


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 o be almost twice as common as main-sequence stars).
2 tions between HSHs (4-5 stars) and LSHs (1-2 stars).
3 bstantially ablated over the lifetime of its star.
4 it planets of 0.25 planets per main-sequence star.
5 uring the main-sequence lifetime of the host star.
6 ends strongly on the temperature of its host star.
7 ng, highly magnetized, extragalactic neutron star.
8  the inner edge of the habitable zone of the star.
9 considered to be the terminal explosion of a star.
10 sponds to 27 per cent of the diameter of the star.
11 sed in a flat file ASCII format known as NMR-STAR.
12 nts of a water-rich planet orbiting a double star.
13 circumstellar envelopes of dying carbon-rich stars.
14 he Sun's cycle and those of other solar-type stars.
15 ts are challenging for cool, slowly rotating stars.
16 ic activity from young G and K main-sequence stars.
17 rsts, large asteroid impacts, and passing-by stars.
18 ch they can accrete gas from their companion stars.
19 copy when the planets pass in front of these stars.
20 namic patterns, such as vortices, asters and stars.
21  are known to transit the even hotter B-type stars.
22 ves (GW170817) detected from merging neutron stars.
23 itions (high gas densities) required to form stars.
24 ore Outcome Set-STAndards for Reporting [COS-STAR]).
25  for the 45 selected practices was 3.46 of 5 stars (3.17-3.75) and overall ZocDoc score for the 45 se
26             This work focuses on three-point star (3PS) tiles that are either unmodified or modified
27  for the 45 selected practices was 4.72 of 5 stars (4.47-4.80).
28 distribution records of Ophiuroidea (brittle stars), a dominant component of sea-floor fauna, and fin
29                                Graphene as a star among two-dimensional nanomaterials has attracted t
30 s were formed by single/individual multi-arm star amphiphilic block copolymer poly(amidoamine)-polyva
31 compared to American patients (e.g. miR-1288-star and 324-3p).
32 polymer undergoes 'metamorphosis' into comb, star and hydrophobic block copolymer architectures.
33 ical shift values and to convert between NMR-STAR and JSONized NMR-STAR formatted files.
34 sts that the planets formed farther from the star and migrated inwards.
35 ere, we establish at atomic resolution how T-STAR and Sam68 bind to RNA, revealing an unexpected mode
36 challenges posed by the highly variable host star and the low spectral resolution of the measurements
37              The angle between the spin of a star and the orbital planes of its planets traces the hi
38  breakfast cereals, milk rice, jam, cinnamon stars and buns were extracted with methanol only.
39 smology, the baryonic components of galaxies-stars and gas-are thought to be mixed with and embedded
40 g companion hosts 35 billion solar masses of stars and has a star-formation rate of 540 solar masses
41 ginate in the turbulent convective layers of stars and have a complex dependency upon stellar rotatio
42 ervable that constrains energy production in stars and more exotic physical processes in the universe
43 rigin of chemical anomalies observed in HgMn stars and related objects.
44                                          Sea stars and sea urchins are model systems for interrogatin
45 etection of binary mergers involving neutron stars and their electromagnetic counterparts, as well as
46  called Small Transcription Activating RNAs (STARs) and create a library of high-performing and ortho
47 copic abdominal operations between HSHs (4-5 stars) and LSHs (1-2 stars).
48 22), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (3b
49 completeness of reporting, as evaluated with STARD, and citation rate as well as impact factor.
50  such as sugars and amides are ubiquitous in star- and planet-forming regions, but their formation me
51 on in the coronae of low-activity solar-like stars appears to be related to fundamental stellar prope
52 ata set, we demonstrate that merging neutron stars are a long-sought production site forging heavy el
53                           The molecules in K stars are entirely dissociated, and so the primary sourc
54            Exoplanets orbiting close to cool stars are expected to be on circular, aligned orbits bec
55 sion is triggered and what kind of companion stars are involved.
56            The magnetic fields of solar-type stars are observed to cycle over decadal periods-11 year
57 ns of solar masses ejected by the progenitor star at supernova-level energies a few hundred days befo
58                        The larger is forming stars at a rate of 2,900 solar masses per year, contains
59     The discovery of planets orbiting double stars at close distances has sparked increasing scientif
60  accretion physics in black hole and neutron star binary systems.
61 em), whereas those that formed from pairs of stars born together are more likely to have spins that a
62 y depressed in sea urchins compared with sea star, but both motif types are associated with genes fro
63 can be measured when the planet transits its star, but such ground-based spectroscopic measurements a
64 s design is that data stored in original NMR-STAR can be easily converted into its equivalent JavaScr
65 xpelled in the violent merger of two neutron stars can assemble into heavy elements such as gold and
66 y and misalignment, surprising around a cool star, can result from dynamical interactions (via Kozai
67                       The Mesolithic site of Star Carr (Yorkshire, United Kingdom) represents one of
68                                   The Rising Star cave system has produced abundant fossil hominin re
69  from the Dinaledi Chamber within the Rising Star cave system, and represents a second depositional c
70 and dating of fossil remains from the Rising Star cave system, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, hav
71                       Observations of binary stars containing an accreting black hole or neutron star
72 olution of planets, brown dwarfs and neutron star crusts is determined by the properties of dense and
73 reatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) trial (n = 4039) were used to identify clusters
74 QIDS-SR scale were identified at baseline in STAR*D.
75 trajectory of an exoplanet around an M dwarf star, derived by mapping the spectrum of the stellar pho
76                             Fully convective stars do not have a tachocline and their dynamo mechanis
77  experiments identify a region including the STAR domain that differentiates SLM2 and Sam68 activity
78 retical models of r-process-enriched neutron star ejecta, whereas the blue component requires high-ve
79 he protoplanetary disk surrounding the young star Elias 2-27.
80 tion before versus after STARD introduction, STARD endorsement, or by median split.
81 or Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies [STARD] endorsement) and study-level variables (citation
82                                  The massive star ends its life with a catastrophic collapse to leave
83 ells whose appearance can resemble a pointed star, especially when visualizing glial fibrillary acidi
84 ostic accuracy studies from eight different "STARD evaluation" articles.
85 rization different from other members of the STAR family.
86 d as a command-line tool to convert from NMR-STAR file format into its equivalent JSON file format an
87 ccessing and manipulating data stored in NMR-STAR files and as a command-line tool to convert from NM
88 tted files and their equivalent JSONized NMR-STAR files.
89 te dwarfs, young stellar objects and neutron stars, for which similar magnetically gated accretion cy
90           This star-formation mode, in which stars form with high radial velocities, could contribute
91  collapse, in a way similar to that in which stars form.
92 fall towards the galaxy's centre, sustaining star formation amid a kiloparsec-scale molecular nebula
93     Starburst galaxies at the peak of cosmic star formation are among the most extreme star-forming e
94                                         Such star formation could provide in situ chemical enrichment
95 Quiescent galaxies with little or no ongoing star formation dominate the population of galaxies with
96  known to provide the material reservoir for star formation in galaxies such as our Milky Way) remain
97                                    Its rapid star formation is probably triggered by its companion ga
98                                              Star formation may also be occurring in other galactic o
99 indications that the first galaxies to cease star formation must have gone through major changes not
100 copic observations that unambiguously reveal star formation occurring in a galactic outflow at a reds
101 consequence of gas compression, evidence for star formation occurring within galactic outflows is sti
102 ough there exists observational evidence for star formation triggered by outflows or jets into their
103 redict that such massive outflows may ignite star formation within the outflow itself.
104 act and had already exhausted their fuel for star formation.
105 o a water maser source in a region of active star formation.
106 he absorption line spectrum shows no current star formation.
107 ler gas (also detected) and thereby suppress star formation.
108                                         This star-formation mode, in which stars form with high radia
109 Therefore, to directly constrain the initial star-formation period, we must study galaxies at earlier
110                                 The inferred star-formation rate in the outflow is larger than 15 sol
111 redict it to contribute substantially to the star-formation rate observed in distant galaxies.
112 s 35 billion solar masses of stars and has a star-formation rate of 540 solar masses per year, but ha
113 xies at these early cosmic epochs, but their star-formation rates are more than an order of magnitude
114       The only known galaxies with very high star-formation rates at z > 6 are, with one exception, t
115 ) necessitates the presence of galaxies with star-formation rates exceeding 100 solar masses per year
116 asis of the [C ii] measurements, we estimate star-formation rates in the companions of more than 100
117                                          The star-formation rates of these galaxies, which exceed 100
118  are found to be insufficient to balance the star-formation rates.
119 ython programs can read, edit, and write NMR-STAR formatted files and their equivalent JSONized NMR-S
120 to convert between NMR-STAR and JSONized NMR-STAR formatted files.
121 y available Python libraries for parsing NMR-STAR formatted files: PyStarLib, NMRPyStar, and PyNMRSTA
122 ic star formation are among the most extreme star-forming engines in the Universe, producing stars ov
123  have physical properties similar to massive star-forming galaxies and are embedded in enriched neutr
124 ystematic studies of such phenomena in blue, star-forming galaxies are rare, leaving uncertain the ro
125 by redshift z approximately 6, but low-mass, star-forming galaxies are thought to be responsible for
126 k radius) for the outer disks of six massive star-forming galaxies, and find that the rotation veloci
127 g shows it to be a pair of extremely massive star-forming galaxies.
128  the outer, baryonic regions of the disks of star-forming galaxies.
129 raviolet observations of the nearby low-mass star-forming galaxy J0925+1403.
130  its source being located within a prominent star-forming galaxy.
131 n gas reservoirs that extend well beyond the star-forming interstellar medium of these galaxies.
132 mately 10 My must have elapsed from when the star-forming region where the Sun was born was isolated
133 frared surveys of young stellar clusters and star-forming regions as well as wide-field surveys, but
134  suggest high baryon fractions in the inner, star-forming regions of the disks.
135 of a photometric monitoring campaign of that star from the ground and space.
136      We demonstrate the versatility of these STARs-from acting synergistically with existing constitu
137    Sugar apple (Annona squamosa 'local') and star fruit (Averrhoa carambola 'Honey Sweet') obtained t
138 al specimens by Illumina RNA-sequencing, the STAR fusion gene detection pipeline, and GATK RNA-seq va
139 , the strongest amplifier known has been the Star graph, and the existence of undirected graphs with
140  larger than the fixation probability of the Star graph, for fixed population size and at the limit o
141 he optical counterpart of the binary neutron star gravitational wave event GW170817.
142                                           NG-STAR grouped 768 isolates into 139 sequence types (STs)
143                                           NG-STAR had a high Simpson's diversity index value of 96.5%
144    Here we report observations of the bright star HD 195689 (also known as KELT-9), which reveal a cl
145 ion reminiscent of the singular HgMn-related star HD 65949, which seems to be its closest analogue.
146                  To examine whether CMS high-star hospitals (HSHs) have improved patient outcomes and
147 roscopic abdominal surgery compared with low-star hospitals (LSHs).
148                                          Our STAR hypothesis challenges traditional assumptions about
149 The spatio-temporal anthropogenic rescaling (STAR) hypothesis suggests that human activities are alte
150 ty (compared to the present-day) of its host star in its youth.
151           Rotation periods are now known for stars in an open cluster of intermediate age (NGC 6819;
152 nown as the "blue fog," are among the rising stars in materials science that can potentially be used
153         Thus, astrocytes are emerging as new stars in preserving the intricate balance between the hi
154 inding massive galaxies that stopped forming stars in the early Universe presents an observational ch
155 make up 75 per cent of the population of the stars in the Galaxy.
156         In spite of the ongoing formation of stars in these galaxies, the presence of molecular gas (
157 ort, pulsation, dynamos and winds on evolved stars, in dust clouds and on brown dwarfs.
158 pattern transitions from actin vortices over stars into asters.
159 publication, publication before versus after STARD introduction, STARD endorsement, or by median spli
160                                            T-STAR is a tissue-specific paralogue that regulates the a
161 ts its host star, some of the light from the star is absorbed by the atoms and molecules in the plane
162     At approximately 10,170 kelvin, the host star is at the dividing line between stars of type A and
163  (the point at which incident light from the star is perpendicular to the surface of the planet).
164 e liquid-water, habitable zone of an M dwarf star is probably around 10.5 parsecs away.
165 t) for the most evolved giant and supergiant stars is challenging because their photospheres are obsc
166                    The merger of two neutron stars is predicted to give rise to three major detectabl
167         These were included if the number of STARD items reported ("STARD result") could be obtained
168 f metazoans, control neurogenesis in the sea star larva by promoting particular division modes and pr
169             We show that neurogenesis in sea star larvae begins with soxc-expressing multipotent prog
170  of 1.4 Earth radii transiting a small, cool star (LHS 1140) 12 parsecs away.
171 em repeats and Staphylococcus aureus repeat (STAR)-like elements.
172                                              Star-like objects with effective temperatures of less th
173                                            A star-like phylogeny, coalescing similarly to other Ashke
174 oying rationally designed double hydrophilic star-like poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(ethylene oxide)
175                                  Amphiphilic star-like triblock copolymers [polystyrene-block-poly(ac
176                        As they become older, stars lose mass and angular momentum, resulting in an ob
177  for the violent ejection of mass in massive stars may be required.
178 ves have been detected from a binary neutron star merger event, GW170817.
179  of the EM counterpart of the binary neutron star merger GW170817.
180  source GW170817 arose from a binary neutron-star merger in the nearby Universe with a relatively wel
181 es (GWs) were detected from a binary neutron star merger, GW170817, along with a coincident short gam
182  waves (GWs) emanating from a binary neutron star merger, GW170817.
183 at SSS17a was the result of a binary neutron star merger, reinforcing the gravitational wave result.
184 itational-wave detection of a binary neutron-star merger.
185  is predicted from models that posit neutron-star mergers as the drivers of short hard-gamma-ray burs
186                    We posit that all neutron star mergers may lead to a wide-angle cocoon breakout, s
187 f heavy elements, demonstrating that neutron star mergers play a role in rapid neutron capture (r-pro
188                  This indicates that neutron-star mergers produce gravitational waves and radioactive
189  a ubiquitous phenomenon produced in neutron-star mergers, giving rise to a hitherto unidentified pop
190 l predictions of blue kilonovae from neutron-star mergers.
191 d also be detectable from lower-mass neutron-star mergers.
192 ence Typing for Antimicrobial Resistance (NG-STAR) molecular typing scheme uses the DNA sequences of
193                                          Its stars must have formed in a disk, rather than in a merge
194 ned with the Jupiter-like size of their host star-named TRAPPIST-1-makes possible in-depth studies of
195 o more individuals in experimentally induced star networks than in daisy-chains, on which transmissio
196 case were only important for transmission on star networks.
197  experimentally generated "daisy-chain" vs. "star" networks of social interactions.
198 ved somatosensory star on the rostrum of the star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata).
199   We also note that the tactile fovea of the star-nosed mole, located on the medial ventral ray, does
200                         Cataclysmic variable stars-novae, dwarf novae, and nova-likes-are close binar
201 07 ULX is instead an x-ray accreting neutron star (NS) with a spin period evolving from 1.43 seconds
202                 The high stability of the 3D Star of David was correlated to its high density of coor
203 ensional metallosupramolecules shaped like a Star of David were synthesized by the self-assembly of a
204 iables' are binary star systems in which one star of the pair is a white dwarf, and which often gener
205 ; the planet is itself as hot as a red dwarf star of type M (ref.
206 supernova eruptions are expected to occur in stars of 95 to 130 solar masses, which experience the pu
207                            This is as hot as stars of stellar type K4 (ref.
208 he host star is at the dividing line between stars of type A and B, and we measure the dayside temper
209                              Merging neutron stars offer an excellent laboratory for simultaneously s
210 ontaining an accreting black hole or neutron star often show x-ray emission extending to high energie
211 s organs on the highly derived somatosensory star on the rostrum of the star-nosed mole (Condylura cr
212 edium (through supernova explosions of young stars on large orbits), and some models also predict it
213 guous competitor object (e.g. a "teapot with stars on").
214 ources appear to be normal accreting neutron-star or black-hole X-ray binaries, but they are located
215 on of an accreting carbon-oxygen white dwarf star or the explosion of an accreting, hybrid carbon-oxy
216 to their cores, despite strong feedback from stars or active galactic nuclei.
217 ld sources or the presence of peculiar field stars or galaxies.
218 r-forming engines in the Universe, producing stars over about 100 million years (ref.
219 ed in perturbations of gene expression, with Star-PAP impacting lowly expressed mRNAs and long-noncod
220 l (PAPalpha and PAPgamma) and non-canonical (Star-PAP) PAPs play diverse roles in PAS selection and g
221                                          The Star-PAP-mediated APA of PTEN is essential for DNA damag
222                                      We show Star-PAP-specific PAS usage regulates the expression of
223                              Woodward's rock star personality is explored and discussed as one of his
224 c images of the surface of the evolved giant star pi(1) Gruis, of spectral type S5,7.
225 rylate-functionalized lactide-chain-extended star polyethylene glycol (SPELA) hydrogel and microchann
226                                    We report star polymer metal-organic cage (polyMOC) materials whos
227 tar polyMOC network is composed of tetra-arm star polymers functionalized with ligands on the chain e
228                                          The star polyMOC network is composed of tetra-arm star polym
229                                              STAR proteins differ from most splicing factors, in that
230  galaxy must have formed the majority of its stars quickly, within the first billion years of cosmic
231                                          The star rating includes 57 measures across 7 areas of quali
232 e either traffic light labels (TLLs), Health Star Rating labels (HSRs), or a control [nutrition infor
233 cently released the Overall Hospital Quality Star Rating to help patients compare hospitals based on
234                                          The star rating was designed to assess overall quality of th
235 ding: 1) total number of reviews; 2) average star rating; 3) review filtering rate; and 4) number of
236 arly all measured metrics, including average star ratings, number of reviews, review removal rate, an
237  the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR)-related lipid transfer protein family.
238                                              StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domains are phosphol
239 n the Golgi membrane, whereas its C-terminal StAR-related lipid transfer domain (START) carries out c
240 uded if the number of STARD items reported ("STARD result") could be obtained for each evaluated stud
241  Results The authors were able to obtain the STARD results for 1002 "original" diagnostic accuracy st
242  implying that the field strength within the star's outer crust is orders of magnitude larger than th
243 n front of a background star, the background star's position was deflected.
244 help patients compare hospitals based on a 5-star scale.
245 fferent topological charges at the center of star-shaped microfluidic junctions, which then interact
246 d hexagonal metallosupramolecules possessing star-shaped motifs were prepared based on the careful de
247                                        These star-shaped patterns are also frequently used in both fu
248 ke attraction mechanism of self-assembly for star-shaped polyglutamates in nonsalty aqueous solutions
249 bilization of these nanosized soft-assembled star-shaped polyglutamates is also described, enabling t
250  with a pyridyl ligand on the chain end form star-shaped polymers triggered by metal-coordination-ind
251 based on hydrogen-bonded complexes between a star-shaped tris(triazolyl)triazine and triphenylene-con
252            As an exoplanet transits its host star, some of the light from the star is absorbed by the
253 rofloxacin resistance was associated with NG-STAR ST-26, ST-90, ST-91, ST-97, ST-150, and ST-158 (n =
254                           All isolates of NG-STAR ST-42, ST-43, ST-63, ST-81, and ST-160 (n = 106) we
255 ility to azithromycin was associated with NG-STAR ST-58, ST-61, ST-64, ST-79, ST-91, and ST-139 (n =
256 ity to cephalosporins was associated with NG-STAR ST-90, ST-91, and ST-97 (n = 162; 94.2%); and cipro
257 h many ongoing COS studies underway, the COS-STAR Statement should be a helpful resource to improve t
258                        Five- and six-pointed star structures occur frequently in nature as flowers, s
259 ximum of a single-locus variation, and 76 NG-STAR STs (n = 109) were identified as unrelated singleto
260 niverse is dimmer after one of our brightest stars, Susan Lee Lindquist, was taken by cancer on Octob
261 covery of a second chamber within the Rising Star system that contains H. naledi remains.
262           'Cataclysmic variables' are binary star systems in which one star of the pair is a white dw
263 nd is consistent, when scaled to AM Herculis star systems, with theoretical predictions.
264 was estimated to be a slowly rotating A-type star (T eff 8000 K; log g = 4.0, v sin i 18 km s(-1)
265 y component is a slowly rotating late B-type star (T eff = 12500 +/- 200 K; log g = 4.0, v sin i = 27
266        An example in this sense is the boson star that has been proposed as an alternative to some co
267  a library of high-performing and orthogonal STARs that achieve up to 9000-fold gene activation.
268 diagnostic power of gyrochronology for those stars that are more than halfway through their main-sequ
269 m the thermonuclear explosion of white-dwarf stars that have cores of carbon and oxygen.
270 e we report a simple TALE assembly reaction (STAR) that enables individual laboratories to generate m
271                                  Infections (stars) that spread by contact only (left) reduce the pre
272 e binary systems consisting of a white dwarf star (the primary) that is accreting matter from a low-m
273 s accreting matter from a low-mass companion star (the secondary).
274 51 B passed closely in front of a background star, the background star's position was deflected.
275 , to show that when the Sun is observed as a star, the variation of coronal composition is highly cor
276  astrometric microlensing caused by a nearby star, the white dwarf Stein 2051 B.
277 uthors show that if the Sun is observed as a star, then the variation of coronal composition is highl
278  But on the surfaces of giant and supergiant stars there should be only a few large (several tens of
279 umination microscopy using a nonlinear guide star to determine optical aberrations and a deformable m
280 f seven planets orbiting the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 and find that panspermia is potentially
281 ting the recently discovered ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 are capable of retaining their atmospher
282 arth-sized planets transit the very low-mass star TRAPPIST-1, which is 12 parsecs away, but their mas
283    Here we report the recovery of the binary star underlying the classical nova eruption of 11 March
284 quite curious-e.g., we see a human face when staring up at a cloud formation or down at a piece of to
285                                              STAR uses an isothermal assembly ('Gibson assembly') tha
286                                           NG-STAR uses the entire penA sequence, combining the histor
287  facilities for reading and writing both NMR-STAR version 2.1 and 3.1 formatted files, parsing them i
288 s are parsed without any errors for both NMR-STAR version 2.1 and version 3.1 formatted files.
289 ontribute to the population of high-velocity stars, which could even escape the galaxy.
290                                      M dwarf stars, which have masses less than 60 per cent that of t
291 hs, but when in close orbits with less dense stars, white dwarfs can strip material from their compan
292 e (NGC 6819; 2.5 Gyr old), and for old field stars whose ages have been determined with asteroseismol
293 d that transit (that is, pass in front of) a star with a mass just eight per cent that of the Sun, lo
294            For example, WASP-33 is an A-type star with a temperature of about 7,430 kelvin, which hos
295 n per cent of solar metallicity, and involve stars with initial masses of 40-100 solar masses that in
296 ions in H(-) dominate the visible opacity in stars with photospheric temperatures less than 7000 K, i
297                Finally, we combine these new STARs with themselves and CRISPRi transcriptional repres
298 six have been found that transit hot, A-type stars (with temperatures of 7,300-10,000 kelvin), and no
299 progenitors--massive, low-metallicity binary stars--with sufficient accuracy nor included sufficientl
300 port imaging of the old, magnetically active star zeta Andromedae using long-baseline infrared interf

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