


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  variation in components concentrated in the starchy endosperm (e.g. starch, beta-glucan and fructan)
2 (transfer cell (TC), aleurone cell (AL), and starchy endosperm (SE)).
3 hree major compartmentalized cell types: the starchy endosperm (SE), the basal endosperm transfer cel
4                                          The starchy endosperm and aleurone cell fates are freely int
5 sion of hordoindoline b mRNA occurred in the starchy endosperm and aleurone layer of the developing s
6  The cell walls of wheat (Triticum aestivum) starchy endosperm are dominated by arabinoxylan (AX), ac
7 nd legumin-1 are transcribed not only in the starchy endosperm but also in aleurone cells.
8 eta-D-mannan is observed in the walls of the starchy endosperm but not in the aleurone walls.
9 identify candidate genes responsible for the starchy endosperm cell wall, which is dominated by arabi
10 a of larger dimensions than those connecting starchy endosperm cells and that CR4 preferentially asso
11 at transgene expression occurred only in the starchy endosperm cells and was not observed in any othe
12 th internalized aleurone cells converting to starchy endosperm cells and with starchy endosperm cells
13 ns to digest storage products accumulated in starchy endosperm cells as well as to confer important d
14               We show that both aleurone and starchy endosperm cells can be successfully transformed
15  are only synthesised and accumulated in the starchy endosperm cells of the wheat grain.
16 nverting to starchy endosperm cells and with starchy endosperm cells that become positioned at the su
17 0% and 22% whereas up to the eighth layer of starchy endosperm cells underneath the aleurone layer sh
18 hort distance along the fusion plane whereas starchy endosperm cells were present along most of the r
19 yer of aleurone cells, an underlying body of starchy endosperm cells, and a basal layer of transfer c
20                  In contrast to aleurone and starchy endosperm cells, transfer cells fail to develop
21 aGT43_2, which are highly expressed in wheat starchy endosperm cells, were suppressed by RNA interfer
22 ies inside the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of starchy endosperm cells.
23 ce being detected between aleurone cells and starchy endosperm cells.
24 and C(2)- being diagnostic for starch in the starchy endosperm cells.
25 s provide evidence that thioredoxin h of the starchy endosperm communicates with adjoining tissues, t
26 ion, but the aleurone tissue surrounding the starchy endosperm eventually becomes the main tissue exp
27                            The cell walls of starchy endosperm in sections of grain from TaGT43_2 and
28 ment caused aleurone cells to switch fate to starchy endosperm indicating that cell fate is not fixed
29                                        Maize starchy endosperm mutants have kernel phenotypes that in
30 The accumulation of storage compounds in the starchy endosperm of developing cereal seeds is highly r
31  differential expression (~1000 fold) in the starchy endosperm of genotypes varying in bread making q
32          The transcriptome of the developing starchy endosperm of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum)
33                             The aleurone and starchy endosperm share a common lineage throughout deve
34 ticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) starchy endosperm suggests that this trafficking mechani
35  This study addressed PPDK function in maize starchy endosperm where it is highly abundant during gra
36 mutation results in the formation of a soft, starchy endosperm with a reduced amount of prolamin (zei
37                      In addition to having a starchy endosperm with reduced levels of zein storage pr
38 perms undergo normal cell type (aleurone and starchy endosperm) differentiation and storage protein a
39                                   Unlike the starchy endosperm, aleurone cells accumulate these stora
40                      Unlike the cells of the starchy endosperm, aleurone cells are viable in mature g
41 as much greater in whole grain compared with starchy endosperm, correlating with the levels of bound
42 ibility of the gluten proteins stored in the starchy endosperm, particularly the high-molecular-weigh
43 ibility of the gluten proteins stored in the starchy endosperm, particularly the HMW-GS.
44 annan (CSLA) synthesis were also abundant in starchy endosperm, while the corresponding cell wall pol
45 A interference (RNAi) constructs driven by a starchy endosperm-specific promoter.
46 roplasts, in amyloplasts isolated from wheat starchy endosperm.
47 duction and secretion of hydrolases into the starchy endosperm.
48  layers and embryos, yet undetectable in the starchy endosperm.
49 ytic enzymes that break down reserves in the starchy endosperm.
50 use peripheral endosperm cells to develop as starchy endosperm.
51 leurone and wx1 for amylose synthesis in the starchy endosperm.
52 ng aleurone layer and embryo, but not in the starchy endosperm.
53 g hydrolases, mainly alpha-amylase, into the starchy endosperm.
54 scriptome in developing aleurone and 6.7% in starchy endosperm.
55 ppressed when positioned between independent starchy endosperms.
56   Slower intestinal uptake of glucose from a starchy food product can result in lower postprandial in
57 objective of this research was to assess, on starchy food, the impact of cooking (boiling and baking)
58 47, 0.59), fruit (0.49; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.55), starchy foods (0.32; 95% CI: 0.24, 0.39), meat or fish (
59 ein levels probably improve the digestion of starchy foods and may buffer against the fitness-reducin
60      Attenuation of the glycemic response to starchy foods by 6 g RMD in drinks approached approximat
61 n; this is significant as overconsumption of starchy foods contributes to obesity and type 2 diabetes
62                                              Starchy foods of differing structure, including bakery p
63  respectively) are responsible for digesting starchy foods.
64 the genetic mechanisms that can suppress its starchy kernel phenotype provide new insights to support
65 sion coefficient of variation CVR was 11% in starchy materials.
66 of water during the processing or storage of starchy matrices.
67 used to detect high amount of furan in fried starchy matrices.
68           The mutant kernels have an opaque, starchy phenotype, malformed zein protein bodies, and hi
69 nids at both sites were exploiting woody and starchy plant material as well as birds and mammals.
70 an fractions displayed greater levels of non-starchy polysaccharides and bioactive components as comp
71 in concentrate (IPPC) with 79% protein and a starchy product with low protein content.
72                               These types of starchy products cannot be identified by using the glyce
73 ndred and fifty million Africans rely on the starchy root crop cassava (Manihot esculenta) as their p
74 ops, and a decline of other cereal, oil, and starchy root species.
75 mgkg(-1) for fruits, 0.014-0.081mgkg(-1) for starchy samples, 0.027-1.85mgkg(-1) for green vegetables
76 fficients of digestibility were observed for starchy samples, while low coefficients of digestibility
77 a crop to both farmers and processors is its starchy storage roots' rapid post-harvest deterioration,
78 r, was examined as a function of exposure to starchy table food-a significant source of sodium.
79 ith only those infants previously exposed to starchy table foods (n = 26) preferring the salty soluti
80                               Infants eating starchy table foods at 6 mo were more likely to lick sal
81                               Amyloplasts of starchy tissues such as those of maize (Zea mays L.) fun
82  AGPase was also localized in amyloplasts of starchy tissues.
83      Increased consumption of fruits and non-starchy vegetables is inversely associated with weight c
84 id servings of foods ranged from 0.43 (other starchy vegetables) to 0.84 (milk) among women and from
85       On the other hand, increased intake of starchy vegetables, including corn, peas, and potatoes,

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