


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s, with progesterone being the most abundant steroid hormone.
2 drosterone, an important naturally occurring steroid hormone.
3 osis that follows the administration of this steroid hormone.
4 ine production, carbohydrate metabolism, and steroid hormones.
5 cholesterol, a key step in the generation of steroid hormones.
6 and constrained with productions of selected steroid hormones.
7 uronidated estrogen, testosterone, and other steroid hormones.
8 ysiological role in transport and balance of steroid hormones.
9 is is not likely regulated directly by these steroid hormones.
10 l (CH) to pregnenolone, the precursor to all steroid hormones.
11 ly maintained by the presence of circulating steroid hormones.
12 een observed and attributed to the action of steroid hormones.
13  therapeutics as well as endobiotics such as steroid hormones.
14 ition, and seasonal cues, as well as gonadal steroid hormones.
15 s and makes them responsive to activation by steroid hormones.
16 utcomes seen during life stages with low sex steroid hormones.
17 sion, differentiation, and responsiveness to steroid hormones.
18 nolone, the first 21-carbon precursor of all steroid hormones.
19 ons and understanding of brain modulation by steroid hormones.
20 -disrupting compounds such as pesticides and steroid hormones.
21  receptors to provide the full impact of all steroid hormones.
22       The current study examined whether the steroid hormone, 17beta-estradiol (E2) can exert long-la
23  is regulated by the interaction between the steroid hormone 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E) transferred by
24 yo to bacterial infections and find that the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) can regulate
25   In this study, we show that the Drosophila steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) and its nuclear
26 re, we demonstrate a key requirement for the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) in the maintena
27       Here we show that the male-transferred steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) is a key regula
28 is requires a surge in the production of the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone from the prothoracic
29                                              Steroid hormones act in the adult brain to regulate gene
30      In order to better understand where sex steroid hormones act to regulate social behavior in this
31                     In contrast, a subset of steroid hormones acted as competitive inhibitors of C. d
32                  A currently obscure area of steroid hormone action is where the component factors, i
33 roved our understanding of the mechanisms of steroid hormone action on bone and how physiologic, path
34 sed on a validated chemical kinetic model of steroid hormone action, is now used to identify two new
35         Our results provide a genomic map of steroid hormone actions in plants that reveals a regulat
36                                          The steroid hormone-activated glucocorticoid receptor (GR) r
37        The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a steroid-hormone-activated transcription factor that modu
38  differences in the serum levels of hexoses, steroid hormones, acylcarnitines, purine, heme, bile aci
39 at constitutively produce the salt-retaining steroid hormone aldosterone and cause millions of cases
40 pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and steroid hormones, all at ng/L levels in surface and drin
41  Cholesterol is responsible for synthesis of steroid hormones and bile acids, which have been recogni
42                   Our results show that both steroid hormones and bile salts are able to increase C.
43 vidence suggests that the actions of ovarian steroid hormones and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (
44           We observed no association between steroid hormones and ER(+)/PR(+) disease.
45 urally similar to cholesterol-derived animal steroid hormones and insect ecdysteroids, with no known
46 he occurrence of 16 endogenous and synthetic steroid hormones and metabolites was evaluated in runoff
47 d treated wastewater effluent to the load of steroid hormones and other wastewater micropollutants (W
48 , transformation, and attenuation of natural steroid hormones and phytoestrogens and estrogenic activ
49 tween high concentrations of early pregnancy steroid hormones and risk of ER(-)/PR(-) breast cancer i
50 ally <5%; however, rates were higher for the steroid hormones and some of the more challenging compou
51                                              Steroid hormones and their nuclear receptors drive devel
52 nto sex-specific differences in lipid, drug, steroid hormone, and xenobiotic metabolism, with distinc
53 n-like growth factor-1, leptin, adiponectin, steroid hormones, and cytokines.
54 , it is becoming increasingly clear that sex steroid hormones, and in particular the principle female
55 ndicate that the transformation processes of steroid hormone are stereoselective in sediment and co-o
56                                              Steroid hormones are a large family of cholesterol deriv
57 two of the most commonly observed androgenic steroid hormones are androstenedione (AD) and testostero
58                               Bile salts and steroid hormones are biosynthesized from cholesterol, su
59 or ionization and localized ion suppression, steroid hormones are difficult to detect.
60                                              Steroid hormones are essential for carbohydrate metaboli
61                                       Female steroid hormones are hypothesized to play a protective r
62 recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone and steroid hormones are ineffective.
63     Several endocrine factors, including sex-steroid hormones are known to influence adiponectin secr
64 s in endogenous postmenopausal levels of sex steroid hormones are not substantially related to these
65                                      Because steroid hormones are often conjugated to glucuronic acid
66 ession of endocrine related-cancers in which steroid hormones are powerful mitogenic agents.
67                                              Steroid hormones are produced throughout the phylogeneti
68 Supplements and growth promotants containing steroid hormones are routinely administered to beef catt
69 lts indicate that short-term treatments with steroid hormones are sufficient to alter both Lep transc
70                          Circulating gonadal steroid hormones are thought to modulate a wide range of
71                      Sexual transfer of this steroid hormone as part of a mating plug dramatically ch
72 duction during infusion of deuterium-labeled steroid hormones as tracers; plasma clearance of 100 mg
73 rosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), a small-molecule steroid hormone, as the target analyte.
74 -ATPase is activated by ouabain, a mammalian steroid hormone, at far lower concentrations than those
75 ber intake, which has been shown to decrease steroid hormone bioavailability (decreased blood concent
76 ssion profiles showed that genes involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis (Star, Cyp11a1, and Hsd3b1)
77 ute the dogma that TSPO is indispensable for steroid hormone biosynthesis and viability.
78 sphingolipids have been shown to control the steroid hormone biosynthesis in adrenal glands, indicati
79                                        Human steroid hormone biosynthesis is the result of a complex
80 hondrial membrane, the rate-limiting step in steroid hormone biosynthesis.
81 gatively regulates accumulation of the plant steroid hormone brassinosteroid (BR) in organ boundaries
82                                        Plant steroid hormones, brassinosteroids (BRs), play essential
83                                        Plant steroid hormones, brassinosteroids (BRs), play essential
84                                    The plant steroid hormones, brassinosteroids (BRs), play important
85                                        Plant steroid hormones, brassinosteroids (BRs), play important
86 l plasticity is linked to the actions of sex steroid hormones, but the precise mechanisms are unclear
87 H4IIE-luc bioassay, effects on production of steroid hormones by use of the H295R steroidogenesis ass
88 actors, but it has long been recognised that steroid hormones can exert powerful modulatory effects a
89                 This study demonstrates that steroid hormones can help reestablish functional neurona
90                          Our data imply that steroid hormones can shift the immunological balance in
91 en that Chst10 transfers sulfates to several steroid hormones, Chst10 likely functions in widespread
92 rrelations between urinary BPA and serum sex steroid hormone concentrations in adults.
93                     Because BDNF and gonadal steroid hormones conjointly influence neuronal growth, s
94 symptoms (LUTS), and it is not clear how sex steroid hormones contribute to the rates of change in th
95                                              Steroid hormones control important developmental process
96 ssion profiles, these findings indicate that steroid hormone-coupled control of let-7-C microRNAs is
97 of neuroblast proliferation/quiescence and a steroid hormone cue that is required for temporal transc
98                                          The steroid hormone dafachronic acid (DA) directs developmen
99 ce, we used gonadectomy to eliminate gonadal steroid hormone-dependent expression of AVP in the BNST
100 tor complex plays a key coregulatory role in steroid hormone-dependent transcription and is chiefly t
101                 The phenotype depends on sex-steroid hormones: dihydrotestosterone treatment of gonad
102 be mediated by organizational actions of sex steroid hormones during development.
103 nd songbirds is linked to the actions of sex steroid hormones during ontogeny but also in adulthood i
104                                          The steroid hormone ecdysone and its receptor (EcR) play cri
105                           In Drosophila, the steroid hormone ecdysone controls developmental transiti
106                       Here, we show that the steroid hormone ecdysone controls the expression of the
107 morphosis of insects, in which pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone drive the wholesale transformat
108                             We show that the steroid hormone ecdysone functions in Drosophila to cont
109 that in Drosophila, endocrine release of the steroid hormone ecdysone is mediated through a regulated
110                                          The steroid hormone ecdysone is the central regulator of ins
111         Previous research suggested that the steroid hormone ecdysone may play a role in this polyphe
112                     Sequential pulses of the steroid hormone ecdysone regulate the major developmenta
113 anscription factors following a pulse of the steroid hormone ecdysone such that different times in wi
114 regulated in a cell-autonomous manner by the steroid hormone ecdysone, through changes in expression
115 ning by local degeneration controlled by the steroid hormone ecdysone.
116 y the level and duration of secretion of the steroid hormone ecdysone.
117 europeptide that promotes the release of the steroid hormone ecdysone.
118 ogenic differentiation when treated with the steroid hormone ecdysone.
119 ormation processes do not necessarily reduce steroid hormone ecotoxicity.
120                                      The sex-steroid hormone estradiol (E2) enhances the psychoactive
121                                          The steroid hormone estrogen is important for brain function
122 lpha4 subunits, which is also a PAM site for steroid hormone estrogens such as 17beta-estradiol.
123                          Free and conjugated steroid hormones (estrogens, androgens, and progesterone
124               Progesterone (P4) is a natural steroid hormone excreted by humans and animals.
125 some DNA methylation patterns are altered by steroid hormone exposure in the developing brain, less i
126 e (LH) pulse frequency, implicating abnormal steroid hormone feedback to gonadotropin-releasing hormo
127 and estradiol in the mechanisms by which sex-steroid hormone fluctuations provoke depressive symptoms
128 explore these phenomena for endocrine-active steroid hormones, focusing on examples of conserved bioa
129 d BR signalling network and explain how this steroid hormone functions as a master regulator of plant
130 pressed glucocorticoid receptors (GRs), this steroid hormone has pleiotropic effects on many cell typ
131               Throughout the animal kingdom, steroid hormones have been implicated in the defense aga
132 tanding of cellular and molecular actions of steroid hormones have gone beyond the important cell nuc
133 ole in the regulation of systemic energy and steroid hormone homeostasis.
134                Altered concentrations of sex steroid hormones, impaired reproductive performance, and
135  as the sulfate DHEA-S, is the most abundant steroid hormone in human blood.
136 rone (DHEA) is the most abundant circulating steroid hormone in humans, produced by the adrenals, the
137                        Testosterone is a key steroid hormone in the development of male reproductive
138 s glucuronidated steroid hormone to regulate steroid hormone in vivo.
139  neurons are differentially regulated by sex steroid hormones in a dose-dependent manner.
140 elated pathologies are heavily influenced by steroid hormones in a variety of vertebrate species, inc
141 SENSITIVE-1 (BRI1) is the major receptor for steroid hormones in Arabidopsis.
142 particularly suited for selective capture of steroid hormones in biological and environmental samples
143 le and the role of gonadotropins and ovarian steroid hormones in ESR36 expression.
144 sents an analytical method for evaluating 15 steroid hormones in fish tissue.
145                    The potential presence of steroid hormones in runoff from sites where biosolids ha
146         Cholesterol is the sole precursor of steroid hormones in the body.
147 of a "window of therapeutic opportunity" for steroid hormones in the brain.
148 and rapid non-genomic actions of circulating steroid hormones in the brain.
149 a new signaling pathway in the regulation of steroid hormones in the uterus, and to overcome P4 resis
150 likely functions in widespread regulation of steroid hormones in vivo.
151 esponsible for tissue resistance to multiple steroid hormones including glucocorticoids observed in a
152 nzymatic process that terminally inactivates steroid hormones, including estrogens and androgens, the
153                                          The steroid hormone-induced effect on BKCa channels is a tar
154 s of non-pregnant animals, hypoxia inhibited steroid hormone-induced up-regulation of BKCa channel cu
155  factor FoxA occur in embryonic development, steroid hormone induction, and human cancers.
156 ing development, cellular reprogramming, and steroid hormone induction.
157 ted by psychological stress, but cortisol "a steroid hormone" is known as a potential biomarker for i
158                                  Cortisol, a steroid hormone, is an important biomarker for psycholog
159  fate and bioavailability of progesterone, a steroid hormone known to cause endocrine-disrupting effe
160 These results suggest that both absolute sex steroid hormone levels and the rates at which the levels
161           Pregnancy, parity, and circulating steroid hormone levels are associated with risk of breas
162 method was successfully applied to determine steroid hormone levels in the breast tissue of healthy w
163 ng brain, less is known about how changes in steroid hormone levels influence DNA methylation pattern
164 -based coloration, cellular immune response, steroid hormone levels, and reproduction.
165 cleus HVC in response to seasonal changes in steroid hormone levels, and send long axonal projections
166 ferent between men and women, and female sex steroid hormones likely have a role in this regulation.
167 e a significant contributor to environmental steroid hormone loading from cattle feedyards.
168 tent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive steroid hormones, mainly produced by the adrenal glands.
169  genes in the adult brain by the presence of steroid hormones may play a role in the homeostatic regu
170                                              Steroid hormones mediate critical lineage-specific devel
171 y for implantation is orchestrated by cyclic steroid hormone-mediated signals.
172 e in vivo roles of this protein in lipid and steroid hormone metabolism and the reduction of methemog
173 are essential for bile acid biosynthesis and steroid hormone metabolism.
174 and biochemical mechanisms through which sex-steroid hormones modulate memory, and a specific hypothe
175            The X-linked gene STS encodes the steroid hormone-modulating enzyme steroid sulfatase.
176 up of steroids with structural similarity to steroid hormones of mammals.
177 e literature evaluating the impact of female steroid hormones on cognition, and the putative mechanis
178 iving rise to the idea that the influence of steroid hormones on early fetal brain development may be
179 MSP suggests an indirect paracrine effect of steroid hormones on stem cells via the mature neighborin
180               We propose that trafficking of steroid hormones out of endocrine cells is not always th
181 nt decades has demonstrated that ovarian sex-steroid hormones, particularly 17beta-estradiol (E2), ar
182  we identify a new HSP90 client in the plant steroid hormone pathway: the transcription factor BES1.
183 x 10(-8)), implicating genes involved in sex steroid hormone pathways (FN1, CCDC170, ESR1, SYNE1 and
184  ETS domain transcription factor involved in steroid hormone pathways.
185           In this study, the distribution of steroid hormones, phytoestrogens, and estrogenic activit
186                               Glucocorticoid steroid hormones play important roles in many neurophysi
187              Although age, genetics, and sex steroid hormones play prominent roles in the cause of be
188                             However, neutral steroid hormones possess poor ionization efficiency in M
189 these data provide the first clues as to how steroid hormones potentially modulate the course of gono
190                                              Steroid hormones produce adverse effects on biota as wel
191                                           As steroid hormone production in C. elegans and mammals is
192 selective HDL CE uptake and HDL CE-supported steroid hormone production.
193 ovide the critical second messenger to drive steroid hormone production.
194                                  The altered steroid hormone profile in obese men may contribute to t
195                                          The steroid hormone progesterone activates CatSper of human
196                                   The female steroid hormone progesterone regulates ovulation and sup
197                                              Steroid hormone progesterone released by cumulus cells s
198 xpression in response to binding its cognate steroid hormone, progesterone.
199 se host factors include leptin, adiponectin, steroid hormones, reactive oxygen species associated wit
200 ogate how DNA recognition diversified in the steroid hormone receptor (SR) family.
201 ding of hAgo2 is analogous to Hsp90-mediated steroid hormone receptor activation.
202                            Genes involved in steroid hormone receptor activity and circadian rhythm w
203 aperone and target classes by assaying HSP70/steroid hormone receptor and CDC37/kinase interactions,
204 regated membrane versus nuclear actions of a steroid hormone receptor and demonstrated their in vivo
205 and progesterone receptor (PR) are important steroid hormone receptor biomarkers used to determine pr
206            Best established as components of steroid hormone receptor complexes, it is now clear that
207            GT198 protein has been shown as a steroid hormone receptor coregulator and also as a cruci
208 l-by-cell basis by a specific isoform of the steroid hormone receptor ecdysone receptor-B2, for which
209                                   Mapping of steroid hormone receptor expression revealed that PNA mi
210 ated through interactions of SMTNL1 with the steroid hormone receptor PR-B.
211 dephosphorylation is required for kinase and steroid hormone receptor release from the chaperone comp
212               In breast and prostate cancers steroid hormone receptor signalling is the principal sti
213 gests a previously unidentified link between steroid hormone receptor signalling pathways and the reg
214 pared within the subgroups defined by cancer steroid hormone receptor status (ER and/or PR positive v
215 ficity of SGTA for additional members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily and the mechanism b
216              The estrogen receptor (ER) is a steroid hormone receptor that acts as a transcription fa
217 ation between vegetable and fruit intake and steroid hormone receptor-defined breast cancer risk.
218 it intake could be associated with decreased steroid hormone receptor-negative breast cancer risk.
219  ago in the DNA-binding domain of an ancient steroid hormone receptor.
220                                              Steroid hormone receptors (SHRs) and nuclear receptors (
221  A1 (FOXA1) modulates the transactivation of steroid hormone receptors and thus may influence tumor g
222                                              Steroid hormone receptors are ligand-dependent transcrip
223 ide polymorphisms (SNP) in genes for the sex-steroid hormone receptors are not strongly associated wi
224 ynthesis are mediated by the membrane-bound, steroid hormone receptors G protein-coupled estrogen rec
225  The identification of lysine acetylation of steroid hormone receptors has previously been based on t
226 ts suggest a new functional paradigm whereby steroid hormone receptors in particular and ID proteins
227                                              Steroid hormone receptors initiate a genetic program tig
228 on to enhancing or repressing transcription, steroid hormone receptors rapidly transduce kinase activ
229 ction with chromatin is likely shared by all steroid hormone receptors regardless of their capacity t
230 bility of pesticides to interfere with other steroid hormone receptors such as glucocorticoid recepto
231      Thus there exist pools of transmembrane steroid hormone receptors that are efficient signaling m
232 beyond the important cell nuclear actions of steroid hormone receptors to include signaling pathways
233 otein ZNF764 acts as an enhancer for several steroid hormone receptors, and haploinsufficiency of thi
234  vitro activity, high selectivity over other steroid hormone receptors, and significant antidepressan
235 fferent pathways demonstrated alterations in steroid hormone receptors, steroidogenesis enzymes, and
236                                   Like other steroid hormone receptors, the regulation of target gene
237 sduction, including many kinases and nuclear steroid hormone receptors.
238 mistry, including differential expression of steroid hormone receptors.
239 nes that modulate the signal transduction of steroid hormone receptors.
240 nes that modulate the signal transduction of steroid hormone receptors.
241 vo SMTNL1 selectively binds PR and not other steroid hormone receptors.
242 cals (EDCs) due to their ability to bind sex-steroid hormone receptors.
243 uitin-protein ligase and as a coactivator of steroid hormone receptors.
244 ignaling proteins including many kinases and steroid hormone receptors.
245 or a more comprehensive understanding of how steroid hormones regulate immunity and inflammation, a s
246                                              Steroid hormones regulate multiple but distinct aspects
247 tial mechanism leading to this dimorphism is steroid hormone regulated synthesis of transcripts encod
248            The brassinosteroid (BR) class of steroid hormones regulates plant development and physiol
249               Therefore, we examined ovarian steroid hormone regulation of GPR64 expression in the mu
250 eful for assessing the environmental risk of steroid hormones released from CAFO wastewater and to be
251                    Glucocorticoids (GCs) are steroid hormones released from the adrenal gland in resp
252 adrenalectomy which may obviate the need for steroid hormone replacement in patients with multiple or
253 r immune modulation, reproductive cycle, and steroid hormone responsiveness in mice.
254                 The affinity of lipidots for steroid hormone-rich areas is of interest to address dru
255                                          The steroid hormone signaling axis is thought to play a cent
256                  We investigated the role of steroid hormone signaling in the brain on distinct featu
257 ur findings present a convergence of BMP and steroid hormone signaling pathways in the regulation of
258 l effects are mediated through the canonical steroid hormone signaling pathways.
259 beta and dorsal root ganglion cells and link steroid hormone signaling to insulin release and pain pe
260 r specific genes with important roles in sex steroid hormone signalling and function, and offer uniqu
261 ions and are enriched near genes involved in steroid hormone signalling and neural function.
262 molecular links between circadian clocks and steroid hormone signalling, although both are important
263 ity, with low levels of gonadotropic and sex steroid hormones, small testes or ovaries, impaired sper
264               Recent evidence has implicated steroid hormones, specifically estrogens, in the rapid m
265 expressed genes were enriched in response to steroid hormone stimulus and immune system development.
266        In addition to glucocorticoids, other steroid hormones such as estradiol and androgens can als
267 ole in determining the environmental fate of steroid hormones, such as 17beta-estradiol (E2).
268 ces to mitochondria (Mito) for initiation of steroid hormone synthesis.
269 nduce free radical damage, which compromises steroid hormone synthesis.
270 ial transport, cholesterol ester storage and steroid-hormone synthesis.
271 Mitofusin-1 and Mitofusin-2 are required for steroid-hormone synthesis.
272 strate androstenedione, unique among several steroid hormones, targeted TRPA1 in peptidergic primary
273 RPM8 further confirmed direct binding of the steroid hormone, testosterone, to the TRPM8 protein.
274 ndogenous concentrations of estradiol, a sex steroid hormone that is known to influence UL risk.
275 lly transferred 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E), a steroid hormone that is produced by the male accessory g
276 -estradiol (E2 or estrogen) is an endogenous steroid hormone that is well known to exert neuroprotect
277                          Estradiol (E2) is a steroid hormone that negatively affects muscle growth in
278                            Progesterone is a steroid hormone that plays a central role in the female
279 ciated with decreased levels of ecdysone - a steroid hormone that regulates developmental transitions
280                             Aldosterone is a steroid hormone that signals through renal mineralocorti
281                   Brassinosteroids (BRs) are steroid hormones that are essential for the development
282                   Brassinosteroids are plant steroid hormones that control many aspects of plant grow
283                   Brassinosteroids (BRs) are steroid hormones that coordinate fundamental development
284 nosteroids (BRs) are a unique class of plant steroid hormones that orchestrate myriad growth and deve
285               Glucocorticoids are endogenous steroid hormones that regulate essential biological func
286                            Plant sterols and steroid hormones, the brassinosteroids (BRs), are compou
287 to examine associations between baseline sex steroid hormones, the rate of change in these hormones,
288 fection and disease can result in changes in steroid hormone titers and delayed onset of puberty; how
289 thesized that Chst10 sulfates glucuronidated steroid hormone to regulate steroid hormone in vivo.
290 MTNL1 has a role in mediating the actions of steroid hormones to promote fiber switching in skeletal
291                    Here, we explored whether steroid hormones to which human spermatozoa are exposed
292 r, the regulatory elements through which the steroid hormone transcriptional regulation of RET is med
293                  Here, we used the cross-sex steroid hormone treatment of transsexuals seeking sex re
294 ucted in which beef cattle were administered steroid hormones via subcutaneous implants and feed addi
295                  Transcription regulation by steroid hormones, vitamin derivatives, and metabolites i
296  Significant suppression of multiple adrenal steroid hormones was also seen in treated children (redu
297               Elevated concentrations of the steroid hormones were associated with increased risk of
298 al fluctuations in circulating levels of sex-steroid hormones, which are known to be potent neuromodu
299        Clinical response to glucocorticoids, steroid hormones widely used as pharmaceuticals, varies
300 ferred to clinically as corticosteroids) are steroid hormones with potent anti-inflammatory and immun

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