


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  ago in the DNA-binding domain of an ancient steroid hormone receptor.
2 of this peptide require interaction with the steroid hormone receptor.
3 ignaling proteins including many kinases and steroid hormone receptors.
4  promoting transcriptional activation by the steroid hormone receptors.
5 a eukaryotic transcriptional coactivator for steroid hormone receptors.
6 may regulate the transcriptional activity of steroid hormone receptors.
7 0/Hsc70) family proteins that interacts with steroid hormone receptors.
8 ogy domains of p85alpha, and extend to other steroid hormone receptors.
9 mechanism even in the presence of functional steroid hormone receptors.
10 ressors that mediate inducible repression by steroid hormone receptors.
11 t for activation of heterologously expressed steroid hormone receptors.
12 sor of the transcriptional activity of other steroid hormone receptors.
13 he activity of the tyrosine kinase v-Src and steroid hormone receptors.
14 esidues, is likely to be general for all the steroid hormone receptors.
15 70/Hsc70 family proteins that interacts with steroid hormone receptors.
16 n carcinomas, its expression is regulated by steroid hormone receptors.
17 ncentrations and differential expressions of steroid hormone receptors.
18 ion factors, which are members of the orphan steroid hormone receptors.
19 sduction, including many kinases and nuclear steroid hormone receptors.
20 mistry, including differential expression of steroid hormone receptors.
21 cals (EDCs) due to their ability to bind sex-steroid hormone receptors.
22 nes that modulate the signal transduction of steroid hormone receptors.
23 nes that modulate the signal transduction of steroid hormone receptors.
24 vo SMTNL1 selectively binds PR and not other steroid hormone receptors.
25 ulators has been established for the nuclear steroid hormone receptors.
26 volved in the maturation of many kinases and steroid hormone receptors.
27 ed receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, and steroid hormone receptors.
28 uitin-protein ligase and as a coactivator of steroid hormone receptors.
29 ranscriptions 3 and 5 (STAT3 and STAT5), and steroid hormone receptors.
30  consistently produces a gain of function in steroid hormone receptors.
31 duction molecules, in particular kinases and steroid hormone receptors.
32  members of the thyroid hormone subfamily of steroid hormone receptors.
33 r younger patients with tumours that express steroid-hormone receptors.
34 amily, which was named SpSHR2 (S. purpuratus Steroid Hormone Receptor 2).
35  by inhibiting p53 activity and by enhancing steroid hormone receptor action.
36 ding of hAgo2 is analogous to Hsp90-mediated steroid hormone receptor activation.
37                            Genes involved in steroid hormone receptor activity and circadian rhythm w
38 aperone and target classes by assaying HSP70/steroid hormone receptor and CDC37/kinase interactions,
39 regated membrane versus nuclear actions of a steroid hormone receptor and demonstrated their in vivo
40 ers, it is likely no longer under control of steroid hormone receptors and becomes aberrantly express
41 and several other proteins, including Raf-1, steroid hormone receptors and certain tyrosine kinase gr
42 protein that binds the zinc finger region of steroid hormone receptors and enhances Sp1- and androgen
43  role of ATP hydrolysis in the maturation of steroid hormone receptors and kinases in vivo.
44 han 100-fold receptor selectivity over other steroid hormone receptors and LG120920 (7b) demonstrated
45 ety of proteins in eukaryotic cells, such as steroid hormone receptors and many other signal transduc
46                         SRA is selective for steroid hormone receptors and mediates transactivation v
47  diverse cellular client proteins, including steroid hormone receptors and multiple oncogenic kinases
48 behavior in female rats and its influence on steroid hormone receptors and neurotransmitters in the f
49 mber of cellular signaling proteins, such as steroid hormone receptors and oncogene tyrosine kinases.
50 on of signal-transducing molecules including steroid hormone receptors and protein kinases.
51 mplex assembly of client proteins, including steroid hormone receptors and selected kinases.
52 t by members of the glucocorticoid family of steroid hormone receptors and suggest a model for the re
53 concentrations than previously observed with steroid hormone receptors and suggests that Cys2His2 zin
54 ding domain has shown it is similar to other steroid hormone receptors and that ligand binding alters
55 , which is required for interactions between steroid hormone receptors and the architectural HMG prot
56  reminiscent of hormone binding to classical steroid hormone receptors and the reverse of the pose ad
57 d hormones mediated by classic intracellular steroid hormone receptors and those mediated by a signal
58  A1 (FOXA1) modulates the transactivation of steroid hormone receptors and thus may influence tumor g
59 otein ZNF764 acts as an enhancer for several steroid hormone receptors, and haploinsufficiency of thi
60  vitro activity, high selectivity over other steroid hormone receptors, and significant antidepressan
61 rsors, mediate their effects via non-classic steroid hormone receptors, and suggest that their develo
62 to its previously described interaction with steroid hormone receptors, and that it carries out some
63 ptors regulated by AKR1C members include the steroid hormone receptors (androgen, estrogen, and proge
64 of IgE synthesis by HC were inhibited by the steroid hormone receptor antagonist RU-486.
65              Models for Cdc37p regulation of steroid hormone receptors are discussed.
66                                          Sex steroid hormone receptors are expressed in the colon and
67                                              Steroid hormone receptors are ligand-dependent transcrip
68 ide polymorphisms (SNP) in genes for the sex-steroid hormone receptors are not strongly associated wi
69                        Recognition sites for steroid hormone receptors are present in the 5' flanking
70 e signaling has focused on the mechanisms of steroid hormone receptors as they act as signaling molec
71  glucocorticoids and thyroid hormone use the steroid hormone receptor binding domain of CBP to stimul
72 and progesterone receptor (PR) are important steroid hormone receptor biomarkers used to determine pr
73 Ds) regulate the occupancy and activation of steroid hormone receptors by converting potent steroid h
74 including p53, Hox transcription factors and steroid hormone receptors, by increasing their affinity
75 etroviral Zn-coordinating residues (CCHC) to steroid hormone receptor (CCCC) or transcription factor
76                                   Unlike the steroid hormone receptor coactivator 1 (SRC1), beta-cate
77 e repression effect of Ear-2 was reversed by steroid hormone receptor coactivator 1.
78 PV mouse), we investigated the effect of the steroid hormone receptor coactivator 3 (SRC-3) on RTH.
79 osophila gene, named taiman, which encodes a steroid hormone receptor coactivator related to AIB1.
80            Best established as components of steroid hormone receptor complexes, it is now clear that
81                Similar to certain unliganded steroid hormone receptor complexes, the unliganded aryl
82 activity and is a component of a subclass of steroid hormone receptor complexes.
83            GT198 protein has been shown as a steroid hormone receptor coregulator and also as a cruci
84 mone transcriptional effects are mediated by steroid hormone receptor coregulators that also modify a
85 ation between vegetable and fruit intake and steroid hormone receptor-defined breast cancer risk.
86                 The 26S proteasome modulates steroid hormone receptor-dependent gene transcription at
87 -4,9-dien-3- one) pretreatment, suggesting a steroid hormone receptor-dependent process.
88                           Gene regulation by steroid hormone receptors depends on the particular char
89 l-by-cell basis by a specific isoform of the steroid hormone receptor ecdysone receptor-B2, for which
90 has implicated the gene encoding the nuclear steroid hormone receptor ESRRG as a candidate gene for C
91                                              Steroid hormone receptor expression observed in vitro pa
92                                   Mapping of steroid hormone receptor expression revealed that PNA mi
93 bed MCP-1 mRNA, whereas other members of the steroid hormone receptor family did not.
94    Androgen receptor (AR) is a member of the steroid hormone receptor family of molecules.
95  receptor (VDR), a member of the nuclear and steroid hormone receptor family, have been linked to hum
96 rategy is extendable to other members of the steroid hormone receptor family.
97 rogen receptor alpha, is a new member of the steroid hormone receptor family.
98 ous studies linking CRT to downregulation of steroid hormone receptor function led us to examine its
99                              The nuclear and steroid hormone receptors function as ligand-dependent t
100                                              Steroid hormone receptors function classically in the nu
101 ynthesis are mediated by the membrane-bound, steroid hormone receptors G protein-coupled estrogen rec
102 id hormone receptor (T3R) is a member of the steroid hormone receptor gene family of nuclear hormone
103 g sites, each of which are overlapped by two steroid hormone receptor half-sites, and a shared AP1 co
104  The identification of lysine acetylation of steroid hormone receptors has previously been based on t
105 nd support the important role of nuclear sex steroid hormone receptors in modulating social behaviors
106 ts suggest a new functional paradigm whereby steroid hormone receptors in particular and ID proteins
107 between high mobility group box proteins and steroid hormone receptors in regulating tissue-specific
108 l for studying transcriptional regulation by steroid hormone receptors in the context of chromatin.
109 there are also non-nuclear subpopulations of steroid hormone receptors, including estrogen receptors
110 east cancer cell growth in part by targeting steroid hormone receptors, including progesterone recept
111                                              Steroid hormone receptors initiate a genetic program tig
112                           Gene activation by steroid hormone receptors involves the recruitment of th
113 pha knockout (ERKO) mice suggested that this steroid hormone receptor is required in the mammary stro
114 -dependent transactivation by several of the steroid hormone receptors is potentiated by the Hsp90-as
115 ce the activation pathway for p60(v-src) and steroid hormone receptors is similar, the present study
116  the first transcription factors, other than steroid hormone receptors, known to be required for ovar
117 igned Cys(2)-His(2) zinc finger proteins and steroid hormone receptor ligand binding domains.
118               However, with the exception of steroid hormone receptors, little information exists abo
119 fferential splicing effects, suggesting that steroid hormone receptors may simultaneously control gen
120 ediated, at least in part, through a classic steroid hormone receptor mechanism.
121  a related protein, CAPERbeta, regulate both steroid hormone receptor-mediated transcription and alte
122 A activator (SRA) is an RNA that coactivates steroid hormone receptor-mediated transcription in vitro
123                                 Constitutive steroid hormone receptor mRNA levels were determined for
124 specific labeling for either type of gonadal steroid hormone receptor mRNA.
125 it intake could be associated with decreased steroid hormone receptor-negative breast cancer risk.
126  tumors, protein kinases are upregulated and steroid hormone receptors often function independently o
127 sted that the signature motif, LXXLL, within steroid hormone receptor p160 coregulators may play impo
128 sal women with axillary lymph node-positive, steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer (1,503 e
129 ctive adjuvant approaches for premenopausal, steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer.
130                The ligand-binding domains of steroid hormone receptors possess a conserved structure
131 tyrosine kinase growth factor receptors, and steroid hormone receptors, possibly by virtue of its abi
132 ated through interactions of SMTNL1 with the steroid hormone receptor PR-B.
133 on to enhancing or repressing transcription, steroid hormone receptors rapidly transduce kinase activ
134              Our data suggest that activated steroid hormone receptors recruit coregulators to the ta
135 ction with chromatin is likely shared by all steroid hormone receptors regardless of their capacity t
136                  These results indicate that steroid hormone receptor-regulated transcription and pre
137 dephosphorylation is required for kinase and steroid hormone receptor release from the chaperone comp
138       A search for possible coactivators for steroid hormone receptors resulted in identification of
139 egions within the hormone binding domains of steroid hormone receptors resulting in different biologi
140                                              Steroid hormone receptors (SHR) are crucial regulators o
141 its ability to potentiate transactivation by steroid hormone receptors (SHR).
142                                              Steroid hormone receptors (SHRs) and nuclear receptors (
143                                              Steroid hormone receptors (SHRs) are ligand-activated tr
144               In breast and prostate cancers steroid hormone receptor signalling is the principal sti
145 gests a previously unidentified link between steroid hormone receptor signalling pathways and the reg
146 ogate how DNA recognition diversified in the steroid hormone receptor (SR) family.
147                                              Steroid hormone receptors (SRs) are ligand-activated tra
148                                              Steroid hormone receptors (SRs) are transcription factor
149 pared within the subgroups defined by cancer steroid hormone receptor status (ER and/or PR positive v
150 fferent pathways demonstrated alterations in steroid hormone receptors, steroidogenesis enzymes, and
151 trong interaction with AR but not with other steroid hormone receptors such as estrogen receptor alph
152 bility of pesticides to interfere with other steroid hormone receptors such as glucocorticoid recepto
153 show that the nuclear export pathway used by steroid hormone receptors such as GR is distinct from th
154 enhance the transcriptional activity of some steroid hormone receptors such as the androgen receptor
155 ver of many transcription factors, including steroid hormone receptors such as the estrogen receptor
156                  Transcription activation by steroid hormone receptors, such as the androgen receptor
157 ficity of SGTA for additional members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily and the mechanism b
158 nuclear receptors that belong to the thyroid-steroid hormone receptor superfamily.
159 osophila encode transcription factors in the steroid hormone receptor superfamily.
160 ranscription factors that are members of the steroid hormone receptor superfamily.
161 C-1 is a coactivator for many members of the steroid-hormone receptor superfamily of ligand-inducible
162 ted receptor alpha (PPAR) is a member of the steroid/hormone receptor superfamily that mediates the p
163              The estrogen receptor (ER) is a steroid hormone receptor that acts as a transcription fa
164                                      MR is a steroid hormone receptor that detects circulating glucoc
165      Thus there exist pools of transmembrane steroid hormone receptors that are efficient signaling m
166                                   Like other steroid hormone receptors, the regulation of target gene
167 f transcriptional coactivators interact with steroid hormone receptors to enhance ligand-dependent tr
168 beyond the important cell nuclear actions of steroid hormone receptors to include signaling pathways
169 eins may use distinct mechanisms to modulate steroid hormone receptor transactivation.
170 ate that the ability of hPRA to transrepress steroid hormone receptor transcriptional activity and it
171  ligand-dependent transdominant repressor of steroid hormone receptor transcriptional activity.
172 efine the mechanism by which hPR-A modulates steroid hormone receptor transcriptional activity.
173 nection between the stress MAPK pathways and steroid hormone receptor VDR expression and thereby offe
174 urrently, transcript expression of the three steroid hormone receptors was studied by reverse transcr
175                                          All steroid hormone receptors were found in key brain region
176 e crosstalks between androgen, estrogen, and steroid hormone receptors, whereas the presence of estro
177  as probes for the structure and function of steroid hormone receptors which contain Cys2Cys2 zinc fi
178 ding pocket is larger than the corresponding steroid hormone receptors, which allows T0901317 to adop
179 ese gonadal hormones are mediated by nuclear steroid hormone receptors, which are crucial for integra
180  that treatment of human cancer cells having steroid hormone receptors with the appropriate hormone,
181 l imaging has revealed the rapid mobility of steroid hormone receptors within nuclei and their dynami

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