


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 he percentage of patients reaching the late, stable phase.
2 ulfobenzoic acid) was obtained as a pure and stable phase.
3 ambda) activity to transition to a (2) late, stable phase.
4 ited an initial rapid phase and a subsequent stable phase.
5 ors may be integral to the formation of more stable phases.
6 hemical deintercalation of thermodynamically stable phases.
7 atus of IGF2 in samples from CML patients in stable phase, accelerated phase, and blast crisis.
8 n of TIM in the late night is accompanied by stable phase advances in the temporal regulation of the
9 ever, whether elevations of TNF-alpha in the stable phase after myocardial ischemia (MI) are associat
10 t is enabled by dislocation hardening of the stable phase and transformation-induced hardening of the
11    The PK investigations were performed in a stable phase approximately 6 and 8 weeks postengraftment
12 Tar)] phase to be the most thermodynamically stable phase at low temperatures, while the [Ba(d,l-Tar)
13          In the Si/C phase diagram, the only stable phases at P = 1 atm are the numerous polytypes of
14 ositions (I4/mmm and 2FU-C2/m) were the most stable phases between approximately 160-200 GPa.
15 orph in marine environments, rather than the stable phase calcite--which is of tremendous relevance t
16 e inhibitor STI-571 is effective therapy for stable phase chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) patients, bu
17 nducing complete remissions in patients with stable-phase CML and multiple myeloma who have relapsed
18                  We show that the active and stable phase consists of single unit cell sized hollandi
19 such as cadmium selenide, which exist as two stable phases, cubic and hexagonal, each with distinct p
20 hat oscillates with the same period and with stable phase differences.
21 circuits in neighboring segments to maintain stable phase differences.
22 ental connection pattern producing realistic stable phase differences.
23 r the temperature range 20-78 degrees C this stable phase exhibits a bilayer structure, periodicity d
24    One of 12 patients transplanted in second stable phase following blast crisis also relapsed.
25 nal layers makes stacking-disordered ice the stable phase for crystallites up to a size of at least 1
26                               All identified stable phases for both networks are found to be non-pola
27                                     Only the stable phase forms charge-transfer excitons upon exposur
28 fferent ice forms were observed to melt: two stable phases, ice V and ice VI, and two metastable phas
29 r melting at great depths, where garnet is a stable phase in mantle peridotites.
30 smic models favor perovskite (MgSiO3) as the stable phase in the mantle.
31  processes rely on the accurate depiction of stable phases in a water environment.
32 N of various compositions conform to several stable phases in the three-component phase diagram of B-
33 m meso phases are the most thermodynamically stable phases in their systems over the temperature rang
34 azard remains the first year before a later, stable phase is reached.
35            We show that the persistence of a stable phase lag to changes in frequency can arise from
36 individual intersegmental connections to the stable phase lag.
37 st abundant elements, but knowledge of their stable phases may be incomplete.
38 Here we report the synthesis of a superdense stable phase of body-centred-cubic aluminium, predicted
39 y in this material is due to the fact that a stable phase of graphene nitride nanosheet is riddled wi
40 water in most slabs, we report here that the stable phase of H2O should be solid ice VII in portions
41                            The nature of the stable phase of iron in the Earth's solid inner core is
42 nts during both the early-onset and the late-stable phase of psoriasis.
43 tion that culminates in the formation of the stable phase of the product.
44                                            A stable phase of toroidal, or ringlike, supramolecular as
45                                  Five of six stable-phase patients showed normal imprinting, but LOI
46 od to design entrainment signals that create stable phase patterns in ensembles of heterogeneous nonl
47                      In the 16-week ICS dose-stable phase, rates of exacerbations requiring >/=3 days
48                           How they establish stable phase relationships under diverse conditions is f
49 us chamber model of infection selected for a stable phase-shift to a SpeB-/SpeA+ phenotype that expre
50 ' splice site at ancient Alu-exons reaches a stable phase, splicing repression by hnRNPC decreases, b
51 is phase transformation, with change to more stable phases such as hydroxyapatite affecting the rate
52 re found to convert to the thermodynamically stable phase, the (1,1) compound.
53     Free energy change with volume shows two stable phases: the condensed phase and the isolated mice
54 Tb, and Er) which were the thermodynamically stable phases under the reaction conditions.
55  either human blood or a mouse selects for a stable, phase-varied strain of group A streptococci whic
56 he 16-week inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) dose-stable phase were evaluated with respect to baseline blo
57 magnets is an example of a thermodynamically stable phase with topologically nontrivial solitonic fie
58 l scheme smoothly extends the free energy of stable phases, without relying on extrapolation, thus en

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