


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ynthetic enzymes with the cytoskeleton via a stable complex.
2 ging 'dynamic complex' rather than a typical stable complex.
3 native mechanism to facilitate assembly of a stable complex.
4 20 conformation of the glycoprotein led to a stable complex.
5 oE, binding of the protein results in a more stable complex.
6  Tah1 binds to the Pih1 C terminus to form a stable complex.
7 f Tah1 to Pih1 allows for the formation of a stable complex.
8 domain binds preferably Cu(II) ion forming a stable complex.
9 udies clearly reveal that LumC13-ALK5 form a stable complex.
10 s of interaction with heme to form this very stable complex.
11 igand to fold with the binding groove into a stable complex.
12 h cytosolic beta-subunits (Kvbeta) to form a stable complex.
13 n between these sites are required to form a stable complex.
14 s and physically interact as a biochemically stable complex.
15  ratio is important to produce a soluble and stable complex.
16 idual gammaTuSC components for maintaining a stable complex.
17 ric-field-induced slow dissociation of these stable complexes.
18 ty, 4oo, produces the most thermodynamically stable complexes.
19  dissociation rates, indicating formation of stable complexes.
20 ediates that subsequently relax to specific, stable complexes.
21 bation leading to an increased population of stable complexes.
22 sphine 1 with K(2)PtCl(4) afforded the bench stable complex 3 which upon treatment with Ag[CB(11)H(6)
23 plekin, CPSF73, and CPSF100 are present in a stable complex and interact with histone-specific proces
24 es demonstrated that KLF15 and the GR form a stable complex and that these stress-induced transcripti
25  of two direct repeats is required to form a stable complex and to melt DNA.
26 o encourage more studies on the dynamics of "stable" complexes and to provide a word of caution about
27 ly interacts with Hha (rather than forming a stable complex) and enhances the spontaneous oxidation o
28     We find the CH3 homodimer to be a highly stable complex, and its dissociation force of >150 pN at
29                      CysK and CdiA-CT form a stable complex, and their binding interaction appears to
30 sulted in shortened M-C bond lengths for the stable complexes, and it was found that Fe(nor)4 receive
31 nvestigations were performed to test whether stable complexes are formed by additional selected TGF-b
32 CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CCL24, and XCL1, extremely stable complexes are formed.
33 he amino-terminal sensor domain is to form a stable complex as a functional kinase, but possibly not
34 e short, conserved promoter sequences form a stable complex at physiological temperatures, and this c
35 e slightly longer Ku-(1-253) homodimer forms stable complexes at both ends of linear plasmid DNA that
36 s, archaeal Cdc45 and GINS form an extremely stable complex before binding MCM.
37 sipation (QCM-D) resolved the formation of a stable complex between CymA and one of its native redox
38 rogen transcription factor TnrA by forming a stable complex between FBI-GS and TnrA that inhibits Tnr
39 ecessary, which leads to a thermodynamically stable complex between hnRNP K and the unfolded i-motif.
40  NF-kappaB signaling that the formation of a stable complex between NF-kappaB and the ankyrin repeat
41  RNA and the 3'-overhang of DNA results in a stable complex between p58C and the DNA/RNA duplex.
42  inhibitors of alpha-syn aggregation, but no stable complex between the sHsps and alpha-syn was detec
43 in interactions, enabling the formation of a stable complex between these two proteins.
44  which is consistent with the formation of a stable complex between three glutathione molecules per A
45       This suggests impaired ability to form stable complexes between the adaptor protein ankyrin R a
46 the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ORC that form a stable complex bind to origins of DNA replication and re
47            E2F1 and CDKN1C are found to form stable complexes both in vivo and in vitro.
48 thanide complexes have been synthesized from stable complexes by diazotization and azo-compound forma
49        It has been shown, however, that less stable complexes can exchange peptides in the Trans Golg
50           The calculations revealed multiple stable, complex conformations and changes in p38alpha an
51           Together, our study reveals that a stable complex containing MERIT40 acts early in DNA dama
52 ility of the residual interactions to form a stable complex decreases in an exponential fashion.
53 ibits homotypic interactions, forming highly stable complexes dependent upon hydrophobic interactions
54 ent DNA cleavage, still allow formation of a stable complex (dissociation rate <0.006 s(-1)), suggest
55 es 92% identity with proCELA3B, did not form stable complexes due to the evolutionary replacement of
56 ion complex (EI) that isomerizes to a highly stable complex (EI*) from which ITMN-191 dissociates ver
57  ferritin and ferritoid are coassembled into stable complex(es) present in embryonic and adult cornea
58 PNP), a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, promotes stable complex formation between RecQ4 and single-strand
59 ts strongly indicate a lipid requirement for stable complex formation in which the likely oligomeric
60 size exclusion chromatography we demonstrate stable complex formation of TRN-SR2 and RanGTP in soluti
61 nd numerous hydrophobic contacts account for stable complex formation with a buried surface area of 3
62                               In contrast to stable complex formation, dynamic association of PBP2 is
63 TPase and helicase activities and eliminated stable complex formation.
64                   A kissing loop is a highly stable complex formed by loop-loop base-pairing between
65 e have used atomic force microscopy to study stable complexes formed between HIV-1 integrase and vira
66 ic acid on alpha- and beta-caseins with more stable complexes formed with alpha-casein.
67  PhoA regions engaged by TF increase, a more stable complex gradually emerges.
68 ata on how these proteins assemble to form a stable complex have not been reported.
69                             These remarkably stable complexes have supramolecular structures for enzy
70 an overexpress and purify LptD and LptE as a stable complex in a 1:1 stoichiometry.
71         SFMBT1, LSD1, and CoREST also form a stable complex in germ cells, and their chromatin bindin
72                                AGR2 formed a stable complex in human cell lysates with Reptin, thus v
73  analyses, we demonstrate the formation of a stable complex in solution, in which one molecule of the
74 hat these fragments form a high affinity and stable complex in solution.
75 of TbCentrin3 and TbIAD5-1 for maintaining a stable complex in the flagellar axoneme.
76 gand to form (PNN)RuH(CO)(OH) (3'), the most stable complex in the reaction.
77          We showed that SWI5 and MEI5 form a stable complex in vitro and in vivo.
78 idoreductase 1 (Ndor1) and anamorsin--form a stable complex in vivo that was proposed to provide elec
79 man ISD11 and shown that human ISD11 forms a stable complex in vivo with the human cysteine desulfura
80 directly with Yap1 and these proteins form a stable complex in vivo.
81 owed by unrestrained MD simulations led to a stable complex in which MTERF1 was observed to undergo s
82 latively immobile, suggesting that Gag forms stable complexes in association with YB-1.
83           We show that SmgGDS-607 forms more stable complexes in cells with nonprenylated GTPases tha
84 We also determined that DIM-2 and HP1 form a stable complex independently of the trimethylation of hi
85                                     The most stable complexes induce tetramer formation of IN, as hap
86        If and how this abundant and normally stable complex is degraded by cells is largely unknown.
87 esults provide strong evidence that the most stable complex is formed between XRCC1 and Polbeta.
88 ations, and form multivalent and kinetically stable complexes is demonstrated as a powerful tool for
89  "kinetic trap" associated with particularly stable complexes is shown to be unlikely because of unfa
90          The calculations find that the most stable complex isolated in room-temperature experiments
91 egrase (IN) assembled on viral DNA ends in a stable complex, known as the intasome.
92 le DNA replication, multiple proteins form a stable complex, known as the replisome, enabling them to
93 propose a modified barrier model, in which a stable complex located at the NDR acts as a bidirectiona
94                                     The most stable complexes (log Kd up to 8.2) were found in the ca
95 mes to regulate meiotic recombination, and a stable complex may be required for sister-chromatid cohe
96      The association of PaaF and PaaG into a stable complex might serve to speed up the steps of the
97                       Mre11 and Rad50 form a stable complex (MR) and work cooperatively in repairing
98                         HPS1 and HPS4 form a stable complex named biogenesis of lysosome-related orga
99 ation and mass spectroscopy, we identified a stable complex of 174 proteins that were associated with
100 er, and at least a single zipcode to yield a stable complex of [Myo4pShe3pShe2pzipcode] in 2:4:4:1 st
101      This leads to formation of a relatively stable complex of Cosmc and denatured T-synthase accompa
102                              Additionally, a stable complex of MRPP1 and MRPP2 has m(1)R9 methyltrans
103                     We have cocrystallized a stable complex of recombinant N- and C-terminal fragment
104  18-crown-6 in the Cp'3Ln/K reaction, a more stable complex of Tb(2+) was produced as well as more st
105 of cyclizing NAD, the crystal structure of a stable complex of the cyclase with an NAD analog, ribosy
106                   We successfully identified stable complexes of crenezumab with Abeta pentamer (olig
107          It is the only ligand that supports stable complexes of Mn(3+) and Mn(2+) in biological mili
108 n that the formation of abnormally large and stable complexes of these dynamin mutants in vivo contri
109 ve and translesion polymerases do not form a stable complex on one clamp but alternate their binding.
110 ologically, the ability of RT to form a more stable complex on RNA-DNA may aid in degradation of RNA
111 ping strategy for creating a wide variety of stable complex origami and kirigami structures autonomou
112 y stabilized before the formation of a fully stable complex over approximately 2-3 minutes.
113 ing enzymes of this pathway and show another stable complex, PaaFG, an enoyl-CoA hydratase and enoyl-
114                                      The air-stable complex Pd(eta(3)-allyl)(DTBNpP)Cl (DTBNpP = di(t
115                                      The air stable complex [(PNP)FeCl(2)] (1) (PNP = N[2-P(CHMe(2))(
116     Cross-functioning pairs that do not form stable complexes produce less hydrogen peroxide and leak
117 4), which interact with each other to form a stable complex (PTB1:34).
118                               This thermally stable complex quickly evolves chlorine upon irradiation
119                                 Formation of stable complexes, resistant to high salt, requires ATP h
120 heptanedionate) ligand led to hydrolytically stable complex salts of type [(eta(6)-p-cymene)Ru(beta-d
121 ranslated region that is predicted to form a stable, complex secondary structure.
122 bitors and the fact that CK1 and MDM2 form a stable complex suggest that the MDM2 x CK1 complex is a
123 -complementary oligomers generally form more stable complexes than mismatched duplexes.
124 eries, Cu(2+) and Zn(2+) typically form more stable complexes than Mn(2+).
125                Archaeal Spt4 and Spt5 form a stable complex that associates with RNAP independently o
126                           In vitro, the sole stable complex that contains both meiosis-specific septi
127  with bound nucleotide, forming a remarkably stable complex that is highly resistant to both thapsiga
128 (IV)NC1 binds the CBD of MMP-2 and forming a stable complex that prevents activation of MMP-2.
129 y one electron to [Re(DPPBT)(3)](+) yields a stable complex that rapidly and reversibly binds ethylen
130 mSNAP190, DmSNAP50 and DmSNAP43) that form a stable complex that recognizes an snRNA gene promoter el
131 al transcription factors and Pol II can form stable complexes that are precursors for functional tran
132 n binding pathways is derived from extremely stable complexes that interact very tightly, with lifeti
133            For each imine, there is a set of stable complexes that represent minima on the potential
134 t this RD-DBD interface is necessary to form stable complexes that support gene expression.
135  state has high affinity for Cdc37 and forms stable complexes through a multidomain cochaperone inter
136 ydrogen-bond acceptors (e.g., DMPU) can form stable complexes through hydrogen bonding.
137 FA-associated protein 24 kDa (FAAP24) form a stable complex to anchor the FA core complex to chromati
138 d proteins that are thought to assemble into stable complexes to determine function.
139 estabilized, aggregation-prone proteins in a stable complex under conditions where ER chaperoning cap
140 nificantly, Ad5E1A, CtBP1, and ZNF217 form a stable complex which requires CR3 and the PLDLS motif.
141 plete T20 binding site would contribute to a stable complex, which could help to explain why prior st
142  These proteins directly interact and form a stable complex, which has been proposed to accelerate th
143                        53BP1 and TIRR form a stable complex, which is required for their expression.
144                   MSH2-MSH6 and NHP6A form a stable complex, which is responsive to ATP on mismatched
145  formed ligand/receptor clusters that formed stable complexes, which resisted dissociation by c-kit b
146 mical analyses revealed that the RQC forms a stable complex with 60S ribosomal subunits containing st
147 activates the NF-kappaB pathway by forming a stable complex with a central region (amino acids 150-27
148  vitro, (35)S-SmSrpQ was able to form an SDS-stable complex with a component of the larval lysate, bu
149             Moreover, CSB was able to form a stable complex with a range of nucleic acid substrates,
150 f the subunits of dimeric FN, resulting in a stable complex with a slow koff.
151 n the absence of other factors, DOT1 forms a stable complex with AF9 and does not interact with AF9*A
152                                 GSK3 forms a stable complex with AMPK through interactions with the A
153 ne hRPA heterotrimer is sufficient to form a stable complex with an unfolded 26-mer G-quadruplex prio
154 SSS may in fact be direct, since SSS forms a stable complex with and antagonizes nAChR function in tr
155 -ETO's DNA-binding domain (AML1-175) forms a stable complex with apo-TRiC.
156 hly dynamic in isolation but together form a stable complex with approximately 100-nM affinity.
157 igmentosa, causes toxicity through forming a stable complex with ARR1.
158 FUS, mutant FUS-R521C proteins formed a more stable complex with Bdnf RNA in electrophoretic mobility
159 ely to interact with the R2 domain to form a stable complex with better alignment in the turn region
160 s suggest that Trm112 is not maintained in a stable complex with Bud23.
161 C5 to generate metastable C5b, which forms a stable complex with C6, termed C5b-6.
162 2, the dominant protein in aCASCADE, forms a stable complex with Cas5a.
163 gate formation because it forms an extremely stable complex with CB7 (K approximately = 10(12) M(-1))
164 we purified SCML2B and found that it forms a stable complex with CDK/CYCLIN/p21 and p27, enhancing th
165 nts of ChlB with Strep-ChlN suggested that a stable complex with ChlN is greatly impaired in the subs
166 how that PML isoform II specifically forms a stable complex with CIITA at PML bodies.
167 us effect on in vivo function, even though a stable complex with circular DNA was still observed.
168            Unlike CsoR, CstR does not form a stable complex with Cu(I); operator binding is instead i
169            The pyridinium salt 4H(+) forms a stable complex with cucurbit[7]uril (CB[7]) with 1:1 sto
170 d CRTAP have previously been shown to form a stable complex with cyclophilin B, and P3H1 was shown to
171 ein is a 140-amino acid protein that forms a stable complex with DAT and is linked to the pathogenesi
172 xpressed in dopaminergic neurons and forms a stable complex with DAT in vivo via GST pulldown and co-
173 idues in the HG chain are required to form a stable complex with endogenous HG through calcium comple
174  all of the other mutants are able to form a stable complex with EYA.
175 In the stabilization phase, cofilin formed a stable complex with F-actin, was persistently retained a
176 ect cells, a small fraction of FANCI forms a stable complex with FANCD2 (Fanconi anemia complementati
177 hat PZ dissociated from ZPI once ZPI forms a stable complex with FXa, and kinetic analyses confirmed
178                           It formed a highly stable complex with gp41 N-terminal heptad repeat peptid
179  single-ring GroEL variant GroEL(SR) forms a stable complex with GroES, arresting the chaperoning rea
180                 Whereas FKBP4 and p23 form a stable complex with hAgo2, the function of Cdc37 in RNAi
181  was defective in heme transfer yet formed a stable complex with Hb (Kd = 6 +/- 2 mum) in solution wi
182       Our results revealed that Red1 forms a stable complex with Hop1 in vitro and provided quantitat
183 ) compromises the ability of hSUV3 to form a stable complex with hPNPase to degrade dsRNA substrates
184     In vitro, depolymerized clathrin forms a stable complex with Hsc70*ADP.
185 2 residues of HsiC1 are sufficient to form a stable complex with HsiB1, but the C terminus of HsiC1 i
186 his study, we found that mouse Ahi1 formed a stable complex with huntingtin-associated protein 1 (Hap
187  that are paralogous to IDN2 and that form a stable complex with IDN2 in vivo.
188  kinase (or kinase complex), but none form a stable complex with IKKgamma.
189 pproaches, we demonstrate that RGS14 forms a stable complex with inactive Galphai1-GDP at the plasma
190                               IntS11 forms a stable complex with Integrator complex subunit 9 (IntS9)
191       Unlike with the azoles, CYP121 forms a stable complex with its natural substrate cYY that does
192 mentation studies showed that c-Abl formed a stable complex with Jak2 in live cells.
193 e, which forms a approximately 60 times more stable complex with K(+) than with NH(4)(+), as confirme
194 y for folding, and forms a thermodynamically stable complex with KIX without compromising binding kin
195 g spermatogenesis through the formation of a stable complex with LSD1 and CoREST.
196 s-172 ubiquitination enables RIG-I to form a stable complex with MAVS, thereby inducing IFN signal tr
197         Our study reveals that RPL11 forms a stable complex with MDM2 in vitro through direct contact
198 d protein) oncogene has been found to form a stable complex with members of the Angiomotin (Amot) fam
199  homolog of the ScPSO4/PRP19 (hPso4) forms a stable complex with Metnase on both TIR and non-TIR DNA.
200 mbinant Drp1 mutants lacking insert B form a stable complex with Mff.
201 rane helix with MraY demonstrating E forms a stable complex with MraY.
202                      Rtt109 and Vps75 form a stable complex with nanomolar binding affinity (K(d) = 1
203                                  sGC forms a stable complex with NO and carbon monoxide (CO), but not
204 or each monomer of the dimeric GPCR within a stable complex with nucleotide-free Gt.
205 lly modified cyclodextrin which gives a more stable complex with OTA than the previously published de
206 rom Drosophila, Gyc-88E, was shown to form a stable complex with oxygen.
207                        His-p23 also formed a stable complex with p24, a Wip1 protein of unknown funct
208 ssociation inhibitor (RhoGDI), which forms a stable complex with prenylated Rho GTPases.
209 h liposomes containing VAMP4, resulting in a stable complex with properties resembling canonical SNAR
210 he GDP-bound mutant, is capable of forming a stable complex with R*.
211                       RanBP1 can also form a stable complex with Ran and RCC1, although the dynamics
212 for SUMO1 as RanGAP1-SUMO1/UBC9 forms a more stable complex with RanBP2 compared with RanGAP1-SUMO2 t
213 fied by DNA affinity and was shown to form a stable complex with Rb.
214 at elevated CYCD3;1 levels, E2FA maintains a stable complex with RBR1 in proliferating cells.
215 is a monomeric and rigid domain that forms a stable complex with reduced TRX1 with 1:1 molar stoichio
216 ring entry, and incoming HPV proteins form a stable complex with retromer subunits.
217                                 GcrA forms a stable complex with RNA polymerase and localizes to almo
218 or RprA or ArcZ to act in vivo and to form a stable complex with rpoS mRNA in vitro; both were partia
219                We found that Op-IAP3 forms a stable complex with SfIAP, the native, short-lived IAP o
220 egulation of PSPC1, which replaced NONO in a stable complex with SFPQ.
221                The cholesteryl peptides form stable complex with siRNA and effectively protect siRNA
222                   Translocated SifA formed a stable complex with SKIP and Rab9 in infected cells.
223 t Las17 is part of a large and biochemically stable complex with Sla1, a clathrin adaptor that inhibi
224                 Biochemically, VAMP4 forms a stable complex with SNAREs syntaxin-1 and SNAP-25 that d
225  only the sigma(K) part was needed to form a stable complex with SpoIVFB in a pulldown assay.
226 hat catalyzes E3 ligase activity and forms a stable complex with SUMO-modified RanGAP1 and UBC9 at th
227 se and rat cDNA, we show that CNIH-3 forms a stable complex with tetrameric AMPARs and contributes to
228                             The particularly stable complex with the 2 bp separation may lend itself
229 ent evidence that the degradosome can form a stable complex with the 70S ribosome and polysomes, and
230                               APTES formed a stable complex with the capture antibody that was in tur
231 e results suggested that CENP-B forms a more stable complex with the CENP-A nucleosome through specif
232                 Specifically, CENP-B forms a stable complex with the CENP-A nucleosome, when the CENP
233 tition between the N and C termini to form a stable complex with the central hydrophobic cluster.
234      The product of gene 5.5 (gp5.5) forms a stable complex with the Escherichia coli histone-like pr
235 meric transmembrane protein that exists in a stable complex with the platelet-derived growth factor (
236          They transformed cells by forming a stable complex with the platelet-derived growth factor b
237 ts with hPCL3 and its paralog PHF1 to form a stable complex with the PRC2 members EZH2, EED, and Suz1
238 n that allows CaMKII and Epac to remain in a stable complex with the receptor.
239 tion, dethiacitryl-CoA, forms a particularly stable complex with TpCS but not pig heart CS.
240 P2 promoter, but not the P1 promoter, form a stable complex with two regions of RNAIII near the 5' an
241 ecently, it has been shown that BAG6 forms a stable complex with UBL4A and GET4 and functions in memb
242 zes both the UBA2 and XPCB domains to form a stable complex with Vpr, linking Vpr directly to cellula
243 , we found that mutant FUS proteins formed a stable complex with WT FUS proteins and interfered with
244                                   It forms a stable complex with XPC in the nucleoplasm under steady-
245 urther revealed that the secreted NA forms a stable complex with Zn(II).
246 D1 retained a high affinity for, and forms a stable complex with, the hydroxylated RPS23 substrate.
247                              Arrestin formed stable complexes with activated wild-type and 4Ala recep
248  wild type and mutant Ca(2+)-ATPases to form stable complexes with aluminum fluoride (E2.AlF) and ber
249  of this mutant, Int S12A, E449K, could form stable complexes with attP/attB, attL/attR, attL/attL an
250 ial because they neither colocalize nor form stable complexes with Bax.
251            While aldotetroses form extremely stable complexes with borate, they are not accessible by
252 plice variants have reduced capacity to form stable complexes with COI1 in the presence of the bioact
253 are superior organometallic ligands and form stable complexes with copper(III), silver(III), gold(III
254 e results suggest that (i) DNA can form very stable complexes with counterions, (ii) these complexes
255                 Most of these ligands formed stable complexes with CYP121, and their binding did not
256 ficity, as demonstrated by stronger and more stable complexes with deaminase specific ssDNA than with
257 ynamic nonspecific binding to DNA, Fis forms stable complexes with DNA segments that share little seq
258                      The pliG promoter forms stable complexes with either one or two Zur dimers with
259 enerated MHC class II molecules from forming stable complexes with endogenous self-peptides.
260                     Here, we identify PP5 in stable complexes with extracellular signal-regulated kin
261 s of protocatechuic ligand, which could form stable complexes with ferric ions to prevent their preci
262 ctopically expressed PAR1 and PAR2 both form stable complexes with G alpha(q), G alpha(11), G alpha(1
263                                The DPT forms stable complexes with GFX and enhances its solubility, p
264                   Empty MHCII molecules form stable complexes with HLA-DM, which are disrupted by bin
265             [RNQ+] prions were found to form stable complexes with Htt-103Q, and nuclear Rnq1-GFP agg
266 oluble zwitterionic ligands form kinetically stable complexes with hydrophobic drugs and dyes.
267                          The antibodies form stable complexes with intact HRV14 virions and neutraliz
268                     Pgp3 bound to and formed stable complexes with LL-37.
269 ility to bind to DMC1 and DNA but forms less stable complexes with MND1 and fails to efficiently stim
270 cipitation experiments showed that NET forms stable complexes with NK1R.
271 nstrate that purified Reptin and Pontin form stable complexes with nucleosomes.
272 al sites that bind NO and CO but do not form stable complexes with O(2).
273           Enterobacterial MlaA proteins form stable complexes with OmpF/C (5,6) , but the porins do n
274    Negatively charged DNA can form extremely stable complexes with positively charged ions.
275  confirmed that PYL4(A194T) was able to form stable complexes with PP2CA in the absence of ABA, in co
276 Both PKGIalpha and PKGIbeta formed detergent-stable complexes with SERT, and this association did not
277 sleep to qvr/sss mutants, and lynx1 can form stable complexes with Shaker-type channels and nAChRs.
278 nd showed that these wild type peptides form stable complexes with six common MHC-II alleles, represe
279 brium binding studies show that POLRMT forms stable complexes with TFB2M or TFAM on LSP with low-nano
280 cytochemistry indicated that Na(v)1.7 formed stable complexes with the beta(1)-beta(3) subunits in vi
281               Translocators were purified as stable complexes with the cognate chaperone PcrH and iso
282 ollective of structured small RNAs that form stable complexes with the conserved protein ProQ.
283 o be potent CARM1 inhibitors and also formed stable complexes with the enzyme.
284 tic activation of FhCL1 and FhCL2 and formed stable complexes with the mature enzymes.
285  Moreover, only dimeric MxA was able to form stable complexes with the nucleoprotein (NP) of IAV.
286        On tRNA genes, TFIIIB and TFIIIC form stable complexes with the same distinctive occupancy pat
287 bitory activity toward matriptase, forms SDS-stable complexes with the serine protease, and blocks ma
288      We show that these Est3 homologues form stable complexes with the TEN domain of telomerase rever
289                           The receptor forms stable complexes with the test cesium salts, CsCl and Cs
290 lphaB-crystallin oligomers formed long-lived stable complexes with their gammaD-crystallin substrates
291                           S365L did not form stable complexes with thrombin or factor Xa, and the I20
292            Sulfoxides are capable of forming stable complexes with transition metals and there have b
293  and tubulin tyrosine ligase (TTL) each form stable complexes with tubulin and inhibit tubulin polyme
294      These results establish that MRAP forms stable complexes with two different melanocortin recepto
295 family of molecular containers, able to form stable complexes with various guests, including drug mol
296  DNA and polycation come together and form a stable complex within 10 ns.
297 show that labile S4 complexes rearrange into stable complexes within a few minutes at 42 degrees C, w
298  showed that 3G11 forms a stoichiometric and stable complex without inducing a significant conformati
299 tide/siRNA complexes, we were able to obtain stable complexes without compromising the helical second
300 er than attack on the thermodynamically more stable complex, yet the major enantiomer of the catalyti

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