


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  combined with low returns on investment are stifling antibiotic R&D in the pharmaceutical industry.
2 f metagenomic data remains challenging, thus stifling biological discoveries.
3         Clinical trials may be protracted to stifle competition.
4 est approach to the life sciences or do they stifle creativity?
5 lved has had the appearance of attempting to stifle debate.
6 cessful, and rapid viral mutation rates have stifled development of several small molecule-based anti
7  between guided photon and phonon modes, are stifled in conventional nanophotonics, preventing the re
8 pair patient access to life-saving tests and stifle innovation in ID diagnostics.
9                            This is likely to stifle innovation of new anticaries products, and we now
10  the regulation of antimicrobial drug trials stifling investment in infectious disease treatments?
11 tribute to somatic hypermutation rather than stifling it.
12 nitoring of bone pathology in the guinea pig stifle joint, an in vivo model of osteoarthritis, was in
13                 Cartilage was taken from the stifle joint, nasal septum, and xiphoid process in guine
14 m articular cartilage and synovium from calf stifle joints and cultured as monolayers in serum-free c
15 urface zone of articular cartilage of bovine stifle joints were cultured in serum-free chemically def
16         Cartilage explants from young bovine stifle joints were treated with 10 ng/ml of IL-1beta or
17                    Concerns about costs have stifled many health system reform proposals.
18                 Our results suggest that ZPK stifles neural differentiation of NT-2 cells partly due
19 ight regulatory framework, which seems to be stifling research in the United Kingdom.
20  United States have attracted accusations of stifling research.
21 ecurity and high containment conditions will stifle scientific progress.
22 nted with a 10-year history of hypertension, stifling sensation, and flushing.
23 n steps long thought necessary for STWS have stifled STWS's overall efficiency because of thermal and
24 pheral nerves from both fore and hind limbs, stifle synovium and perisynovial adipose tissue, urinary
25 et with still-unproven metrology methods may stifle the development and judicious implementation of s
26                      Disciplinary boundaries stifle the search for solutions to these issues.
27 thermore, the dominant negative KCNQ4 mutant stifles the activity of KCNQ2-5, raising the possibility
28 e, increasing the energetic expenditure, and stifling the nutrient uptake of motile organisms.
29 siblings out of the disk of pebbles, thereby stifling their growth.
30 s were videoed throughout and their yawns or stifled yawns were counted.
31 r how yawns are expressed (i.e., full versus stifled yawns) but do not alter the individual propensit

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