


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nografts, but only rats exhibited suppressed steroidogenesis.
2 1), suggesting a regulatory role of HIF-1 in steroidogenesis.
3 e of leptin in hypoxia-induced disruption of steroidogenesis.
4  important regulatory signals for control of steroidogenesis.
5  representing a new role for translocases in steroidogenesis.
6 -1) is essential for adrenal development and steroidogenesis.
7 h severe skeletal deformities and disordered steroidogenesis.
8  biophysical properties that imply a role in steroidogenesis.
9 at the reptilian brain is capable of de novo steroidogenesis.
10 alyzes the initial and rate-limiting step of steroidogenesis.
11 ies are distinct from its activity to induce steroidogenesis.
12 ACTH, stimulates cAMP production and adrenal steroidogenesis.
13  it is converted to pregnenolone to initiate steroidogenesis.
14 aining adrenocortical function, specifically steroidogenesis.
15 PDE8A is a key regulator of LH signaling and steroidogenesis.
16 KA, inhibited both basal and hormone-induced steroidogenesis.
17 s on mitochondrial cholesterol transport and steroidogenesis.
18 ase in cholesterol efflux and an increase in steroidogenesis.
19 tary pool of cAMP that mediates LH-regulated steroidogenesis.
20 confirming the requirement of SCAP-SREBP2 in steroidogenesis.
21 rol is converted to pregnenolone, initiating steroidogenesis.
22 les in the control of spermatogenesis and/or steroidogenesis.
23 ckout approaches to test the role of SCAP in steroidogenesis.
24 embrane and is a critical regulatory step in steroidogenesis.
25 ment from lipid droplets to mitochondria for steroidogenesis.
26 ons such as the detection of gross errors in steroidogenesis.
27 trus phase of the estrous cycle and aberrant steroidogenesis.
28  steroid hydroxylase genes, key mediators of steroidogenesis.
29  a conserved role in gonadal development and steroidogenesis.
30  insulin sensitivity or to direct effects on steroidogenesis.
31 n (StAR) determines adrenal and gonadal cell steroidogenesis.
32 so its selective modulation of FSH action in steroidogenesis.
33 omegestone and to inhibit the hCG-stimulated steroidogenesis.
34 sis and the 22R-hydroxycholesterol-supported steroidogenesis.
35   By contrast, BMP-15 alone had no effect on steroidogenesis.
36 e involvement of the lipoxygenase pathway in steroidogenesis.
37 nship between AA and cAMP in hormone-induced steroidogenesis.
38 or Kit in Leydig cell differentiation and/or steroidogenesis.
39  are required for trophic hormone-stimulated steroidogenesis.
40 eceptors, plays an important role in gonadal steroidogenesis.
41 ertoire of SF-1-responsive genes involved in steroidogenesis.
42 avage enzyme gene, and consequently, promote steroidogenesis.
43 zyme carries out the first committed step in steroidogenesis.
44  vivo showed features associated with active steroidogenesis.
45 mutations was observed on the stimulation of steroidogenesis.
46 ssential roles in adrenocortical and gonadal steroidogenesis.
47 s lacking the protein retained low levels of steroidogenesis.
48 otein is coordinately regulated with adrenal steroidogenesis.
49 REBP activation and subsequent regulation of steroidogenesis.
50 acids may affect prostaglandin synthesis and steroidogenesis.
51 lular levels of cholesterol, a substrate for steroidogenesis.
52 entral location for initiating mitochondrial steroidogenesis.
53 of a blockade of cholesterol utilization for steroidogenesis.
54 or agonists nor did they cause reductions in steroidogenesis.
55 l adrenal hyperplasia, a disorder of adrenal steroidogenesis.
56 itates the rate-limiting step of aldosterone steroidogenesis.
57 multiple key reactions at the heart of human steroidogenesis.
58 lure to accumulate lipid droplets needed for steroidogenesis.
59 an steroidogenic cell lines had no effect on steroidogenesis.
60 ion, SR-BI-mediated selective CE uptake, and steroidogenesis.
61 ipotency, lipid and glucose homeostasis, and steroidogenesis.
62 arian regulators of follicle development and steroidogenesis.
63 R-BI expression, selective CE transport, and steroidogenesis.
64 us, facilitates cholesterol availability for steroidogenesis.
65  an unfolded state, unable to induce maximal steroidogenesis.
66 n (HDL) cholesteryl ester (CE) transport and steroidogenesis.
67 gamma expression potentiates hormone-induced steroidogenesis.
68 omal recessive metabolic disorder of adrenal steroidogenesis.
69 y AR antagonism in addition to inhibition of steroidogenesis.
70 ate-induced suppression of fetal Leydig cell steroidogenesis.
71 asis for these defects appears to be altered steroidogenesis, a direct result of the lack of HDL-C.
72 ity, POR missense mutations cause disordered steroidogenesis, ambiguous genitalia, and Antley-Bixler
73 nduced allergic responses through effects on steroidogenesis, an essential pathway in T(H)2 different
74 s reveal novel functions of SRA and Dax-1 in steroidogenesis and adrenal biology.
75 p53-dependent apoptosis and is necessary for steroidogenesis and biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters.
76 ntifungal azole ketoconazole interferes with steroidogenesis and can cause adrenal insufficiency, flu
77 several cancer cells where it is involved in steroidogenesis and cell proliferation, respectively.
78 controlling the P450 enzymes, which regulate steroidogenesis and cranial bone formation.
79 entified 1,906 genes with potential roles in steroidogenesis and developmental timing.
80 similarly by FSH and PKA-CQR are involved in steroidogenesis and differentiation, while transcripts m
81    To examine the definitive role of TSPO in steroidogenesis and embryo development, we generated glo
82 amined the ability of the mutants to promote steroidogenesis and enter the mitochondria of transfecte
83  are adequate for maintenance of Leydig cell steroidogenesis and fertility because of partial functio
84 n (StAR) is required for adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis and for male sexual differentiation.
85 ormone (FSH) act on gonadal cells to promote steroidogenesis and gametogenesis.
86 te their development and functions including steroidogenesis and gametogenesis.
87 key role for apoE in the tonic inhibition of steroidogenesis and HPA axis activity and have important
88 amily, plays a key role in the regulation of steroidogenesis and is expressed at high levels in stero
89   A pathway-guided analysis revealed ovarian steroidogenesis and leptin signaling as highly relevant
90    We found that PTTH concomitantly promotes steroidogenesis and light avoidance at the end of larval
91 , although the Gipr is essential for adrenal steroidogenesis and links HF feeding to increased levels
92 ved that exogenous RFRP-3 suppresses gonadal steroidogenesis and mating behavior in NMRs given the op
93 remains unclear because its presumed role in steroidogenesis and mitochondrial permeability transitio
94 vidence for the role of miRNAs in regulating steroidogenesis and novel insights into the molecular me
95 ted safety, pharmacokinetics, and effects on steroidogenesis and prostate-specific antigen (PSA) leve
96 t to show the in vivo requirements of SF1 in steroidogenesis and provides novel data on the cellular
97 need to enter into mitochondria to stimulate steroidogenesis and that residues in the C terminus are
98 helicase could be relevant to the control of steroidogenesis and the paracrine regulation of androgen
99 ription factors may have a role in cutaneous steroidogenesis and thus be involved in hair follicle cy
100 ailability of cholesterol, the substrate for steroidogenesis), and a failure to mount a steroidogenic
101 oteins associated with steroid transport and steroidogenesis, and androgen levels were restored in mu
102 ng the regulation of cholesterol metabolism, steroidogenesis, and apoptosis.
103 es coordinately regulate its expression with steroidogenesis, and in the liver, where it may particip
104 of other cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in steroidogenesis, and interference can pose a liability i
105 nt pathways, cGMP signaling also can promote steroidogenesis, and PDE5 modulates this process.
106 the intracellular messenger for LH action on steroidogenesis, and pharmacological evidence indicates
107 ese results suggest that mVL30 RNA regulates steroidogenesis, and possibly other physiological proces
108 ne factors, extracellular matrix components, steroidogenesis, and prolactin dynamics.
109  Therefore, Tom22 is a critical regulator of steroidogenesis, and thus, it is essential for mammalian
110 s of CMKLR1 signaling in DHT-induced ovarian steroidogenesis, antral follicles were isolated from wil
111 involved in various cell functions including steroidogenesis, apoptosis, and proliferation.
112                      Vitamin E transport and steroidogenesis are closely associated with low-density
113 he regulation of ovarian follicle growth and steroidogenesis are now established, noncanonical WNT si
114 etic defects in adrenal gland development or steroidogenesis) are not born with respiratory insuffici
115 s, such as detoxification of xenobiotics and steroidogenesis, are based on the ability to catalyse th
116 tion of steroid hormones by use of the H295R steroidogenesis assay, and sex steroid receptor binding
117  showed StAR-like activity in a cell culture steroidogenesis assay, indicating cholesterol transfer.
118 tor therapy to be an effective stimulator of steroidogenesis, both PDE8 isozymes and PDE4 need to be
119 nce (MIS) is implicated in the regulation of steroidogenesis, breast and prostate growth, and ovarian
120 ues, where it is coordinately regulated with steroidogenesis by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), h
121 strate cholesterol into the mitochondria for steroidogenesis by an unknown mechanism.
122 strate that 14-3-3gamma negatively regulates steroidogenesis by binding to Ser-194 of STAR, thus keep
123 et of conformations likely to modulate human steroidogenesis by CYP17A1, demonstrating that this appr
124 d transiently functions at the initiation of steroidogenesis by delaying maximal steroidogenesis in M
125 tory protein (StAR) plays a critical role in steroidogenesis by enhancing the delivery of substrate c
126 tentiates adrenocorticotropin stimulation of steroidogenesis by increasing cAMP-dependent protein kin
127 rotein (StAR) stimulates adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis by increasing the influx of cholesterol
128 nt mutant StAR protein that cannot stimulate steroidogenesis by isolated mitochondria did not promote
129 low cAMP levels, thereby suppressing resting steroidogenesis by keeping CEH/HSL inactive and StAR pro
130    StAR (StARD1) induces adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis by moving cholesterol from the outer mit
131 cceptor mitochondrial membranes and enhanced steroidogenesis by placental mitochondria.
132 ole of the CRAC domain of PBR in Leydig cell steroidogenesis by using a transducible peptide composed
133  We tested the ability of MLN64 to stimulate steroidogenesis by using COS-1 cells cotransfected with
134            We conclude that MLN64 stimulates steroidogenesis by virtue of its homology to StAR.
135  downstream gene products is required before steroidogenesis can occur.
136 ) enzyme operates at a key juncture of human steroidogenesis, controlling the levels of mineralocorti
137 inase and serine proteinase inhibitors), and steroidogenesis (CYP21A2 and progesterone receptor).
138 on is dependent upon SF-1, cAMP induction of steroidogenesis does not enhance the responsiveness of a
139                Pharmacological inhibition of steroidogenesis during development blocked the productio
140        These results reveal genes regulating steroidogenesis during development that likely modulate
141 ogesterone production in a way that reflects steroidogenesis during the normal estrous cycle.
142  hyperplasia is a family of inborn errors of steroidogenesis, each characterized by a specific enzyme
143 al of N-terminal sequences increased MLN64's steroidogenesis-enhancing activity.
144 residues in the C terminus are essential for steroidogenesis-enhancing activity.
145 terminus (N-62) did not significantly affect steroidogenesis-enhancing activity.
146 d steroid synthesis, suggesting HSL-mediated steroidogenesis entails enhanced oxysterol production.
147 ed alterations in steroid hormone receptors, steroidogenesis enzymes, and specifically, the circadian
148  significant species-specific differences in steroidogenesis, especially CYP17A1 expression and activ
149  We show that, in 4-month-old PACAP-/- mice, steroidogenesis (evaluated by levels of testosterone, st
150 iofacial dysmorphogenesis, and/or disordered steroidogenesis, exhibiting ambiguous genitalia.
151 ry protein (StAR) plays an essential role in steroidogenesis, facilitating delivery of cholesterol to
152 -activated receptor gamma coactivator-1alpha/steroidogenesis factor-1-dependent upregulation of aldos
153 ryo development and led to the alteration of steroidogenesis gene transcripts at nanogram per liter c
154 osis genes and with diminished expression of steroidogenesis genes Star, Cyp11a1, and Hsd3b1.
155 in vivo role of this transcription factor in steroidogenesis has not been elucidated.
156         Its role in cAMP-mediated control of steroidogenesis has not been explored.
157 f GRTH associated with gonadotropin-mediated steroidogenesis has provided insights into a novel negat
158 tion via perturbations in steroid synthesis (steroidogenesis) has become increasingly clear.
159 iduals with an ABS-like phenotype and normal steroidogenesis have FGFR mutations, whereas those with
160 al processes ranging from drug metabolism to steroidogenesis, human microsomal cytochrome P450 enzyme
161 tent with these in vivo data, Wnt4 repressed steroidogenesis in adrenocortical and Leydig cell lines,
162 ovel pathway controlling StAR expression and steroidogenesis in adrenocortical cells.
163  is critical for normal gonadotropin-induced steroidogenesis in both male and female gonads.
164  from IFN-gamma to IL-13 production, linking steroidogenesis in CD8(+) T cells, a nonclassical steroi
165     This dominant negative mutant suppressed steroidogenesis in COS cells expressing the mitochondria
166 estrol (DES) results in major suppression of steroidogenesis in fetal testes.
167 hese in vitro systems and blocked LH-induced steroidogenesis in intact follicles primed with pregnant
168                                              Steroidogenesis in Leydig cells was unaffected by MMP in
169 ion of the EGFR kinase attenuated LH-induced steroidogenesis in MA-10 Leydig cells.
170 ation of steroidogenesis by delaying maximal steroidogenesis in MA-10 mouse tumor Leydig cells.
171 A-mediated regulation of StAR expression and steroidogenesis in mouse Leydig cells.
172  transition in several animal species, alter steroidogenesis in multiple animal models and women, and
173 rane-bound EGF moieties abrogated LH-induced steroidogenesis in ovarian follicles but not MA-10 cells
174 d our model to predict the time evolution of steroidogenesis in response to physiological adrenocorti
175  new approach for the maintenance of adrenal steroidogenesis in sepsis.
176 evelopment and regulates adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis in the adult, whereas LRH-1 is a critica
177 ranscripts by an shRNA construct potentiates steroidogenesis in the commonly used Y-1 adrenal cell li
178  conserved regulator of gonadotropin-induced steroidogenesis in the gonads, although the mechanisms o
179 und 8, we investigated the role of CaV1.3 on steroidogenesis in the human adrenocortical cell line, H
180       Furthermore, the retained capacity for steroidogenesis in the mature thalamus raises the prospe
181 ion of the EGFR kinase prevented EGF-induced steroidogenesis in these in vitro systems and blocked LH
182         Our results showed that EGF promoted steroidogenesis in two different in vitro models of oocy
183 y, the PDE8 family has been shown to control steroidogenesis in two tissues.
184                 ARMC5 inactivation decreased steroidogenesis in vitro, and its overexpression altered
185 AP), a polypeptide that regulates testicular steroidogenesis in vitro, we compared the testicular str
186 , but not late (120 min or more), LH-induced steroidogenesis in vitro.
187 rols may play an important role in enhancing steroidogenesis in vivo.
188 ated (i) whether hypoxia can directly affect steroidogenesis independent of pituitary regulation via
189 h exogenous gonadotropins stimulated gonadal steroidogenesis, inducing germ cell maturation in males
190 enefits only a small percentage of patients, steroidogenesis inhibitors, including mitotane, ketocona
191  courtship leks, treated with drugs to block steroidogenesis, injected with (3)H-labeled testosterone
192                          Adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis is controlled by changes in the steroido
193 ng that the cholesterol substrate needed for steroidogenesis is provided by both de novo synthesis an
194          An essential component of regulated steroidogenesis is the translocation of cholesterol from
195 ilization (hpf), a developmental window when steroidogenesis is unregulated by pituitary influence, r
196  and that reactive oxygen is produced during steroidogenesis itself, we hypothesized that long-term s
197          Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates steroidogenesis largely through a surge in cyclic AMP (c
198                           This disruption in steroidogenesis likely explains the demasculinization of
199 ocortin peptides mediate functions including steroidogenesis, lipolysis, and thermoregulation.
200 n the lung and indicate that defective local steroidogenesis may contribute to the pathogenesis of al
201                  We conclude that intracrine steroidogenesis may permit tumors to circumvent low leve
202                 Important for ACTH-dependent steroidogenesis, Mc2r, Stard1, and Cypa11a1 levels were
203 e hypothesized that long-term suppression of steroidogenesis might inhibit or prevent age-related def
204 s, whereas other higher K(m) PDE(s) modulate steroidogenesis more effectively when cells are fully st
205  important participant in skin pigmentation, steroidogenesis, obesity, energy homeostasis and exocrin
206 gical functions including skin pigmentation, steroidogenesis, obesity, energy homeostasis, and exocri
207 noviral mutants altered basal and stimulated steroidogenesis of adrenocortical cells.
208 he components of the Hh signaling pathway in steroidogenesis of endocrine tissues.
209  tightly linked ovarian processes, including steroidogenesis, oocyte maturation, and ovulation.
210 ved from cholesterol through the traditional steroidogenesis pathway initiated by enzyme CYP11A1, and
211 ompassing enzyme deficiencies in the adrenal steroidogenesis pathway that lead to impaired cortisol b
212 e GGM reflects metabolite relations from the steroidogenesis pathway.
213 13-secreting phenotype through regulation of steroidogenesis, potentially governing asthma susceptibi
214 1, demonstrating HSL-dependent regulation of steroidogenesis predominantly involves LXR signaling.
215 take from HDL as a source of cholesterol for steroidogenesis raised the possibility that SR-BI may pa
216 ) treatment of HPX rats maximally stimulated steroidogenesis rates within 5 min with over 10-fold ele
217                                  At 360 min, steroidogenesis remained elevated, but mRNA, nascent RNA
218                                              Steroidogenesis requires that 3betaHSD2 acts as both a d
219 n to lead to defects in bone development and steroidogenesis, resulting in sexual dimorphisms, the se
220 hose with ambiguous genitalia and disordered steroidogenesis should be recognized as having a distinc
221           Examination of adrenal and gonadal steroidogenesis showed no defects in Tspo(-/-) mice.
222 ggesting CYP17A1 has a key role in prostatic steroidogenesis similar to testis and adrenal roles.
223 interaction, olfactory transduction, ovarian steroidogenesis, steroid biosynthesis and CAMs signaling
224 ture, a morphological change associated with steroidogenesis, suggesting possible involvements of LD
225 cholesterol augmented, PDE inhibitor-induced steroidogenesis, suggesting that the cholesterol substra
226 n of reactive oxygen species, a byproduct of steroidogenesis that induces apoptosis, is down-regulate
227  separate events, an initial genetic loss of steroidogenesis that is dependent on steroidogenic acute
228 -3-3gamma isoform is a negative regulator of steroidogenesis that is hormonally induced and transient
229  regulatory protein and a subsequent loss of steroidogenesis that is independent of the protein due t
230 on Factor II (COUP-TFII) in Leydig cell (LC) steroidogenesis that may partly explain this.
231 stingly, although cAMP was always needed for steroidogenesis, the EGFR/MAPK pathway was activated and
232 n intracellular cAMP are known regulators of steroidogenesis, the roles of other signaling pathways i
233 te regulatory protein (STAR) participates in steroidogenesis through the mitochondrial transfer of ch
234 n, suggesting that the PDGF pathway controls steroidogenesis through these genes in both sexes.
235 g 8-bromo-cAMP (8-Br-cAMP), which stimulates steroidogenesis, triggers the interaction of 14-3-3gamma
236 ion of PDE8B as a major regulator of adrenal steroidogenesis using a genetically ablated PDE8B mouse
237 LH and EGF receptor cross-talk in testicular steroidogenesis using mouse MLTC-1 Leydig cells.
238 or of one or more pools of cAMP that promote steroidogenesis via both short- and long-term mechanisms
239 this paper a stoichiometric model of piscine steroidogenesis was constructed and constrained with pro
240 uring human sex-differentiation and onset of steroidogenesis was evaluated by whole-genome expression
241  with MAM-associated proteins, and therefore steroidogenesis was inhibited.
242     The first PDE known to directly regulate steroidogenesis was PDE2, the cGMP-stimulated PDE.
243 a1 mRNA - a key mitochondrial P450 enzyme in steroidogenesis, was stimulated at all doses of UVB irra
244 pheral-type benzodiazepine receptor (PBR) in steroidogenesis, we developed a molecular approach based
245 ic androgen-dependent organs and Leydig cell steroidogenesis were fully restored by administration of
246 receptors and several enzymes of sex hormone steroidogenesis were greater than in control fish.
247 hrome P450 17A1, 19A1, and 21A2, critical in steroidogenesis, were similar using our purified, full-l
248 ed SR-BI-mediated selective CE transport and steroidogenesis, which were markedly attenuated by parti
249 ifications further induced 8-Br-cAMP-induced steroidogenesis while reducing lipid storage, suggesting
250 el, this study advances our understanding of steroidogenesis with broad implications in biology and m
251 d by TOR and feedback signaling that couples steroidogenesis with growth and ensures proper maturatio
252 ism that adjusts cholesterol trafficking and steroidogenesis with nutrition and developmental program
253  to initiate and terminate massive levels of steroidogenesis within a few minutes, permitting the rap
254                 We hypothesized that ongoing steroidogenesis within prostate tumors and the maintenan
255 n the MA-10 mouse tumor Leydig cell model of steroidogenesis without any significant toxicity.
256  of TLX1 and that mutations that only impair steroidogenesis, without altering the SF1/SRY transactiv

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