta(1A) stable cell lines.
14 n transient transfection systems, but not in stable cell lines.
15 elevance to experiments requiring the use of stable cell lines.
16 n of GP Ib alpha was equivalent in these two stable cell lines.
17 re expressed both in insect cells and in CHO stable cell lines.
18 he neo gene and selected in G418 to generate stable cell lines.
19 tide helical structure and generated several stable cell lines.
20 he host cells, thus leading to generation of stable cell lines.
21 umors were transplantable and established as stable cell lines.
22 es can be isolated and expanded to establish stable cell lines.
23 fluorescent protein-tagged proteins in human stable cell lines.
24 oth Trps1-deficient and Trps1-overexpressing stable cell lines and analyzed the progression of minera
25 the human CRF1 and CRF2 receptor subtypes in stable cell lines and characterized 125I-Tyr0-sauvagine,
26 how that epiblast cells can be maintained as stable cell lines and interrogated to understand how plu
27 rus-associated APO3G and (ii) we constructed stable cell lines and selected clones expressing compara
28 n fluorescence protein (GFP) expressing RGC5 stable cell lines and studied the changes in cell migrat
29 oid cell type-specific expression of PU.1 in stable cell lines and transgenic animals is conferred by
30                                              Stable cell lines and transgenic mice that express G100L
31 fragment for expression of reporter genes in stable cell lines and transgenic mice.
32                                   Using both stable cell lines and transient transfection we demonstr
33                          Here we show, using stable cell lines and transient transfections, that over
34 tion mutant lacking only this alpha-helix in stable cell lines and Xenopus laevis photoreceptors.
35 xpression of FGE, either transiently or as a stable cell line, and the resulting aldehyde can be sele
36 o estimate receptor expression level for the stable cell line, and titration of a membrane preparatio
37 ed the mutant apoA-I forms to establish nine stable cell lines, and developed strategies for the larg
38 elevant systems, including purified enzymes, stable cell lines, and virally infected cells.
39 e DAT within plasma membrane microdomains in stable cell lines, and was essential for amphetamine-ind
40                                      Using a stable cell line approach, we characterize the activatio
41              Toward this end, we established stable cell lines by introducing a dominant-negative mut
42 p53-mediated tumor suppression, we generated stable cell lines capable of expressing exogenous EphA2
43                  We have established several stable cell lines capable of inducibly expressing a p53
44                                              Stable cell lines (CHO) transfected with either human co
45                                              Stable cell lines constitutively expressing Rd2 were est
46 and 3 were transfected into Huh-7 cells, and stable cell lines containing functional replicons were s
47                             Experiments with stable cell lines created by transfection with either wi
48 3(280)A, and W6.48(357)A mutant receptors in stable cell lines created in HEK cells for agonist-stimu
49 ing bacterial artificial chromosome-minigene stable cell lines, CRISPR/Cas9 enhancer-deleted daughter
50 assays; moreover, overexpression of p202a in stable cell lines decreased the endogenous levels of mRN
51                           In addition, these stable cell lines demonstrated an increased proliferatio
52  knockdown of Drosophila CTCF by RNAi in our stable cell lines demonstrates that CTCF itself is criti
53                                  Employing a stable cell line derived from p53-deficient human fibrob
54 rated nonnative amino acids were produced in stable cell lines derived from a CHO cell line with tite
55 e of Brn-3b in breast cancer, we established stable cell lines derived from the MCF7 human breast can
56 eractions, we separately introduced into the stable cell line either D3 receptors carrying an hemaggl
57  after DNA transfer and titers obtained from stable cell lines, emerging weeks later, showed strong c
58                                              Stable cell lines expressed ribozymes at modest levels (
59 cellular processes, we describe the use of a stable cell line expressing a fusion of green fluorescen
60  a red fluorescent VP26 fusion (PRV180) on a stable cell line expressing a green VP26 fusion (PK15-mN
61                               We developed a stable cell line expressing alpha-SYN endogenously tagge
62                                   By using a stable cell line expressing dominant negative Smad3, we
63 irus, generated separately by infection of a stable cell line expressing E2-G or E2DeltaHVR1-G with a
64                                            A stable cell line expressing EB1-green fluorescent protei
65 er demonstrate that extracts prepared from a stable cell line expressing epitope-tagged wild-type TBP
66                          We have generated a stable cell line expressing FLAG epitope-tagged D3 dopam
67                                 We created a stable cell line expressing FoxI1-green fluorescent prot
68  facilitate the VLP platform, we generated a stable cell line expressing high levels of ZIKV prM-E pr
69 human RPE65 using the adenovirus system in a stable cell line expressing lecithin retinal acyltransfe
70                                We prepared a stable cell line expressing the glucagon receptor to cha
71                                            A stable cell line expressing the most effective intrabody
72 c transposons generated a heterozygous SCN1A stable cell line expressing two separate alleles of the
73 ant Ras gene (Ras-ala15) in a Drosophila S-2 stable cell line expressing X (X-S2), or incubation of t
74 fers an excellent opportunity for generating stable cell lines expressing a defined single molecule p
75 isolation of a GPN1/GPN3/RNAPII complex from stable cell lines expressing a dominant negative GPN1 ha
76                                   We created stable cell lines expressing ACII and the D2L receptor,
77                                              Stable cell lines expressing an activated mutant of mTOR
78 ibits tumor promoter-induced transformation, stable cell lines expressing antisense Pdcd4 were genera
79                                        Using stable cell lines expressing both OB-Ra, the most abunda
80 raminidase-deficient HPF3 variant (C28a) and stable cell lines expressing C28a or wild-type (wt) HN.
81                       We established several stable cell lines expressing CD163 cDNAs from pig, human
82 rized and polarized conditions, we developed stable cell lines expressing deltaF508 or wild-type CFTR
83                                        Using stable cell lines expressing E2 we show that this downre
84 EC50 and gamma(noise) values for SYM 2081 in stable cell lines expressing either (GluR6(R) or GluR6(R
85                                              Stable cell lines expressing either full-length or trunc
86 d EC50 and gammanoise values for SYM 2081 in stable cell lines expressing either GluR6(R) or GluR6(R)
87 ration and survival in Chinese hamster ovary stable cell lines expressing either human beta(1C) or hu
88     Here, we employ a panel of Drosophila S2 stable cell lines expressing epitope-tagged exosome subu
89                                 To this end, stable cell lines expressing fatty acid transporters as
90                                              Stable cell lines expressing green fluorescent protein (
91 release of alkaline phosphatase (AP) in THCE stable cell lines expressing HB-EGF-AP.
92                              By constructing stable cell lines expressing JCV T125A and T125D mutants
93 ivate the pro-survival protein kinase Akt in stable cell lines expressing K721M and ErbB2 but, unlike
94                                              Stable cell lines expressing mSTRPC4 showed abundant mST
95 ion is the strategy of choice for generating stable cell lines expressing multiple genes for the stud
96 he strategy of these studies was to generate stable cell lines expressing murine AHR proteins that we
97 dvantage in human cancer cells, we generated stable cell lines expressing p53 mutants p53-R175H, -R27
98  lymphoid cell line, BaF3, for generation of stable cell lines expressing PAR-2 (BaF3/PAR-2) or the n
99 P2E1 in ethanol-mediated oxidative stress in stable cell lines expressing predominantly mt CYP2E1 or
100 ceptors were transfected into 293 cells, and stable cell lines expressing similar numbers of receptor
101 on (STAT) signaling, HeLa- and MCF-7-derived stable cell lines expressing SOCS1, SOCS2, and SOCS3 pro
102                                              Stable cell lines expressing the mutant polypeptide secr
103 + channel permeation pathway, we created two stable cell lines expressing the voltage-dependent rat s
104  binding of specific CC or CXC chemokines to stable cell lines expressing their respective high affin
105                                              Stable cell lines expressing these mutations were assess
106                                         With stable cell lines expressing these ORFs, we analyzed the
107                                Surprisingly, stable cell lines expressing VEGF-A siRNAs silenced VEGF
108 ransfected with HDV cDNA do not give rise to stable cell lines expressing viral antigens or replicati
109 ed for pharmacologic chaperoning activity in stable cell lines expressing wild-type and P23H opsin.
110 -mediated gene transfer was used to generate stable cell lines expressing wild-type CD1d or a chimeri
111 s of elevating the Gab2 level in K562 cells, stable cell lines for doxycycline-inducible expression o
112 echanisms and for considering development of stable cell lines for liver-directed therapies.
113            Moreover, we found that a primary stable cell line from wild-type mouse marrow cells expre
114                  First, we generated several stable cell lines from melanomas of transgenic mitfa-BRA
115                                            A stable cell line (GT2-LPk) derived from LLC-Pk was creat
116 type 5-HT2C receptors in an S138R-expressing stable cell line had no effect on ligand binding to wild
117                                We found that stable cell lines harboring D32A-mutated beta-catenin we
118                                            A stable cell line has been produced that incorporates hex
119               Tetracycline-inducible HEK293S stable cell lines have been prepared that express high l
120 alls, subcellular organelles and the lack of stable cell lines have prevented routine application of
121       Investigations with both platelets and stable cells lines have shown the PIA2 polymorphism is p
122                               We developed a stable cell line, HeLa/CL3-4, expressing MyD88/Bla(a) an
123 Ala94, A1 AR immunoreactivity was present on stable cell lines; however, functional binding sites cou
124 ransgenic mouse model and different microRNA stable cell lines identified Arrdc3, Neurod4, and caspas
125                         We could thus create stable cell lines in hepatoma-derived SK-Hep-1 cells tha
126  activation was strongly reduced in beta(1C) stable cell lines in response to fibronectin adhesion an
127                                  Each of the stable cell lines in which kinase-defective mutants of c
128  titer of the VSV pseudotype, derived from a stable cell line incorporating both of the chimeric glyc
129                    To study DBCCR1 function, stable cell lines, inducible for DBCCR1 expression by te
130                            The production of stable cell lines is an important technique in cell biol
131 role in interferon signaling by generating a stable cell line, L-C6, by using the lentiviral expressi
132                                         This stable cell line (LFBK-alphaVbeta6) showed beta6 express
133 maining low in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) stable cell lines, low-grade glioma-derived primary cult
134  Similar experiments with a more genetically stable cell line of 184A1 also revealed an increased fre
135                                            A stable cell line of HEp-2 overexpressing RNase L inhibit
136  cDNA library was generated from A6 cells, a stable cell line of renal distal nephron origin, and the
137                                        Using stable cell lines of C3H10T1/2 murine fibroblasts that c
138 tivation on BCSG1 expression, we established stable cell lines of T47D that express the dominant nega
139 e biological effect of AS3 was tested in two stable cell lines, one expressing sense and another expr
140                         Here, we generated a stable cell line overexpressing a dominant-negative poin
141 ion in activated macrophages by generating a stable cell line overexpressing stathmin-GFP.
142 xamination of mitochondrial bioenergetics in stable cell lines overexpressing GFP-tagged p55 variants
143 l proliferation arrest was also inhibited in stable cell lines overexpressing MAN1.
144                                 We show that stable cell lines overexpressing MEKK3 not only had elev
145 siently transfected cells and in transfected stable cell lines overexpressing p202.
146                                        Here, stable cell lines overexpressing processed forms of SUMO
147 nase (IKK), and IKK activity is augmented in stable cell lines overexpressing TRE17, in a USP-depende
148                                   Using both stable cell lines overexpressing uPAR and transient gene
149                                              Stable cell lines overexpressing variable levels of MTF1
150         In the present study, we generated a stable cell line, overexpressing the two types of activi
151                             In rat hepatoma, stable cell lines, overexpression of APOBEC-1 resulted i
152 ion of the integrins' biological activities, stable cell lines producing the soluble integrins were g
153 bility to rapidly induce OGT expression in a stable cell line provides an excellent model system to s
154 ar expression of this antibody into either a stable cell line replicating subgenomic RNA, or a transi
155 aive Huh7.5 cells with HCV released from the stable cell lines resulted in high levels of HCV protein
156 ene expression profiling of miRNA-expressing stable cell lines revealed 66 genes that were commonly d
157                                  Analyses of stable cell lines revealed that the carboxy-terminal dom
158                                              Stable cell lines robustly produce HCV virions with up t
159 n rhodopsin expressed by the HEK293S GnTI(-) stable cell line showed it to be Man(5)GlcNAc(2).
160    In comparison with the control cells, the stable cell line showed significant Galpha-mediated liga
161      Saturation analysis of a human M1 mAChR stable cell line showed that [(3)H]PT-1284 bound to M1 m
162                     LANA expression in these stable cell lines showed a dramatic increase in chromoso
163                By the same strategy, another stable cell line simultaneously overexpressing human 11b
164                                            A stable cell line simultaneously overexpressing recombina
165 ing an immortalized mouse hepatocyte-derived stable cell line supporting a high level of HBV replicat
166 f a dominant-negative karyopherin-beta1 in a stable cell line supporting HBV replication resulted in
167 n a Drosophila melanogaster Schneider 2 (S2) stable cell line system.
168 cells transfected with Rluc/NeoRep yielded a stable cell line that contains persistently replicating
169        (iii) Passage of UL34-null virus on a stable cell line that expresses CL04 resulted in selecti
170 , because a similar effect was observed in a stable cell line that expresses one-tenth of CFTR.
171                                            A stable cell line that overexpresses PRAJA exhibits low l
172 AF-1 in cultured cells failed to produce any stable cell line that overexpresses SAF-1.
173 icons, targeting of Sindbis virus replicons, stable cell lines that can be induced to produce replico
174 ant and mutant HIV-1 strains in infection of stable cell lines that coexpress the CD4 and chemokine r
175 /GFP via genetic trans complementation using stable cell lines that constitutively express LCMV or LA
176  a retrovirus-based system, we created HL-60 stable cell lines that express a short-hairpin RNA targe
177             We developed human neuroblastoma stable cell lines that express either wild-type (WT) or
178 of Bin1 during differentiation, we generated stable cell lines that express exogenous human Bin1 cDNA
179  components of the SMN complex, we generated stable cell lines that express FLAG-tagged SMN or Gemin2
180 ruited to genomic binding sites, we analyzed stable cell lines that express tagged wild-type and muta
181 grin inside-out signaling, we generated K562 stable cell lines that expressed LFA-1 (alpha(L)beta(2))
182 pressing tumorigenesis by establishing BT549 stable cell lines that expresses full-length BAF57 prote
183                                     By using stable cell lines that inducibly express CIITA or variou
184                                              Stable cell lines that overexpress HDAC3 show a decrease
185 ne (DEX) or ethanol (EtOH) and by generating stable cell lines that overexpressed either wild type (W
186                                              Stable cell lines that produce the RRV glycoprotein-pseu
187 le of PTP-PEST using Rat1 fibroblast-derived stable cell lines that we have engineered to overexpress
188                                  We isolated stable cell lines that were resistant to OHT-induced apo
189                For flexibility in generating stable cell lines the sgRNAs have been cloned in a lenti
190                                Here, we used stable cell lines to demonstrate the SMN C-terminus modu
191                                              Stable cell lines transfected with this vector express t
192 response element (PPRE)-reporter assays in a stable cell line treated with GA resulted in enhanced ex
193                       NonRER (microsatellite stable) cell lines typically displayed highly aberrant k
194  proliferation, morphology, and cyclin D1 in stable cell lines unmasked an unexpected growth promotin
195 utions on SIM1 transcriptional activities in stable cell lines using luciferase gene reporter assays.
196  mechanisms that regulate HB-EGF shedding, a stable cell line was established expressing HB-EGF(TM) i
197 strated using transient transfections, and a stable cell line was selected.
198                sVCAM-1 binding to homogenous stable cell lines was also cell-type specific, and requi
199 Inhibition of cell proliferation in beta(1C) stable cell lines was attributable to an inhibitory effe
200                                        Using stable cell lines, we show that artificial tandem arrays
201                                              Stable cell lines were created in which either IRP1, IRP
202                                              Stable cell lines were created that express cDNAs for th
203                                              Stable cell lines were engineered to express adipogenic
204  natural host, embryonic chick chondrocytes; stable cell lines were established as well.
205                                              Stable cell lines were established by transfecting 293-E
206 the LAT-deficient Jurkat derivative, J.CaM2, stable cell lines were established expressing various ty
207 oying expression plasmids for TM-2 and TM-3, stable cell lines were established from the NRK 1569 cel
208 y Western blot, and activity measurement and stable cell lines were established.
209 Chinese hamster ovary cells (745 cells), and stable cell lines were established.
210                                              Stable cell lines were generated and tested for their ab
211                                              Stable cell lines were generated expressing this recepto
212 sense orientation and with empty vector, and stable cell lines were generated.
213                          After transfection, stable cell lines were isolated that expressed ZAP70, Sy
214                                              Stable cell lines were isolated that gave tetracycline/s
215  the C-terminal zinc finger-like domain, and stable cell lines were isolated.
216                                In this study stable cell lines were made that express antisense RCP R
217 iously to support the HPV-16 life cycle, and stable cell lines were obtained that harbored the E7-def
218                                        Three stable cell lines were shown by western blot analysis to
219                                        These stable cell lines were susceptible to PRRSV infection an
220                       Furthermore, all three stable cell lines were tumorigenic when injected into nu
221 effects of 53BP2, we have constructed HEK293 stable cell lines where 53BP2 expression can be regulate
222 levels of ELF in comparison to a Delta-PRAJA stable cell line, where ELF expression is high compared
223 activity of the DeltaN variant, we generated stable cell lines, which inducibly express DeltaNp73alph
224 significance of 53BP2 induction, we utilized stable cell lines with a ponasterone A-regulated 53BP2 c
225                                              Stable cell lines with comparable expression of wild typ
226                                              Stable cell lines with controlled increase in Anxa6 leve
227 tes in the apoptotic pathway, we constructed stable cell lines with different CSB domain disruptions.
228 s in the human cancer cells studied--even in stable cell lines with diminished expression of SRP comp
229               We have developed a variety of stable cell lines with genetic modification of mTor acti
230               Metaphase spreads derived from stable cell lines with inducible CBX fusion expression r
231 , cells incubated with MIR21 inhibitors, and stable cell lines with inducible expression of MIR21.
232 ng of EcNHX1, EcNHX3, and EcNHX4 resulted in stable cell lines with largely diminished capacities of
233 ocesses, we used RNA interference to created stable cell lines with reduced HMGN1 protein levels and
234                                Lastly, using stable cell lines with suppressed TFII-I levels, we show
235 e developed a simple approach for generating stable cell lines with variable copy numbers of any BAC.

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