


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                       Bland-Altman and Wilcoxon signed rank statistical analyses were performed.
2                             A Student t test and stratified statistical analyses were performed.
3                                                         Two statistical analyses were performed: a categorical analysis w
4             Quality control, population stratification, and statistical analyses were performed according to standard cri
5                                            High-dimensional statistical analyses were performed, all models were adjusted
6                                                  Univariate statistical analyses were performed, and each significant par
7                                                         The statistical analyses were performed between January and Novem
8                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by factorial ANOVA.
9                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by Pearson's chi-squared
10                                                         All statistical analyses were performed by SPSS statistical softw
11                                                         All statistical analyses were performed by univariable and adjust
12                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using a single-tailed
13                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using GraphPad softwar
14                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using nonparametric te
15                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using Spearman and Pea
16                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using Student t and Pe
17                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using t tests, one-way
18                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using the chi(2) test
19                                                             Statistical analyses were performed by using Wilcoxon rank-su
20                                                             Statistical analyses were performed controlling for both TSPO
21                                                    Standard statistical analyses were performed for categorical and conti
22                                                  Univariate statistical analyses were performed for qualitative and quant
23                                                             Statistical analyses were performed from December 1, 2015, to
24                                                             Statistical analyses were performed in 124 patients with comp
25                                                             Statistical analyses were performed in October 2016.
26                                                             Statistical analyses were performed (P </=0.05).
27                                                     Various statistical analyses were performed to assess all measurement
28                                     Descriptive and summary statistical analyses were performed to determine median, mini
29                                                             Statistical analyses were performed to determine the clinical
30                                                             Statistical analyses were performed to estimate genetic param
31                                                             Statistical analyses were performed to evaluate risk of morta
32                                                 Descriptive statistical analyses were performed to report correlation coe
33                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using a 2-tailed Student
34                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using a software program,
35                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using area under the curv
36                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using generalized estimat
37                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using linear mixed-effect
38                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using Minitab V16.0 softw
39                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using ordinal logistic re
40                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using Review Manager 5.1.
41                                                             Statistical analyses were performed using the Pearson correla
42                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with a receiver operating
43                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with Cox regression and a
44                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with Mann-Whitney U, chi2
45                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with statistical software
46                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with statistical software
47                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with the Fisher exact tes
48                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with the paired-samples t
49                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with the Student t test f
50                                                             Statistical analyses were performed with the Wilcoxon rank te

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