


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a pattern of light formed as a doughnut or a standing wave.
2 nce of a high frequency (500 kHz) ultrasonic standing wave.
3           In the orientation domain, it is a standing wave.
4 condensate in an amplitude-modulated optical standing wave.
5 , gentle particle manipulation by ultrasonic standing waves.
6  the pressure nodes or antinodes of acoustic standing waves.
7 oated particle-agglutination assays occur in standing waves.
8 ons from a travelling wave is probabilistic, standing wave absorption can be observed deterministical
9                                              Standing-wave ambient-pressure photoemission spectroscop
10 tates, the real-space distribution of phonon standing wave amplitudes, the scattering phase shifts, a
11  were located in the antinodes of an optical standing wave and were loaded from a Bose-Einstein conde
12 , this effect can be seen as the collapse of standing waves and transition to travelling waves within
13 , particle focusing using multinode acoustic standing waves, and a spatially arrayed detector, can in
14                                In situ X-ray standing-wave atomic images relative to the hematite lat
15 honon-electron interactions in bulk acoustic standing wave (BAW) resonators made from piezoelectric s
16 e the incident and diffracted electric field standing wave becomes localized in regions of small CCA
17 monstrated via direct imaging of polaritonic standing waves by means of infrared nano-optics.
18  multiplanar excitation of fluorescence by a standing wave can be produced in a single-spot laser sca
19         This design makes optimum use of the standing wave cavity to improve the energy efficiency of
20 megahertz-frequency noncavitating ultrasonic standing waves concentrate at submillimetre distances an
21 digitated bar electrode array energized in a standing-wave configuration.
22 m chains along the direction of the acoustic standing wave due to radiation interaction forces exhibi
23 ptical traps is formed at the antinodes of a standing-wave evanescent field on a nanophotonic wavegui
24 ms are rare, but have been shown to resemble standing waves, except that they lack a characteristic w
25 e of dyes specific for the cell membrane how standing-wave excitation can be exploited to generate pr
26                                              Standing-wave excitation of fluorescence is highly desir
27                                  An acoustic standing wave field is generated in the microchannel, an
28                               In an acoustic standing wave field the cells will be rotated until the
29 rmined by an applied high-amplitude acoustic standing wave field, in which particles move swiftly to
30 can only be acoustically levitated in simple standing-wave fields.
31 ces was investigated using long-period X-ray standing wave-florescence yield spectroscopy.
32 scence resonance energy transfer and optical standing wave fluorescence interferometry, we characteri
33 ed nuclei is investigated using a two-photon standing wave fluorescence photobleaching experiment wit
34 hickness in living cells (176 +/- 14 nm), by standing-wave fluorescence microscopy, and its F-actin d
35 absorber to control its interaction with the standing wave formed by the incident wave and its reflec
36  by exploring real-space profiles of plasmon standing waves formed between the tip of our nano-probe
37           We experimentally demonstrate that standing waves formed by two coherent counter-propagatin
38  be stably trapped in a surface plasmon (SP) standing wave generated by the constructive interference
39 familiar energy standing waves, polarization standing waves have constant electric and magnetic energ
40 ces coupled with the sensitivity provided by standing waves in an optical cavity and detection via im
41  an interaction of the cyclotron motion with standing waves in the trap cavity containing the electro
42              A liquid surface established by standing waves is used as a dynamically reconfigurable t
43                             Here we employ a standing-wave laser field as a spatially resolving probe
44 s the near-field Talbot effect with a single standing-wave laser pulse as a phase grating.
45         Our work extends the domain of x-ray standing wave methods to resonant x-ray emission spectro
46 ervation that atoms could be diffracted by a standing wave of light.
47 f the pectoral and pelvic girdles creating a standing wave of the axial body.
48 n indicates the presence of a nodal line and standing waves on its surface.
49 ctures with a low laser power by combining a standing-wave optical trap with confocal Raman spectrosc
50 those in vivo and failed to recapitulate the standing wave oscillations observed in vivo.
51 in vivo dynamics of the Min system including standing wave oscillations.
52 n from the cytoplasm drives a self-organized standing wave oscillator.
53                               Unlike current standing-wave parametric amplifiers, this traveling wave
54  the emergence of a distinct electromagnetic standing wave pattern in the cavity.
55 to avoid the formation of a nonphysiological standing wave pattern.
56 n conventional lasing systems, the resulting standing wave patterns exhibit only minimal overlap with
57 ser beams that create quasi-periodic optical standing-wave patterns.
58                       In this method, we use standing-wave phase shifts to move particles or cells in
59 ressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and standing-wave photoemission spectroscopy provides the sp
60               In contrast to familiar energy standing waves, polarization standing waves have constan
61 queous media by a combination of an acoustic standing wave pressure field and in situ complex coacerv
62 le argon atoms, traveling through an optical standing wave, produced a periodic array of localized me
63  phase can also be exploited to optimize the standing wave profile in planar devices to maximize ligh
64 pproaches such as coherent absorption from a standing wave promise total dissipation of energy.
65                             Here, we present standing-wave Raman tweezers for stable trapping and sen
66                                   Evanescent standing wave (SW) illumination is used to generate a si
67 n normal visual responses, and both start as standing waves: synchronous elevated activity in the V1
68 sing an application of the long-period x-ray standing wave technique.
69 oustophoretic device that uses an ultrasonic standing wave to align the blood cells, which exhibit po
70 coustic flow cytometer that uses an acoustic standing wave to focus particles into 16 parallel analys
71        We report the first use of ultrasonic standing waves to achieve cell cycle phase synchronizati
72 hip for acoustophoresis utilizing ultrasonic standing waves to focus and orient red blood cells in tw
73                Here we use long-period x-ray standing waves to study the adsorption of mercurated-pol
74 tion wide-field biological imaging by use of standing wave total internal reflection fluorescence (SW
75 eaky waveguide (MCLW) sensor with ultrasound standing waves (USW).
76 characteristics of the accompanying electron standing waves, we are able to distinguish the fluorine
77 cident and diffracted waves, which creates a standing wave with nodes at strongly absorbing atoms.
78  reflected from a metallic mirror produces a standing wave with reduced intensity near the reflective
79  of pro-grade and retrograde flow rotations, standing waves with zero angular velocities can emerge.
80 terns appear stable, they are the product of standing waves, with auxin flowing through the tissue, m
81                                 Here, we use standing-wave X-ray fluorescence (SWXF) to localize chem
82                    The variable-period x-ray standing wave (XSW) technique is emerging as a powerful

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