


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 howed bifurcation of the xiphoid process and sternum.
2 tes, also have an eighth rib attached to the sternum.
3  second pairs of ribs normally attach to the sternum.
4 his closure results in severe defects of the sternum.
5 ive difference was found in artifacts of the sternum.
6 e shape and relative dimensions of the mouse sternum.
7  narrowing, thickening and elongation of the sternum.
8 tal shelves, shoulder girdle, vertebrae, and sternum.
9 andible and asymmetric fusion of ribs to the sternum.
10 rtebral discs, as well as adjoining ribs and sternum.
11 from lateral plate mesoderm, which forms the sternum.
12 evelopmental patterning of the forelimbs and sternum.
13 ved from the right shoulder (control) to the sternum.
14 development of periosteal innervation of the sternum.
15 ic ganglia along rib periosteum to reach the sternum.
16 F4 are not expressed in the rib cartilage or sternum.
17  osteomyelitis of the xiphoid process of the sternum.
18 e force of the heart is directed towards the sternum.
19  failure of the rib cartilage to contact the sternum.
20 of 226 insertion attempts were made into the sternum; 54 were unsuccessful, with an overall success r
21 clude abnormal attachment of the ribs to the sternum, a reduction in the number of intercostal segmen
22                         Abnormalities of the sternum accompany the rib fusions.
23 ents <1 yr of age who were left with an open sternum after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypas
24 so displayed a dorsal-ward deflection of the sternum akin to human PE.
25 lude disruption of the sternebrae within the sternum and abnormal formation of the fibrocartilaginous
26 ive intestinal peptide when they reached the sternum and acquired them after arrival.
27 ded by distance between posterior surface of sternum and anterior surface of spine) was 4.65 (normal
28             The RSS is the region behind the sternum and anterior to the ascending aorta.
29            In addition, fusions were seen in sternum and carpal bones.
30                                Fusion of the sternum and endocardial cushions is impaired in the muta
31  the T-box transcription factor gene Tbx5 in sternum and forelimb formation and show that both struct
32 nd can also explain the linked adaptation of sternum and forelimb morphology correlated with mode of
33 t chip was resected medially adjacent to the sternum and laterally at the level where the chest had a
34 s have midline fusion defects manifesting as sternum and palate abnormalities.
35               Carrier females exhibit milder sternum and palate defects and misshapen pupils.
36 on, the development of mineralization in the sternum and some skull elements was significantly disrup
37  an essential role in the development of the sternum and some skull elements.
38  within megakaryocytes and platelets in both sternum and spleen and platelets in circulation.
39 he craniofacial area, the formation of split sternum and the development of polydactyly.
40   Sound knowledge of neoplasms affecting the sternum and their imaging appearance is essential to arr
41 quivalent dose rate at 1 m (EDR-1m) from the sternum and urinary bladder were obtained.
42 f Tbx5 expression underlies the reduction in sternum and wing size in a flightless bird, the emu.
43                          The anterior nares, sternum, and (future) driveline exit site were cultured
44 .5, and 8.8 muSv/h, respectively, facing the sternum, and 5.1, 10.1, and 9.5 muSv/h, respectively, fa
45 .9 muSv/h, respectively, at the level of the sternum, and 9.3 and 4.7 muSv/h, respectively, at the le
46 altered formation of bones and joints in the sternum, and a reduction in the number of bones in the d
47 in the number of intercostal segments of the sternum, and abnormal growth of the intercostal segments
48 r viability, ability to form normal ribs and sternum, and extent of skeletal muscle differentiation.
49 , transverse wedge osteotomy of the anterior sternum, and internal support with a steel strut for 6 m
50 ements in repeating series in both limbs and sternum, and is required for normal generation of the fu
51 e to simulated implants in the femoral head, sternum, and spine (P = 0.01, 0.01, and 0.03, respective
52  reduction of artifacts in the femoral head, sternum, and spine.
53 characteristics, along with robust scapulae, sternum, and unfused cervical vertebrae, support the int
54 axial somites, the appendicular skeleton and sternum arise from the somatic lateral plate mesoderm, a
55  fusion of the ribs at the midline and bifid sternum as well as delayed sternal ossification.
56                                          The sternum bone lies at the ventral midline of the thorax w
57      In the stylopod (humerus and femur) and sternum, bone marrow MSCs express other regionally restr
58 olaminergic properties when they reached the sternum, but these properties subsequently disappeared.
59 r the detection of thoracic fractures (ribs, sternum, clavicle, and scapula), 93% for the detection o
60 nt with this shared origin and role of Tbx5, sternum defects are a characteristic feature of Holt-Ora
61                           In particular, the sternum defects are greatly exacerbated.
62  respiratory insufficiency caused by rib and sternum defects in addition to the heart defects.
63 genin-null allele, the resulting embryos had sternum defects resembling homozygous myogenin-null embr
64 e has been removed did not have body wall or sternum defects.
65  bearing homozygous hypomorphic alleles, the sternum developed normally and extensive skeletal muscle
66 the genetic pathways regulating forelimb and sternum development, enabling specific adaptations of th
67 ereby development of the cranial sutures and sternum follows a morphogen mode, whereas development of
68 issue level, a blood sample was taped to the sternum for ex vivo radiation with or without shielding.
69 confidence interval [CI], .04-.25), rib, and sternum; for pediatric patients (</=18 years) the patter
70 skeletal muscle and, secondarily, in rib and sternum formation during mouse development.
71 absolute levels of myogenin and that correct sternum formation, skeletal muscle differentiation, and
72 urification of type II collagen from chicken sternums, immunization of mice, clinical assessment of a
73 tients; the strut was placed anterior to the sternum in 9 patients under age 12 and over age 40 years
74  Hox genes pattern the lateral plate-derived sternum in a non-colinear manner, independent from the p
75 side the chest through a defect in the lower sternum in association with anterior diaphragmatic and v
76 , proximal and distal muscles as well as the sternum in mammals and the cleithrum of fish.
77 nterior convex ribs in 10 patients; "tilted" sternum in six; prominent asymmetric costal cartilage in
78              Despite the crucial role of the sternum in tetrapod locomotion, little attention has bee
79  a breach in the normal outline of the lower sternum indicating a sternal deficiency.
80 failure and preserved ejection fraction with sternum intact (n=4).
81                                          The sternum is an uncommon site for neoplastic involvement a
82                Neoplastic involvement of the sternum is extremely unusual and should be considered ma
83                                          The sternum is fused with the ribs attaching on either side;
84 )) have malformations in digits, wrists, and sternum joints, regions where Tbx5 is expressed.
85 report a case of tubercular infection of the sternum located in the xiphoid process resulting in its
86                     Lesions arising from the sternum, lungs as well as the pleura can also involve th
87 and perichondrial sheath detachment from the sternum may not be necessary for optimal repair.
88 and thoracic vertebral column and defects in sternum morphogenesis.
89                             Among tetrapods, sternum morphology is correlated with the mode of locomo
90 ility to breathe, some had relatively normal sternum morphology, suggesting that one or more addition
91 ariations in the anterior chest wall: titled sternum (n = 29), prominent convexity of anterior rib or
92        In contrast to wild-type embryos, the sternum of E17.5 Runx1(Re/Re) embryos showed high levels
93 d enabled metastasis to the lung, liver, and sternum of mice inoculated with 4T07 cells in vivo.
94 ontrast to the vertebrae and long bones, the sternum of wild-type embryos expresses high levels of Ru
95                       The detector faced the sternum or bladder and was 1 m away from and directly in
96  Hoxd-12 in other lateral plate derivatives (sternum, pelvis) likewise phenocopies several luxoid/lux
97  situations, such as assessment of the ribs, sternum, pelvis, hips, and joints, should be guided by t
98 stomach or pancreas, whereas diseases of the sternum presenting as an epigastric swelling is extremel
99                 Of the skeletal tissues, the sternum received the highest dose with a maximum ROD to
100                We demonstrate a link between sternum size and forelimb use across avians and provide
101       Third, double mutant mice show a split sternum that is not detected in mice with any other geno
102 er deposit in the region of the clavicle and sternum; thus, unenhanced thoracic computed tomography (
103  score (chest width divided by distance from sternum to spine) was 4.8.
104 illed-nursing facility ranged from 28% (ribs/sternum) to 47% (pelvis/hip).
105 extending to the midbrain, tongue, incisors, sternum, vertebrae and limbs.
106                                          The sternum was then reapproximated, and data were collected
107 r, alterations in mutant vertebrae, ribs and sternum were also observed, which appear to stem from a
108 well as mechanical pain sensitivity over the sternum were determined and the PD-Q scores were calcula
109                      The breast, axilla, and sternum were illuminated with NIR light and the fluoresc
110 e of a skeletal structure can be seen in the sternum, which varies considerably across species.
111 cence of all layers of the wound down to the sternum with no signs of healing after receiving broad s

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