


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lternative options are probabilistic and non-stationary.
2 g, and ease of maintaining the trapped cells stationary.
3 cross a screen, or fixated it as it remained stationary.
4 hile the sensory input remained, on average, stationary.
5 this paper is to compare LUR models based on stationary (30 min) and mobile UFP and BC measurements f
6                                  Air (indoor stationary air and personal ambient air), dust (floor du
7  inhalation was substantially lower when the stationary air concentrations were used rather than pers
8                                We found that stationary air contains higher levels of SigmaPFRs (medi
9 d exposure to SigmaPFRs was the highest with stationary air inhalation (median =34 ng.kg bw(-1).day(-
10 m(3), IQR = 55 ng/m(3)), suggesting that the stationary air sample could generate a larger bias for i
11                                 Sixty indoor stationary air samples, 13 personal air samples, and 60
12                         EFRs predominated in stationary air samples, with 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrab
13 al air samples compared to the corresponding stationary air samples.
14 re, which cannot be included by using only a stationary air sampling technique.
15 force fields and correct for a wide range of stationary and dynamical observables even when only equi
16 ay of adhesion assays carried out both under stationary and flow conditions to investigate the molecu
17      An electric car collected both repeated stationary and mobile measurements in Amsterdam and Rott
18                Several liquid chromatography stationary and mobile phases were evaluated, and it was
19 t sodium metal anodes are desirable for both stationary and portable electrical energy storage.
20 ectional and fast movement) and unmotivated (stationary and tortuous movement) behaviour.
21 lorimetric agent was immobilized to obtain a stationary and uniform reaction by using thermal condens
22 han those at the other phases (descending or stationary), and a similar tendency was also observed at
23 ifferent climatic zones in India using a non-stationary approach known as the Multidimensional Ensemb
24 onditions under which blebs travel or remain stationary, as well as the bleb traveling velocity, a qu
25 ded helical path; when the machinery becomes stationary at FASs, the motor complex powers a left-hand
26 ed with the presence of high-amplitude quasi-stationary atmospheric Rossby waves within a particular
27 rmore, what is obtained are respectively the stationary average hyperdegree and hyperstrength distrib
28 he hyperdegree of each node, and obtains the stationary average hyperdegree distribution of the model
29 lifespan of migratory adult bees relative to stationary bees.
30 nated ethenes between mobile groundwater and stationary biofilms, and diffusion and biodegradation wi
31 on, as well as to sound source rotation with stationary body.
32 ental study of a new means to induce a quasi-stationary boundary for concentration or separation in a
33 lls, however, are not only nonlinear and non-stationary, but also exhibit heterogeneous responses wit
34 e swimming rate was enhanced by zoospores in stationary, but not in exponentially grown, cells of P.
35                    During the migration of a stationary cell, the cell polarizes, forms lamellipodia
36 n vivo study reveals that podocytes are very stationary cells making regenerative processes by podocy
37  among standardized drought indices in a non-stationary climate.
38 igratory beekeeping operations to those from stationary colonies to quantify effects on lifespan, col
39                                              Stationary combustion, in particular in coal-fired power
40 s of both cortical and thalamic responses to stationary complex sounds.
41            We propose a novel model by which stationary complexes of cytoplasmic dynein-1 are respons
42 omparable to those of wild-type (WT) mice in stationary condition.
43 ced by their quasi-steady state (QSS): their stationary conditional expectation values for given slow
44 d order-order transitions are achieved under stationary conditions, this may have important implicati
45 called focal adhesion sites (FASs) that form stationary contact points with the underlying surface.
46                      We demonstrate that the stationary critical exponents of this transition to meso
47 hereas 15-syn species contribute only to the stationary current.
48 sions suggesting progression of the disease, stationary dimensions of lesions during local progressio
49 s, we analyzed how the ensemble relaxes to a stationary distribution and established a relationship b
50 he null hypothesis that it was chosen from a stationary distribution of the chain.
51  fast reactions quickly equilibrate to their stationary distribution while slow species are unlikely
52              The environment fluctuates in a stationary distribution with no autocorrelation.
53 eversible Markov chain was not chosen from a stationary distribution.
54  hypothesis that the state was chosen from a stationary distribution.
55 s, were trained to perform 20- and 80-second stationary dives, during which they adjusted bradycardia
56            In agreement with measurements on stationary droplets and HeLa S3 mammalian cells expressi
57 ble medical devices and wireless charging of stationary electric vehicles.
58  one of the more attractive technologies for stationary electrical energy storage, however, they are
59  the growing number of electric vehicles and stationary energy storage applications.
60  cost may provide a solution for large-scale stationary energy storage.
61 tion such that object motion relative to the stationary environment can be more accurately perceived.
62        Meanwhile, species are faced with non-stationary environmental conditions (changing mean, vari
63 mechanism by which the PCP pathway polarizes stationary epithelial cells is well characterized, but h
64 verse passes the substrate makes through the stationary fixed zone using in-capillary electrophoretic
65 ng PS and PMMA particles simultaneously in a stationary flow.
66                                        Using stationary fluctuation analysis (SFA), we demonstrate th
67 paleo-Bindschadler Ice Stream was relatively stationary for a significant time interval.
68 cases, genetic testing helped to distinguish stationary from progressive IRD subtypes and to establis
69 rs and found that the cross-linking produced stationary gating kinetics that differed only subtly fro
70 , and consequently concluded that throughout stationary gating, agonist-bound LBDs also stayed predom
71  saturating agonists, NMDA receptors undergo stationary gating, in which the channel stochastically s
72 emiclosed in the channel-closed state during stationary gating.
73 dynamically and kinetically important during stationary gating.
74  the LBDs in the channel-closed state during stationary gating.
75 e-specific IBD statistics as a collection of stationary Gaussian processes.
76 itude of emerging applications, ranging from stationary grid storage to mobile electric vehicles.
77 ) Transformants/mug DNA) was obtained at the stationary growth phase of the bacterium (OD 6.0) using
78                        In contrast, cells in stationary growth phase or cells treated with a protonop
79  the downregulation of speB transcription at stationary growth phase or in subcutaneous infection of
80 8 were able to eradicate persisters, MRSA in stationary growth phase, and showed significant clearanc
81 accharide, produced during the late stage of stationary growth phase, was discovered and purified fro
82 pyogenes strains of varying serotypes in the stationary growth phase.
83 es once bacteria consume nutrients and enter stationary growth phase.
84 ell differentiation in which exponential and stationary growth phases play key biological roles.
85 d yloA expression during the logarithmic and stationary growth phases respectively.
86 ichia coli chromosome during exponential and stationary growth phases.
87 ative imbalance in exponentially growing and stationary growth-arrested epimastigote parasites.
88 ed by the establishment of persistent, quasi-stationary high-pressure anomalies over high latitudes o
89                                We calculated stationary hub load score (SHub) indicating to what exte
90 es to slow changes in radiance (<0.9 Hz) and stationary images were deficient when stimuli were rende
91 nitude of apparent whole-body rotation while stationary in a 7 T magnetic field is influenced by head
92                The solenoidal field is quasi-stationary in the reference frame of the laser pulse and
93 n contrast to former theories, podocytes are stationary in the zebrafish pronephros and neither migra
94                Relationships are weaker (non-stationary) in the early twentieth century.
95  that both patterns emerge from a nonuniform stationary instability, supporting a central universalit
96 al acceleration and an immediately preceding stationary interval associated with prominent theta osci
97 how that a plasmonic nanobubble (PNB), a non-stationary laser pulse-activated nanoevent, intraoperati
98 year-to-year variations in persistent, quasi-stationary low-pressure intrusions into the subtropics o
99                                     However, stationary magnon-polariton states can be reached by a d
100 Cell sorting revealed that the expression of stationary markers is associated with a 100-1,000-fold i
101             Here, we report the effects of a stationary mask on the reflexive eye movements induced b
102 cute targeted cell-to-cell interactions with stationary MCs before leaving the inflamed skin to drain
103 her LUR models based on mobile or short-term stationary measurements result in comparable models and
104 re associated with intravasation, contains a stationary Mena-expressing tumor cell.
105   With the same trend-based filter but a non-stationary method, 80% of the comparisons would require
106                          Similar exposure in stationary mice or in mice in which NMDA receptors were
107  on average, 1.41 and 1.91 times higher than stationary model predictions for UFP and BC, respectivel
108                                     Finally, stationary models that better accommodate effects of riv
109 le Air Quality Model (CMAQ) simulations with stationary monitor measurements.
110 sessed daily BP and ambient BC levels from a stationary monitor.
111 n predicted concentrations of the mobile and stationary monitoring LUR models at 12682 residential ad
112             LUR models based upon mobile and stationary monitoring predicted highly correlated UFP an
113 el (CMAQ) simulations with measurements from stationary monitors, and risk of preterm birth (< 37 wee
114 d stress throughout the cell for any posited stationary morphology target and cell compartment consti
115 e antimicrobial susceptibility testing using stationary nanoliter droplet arrays that is capable of d
116                                   Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a heterogeneous gro
117 ted image segmentation process consisting of stationary noise removal, histogram equalization, adapti
118 f detailed balance can also be quantified in stationary, nonequilibrium stochastic systems in the abs
119 s considering that brain activity is neither stationary nor perfectly sinusoidal.
120  paid these attentions but focused mainly on stationary NS.
121 nary object, the perceived saturation of the stationary object decreases dramatically whereas the sat
122 one colored object moves around an identical stationary object, the perceived saturation of the stati
123 s actively suppressed by prior fixation of a stationary object.
124  through a large region of space, but not to stationary objects or full-field motion.
125 ixation circuitry is potentiated by engaging stationary objects, and interacts with pursuit outside o
126  Flegrei and corroborates the existence of a stationary oblate source, below the caldera centre, that
127 lity in vitro However, whether podocytes are stationary or actively moving cells in vivo remains deba
128 dels often rely on do not hold when studying stationary or persistor cell populations.
129 echanism for the formation of self-organized stationary patterns.
130 ing or decreasing the firing rate during the stationary periods following clockwise or counterclockwi
131 ed throughout the transition of log phase to stationary phase (diauxic shift) for effective CLS exten
132 oduced due to a stochastic entrance into the stationary phase accompanied by a drop in intracellular
133 ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography stationary phase allowed fast separation of both individ
134 ase BN levels increase rapidly as cells exit stationary phase and are primarily responsible for the d
135 heat tolerance of P. aeruginosa primarily in stationary phase and boosts heat resistance 100-fold whe
136 ex, like LigD, are expressed upon entry into stationary phase and cells lacking either of these pathw
137 shown to be directly controlled by the major stationary phase and stress sigma factor sigma(S) (RpoS)
138 reatly reduces its transcriptional output in stationary phase and under oxidative stress, demonstrati
139             Mcc activity is inhibited at the stationary phase by formation of amyloid-like aggregates
140  find that ICEclc activation is initiated in stationary phase cells, but excision and transfer predom
141 tein is present in exponentially growing and stationary phase cells, but is depleted during the early
142 trand break repair or after the UV damage of stationary phase cells.
143 ied principles remain true regardless of the stationary phase chemistry.
144 ndards and a C18 and pentafluorophenyl (PFP) stationary phase combination was selected for the two-di
145 as column lengths, temperature programs, and stationary phase combinations in order to evaluate separ
146 ength and number of injections for different stationary phase combinations.
147 ng an exopolyphosphatase to cell cultures or stationary phase conditioned medium decreases polyphosph
148 nstrate that tight control of MutS levels in stationary phase contributes to stress-induced mutagenes
149                       We demonstrate analyte/stationary phase dependent selection approaches based on
150 presents examples for researchers engaged in stationary phase development.
151 g domain, and almost exclusive expression in stationary phase distinguish ClpG from other AAA+ disagg
152                                 We find that stationary phase E. coli cells display a gradient of neg
153 es transitioning from the exponential to the stationary phase exhibit a finely tuned adaptive metabol
154 ed as both bulk material and as a monolithic stationary phase for immobilization of the proteolytic e
155                          For this purpose, a stationary phase for polar and hydrophilic compounds (ZI
156                                          The stationary phase for the trapping region can be selected
157                                              Stationary phase gradients hold great potential for use
158 e show that selectivity is achieved with the stationary phase gradients that are significantly differ
159 lsiloxanes) (PDMS) derived from the column's stationary phase have been highlighted as a potential so
160 hough the 100S dimer is observed in only the stationary phase in Gram-negative gammaproteobacteria, i
161 onsible for most of the free c-di-GMP during stationary phase in static conditions.
162 ncentration of polyphosphate observed at the stationary phase is added to cells at mid-log, prolifera
163 ription of rpoS during the transition to the stationary phase of growth, thereby facilitating a rapid
164 d Ras1 accumulates as the cells approach the stationary phase of growth.
165 nt up-regulation from the exponential to the stationary phase of growth.
166 s more favorable interaction with the chiral stationary phase of the column.
167 duced during spirochete growth either in the stationary phase or at elevated temperature.
168                                         This stationary phase pattern is correlated with the binding
169  by data) suffering from the same problem of stationary phase pooling in the right-angled corners of
170 ism, virulence, biofilm formation, and other stationary phase processes.
171                Inducible deletion of CRK3 in stationary phase promastigotes resulted in attenuated gr
172      To survive, C. elegans dauer larvae and stationary phase S. cerevisiae require elevated amounts
173 inked immunosorbent assay or ELISA) on solid stationary phase surface.
174 h cultures decreased steadily over time, and stationary phase was obtained with similar cell densitie
175                                  Cultures in stationary phase were found to exhibit a radically diffe
176               We found that dauer larvae and stationary phase yeast switched into a gluconeogenic mod
177 rees C) and growth phase (mid-exponential or stationary phase).
178                      Progression of cells to stationary phase, a condition associated with increased
179 r, samples are taken both in exponential and stationary phase, and we include two extensive time-cour
180 at PdcA-dependent phenotypes manifest during stationary phase, consistent with regulation by CodY.
181  was similar to that of starvation, hypoxia, stationary phase, or nonreplicating persistence.
182 riptionally repress the DNA MMR gene mutS in stationary phase, possibly limiting MMR to allow increas
183                                Upon entering stationary phase, TE activity increases in cells heredit
184 cholerae alkalinizes its environment in late stationary phase, the interaction between the two protei
185 g near the terminus of the chromosome during stationary phase, whereas during exponential growth DNA
186 s, that likely cause a delay in the onset of stationary phase, which appears to promote their enrichm
187 nd S45A/S46A mutations of Dgk1 abolished the stationary phase-dependent stimulation of DAG kinase act
188 gramming upon shifts between exponential and stationary phase.
189 raphy with a Hamilton PRP-X100 column as the stationary phase.
190 ease in the growth rate and the onset of the stationary phase.
191 pairs DNA damage with ribonucleotides during stationary phase.
192 ratus processing DNA double-strand breaks in stationary phase.
193 harp decrease in activity as the cells enter stationary phase.
194  levels, drug sensitivity, and cell death in stationary phase.
195 nential phase cells, and increase greatly in stationary phase.
196 itioning) and during the entry of yeast into stationary phase.
197 ty during exponential growth and rigidity in stationary phase.
198 dispersive forces governing retention on the stationary phase.
199 e dramatically and are essentially absent in stationary phase.
200 phase, compounds that were later consumed in stationary phase.
201 ined even towards zero growth, including the stationary phase.
202 itness is optimal at low initiation rates in stationary phase.
203 in levels are set to maximize outgrowth from stationary phase.
204 s in human lesions resembling those found in stationary phase.
205 by sigma(S) as soon as the cells enter early stationary phase.
206 ing log phase, culminating with the onset of stationary phase.
207 ulator CodY and accordingly increases during stationary phase.
208 with higher UGA readthrough grow faster from stationary phase.
209 ect M. smegmatis against oxidative damage in stationary phase.
210 ng the growth phase and decreased during the stationary phase.
211 irst achieved using an unmodified 3D printed stationary phase.
212 d consumption, which is more abundant in the stationary phase.
213  strain M. gilvum VM552 and slightly motile, stationary-phase cells from P. putida G7 were mobilized
214 with a decrease in the long-term survival of stationary-phase cells.
215                 Conditioned medium (CM) from stationary-phase cultures of both strains was cytotoxic
216 s were bactericidal against logarithmic- and stationary-phase cultures of the BI/NAP1/027 strain 4118
217                           Supplementation of stationary-phase cultures with glucose and a suitable te
218 ial-phase samples systematically differ from stationary-phase samples, in particular at the level of
219 sential gene functions significantly reduced stationary-phase survival without affecting maximal grow
220     The polymer bands are then focused using stationary-phase-assisted modulation to enhance sensitiv
221 al separations has limited the use of chiral stationary phases (CSPs) as the second dimension in 2D-L
222 identification of critical pairs for four IC stationary phases and 28 levels of background electrolyt
223  column chromatography using cellulose-based stationary phases and step-gradient aqueous-ethanol mobi
224                                          New stationary phases are continuously developed for achievi
225             The availability of ionic liquid stationary phases as SLB-IL111 can be a useful tool to d
226  could lead to cheaper and easier-to-prepare stationary phases for HPLC separations when compared wit
227  promise of this strategy for creating novel stationary phases for LC.
228 30 nonionic liquid and 111 ionic liquid (IL) stationary phases for separation of some example sets of
229  and weak acids/weak bases on these gradient stationary phases have been compared to uniformly modifi
230          The science of packing columns with stationary phases is one of the most crucial steps to ac
231 ggregating but high slurry concentrations of stationary phases tend to produce well packed analytical
232 ation of multiple combinations of mobile and stationary phases that gave resolution of all members of
233 es modified instrumentation and ionic liquid stationary phases was developed.
234                                Two different stationary phases were evaluated (hybrid silica and a so
235 ng the length of the column for the gradient stationary phases while a near uniform distribution on t
236  performance liquid chromatography on chiral stationary phases, and the absolute configurations of th
237              Given the ever larger number of stationary phases, it is impossible to arrive at a singl
238  separations when compared with other chiral stationary phases, such as CD-bonded silica particles.
239 emonstrate the application of these gradient stationary phases, the separations of both nucleobases a
240 iform distribution on the uniformly modified stationary phases.
241 f bacteria grown to mid-log, transition, and stationary phases.
242 determined through HPLC analyses with chiral stationary phases.
243 n-like action spectrum peaking at 610 nm for stationary photocurrents.
244 eatment are developed to examine buckling in stationary (pinned) and moving swimmers.
245 ts exhibit unique signatures such as a quasi-stationary plateau indicating the presence of metastabil
246 on progress and the relative energies of the stationary points on the potential surface as a function
247 n bonding interactions for the characterized stationary points.
248 little interaction between the clusters to a stationary population structure, where different cluster
249     As big brown bats tracked targets from a stationary position, we played acoustic jamming signals,
250 her renewable materials, they can be used in stationary power storage units such as hydrogen filling
251 egies used by informed players turn into non-stationary processes in which the length of e ach displa
252 g building blocks for single-photon sources, stationary qubits, and deterministic quantum gates.
253                                            A stationary radiative shock is expected to form 100-1,000
254         However, the eyes are normally never stationary: rapid gaze shifts (saccades) incessantly alt
255                             Fixed points for stationary rates are derived as self-consistent solution
256 t generates three-dimensional images using a stationary, real acoustic source aperture.
257  The mechanical entanglement obtained in the stationary regime is strongly dependent on the values of
258 tions for population-level quantities in the stationary regime.
259 hematical details can markedly influence non-stationary responses under parameter variation, emphasis
260 loped a nonlinear frequency analysis for non-stationary responses, which could classify models into g
261                                              Stationary rotors are more reliably identified compared
262 ects made horizontal saccades at will to two stationary saccadic targets separated by 20 degrees .
263         CHRR provably converges to a uniform stationary sampling distribution.
264 ion sharpens the visual responses in V1 to a stationary scene, 2) that depolarized VIP cells enhance
265 lving quantum many-body problems such as the stationary Schrodinger equation.
266 rd approach for the optimal detection of non-stationary signals.
267 m pairs, each cell exerts traction forces on stationary sites ( approximately 80% of the time), and t
268        A total of 2964 road segments and 161 stationary sites were sampled over two seasons.
269                              We consider the stationary solution for the Ca(2+) concentration near a
270 l natural gas (UNG) extraction, could offset stationary source emission reductions in shale gas produ
271 (NOx) in the United States (U.S.) from large stationary sources, such as electric generating units, h
272 F MS)-based identifications of the flown and stationary specimens were similar for all microbes studi
273 anaphase A, in which chromosomes move toward stationary spindle poles, anaphase B, in which chromosom
274  pool of about 900 molecules acts in a quasi-stationary state.
275                             Cells expressing stationary-state markers are present throughout the grow
276 that such a framework is consistent with the stationary-state statistics of a broad class of resource
277            For lattice structures, localised stationary states can be supported in the continuum, sim
278 lodextrin rings between random shuttling and stationary states through solvent exchange, the polyrota
279 we examine symmetry detection thresholds for stationary (static and dynamic flicker) and symmetricall
280 fields, and generated sustained responses to stationary stimuli.
281 sensitive to changes in the luminance of the stationary stimulus.
282 s been elusive and primarily investigated in stationary subjects.
283 involves motion on a vibrating but otherwise stationary substrate.
284  or toroidal magnetic field localized at the stationary target.
285 regrine falcons, Falco peregrinus, attacking stationary targets, maneuvering targets, and live prey.
286 ions are bound to the metal centers and thus stationary, the cations move freely within the one-dimen
287 ons should consider the joint effects of non-stationary tides and mean sea level (MSL) at multiple ti
288  controllable and determined by the ratio of stationary time of the TW in the second region to its mo
289                                           In stationary tissue, recent studies have demonstrated a th
290  model predicts an explosive transition from stationary to growing asters with a discontinuous jump o
291 experimentally realize and numerically model stationary topological solitons in a fluid chiral ferrom
292  just as if viewing the moving object from a stationary vantage point.
293                                          Non-stationary variance analysis revealed a reduction in max
294 During subsequent MRI scanning, subjects saw stationary views of the environment and judged whether t
295                                       When a stationary voltage profile was used in the ST region, io
296  influence the extratropical climate through stationary wave propagation, leading to greater subsiden
297 essure-driven counter-flow to keep the front stationary, we exploit charge inversion by a highly char
298                            When an object is stationary, we view it with fixational eye movements.
299 up while parallel microtubule bundles remain stationary with a small amount of antagonizing force gen
300 cleation-promoting factor assemble only one, stationary, zone of actin filaments.

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