


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gy to identify the optimal Pd-Bi-Te catalyst stoichiometry.
2 s on the ability to optimize ligand-receptor stoichiometry.
3 ts form a heterotetrameric complex with R2H2 stoichiometry.
4 hich gives aggregates with 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 stoichiometry.
5 iological diversity influences bulk particle stoichiometry.
6 s with N number of layers resulting LiN+1C2N stoichiometry.
7 s of changes of their absolute abundance and stoichiometry.
8 blethal pesticide concentrations modify body stoichiometry.
9 ydrogels, and other assemblies lacking fixed stoichiometry.
10 and above 25 degrees C due to changes in the stoichiometry.
11 lly modified proteins and their modification stoichiometry.
12 mbled into multiprotein complexes of defined stoichiometry.
13 ation constant (Kd ) of 3.8 mum and with 1:1 stoichiometry.
14  validated to determine alpha4/beta2 subunit stoichiometry.
15 16 is phosphorylated by MAST3 to a very high stoichiometry.
16 mechanism of ribosomal protein synthesis and stoichiometry.
17 believed that the holoenzyme has alpha4beta4 stoichiometry.
18 lticenter bonding in a material with unusual stoichiometry.
19 ng homo- or hetero-complexes of undetermined stoichiometry.
20 ir allocation within plants, and C:N and C:P stoichiometry.
21 f the MCM-MeaB complex, which exhibits a 2:1 stoichiometry.
22 eans of structural disorder and/or change in stoichiometry.
23 tics of edge-transitive {Cu2} MOFs with A3X4 stoichiometry.
24 ng this series uniquely sensitive to subunit stoichiometry.
25  efficacies in activating these two receptor stoichiometries.
26  and shown to produce complexes with unusual stoichiometries.
27 lightly anticooperative complexes of various stoichiometries.
28 osed of iron and inorganic sulfur in various stoichiometries.
29 ewis pair (FLP) PtBu3 /B(C6 F5 )3 in varying stoichiometries.
30 veolin was obtained, albeit with a low molar stoichiometry (1:15-30 caveolin 1/Na,K-ATPase).
31 evaluated the temporal changes in soil C-N-P stoichiometry across subtropical China, where soils are
32 and plant size, suggesting that leaf N and P stoichiometry affects the morphological performance of t
33 blies requires accurate measurement of their stoichiometry, affinity and cooperativity, and frequentl
34 ticomponent discrimination, to determine the stoichiometry, affinity, and shape of macromolecular com
35 n controlled, and have matched guest-to-host stoichiometry, allowing the preparation of hydrogels wit
36      This receptor assembles in two distinct stoichiometries: (alpha4)2(beta2)3 and (alpha4)3(beta2)2
37        Rumi modified O-glucose sites to high stoichiometries, although elongation of the O-glucose wa
38 d with several metastable crystal phases and stoichiometries and the low energy of formation of defec
39 s by targeting biological machines with high stoichiometry and a sequential-action mechanism was desc
40                                           As stoichiometry and affinity differences were not correlat
41 mbly into DNA nanocages with well-controlled stoichiometry and architecture that enabled a systematic
42                                  The subunit stoichiometry and arrangement of synaptic alphabetagamma
43 om predatory dragonflies and focused on body stoichiometry and associated explanatory variables (grow
44 ult to uncover due to changes in the surface stoichiometry and atomic arrangement.
45 e-response manner, thereby shifting nutrient stoichiometry and availability at the ecosystem scale.
46                                          The stoichiometry and catalytic activity of the complex is r
47 d by epitaxial strains, broken symmetry, off-stoichiometry and charge transfer, can generate a rich s
48 y to Ribeiroia ondatrae, based on ecological stoichiometry and community-ecology theory.
49                          To characterize the stoichiometry and composition of tmTNF during TNFR2 acti
50  Here, we characterize the replisome-complex stoichiometry and dynamics with single-molecule resoluti
51  GPCR and G protein, and hence depend on the stoichiometry and expression levels of the donor and acc
52 teracts with Kif7 and is required for normal stoichiometry and function of a Kif7/Sufu complex that r
53 potential to provide a wealth of data on the stoichiometry and intersubunit connectivity of endogenou
54 fects of the increased assembly of one nAChR stoichiometry and its preferential trafficking likely dr
55 cid symporters with a 1:1 protein: substrate stoichiometry and KM for silicic acid of 20 muM.
56 es of the relationships between leaf N and P stoichiometry and leaf shape ranged from |0.12| to |1.00
57                            We identified the stoichiometry and molar mass of a complex formed during
58 ss four legume species, we found that tissue stoichiometry and nutrient content were more plastic tha
59  acids into the channel, engineering channel stoichiometry and performing free energy simulations.
60 es of the relationships between leaf N and P stoichiometry and plant size ranged from |0.95| to |2.66
61 Y motif, which, when mutated, alters species stoichiometry and proteasome-dependent turnover of nucle
62 enhancement was maximal at low CheR:receptor stoichiometry and quantitative analyses argued against a
63 ns that confer marked changes in ion-binding stoichiometry and selectivity.
64 itions are coupled to changes in ion-binding stoichiometry and selectivity.
65 near Ln(III) /U(V) polymers depending on the stoichiometry and solvent.
66 , and allow for unique insights into protein stoichiometry and spatial relationships.
67 uorescence microscopy, we determined in vivo stoichiometry and spatiotemporal dynamics of a GFP tagge
68 w that dengue virus NS5 binds SLA with a 1:1 stoichiometry and that the association reaction is prima
69 sent a method that allows us to quantify the stoichiometry and the association constant of the EGFR-G
70  for generating neural diversity, regulating stoichiometry and the formation of retinotopy.
71  DFT computational studies confirmed the 1:1 stoichiometry and the inclusion character of both comple
72 the presented data suggest a tissue-specific stoichiometry and/or post-translational modification sta
73 m, and their structures can be determined by stoichiometry and/or thermodynamics, especially in the p
74 d assessment of complex composition, binding stoichiometries, and structures.
75 o more realistic BKCa-CaV complexes with 1:n stoichiometry, and analyze the single-complex model with
76  Here, we discuss how the subunit structure, stoichiometry, and auxiliary subunits generate a heterog
77  of long-range atomic ordering, well-defined stoichiometry, and controlled crystal structure.
78 rolled crystal symmetry, lattice parameters, stoichiometry, and dimensionality.
79 singly, our structures reveal an alpha2beta4 stoichiometry, and the overall architecture of the holoe
80 rolled interparticle separation distance and stoichiometry, and well-defined geometry, can be used as
81 na and the magnitudes of the changes in soil stoichiometry are dependent on vegetation types, soil ty
82 ects of N addition and elevated CO2 on C:N:P stoichiometry are stronger than warming, (ii) combined e
83 ctural studies, whose assembly can introduce stoichiometry artifacts and other unwanted effects.
84  All complexes possess a 1:1 metal-to-ligand stoichiometry as determined by electronic absorption spe
85               Both structural (i.e. biomass, stoichiometry, assemblage structure) and functional (i.e
86 ith tunable interparticle gap and controlled stoichiometry assembled on DNA origami.
87 gest data set thus far of lysine acetylation stoichiometry (available via ProteomeXchange with identi
88                                          The stoichiometry between alpha and beta-subunits has been c
89 explain differences in binding occupancy and stoichiometry between antibodies.
90  and adjusted to differences in the cellular stoichiometry between host and pathogen is unknown.
91 United Kingdom, in order to characterize the stoichiometry between the biogeochemical cycles of C and
92 d 97% of controls, respectively, and altered stoichiometry between the three cardiac troponin subunit
93                               The amounts of stoichiometry binding (n) were 1.24 and 1.62 at pH value
94 envelopes in mass spectra can reveal the ion stoichiometry but not geometry.
95              BSA/curcumin complex showed 1:1 stoichiometry, but the thermodynamic binding parameters
96 emonstrate the possibility to modulate their stoichiometry by modifying reaction conditions.
97 various cell types, which show that BKCa-CaV stoichiometry can affect whole-cell behavior substantial
98                In oxide frameworks, variable stoichiometry can lead to more complex defect structures
99  had surprisingly minimal effects on biofilm stoichiometry: carbon:nitrogen (C:N) ratios were tempera
100 exposure to helium gas at 500 MPa leads to a stoichiometry close to (He1 square1)(CaZr)F6.
101                         Our results reveal a stoichiometry consisting of a pentamer of ExbB, a dimer
102 ts indicate that grain size and optimized Cs stoichiometry control cation motion and by extension, th
103            The temporal trends in soil C-N-P stoichiometry differed among vegetation, soil, parent ma
104 us to detect their dissociation constant and stoichiometry directly inside the cell.
105 ng regulation of PAR complex composition and stoichiometry during Caenorhabditis elegans zygote polar
106  reactors we observe a decrease in magnetite stoichiometry (e.g., oxidation).
107 e pH range by adjusting the saposin-to-lipid stoichiometry, enabling maintenance of sufficiently high
108 plexed with cucurbit[8]uril (CB[8]) in a 1:1 stoichiometry exhibit abnormally large binding enthalpie
109 ying subunit ratios, giving rise to multiple stoichiometries exhibiting different subcellular localiz
110 eso- and macroporous layers with the overall stoichiometry Fe0.84Cr1.0Al0.16O3.
111                      Alternative 1:2 and 1:1 stoichiometries for Cl(-) /HCO3(-) exchange via SLC26A6
112 er, few studies have focused on the roles of stoichiometry for a given species.
113 cant and equal depletions driven by reaction stoichiometry for all rare isotopes: (33)S, (34)S, and (
114  CO2 production was close to the theoretical stoichiometry for anaerobic naphthalene degradation by a
115                By confirming the four-proton stoichiometry for mammalian complex I and, for the first
116                                   The shared stoichiometry for phasic and tonic glycine receptors sug
117 nding constants and suggest 1:1 complexation stoichiometry for the ionophore I with chloride as well
118 pproximately 300 formation balanced reaction stoichiometry, from the p(H2) dependence of the kinetics
119 , and/or multimeric, but the native cellular stoichiometry has remained elusive.
120 simulations of the BKCa-CaV complex with 1:1 stoichiometry have given important insight into the loca
121 nsive searches for polyhydrides with unusual stoichiometry have had only limited success in spite of
122                          While the magnetite stoichiometry (i.e., Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio) has been exte
123 phorus biolimitation, resulting in elemental stoichiometries in primary producers that diverged stron
124    The encapsulation process presented a 1:1 stoichiometry in all the cases studied but the complexat
125                                       Enzyme stoichiometry in ECM soils shifted to higher investment
126 myriad shifts in nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in global freshwater ecosystems, but this
127 mportance of electron donor and chloroethene stoichiometry in maintaining balanced functional perform
128 eage) indeed increases LBR:lamin-A,C protein stoichiometry in MSCs versus osteogenesis (stiff).
129                However, the presence of each stoichiometry in native tissue currently remains unknown
130 in T (TNNT2) caused altered troponin protein stoichiometry in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.
131 ell as their association, concentration, and stoichiometry in rat liver microsomes and cultured cells
132                                        Plant stoichiometry in relation to the structure and function
133 r and soil communities can adapt their C:N:P stoichiometry in response to the stoichiometric imbalanc
134 of ARPP-16 is phosphorylated to a high basal stoichiometry in striatum, suggestive of basal inhibitio
135 2 interacts with TIN2 with an unexpected 2:1 stoichiometry in the context of shelterin (RAP12:TRF22:T
136                                   The bundle stoichiometry in the mesophase agrees well with the size
137 figurational entropy arising from oxygen off-stoichiometry in the oxide, has been the focus of most p
138  embryonic fibroblasts but displays variable stoichiometry in the plasma membrane of store-depleted c
139  their suitability for assessing acetylation stoichiometry in three human cell lines, identifying the
140 ture of heterotetramers in 3:1, 2:2, and 1:3 stoichiometries, in addition to the homotetramers.
141 ons also exhibited a wide range of elemental stoichiometry, including carbon-to-nitrogen ratios and i
142                             Small changes in stoichiometry introduce so-called intrinsic defects, e.g
143 parsimonious model for KV2.1/KV6.4 channels' stoichiometry is 3:1.
144        We find that the 2Cl(-):1H(+) binding stoichiometry is a result of Cl(-) binding to Sx requiri
145 hese findings provide evidence that nutrient stoichiometry is a strong predictor of bacterial diversi
146                                              Stoichiometry is known for a wide array of mammalian tra
147 n than functional tissues (leaves), and leaf stoichiometry is more important in the construction of n
148  and phosphorus (P) concentrations and their stoichiometry is not well understood.
149                                      The HgS stoichiometry is obtained through the cleavage of the S-
150      In many transition metal oxides, oxygen stoichiometry is one of the most critical parameters tha
151 e concatemeric subunits in which the subunit stoichiometry is predetermined.
152 etry of Lis1 binding to dynein and that this stoichiometry is regulated by the nucleotide state of dy
153  and KTs are assembled and how their precise stoichiometry is regulated.
154 ecial techniques, especially when control of stoichiometry is required.
155  instrument and in a single measurement, the stoichiometry, kinetics, and exact position of modificat
156    In this study, we determined leaf N and P stoichiometry, leaf shape and plant size in three Quercu
157                           At the 1:2 binding stoichiometry, lipid (31)P spectra show an isotropic pea
158 oraviruses, and pithoviruses, contain a high-stoichiometry machine composed of multiple components th
159                  Although structural models (stoichiometry matrices) and pathway databases are extrem
160                 The observed changes in body stoichiometry may affect the damselflies' food quality a
161 nforest, we evaluated how variable substrate stoichiometry may influence the stoichiometry of microbi
162 f CDN for improving theory (e.g., ecological stoichiometry, metabolic theory, and biodiversity-ecosys
163 rconversion involves changes in structure or stoichiometry, not just the movement of electrons.
164 eproduced the relative occupancy and binding stoichiometry observed in cryo-EM, without having to acc
165 rmacological properties endowed by different stoichiometries of alpha4 and beta2 subunits and establi
166 metry of complex I by reference to the known stoichiometries of complexes III and IV.
167  substrate flux assays to determine coupling stoichiometries of electrogenic secondary active transpo
168 strates rather than inhibitors, resulting in stoichiometries of inhibition greater than one.
169 iants inhibited both proteases with elevated stoichiometries of inhibition.
170 de the first reported mass spectra and lipid stoichiometries of intact Nanodiscs containing lipid-raf
171 ppearance and NDMA formation, quantified the stoichiometries of monochloramine (NH2Cl) and aqueous O2
172 uctures of viral dsDNA-packaging motors, the stoichiometries of motor components, and the motion mech
173 velopment based on the power function of the stoichiometries of target complexes that work sequential
174                              Strikingly, the stoichiometries of the replicative helicase, DNA polymer
175 o induce dimerization of OPG monomers with a stoichiometry of 1:1.
176 zes when bound to FLRT2:Unc5, resulting in a stoichiometry of 1:1:2 (FLRT2:Unc5D:Lphn3).
177       Here we measured the concentration and stoichiometry of a functional GFP-Mrr fusion protein usi
178                                A 1:1 binding stoichiometry of a host-guest complex need not consist o
179   BSA formed a complex with the ligands with stoichiometry of approximately 1.0.
180 dissociation constants and ligand-to-protein stoichiometry of ArsI for Fe(II), MAs(III), and aromatic
181 nopathy 1 (MSP1); we further showed that the stoichiometry of binding is one ataxin3 molecule per p97
182 tedly depends on FI-binding affinity and the stoichiometry of chemokine receptor binding to trimeric
183 only applied method for the determination of stoichiometry of complex chemical entities for over 100
184 ws the precise control over the geometry and stoichiometry of complex formation between CD19- or CD22
185                           The proton-pumping stoichiometry of complex I (i.e. the number of protons p
186 e of proton translocation and determines the stoichiometry of complex I by reference to the known sto
187 le method for determining the proton-pumping stoichiometry of complex I in inverted membrane vesicles
188 ts reveals cell type-specific changes in the stoichiometry of complexes, which often involve paralog
189  presence of two apo-forms with kinetics and stoichiometry of copper binding identical to that of Sli
190            Visualization of the kinetics and stoichiometry of Env-antibody complexes demonstrated the
191 ighest ABTS-scavenging capacity, the highest stoichiometry of Fe(3+) reduction in the FRAP assay and
192 .KI cells indicates that the composition and stoichiometry of Hrd1 complexes are strongly influenced
193 afford the Km for each ligand as well as the stoichiometry of ion-substrate-coupled conformational ch
194                 We found a 2:1 (m/m) binding stoichiometry of K2hPg/VKK38, with the lysine-binding si
195 ions provide a molecular explanation for the stoichiometry of kinetochore components and its cell cyc
196 hich can provide a driving force for the 1:4 stoichiometry of L10 to L12 in the ribosome.
197 CCSL (thinning out clusters while conserving stoichiometry of labeling), which allows for direct imag
198 show that these opposing modes depend on the stoichiometry of Lis1 binding to dynein and that this st
199 method to quantitate and assess the relative stoichiometry of Lys and Arg modifications (QuARKMod) in
200 s, no work exists examining the influence of stoichiometry of magnetite on its binding properties.
201 le substrate stoichiometry may influence the stoichiometry of microbial communities in the leaf litte
202   The mtDNA alterations led to an imbalanced stoichiometry of mitochondrial respiratory chain complex
203 in subunits MnxE and MnxF, with an estimated stoichiometry of MnxE3F3G and corresponding molecular we
204 ing two different belts before assembly, the stoichiometry of MSP is encoded in the peak shape, which
205 ble technique can specifically elucidate the stoichiometry of nAChRs in the ER versus those in the pl
206                       Comparisons of the N/P stoichiometry of net inputs versus storm drain exports i
207 taining only the FLI portion), demonstrate a stoichiometry of one Delta22-monomer binding to every tw
208  to two classes: uni-columnar neurons have a stoichiometry of one per column, while multi-columnar ne
209 mplex, (tBu3P)2Pd was shown to depend on the stoichiometry of Pd to phosphine ligand, the order of ad
210 we developed an approach for calculating the stoichiometry of phosphosites from multiplexed proteomic
211 case studies worldwide) to address how C:N:P stoichiometry of plants, soils, and soil microbial bioma
212                                We report the stoichiometry of PolC proteins within each cell and with
213 m for quantitative analysis of abundance and stoichiometry of post-translational chemical modificatio
214 nsmission, possibly by disrupting the normal stoichiometry of presynaptic potassium channels.
215  is increasingly being used to determine the stoichiometry of protein and RNA complexes composed of m
216 the complex is fully functional and that the stoichiometry of Rho* to GalphaT* is 1:1.
217 ctional validation of candidate scramblases, stoichiometry of scramblase complexes as well as ATP-dep
218 tic or antagonistic interactions, (iv) C:N:P stoichiometry of soil and soil microbial biomass shows h
219 sophila Nan-Iav TRPV channel, and we examine stoichiometry of subunit assembly.
220 4beta2 nAChRs in this brain region possess a stoichiometry of the (alpha4)3(beta2)2 LS subtype.
221 ructures illuminate the variable interaction stoichiometry of the AMPAR-TARP complex, with one or two
222                        The substrate binding stoichiometry of the bacterial NSS protein, LeuT, and th
223 ngle by the careful control of the shape and stoichiometry of the building blocks.
224                                          The stoichiometry of the CB7.FcG(+) complex was also confirm
225 cs of intrinsic affinities, characterize the stoichiometry of the complex of NS5 and SLA, and determi
226                                          The stoichiometry of the complex of TPEN and silver ion was
227 ptimization the variables: pH of the medium, stoichiometry of the complex, surfactant, and salt conce
228 l questions remain, including the functional stoichiometry of the CRAC channel.
229 lar distribution of individual machines, the stoichiometry of the different components of this machin
230                                    Since the stoichiometry of the fluorophore to the dendrimer is 1:1
231 th log Kd = -9.7 +/- 0.3 and a 2:1 prevalent stoichiometry of the GAPDH:PGK complex.
232  on the coordination directionality, and the stoichiometry of the individual precursor units, as well
233 ch stage represents a specific structure and stoichiometry of the intercalant relative to the host.
234                     ITC showed a 1:1 binding stoichiometry of the metallosquare to TERRA, while the s
235 reviously unknown link between an imbalanced stoichiometry of the mitochondrial respiratory chain com
236 tion, converted the normal 3Na(+):2K(+):1ATP stoichiometry of the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase to electroneutral
237 n energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) showed the stoichiometry of the nominal 15 nm NbO2 layer in the as-
238                                          The stoichiometry of the PC4-G4 complex was 1:1 for PC4 dime
239 and do not account for both the kinetics and stoichiometry of the radical-trapping reaction(s).
240                                          The stoichiometry of the reaction is also found to be crucia
241  the sputtering power critically affects the stoichiometry of the SnOx film.
242                    We show that the relative stoichiometry of the synthesis rates of sigmaB, its anti
243 The sequence of recruitment and the relative stoichiometry of the two proteins may be critical to reg
244 section; and (3) dynamic readjustment of the stoichiometry of the two PSI-LHCI isomers and changes in
245 -1 PRF switches tightly control the relative stoichiometry of two distinct protein outputs from a sin
246 Isothermal titration calorimetry indicated a stoichiometry of two oligosaccharides per CXCL5 dimer.
247 y of this method by determining the coupling stoichiometry of VcINDY, a bacterial Na(+)-coupled succi
248 rther validate it by confirming the coupling stoichiometry of vSGLT, a bacterial sugar transporter.
249   The electronic and crystalline structures, stoichiometry, optical properties, and integration with
250 A) conjugation to facilitate ligand-receptor stoichiometry optimization.
251 cell surface expression with altered subunit stoichiometry or decreased GABA-evoked whole-cell curren
252  and dimeric CaMKII without altering subunit stoichiometry or the net homo-FRET between Venus-tagged
253  of individual lakes had changing nutrients, stoichiometry, or Chl.
254 loop has no impact on zinc-binding affinity, stoichiometry, or protein structure, yet is essential fo
255 blished that resource quantity and elemental stoichiometry play major roles in shaping below and abov
256 ith photoluminescence proves that the halide stoichiometry plays a key role in the optoelectronic pro
257 n contrast to the naive expectation based on stoichiometry, recent single-molecule studies have shown
258 gest that a low diffusion coefficient, a low stoichiometry relative to cohesin, and a high affinity f
259                    These data imply that the stoichiometry required for CoRA/FI synergy exceeds that
260 s suggests that the temporal changes in soil stoichiometry resulted from elevated N deposition, risin
261 )-ATPase to electroneutral 2Na(+):2K(+):1ATP stoichiometry similar to the electroneutral transport mo
262  This technique also provided a complexation stoichiometry similar to those obtained by fluorimetric
263   In these hybrid nanoclusters, the relative stoichiometry, size, shape, and composition of the build
264 ependent resonances, control of band gap and stoichiometry, size-dependent plasmons and excitons, and
265 on approximately 100 data points each), with stoichiometries spanning more than 2 orders of magnitude
266 y, for the first time, demonstrates that the stoichiometry strongly affects the capacity of magnetite
267 ase stabilities of iron oxides, creating new stoichiometries, such as Fe4O5 and Fe5O6.
268 ct sets of interacting proteins and variable stoichiometries, suggesting a hitherto unrecognized hete
269 es and more accurate measurements of complex stoichiometry than existing single-molecule imaging meth
270 ution to form a complex of approximately 1:1 stoichiometry that depends on PCNA interaction with the
271 ), and phosphorus (P), resulting in shifting stoichiometry that lies at the core of ecosystem functio
272                       In addition to binding stoichiometry, the measurements allow the range of hepar
273  total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), stoichiometry (TN:TP), and Chl.
274  encoded in the peak shape, which allows the stoichiometry to be assigned unambiguously from a single
275                However, the response of soil stoichiometry to global changes in natural ecosystems wi
276 evealed that the responses of soil C-N-P and stoichiometry to long-term global changes have occurred
277 imarily driven by variation in soil resource stoichiometry (total C:N:P ratios), itself linked to dif
278 in the dorsal horn, where different receptor stoichiometries underlie phasic and tonic inhibition.
279 eria, our results suggest that FliD oligomer stoichiometries vary across bacteria to complement their
280 ThC at ambient pressure was obtained and the stoichiometry was attributed to the discrepancy of this
281 ded the formation of ternary complexes whose stoichiometry was directly related to the ratio of TBP t
282 try of the metallosquare to TERRA, while the stoichiometry was more complex for telomeric quadruplex
283    In the three common gardens, leaf N and P stoichiometry was significantly correlated with leaf sha
284             By virtue of this proton-pumping stoichiometry, we hypothesize that NADPH dehydrogenase n
285      In order to understand drivers of plant stoichiometry, we subjected four herbaceous legume speci
286 ated CO2 , warming + elevated CO2 ) on C:N:P stoichiometry were generally weaker than the individual
287  N, and P fertilization effects on microbial stoichiometry were strong in both litter and soil, witho
288 units assemble in two predominant pentameric stoichiometries, which differ in their sensitivity to ag
289               At 80 GPa, phases with the PH2 stoichiometry, which are composed of simple cubic like p
290 ms shows changes in the average near-surface stoichiometry, which suggests that lead-rich crystal ter
291 te (ATP), all three components bind in a 1:1 stoichiometry with a 3ss.
292 inding partner of the p130Cas CCHD (in a 1:1 stoichiometry with a Kd approximately 4.2 mum) and eluci
293           Our results associate each subunit stoichiometry with a unique single channel conductance,
294 rprising Ca(2+)-induced switch in calmodulin stoichiometry with Ca(2+) channels-one calmodulin binds
295     Most striking was the decline of binding stoichiometry with linking number.
296 virion, with saturation occurring around 1:1 stoichiometry with packaged RT.
297           This increase in RN7SL1 alters its stoichiometry with SRP9/14 and generates unshielded RN7S
298 sodium, potassium, and lithium (assuming 1:1 stoichiometry) with their respective ionophores are calc
299 r populations biased toward one or the other stoichiometry, with currents from receptors composed of
300 ic siRNA molecules with precisely controlled stoichiometry within a singular microstructure by manipu

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