


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 H2 or oxidants in the feed, including CO2 or steam.
2 nsation even when subjected to 100 degrees C steam.
3 d 2.9 trillion lb/yr (1.3 trillion kg/yr) of steam.
4 d for methane oxidation without using excess steam.
5 s; 4. Steamed then soaked and 5. Soaked then steamed.
6 nge redistribution of aluminium upon zeolite steaming.
7  acid sites in zeolite H-ZSM-5 crystals upon steaming.
8 05) reduced by steaming (2) and soaking then steaming (1.9) but no difference was seen between dry (1
9                                              Steaming (15 min) resulted in the lowest quercetin expos
10 /g DM were significantly (P<0.05) reduced by steaming (2) and soaking then steaming (1.9) but no diff
11 ta, Canada is attributed to high temperature steam (~200 degrees C) injected into oil sands deposits
12 aw (35%), fermented (48%), roasted (88%) and steamed (91%) SIM, compared to their initial ( approxima
13 1) reduced after roasting (99% reduction) or steaming (97% reduction) compared to raw almonds.
14 nactivated biochars were as effective as the steam activated carbons for MeHg sorption.
15                                              Steam activated carbons were more effective than biochar
16 rocess that has powered industries since the steam age--is governed by bubble formation.
17                    The neuroscience field is steaming ahead, fueled by a revolution in cutting-edge t
18 nce supporting the importance of the ventral steam, an extreme capsule system, in the frontal-tempora
19 wo-stage reaction system, in the presence of steam and a Ni-Mn-Al catalyst.
20 rogen is effective for the bi-reforming with steam and CO(2) (combined steam and dry reforming) of me
21 e for single step bi-reforming, the combined steam and dry reforming of methane or natural gas with H
22  bi-reforming with steam and CO(2) (combined steam and dry reforming) of methane as well as natural g
23  cellulosic and sugarcane ethanol plants for steam and electricity production, biomass open burning i
24                This paper compares different steam and electricity sources for carbon capture and seq
25    The scenarios emerge from combinations of steam and electricity sources, fuel used in each source,
26 ighest loss in useful power output, bleeding steam and extracting electric power from the main power
27 estimate the dates when electricity overtook steam and trains overtook horses as a means of transport
28  and young leaves of the tea plant which are steamed and dried, whilst undergoing minimal oxidation.
29                                              Steamed and soaked then steamed had significantly (P<0.0
30                                 Furthermore, steaming and a smaller particle size increased the bioac
31 im of this study was to assess the effect of steaming and boiling on the chemical safety and nutritio
32 es C) and pre-treatment variant (ultrasound, steaming and dipping as a control).
33  from Centella asiatica L. leaves treated by steaming and metal-chlorophylls complexations against co
34                  The effects of germination, steaming and microwave treatments of whole grain millets
35 of the harsh FCC processing conditions (e.g. steam) and the presence of various metal poisons (e.g. V
36 fected by steaming (raw, 1min, 2min and 3min steamed) and meal composition (protein or lipid addition
37  different home cooking techniques (boiling, steaming, and stir-frying) in kale and red cabbage, on t
38                  Fresh coriander leaves were steam- and water-blanched at 100 degrees C and at 90 and
39                 Except for apiin, short-time steam- and water-blanching (1 min), respectively, did no
40 its cause appears to be under a full head of steam as we approach the 21st century.
41 , the generation of hydrogen sulphide during steam assisted thermal recovery is minimal if temperatur
42 ergy storage, wastewater treatment and solar-steam-assisted desalination.
43 llapse of the mesopores upon exposure to 20% steam at 800 degrees C for 5 h.
44 m(2)), a GO leaf floating on water generated steam at a rate of 1.1 L per m(2) per hour (LMH) with a
45 water in a tree-like configuration generated steam at a rate of 2.0 LMH with an energy efficiency of
46 in the presence of the Ni-Mn-Al catalyst and steam at a reforming temperature of 800 degrees C.
47                             These bubbles of steam at magmatic temperatures may interact both chemica
48  coffin-shaped ZSM-5 crystals (i.e., parent, steamed at 500 degrees C, and steamed at 700 degrees C).
49 (i.e., parent, steamed at 500 degrees C, and steamed at 700 degrees C).
50                   In strong contrast, severe steaming at 700 degrees C significantly dealuminated the
51 ceans would have repeatedly boiled away into steam atmospheres as a result of large collisions as lat
52 re subjected to accelerated aging tests in a steam autoclave.
53  long-chain n-3 PUFAs and nonfried (broiled, steamed, baked, or raw) fish were inversely related to s
54 in yield from 25 to 35 times compared to non-steam blanched sample, whereas the antioxidant activity
55                  Fresh herbs were water- and steam-blanched at 90-100 degrees C and 100 degrees C, re
56 er, particle size effect of olive leaves and steam blanching duration were selected as independent va
57 Optimum conditions for OC and AC were 10 min steam blanching of 20-11 and 3-1mm olive leaf fraction,
58 itions of steaming the results indicate that steam blanching of OL prior to extraction can significan
59 elected as independent variables to optimise steam blanching process in terms of oleuropein content (
60    In contrast, water-blanching and extended steam-blanching even yielded increased levels compared t
61                                         Upon steam-blanching for 1 min, phenolic contents and antioxi
62 and WR, when different cooking methods (raw, steamed, boiled and fried) were used.
63 ed material, and fuel oil cocombusted in the steam boiler.
64                                      Chinese steamed bread (CSB) is a staple food in China since anci
65                                      Chinese steamed bread (CSB) is a traditional food produced throu
66  OSB recipe and WBB processing, and modified steamed bread (MSB) made with the WBB recipe and OSB pro
67 ared: western baked bread (WBB) and oriental steamed bread (OSB), modified baked bread (MBB) made wit
68 effect on starch digestibility in bread, and steamed bread was healthier in terms of glycaemic respon
69 tibility of western baked bread and oriental steamed bread.
70 s were up to 10 times higher in raw and 1min steamed broccoli samples after digestion compared to lon
71 i samples after digestion compared to longer-steamed broccoli.
72 at the charge-density-wave puddles, like the steam bubbles in boiling water, have a fat-tailed size d
73 hen subjected to 30% total body surface area steam burn injury.
74 ycosidase activity, however, increased, with steaming by 66% (p<0.001) and with roasting by 52% (p=0.
75        The estimated toxicity increased with steaming by a percentage that cannot be explained by wei
76 om "CRS" by 23% in "Rodriguez." In addition, steaming caused a loss of Ca (21%) but did not change th
77  expansion of the nanoparticles nor a carbon-steam chemical reaction play a significant role in the o
78                               The needed 2/1 steam/CO2 feed ratio together with the reaction heat for
79                                              Steam cooked rices showed very high levels of organic ma
80 hern European countries, either as boiled or steamed cooked product.
81                                              Steam cooking preserved more antioxidant compounds than
82 m combined heat and power are minimal if the steam coproduct displaces steam from an efficient natura
83  process is promising for the replacement of steam cracking in the production of ethylene.
84 lation process for ethylene produced through steam cracking.
85   Extraframework aluminum was extracted from steam-dealuminated H-mordenite and shown to dominantly c
86 lant to meet the CCS plant's electricity and steam demand maximizes plant efficiency and profit while
87             Herein, a high-performance solar steam device composed entirely of natural wood is report
88      Described is a rapid microwave-mediated steam distillation device for determining two predominan
89                   EOs are easily produced by steam distillation of plant material and contain many vo
90 mquat peels or whole fruit by cold pressing, steam distillation or heating in water at 90 degrees C f
91 tile compounds were isolated by simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction and its identifica
92 ve volatiles of the beverage, a simultaneous steam distillation-solvent extraction method was applied
93 rpineol, the levels of which increased after steam distillation.
94 water at 90 degrees C for 15 min followed by steam distillation.
95 from peppermint leaves and subjected them to steam distillations.
96                              The presence of steam during carbonation reduces the diffusion resistanc
97  is soluble in water and released into sugar steam during extraction, was investigated in this study.
98 , the 3D-printed evaporator has a high solar steam efficiency of 85.6% under 1 sun illumination (1 kW
99 ded as a regulated constituent in the recent steam electric effluent limitations guidelines and stand
100 rge-scale U.S. dependence on thermoelectric (steam electric) generation requiring water for cooling u
101 mong all the technologies for H2 production, steam electrolysis by solid oxide electrolysis cells (SO
102 sly the liquid-vapour Rankine cycle used for steam engines.
103 rgy conversion will never be as efficient as steam engines.
104 cal components on the kenaf surface during a steam explosion followed by chemical degum process.
105                                  Pilot-scale steam explosion of the lignocellulosic residue followed
106 ti, Garen Gazel, and Eguwa) was increased by steam explosion treatment up to 5311, 4680, and 3832 mg/
107                                In this work, steam-explosion treatment was evaluated as a procedure t
108 mal heaters, which generate high-temperature steam for a standalone, efficient solar autoclave useful
109 al controls, cofiring biomass, and exporting steam for industrial use.
110 ed to the following 5 treatments: 1. Dry; 2. Steamed for 50 minutes in the Haygain- 600 steamer; 3. S
111              Soaking for 9 hours followed by steaming for 50 minutes in the Haygain steamer was the m
112  cooked using three processes (fry, bake and steam) for three time intervals (5, 10 and 15 min).
113 ies and stimulated-echo acquisition mode, or STEAM, for brain studies.
114      However, subsurface heating may lead to steam formation and a form of tissue disruption called s
115 ducted in a thermogravimetric analyzer under steam-free carbonation conditions, the CO2 uptake of the
116 are minimal if the steam coproduct displaces steam from an efficient natural gas boiler.
117 s was found for 30 cycles in the presence of steam (from 1-20%).
118 und to be increased with the introduction of steam (from Raman analysis).
119 ation device for low-cost and scalable solar steam generation applications.
120 e in situ control of bubbles, temperature or steam generation cannot be adjusted for a given heat inp
121 annels for water pumping and escaping, solar steam generation device based on the F-Wood/CNTs membran
122 e, portable, recyclable, and efficient solar steam generation device for low-cost and scalable solar
123 edicated to developing high-efficiency solar steam generation devices, challenges remain in terms of
124 ectricity sources, fuel used in each source, steam generation equipment and process details, and the
125 apturable CO(2) from oil sands upgrading and steam generation facilities.
126                                        Solar steam generation has been achieved by surface plasmon he
127              The current challenge for solar steam generation is to develop easy-to-manufacture and s
128 ive and scalable solar energy harvesting and steam generation technology that can provide clean water
129  concave structure for high-efficiency solar steam generation under 1 sun illumination is used.
130                                   Currently, steam generation using solar energy is based on heating
131 have been reported, high efficiency in solar steam generation usually can be achieved only at concent
132 d corresponding material structure for solar steam generation while maintaining low optical concentra
133                                        Solar steam generation with subsequent steam recondensation ha
134 presents estimates for water consumption and steam generation within U.S. manufacturing industries.
135  solar energy harvesting for high-efficiency steam generation.
136 yer is introduced for highly efficient solar steam generation.
137                                    The solar-steam-generation device has a high porosity (97.3%) and
138  activating signal is able to pass through a steam girdle on the stem, indicating that it moves throu
139         Stimulated-echo acquisition mode, or STEAM, H-1 MR spectroscopy was performed to determine th
140                      Steamed and soaked then steamed had significantly (P<0.05) less bacteria (1.04x1
141                                              Steaming had no or a negative effect on carotenoid liber
142                                     Recently steam has been used to allow heavy oil extraction with g
143    Creep cavitation in an ex-service nuclear steam header Type 316 stainless steel sample is investig
144                                    Impact of steam, hot water blanching and UV-C irradiation as pre-t
145  the neuroanatomical correlate of the dorsal steam; however, less is known about what constitutes the
146 us both redox stability and operation in low steam hydrocarbons have been demonstrated, overcoming tw
147  filter was prepared via a simple filtration-steam hydrolysis method and evaluated with respect to aq
148 monia is produced by electrolysis of air and steam in a molten hydroxide suspension of nano-Fe2O3.
149 nd N2O formations were further enhanced with steam in the combustion environment.
150                              The addition of steam in the process results in an increase of hydrogen
151 oaccessibility decreased significantly after steaming in all species, while zinc bioaccessibility inc
152 d the entire fruit with and without previous steaming, in model solutions with AC:CP ratios ranging f
153                                              Steaming increased the content of beta-carotene extracte
154                                              Steam influences the sorbent reactivity in two ways.
155                                       Direct steam injection (DSI) processing with pH adjustment was
156 gnificant drivers of emissions variation are steam injection rates, water handling requirements, and
157 and takes advantage of a peroxidation/direct steam injection synergistic effect.
158                  Large impacts also injected steam into the atmosphere from the craters or from water
159  collection, assimilating heterogeneous data steams into models and communicating the uncertainty of
160               Using solar energy to generate steam is a clean and sustainable approach to addressing
161                 Since a good portion of this steam is injected directly into plant processes, vented,
162 than the pore structure that evolves when no steam is present.
163                              The presence of steam is required to obtain alcohols rather than CO2 as
164                                   Therefore, steaming is the best cooking method to preserved most of
165 ed puree, but reduced lutein liberation from steamed leaves and raw puree.
166 higher than those of extracts from untreated/steamed leaves and synthetic colorant.
167 imilar green hue to those from untreated and steamed leaves, while zinc-chlorophylls extracts exhibit
168 ined acid-heat than those from untreated and steamed leaves.
169 of materials stability over a broad range of steam levels as well as in-depth investigation of struct
170                   Cooking by microwaving and steaming maintains the majority of phytochemicals in com
171 capture at fluid catalytic cracker (FCC) and steam methane reformer (SMR) units, and alternative hydr
172  of natural gas utilized as feedstock by the steam methane reformer.
173                             Sorbent-enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) is an emerging technolo
174  natural gas for hydrogen production through steam methane reforming, followed by the use of natural
175                          The autothermal and steam-methane reforming processes for natural gas conver
176                             The experimental steaming method allows for high throughput screening of
177                                              Steaming method retained the higher gamma-oryzanol conte
178  based upon cluster models and combinatorial steaming methods whereby a steam stability map was formu
179 ethods were the soaking temperatures and the steaming methods.
180 of different processing conditions (boiling, steaming, microwaving and sous vide) on the stability of
181 (CSB) is a traditional food produced through steaming of fermented dough.
182                                         Mild steaming of zeolite H-ZSM-5 crystals at 500 degrees C le
183 to ignorance about water-oil ratio (WOR) and steam-oil ratio (SOR), resulting in distributions with c
184 ect of this work was to assess the effect of steam on the cyclic CO2 capture capacity of the original
185                     The effect of industrial steaming on mussels that had been naturally exposed to D
186        But traditional reforming of methanol steam operates at relatively high temperatures (200-350
187 hen Mars' primary crust reacted with a dense steam or supercritical atmosphere of water and carbon di
188  fruits (F1); vegetables (F2); grains, fish, steamed or boiled chicken, vegetables, and nuts (F3); re
189 izopus strains and usually eaten deep-fried, steamed or roasted.
190 igned to control group (cleaning protocol by steaming) or test group (plasma of argon treatment).
191                                              Steam oven cakes possessed the highest moisture content
192 m traditional and microwave ovens but not in steam oven cakes.
193                               When saturated steam passes over a colder hydrophobic substrate, numero
194 frequency power based on CF seems to prevent steam pop and impedance rise without loss of lesion effe
195 ce (CF) is associated with increased risk of steam pop and perforation.
196 diofrequencylesion size and the incidence of steam pop increase strikingly with increasing CF.
197                           The incidence of a steam pop increased with both increasing CF and higher p
198                                              Steam pop occurred at 20 W in 4 of 35 closed loop and 0
199   Lower interface temperature, thrombus, and steam pop, especially in low blood flow, indicate greate
200    All pulmonary veins were isolated without steam pop, impedance rise, or pericardial effusion.
201 ially in 50-W ablations, drag ablations, and steam pop.
202  injections at fast speed and ablations with steam pop.
203        We determined parameters that predict steam popping and depth of tissue destruction under nonp
204                                              Steam popping can be avoided by selecting power level/le
205                           The probability of steam popping was directly related to power level and in
206 ation and a form of tissue disruption called steam popping.
207                                              Steam pops occurred in 3 attempts using conventional rad
208                                              Steam pops occurred with high CF.
209 ofrequency applications, drag ablations, and steam pops produced most of the microparticles.
210  a determinant of epicardial RF lesion size, steam pops, acute coronary artery injury, and phrenic ne
211                             No perforations, steam pops, or thrombus were noted.
212 t during fast saline/contrast injections and steam pops, whereas high-power radiofrequency applicatio
213 arger lesions without a greater incidence of steam pops.
214 ial in many industrial applications, such as steam power plants, water desalination, and de-icing of
215 h was to evaluate the effect of microwave or steam pre-treatment of raw sweet potato on physicochemic
216                   Microwave (M6) and all the steam pre-treatments showed the higher bioaccessibility
217                                              Steam present during calcination promotes sintering that
218 ating parameters (initial water content (W), steam pressure (P) and processing time (T)) was used to
219 t consists in exposing humid kernels to high steam pressure followed by a decompression to the vacuum
220               At 250 degrees C and 25 bar of steam pressure, the electrolysis voltage necessary for 2
221 t-specific factors (predictors) that include steam pressure, total capacity, plant age, fuel type, an
222                                              Steaming, pressure cooking, microwaving, and frying but
223                                Incubation of steam-pretreated poplar (SPP) with sLac enhanced the rel
224                                    The solar steam process, akin to the natural water cycle, is consi
225          The bioaccessibility of elements in steamed products increased or decreased according to spe
226 reased beta-carotene liberation from raw and steamed puree, but reduced lutein liberation from steame
227 escent lava causing production of voluminous steam, rapid surface cooling and thermal shock fragmenta
228                    By adjusting the CO(2)-to-steam ratio in the gas feed, the H(2)/CO ratio in the pr
229  released breakdown products are affected by steaming (raw, 1min, 2min and 3min steamed) and meal com
230 of carbon nanoparticles can drive the carbon-steam reaction to generate highly controlled shock waves
231       Solar steam generation with subsequent steam recondensation has been regarded as one of the mos
232 e inhibition ELISA showed that high pressure steaming reduced the allergenicity of tropomyosin compar
233 ith the conventional complex route involving steam reformation to syngas (CO/H2) at high temperature,
234                  The low-temperature ethanol steam reforming (ESR) reaction mechanism over a supporte
235 y generation through natural gas combustion, steam reforming and the partial oxidation of hydrocarbon
236 dustrial hydrogen production through methane steam reforming exceeds 50 million tons annually and acc
237        The method is demonstrated in ethanol steam reforming for hydrogen production for fuel cells.
238 ature reaction applications, using catalytic steam reforming of biomass tar as the model system.
239 tilizer currently relies on carbon-intensive steam reforming of methane as a hydrogen source.
240 d the role of Zn in Pd/ZnO catalysts for the steam reforming of methanol (SRM).
241 icantly, whether the hydrogen is produced by steam reforming of natural gas, wind electrolysis, or co
242 idation, water-gas shift (WGS), and methanol steam reforming reactions.
243                          A non-syngas direct steam reforming route is investigated for the conversion
244 without concurrent production of CO2 (unlike steam reforming) or CO (by complete methanol dehydrogena
245 ich is commercially obtained through methane steam reforming, methanol synthesis, and subsequent meth
246              We show here results on methane steam reforming, where the particle size controls the CO
247 50 degrees C, conditions relevant to methane steam reforming.
248 g of methanol" in analogy to the traditional steam reforming.
249 , such as enzymatic decomposition of sugars, steam-reforming of bio-oils and gasification, suffer fro
250 nding on the source of heat used to meet the steam requirements in the capture unit, retrofitting a P
251 126 and 122 g/kg dry matter (DM) for dry and steamed respectively.
252                                 In the kale, steaming resulted in significant increases in antioxidan
253 ontact between vegetables and water or using steaming seems to be an adequate measure to limit folate
254 ray and parietal white matter (8 cm3 volume, STEAM sequence with echo time = 20 msec, repetition time
255 stion lead (most likely source is coal-fired steam ships), and lead derived from Carboniferous Pb-Zn
256                                              Steaming significantly improved lutein liberation from A
257 e latter, while for polyphenols, boiling and steaming significantly reduced total phenolics (p<0.05).
258                                   Soaking or steaming+soaking lowered water soluble carbohydrates but
259 thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin) content of steamed sprouts increased with increasing germination ti
260 and combinatorial steaming methods whereby a steam stability map was formulated according to the rela
261 e and dispersive OVD denatured by drying and steam sterilization alone did not cause ocular inflammat
262 ciated with unwrapped and wrapped full-cycle steam sterilization were shown to be identical within st
263 nstruments were sterilized using full-cycle, steam sterilization, with a single major difference.
264 ylene oxide exposure, gamma-irradiation, and steam sterilization.
265  wet biomass of M. aeruginosa (high-pressure steam sterilized) with an additional 10 g/L of glucose a
266 e solution is on-site waste treatment with a steam sterilizer or autoclave.
267  the deacidification process is performed by steam stripping which causes the loss of most of palm oi
268 and operation data with an engineering-based steam system model.
269 tail on water consumption in U.S. industrial steam systems and highlight opportunities for combined e
270         The results indicate that industrial steam systems consume approximately 3780 TBTU/yr (3.98 x
271                                          The steaming technique resulted in a significant increase in
272 s in the ratio of 2:1(w/w) across a range of steam temperatures (66-107 degrees C) and pH values (2-1
273 traction procedure, at optimum conditions of steaming the results indicate that steam blanching of OL
274 was seen between dry (1148), soaked (692) or steamed then soaked (501).
275 ked in water at 16 degrees C for 9 hours; 4. Steamed then soaked and 5. Soaked then steamed.
276                                      Soaked, steamed then soaked and soaked then steamed treatments w
277 d easily surpass that level after industrial steaming, thus producing important losses for food proce
278                               Using a CH4 to steam to CO2 ratio of approximately 3:2:1 in the gas fee
279  had a higher phytochemical content than the steam-treated kernels.
280 at 700MPa showed a similar colour profile to steam-treated kernels.
281 ready thermally stable, can be activated via steam treatment (at 750 degrees C) to simultaneously ach
282            The possibility of ultrasound and steam treatment application was proven and the optimal p
283 study was carried out in a pilot plant, with steam treatment at 140 degrees C and 160 degrees C for 3
284  of the zeolite framework upon postsynthesis steam treatment could be visualized by occupation of the
285 isotherm being unchanged following 7 days of steam-treatment (>85% RH) or 6 months of exposure to the
286  Soaked, steamed then soaked and soaked then steamed treatments were all equally effective at reducin
287 ermine the effect of 5 different soaking and steaming treatments on the water soluble carbohydrate an
288 of traditional coal, nuclear, or natural gas steam turbine generators with mostly cooling ponds (0.52
289 esses in response to future energy needs for steam turbines in thermal-power plants.
290 e., the highest reactivity was observed when steam was present for both calcination and carbonation.
291 ial experimental conditions (wind, water and steam) was studied to demonstrate the high flexibility a
292 ocesses (96 degrees C for 6min with 0-20 L/h steam) were applied on the aleurone-rich flour to modify
293 ble cultivars (Kuroda and Brasilia), raw and steamed, were characterised by the total content of beta
294  used in this study except for high pressure steaming where the intensity of tropomyosin band was red
295 reports on the influence of high-temperature steam, which will be present in flue (about 5-10%) and f
296                                  Finally, in steamed zeolite ferrierite with FER topology the extrafr
297 l-Al neighbouring distance within parent and steamed ZSM-5 crystals, as well as assess the long-range

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