


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ssicles to the middle ear wall, and deformed stapes.
2 proximately tenfold greater than that of the stapes.
3 e area is >100-fold greater than that at the stapes.
4 ponential functions of the distance from the stapes.
5 se lags amounted to only 180 deg relative to stapes.
6 of the pharyngeal arches display a malformed stapes.
7 erences found in the early hominin incus and stapes, along with other aspects of the outer, middle, a
8 port syndrome, deafness with fixation of the stapes and familial periodic ataxia.
9 el for Alagille Syndrome (AGS), also display stapes and incus defects.
10 r Jagged1-Notch2 signaling in patterning the stapes and incus middle ear bones derived from the equiv
11 acochlear pressure was measured close to the stapes and quite close to the cochlear partition.
12 bone formation is caused by a failure of the stapes and styloid process to separate completely during
13 y an ectopic bone bridge located between the stapes and the posterior wall of the tympanum, which aff
14 ibrations at the basilar membrane and at the stapes, and as sound pressure in the ear canal.
15  was subsequently found to have a congenital stapes ankylosis syndrome that included hyperopia, a hem
16 he mutations observed in these families with stapes ankylosis without symphalangism are predicted to
17                                  Because the stapes anlage does not express the Brn4 gene, stapes mal
18             Furthermore, RT-qPCR analysis of stapes bone cDNA showed that SERPINF1-012 expression is
19 is is the major SERPINF1 transcript in human stapes bone.
20 ch2 signaling functions early to pattern the stapes cartilage template, with stapes malformations cor
21                           We observe similar stapes defects and hearing loss in one patient with hete
22                                 Finally, the stapes demonstrated several malformations, including cha
23 ajectories are synchronous with peak outward stapes displacement at the extreme cochlear base and acc
24  that cochlea-generated sound arrives at the stapes earlier than at the measured basilar membrane loc
25            The wave peaks near the base (the stapes end) of the cochlea for high frequency tones and
26 city or pressure in scala vestibuli near the stapes footplate to show that the middle ear by itself i
27                                  Analysis of stapes from two patients with the 5'-UTR mutations showe
28 inutive middle ear ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) housed in the tympanic cavity of the temporal bo
29 omposed of three endochondrial ossicles (the stapes, incus and malleus) and two membranous bones, the
30 e-boned auditory apparatus consisting of the stapes, incus, malleus, ectotympanic and surangular, rep
31                     Although fixation of the stapes is usually progressive and secondary to otosclero
32  pattern the stapes cartilage template, with stapes malformations correlating with hearing loss acros
33 tapes anlage does not express the Brn4 gene, stapes malformations suggest that the Brn4 gene also pla
34    Hearing impairment was more penetrant and stapes malformations were more severe in Ets1(+/-)Fli1(+
35 omplete ossicular chain (malleus, incus, and stapes) of Paranthropus robustus as well as additional e
36 ons of audiograms and transfer functions for stapes (or columella) velocity or pressure in scala vest
37  manubrium and corpus, whereas the incus and stapes resemble African and Asian great apes more closel
38 timuli, exerting forces perpendicular to the stapes superstructure, increasing middle ear impedance a
39                                Motion of the stapes (the stirrup ossicle) sets the cochlear fluid in
40                               Except for the stapes, these skeletal elements are unique to mammals an
41  backward-traveling waves and found that the stapes vibrates earlier than the basilar membrane.
42 hase difference between basilar membrane and stapes vibrations.
43 0 times greater than the displacement of the stapes, whereas the volume displacement of an area centr

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