


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  because of increased water loss through the stomata.
2 vironmental constraints to O3 uptake through stomata.
3 previously to water evaporation through leaf stomata.
4 action of the epidermis that is allocated to stomata.
5 ient and tightly conserved genetic origin of stomata.
6 sulting in loss of turgor and closure of the stomata.
7 , morphology of thin-shaped chlorophyll-less stomata.
8  of a new cell type: guard cells, which form stomata.
9 quent division asymmetry in developing maize stomata.
10 ptibility 1 (EDS1), in guard cells that form stomata.
11 ce closure of hydathode pores in contrast to stomata.
12 ors to inhibit closure or trigger opening of stomata.
13  CVI allele results in constitutively larger stomata.
14 inimum spacing of one epidermal cell between stomata.
15 he leaf surface and respond by closing their stomata.
16 egimes based upon the anatomical features of stomata.
17 inimum spacing of one epidermal cell between stomata.
18 t rapidly in the anisocytic complexes around stomata.
19 it mutant, gpa1, which has ABA-hyposensitive stomata.
20  were responsive to ABA and light similar to stomata.
21  A. thaliana mutants, resulting in clustered stomata.
22 n controlling whole-plant water loss through stomata.
23 rarely but consistently, results in aberrant stomata.
24 ncovering previously unexpected behaviors of stomata.
25 Transpiration and gas exchange occur through stomata.
26 A) signaling pathways to close light-adapted stomata.
27 ABA in the leaf prevented rapid reopening of stomata.
28 he spacing and pore dimensions of developing stomata.
29  to close Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) stomata.
30  thus reducing proton pump activity to close stomata.
31  to understanding the origin and function of stomata.
32 patterning of multiple cell types, including stomata.
33 e consistent with the inactivity of hornwort stomata.
34 BA action on leaf water supply upstream from stomata.
35 ves, whereas the hypocotyls did not have any stomata.
36 the required allocation of epidermal area to stomata.
37 wild-type plants but mutant sporophytes lack stomata.
38 sociated with residual diffusion through the stomata.
39                                         Open Stomata 1 (OST1) (SnRK2.6 or SRK2E), a serine/threonine
40 atases 2C (PP2Cs) of the protein kinase OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) and ultimately results in activation of
41                            Silencing of OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) compromised the elevated CO2 -induced a
42                The functions of HT1 and OPEN STOMATA 1 (OST1) to changes in red, blue light or [CO2 ]
43                                         Open stomata 1 (OST1)/Snf1-related protein kinase 2.6 (SnRK2.
44 rotein kinase 21 (CPK21), CPK23, or the Open Stomata 1 kinase (OST1) activates SLAC1 anion currents.
45 eages, particularly in Arabidopsis, has made stomata a conceptual and technical framework for the stu
46                                              Stomata account for much of the 70% of global water usag
47 d positioning of veins, mesophyll cells, and stomata across a leaf is crucial for efficient gas excha
48 ed by the relatively slow opening/closing of stomata, activation/deactivation of C3 cycle enzymes, an
49 d seed production and leads to a severe open stomata and ABA-insensitive phenotype, even though other
50  responses to dehydration are the closure of stomata and activation of electron transfer to oxygen ac
51                   Plant defense responses at stomata and apoplast are the most important early events
52 e of stomata, whereas many pathogens exploit stomata and cause them to open to facilitate entry into
53  and cell shape, we focused on kidney-shaped stomata and developed a biomechanical model of a guard c
54 cessary to generate an appropriate number of stomata and enforce a minimum spacing of one epidermal c
55 cessary to generate an appropriate number of stomata and enforce a minimum spacing of one epidermal c
56 on of ATP leads to the rapid closure of leaf stomata and enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathoge
57 iana The mutation caused constitutively open stomata and impaired stomatal CO2 responses.
58 ucoside glucohydrolase [TGG]) accumulates in stomata and in myrosin idioblasts (MIs).
59 y regulate morphogenesis of tissues, such as stomata and inflorescences in plants [3-15].
60 ated the discovery of the immune function of stomata and key components of JA signaling in plants.
61                                              Stomata and MI cells constitute part of a wider system t
62 cts in these highly specialized cells of the stomata and root to impart cell wall strength at high tu
63 together to permit the correct patterning of stomata and that, moreover, elements of the module retai
64 n of specialized cells such as those forming stomata and trichomes is incomplete.
65 onsistent with the impaired dynamics of tmm1 stomata and were accompanied by a reduced accumulation o
66 less than half of their normal complement of stomata, and correspondingly reduced levels of transpira
67 of characters (e.g. spo-rophyte bifurcation, stomata, and dyads) unknown in plants today.
68  We mapped ozone hypersensitivity, more open stomata, and stomatal CO2-insensitivity phenotypes of th
69 M) under soil water deficit by closing their stomata, anisohydric species maintain higher stomatal ap
70  against pathogens, reproduction, control of stomata aperture and light signal transduction.
71 4 homolog in Arabidopsis, decreased relative stomata aperture under nonstress control conditions.
72 logical and developmental mechanisms such as stomata aperture, aquaporin and lateral root positioning
73 ion of ANAC19, ANAC55 and ANAC72 to modulate stomata aperture.
74                                              Stomata are a unique system to study both processes beca
75 urring in plants, the opening and closing of stomata are based on hydraulic forces.
76 enson-Bassham cycle flux during the day when stomata are closed.
77 developing leaf epidermis indicates that the stomata are derived from an asymmetric mitosis.
78                                              Stomata are dispersed pores found in the epidermis of la
79                                              Stomata are expendable in hornworts, as they have been l
80                                              Stomata are formed by a pair of guard cells which have t
81                                              Stomata are formed from progenitor cells, which execute
82                                              Stomata are important regulators of carbon dioxide uptak
83                                              Stomata are key entry points for many plant pathogens.
84                                     Hornwort stomata are large and scattered on sporangia that grow f
85                                              Stomata are leaf pores that control gas exchange and, th
86                            Almost all of the stomata are located on the abaxial leaf surface.
87                                              Stomata are microscopic openings that allow for the exch
88                                              Stomata are microscopic valves on plant surfaces that or
89 he mesophyll with water that evaporates when stomata are open to allow CO2 uptake for photosynthesis.
90                                      Because stomata are physiologically important and because stomat
91                                              Stomata are pores found on the surfaces of leaves, and t
92                                              Stomata are pores that regulate the gas and water exchan
93                                              Stomata are produced by a controlled series of epidermal
94                                              Stomata are simultaneously tasked with permitting the up
95 the one-cell spacing rule; that is, adjacent stomata are spaced by at least one intervening pavement
96 the signal-sensing apparatus to inform where stomata are to be formed on the leaf.
97                                      Whether stomata arose once or whether they arose independently a
98 owever, although it is well-established that stomata arose very early in the evolution of land plants
99 osolic GFP-fluorescence than those with open stomata as cortical microtubules became disassembled, al
100                         We argue that mature stomata, as key portals by which plants coordinate their
101 ves, associated with a shift towards smaller stomata at a given density.
102                                   H2S closes stomata, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive.
103 rized the function of the phylloxera-induced stomata by tracing transport of assimilated carbon.
104 xchange analyses, indicating that the mutant stomata can bestow an improved assimilation rate.
105                                              Stomata can quickly close upon challenge to block pathog
106  through the soil, vegetation (roots, xylem, stomata), canopy air space, and the atmospheric boundary
107  Moreover, the finding that chlorophyll-less stomata cause a 'deflated' thin-shaped phenotype, sugges
108 e number and expansion of pavement cells and stomata cell fate specification; we also observed severe
109                                              Stomata close in response to the plant hormone abscisic
110                              Flowering plant stomata close through passive dehydration or by active p
111 cells showed fewer microtubule structures as stomata closed, whether induced by transfer to darkness,
112 s are naturally fragmented after ABA-induced stomata closure.
113 ascade by constitutively active YODA rescues stomata clustering in atgpi8-1, indicating that a GPI-AP
114 he kob1-3 mutation leads to the formation of stomata clusters in the erl1 erl2 background but not in
115 SPEECHLESS, suggesting that the formation of stomata clusters is due to an escape of cell fate-specif
116 background does not lead to the formation of stomata clusters, indicating that cellulose biosynthesis
117 ected stiffening of the polar regions of the stomata complexes, both in Arabidopsis and other plants,
118 dative stress response and the regulation of stomata conductance.
119                                              Stomata control gaseous fluxes between the internal leaf
120                                              Stomata control gaseous fluxes between the internal leaf
121 ncorporating the landscape of psi over which stomata control psi, and (2) the slope of the daily rang
122                                              Stomata control the exchange of CO2 and water vapor in l
123 significant difference in cuticle thickness, stomata densities, and sizes.
124         Valves on the plant epidermis called stomata develop according to positional cues, which like
125 h other receptor kinase pathways to modulate stomata development and innate immunity.
126 MAPK module YODA-MKK4/5-MPK3/6 that controls stomata development and patterning.
127          The signalling pathways controlling stomata development are not fully understood, although m
128 , BRs also govern cell fate decisions during stomata development in Arabidopsis thaliana.
129 GPI-AP or there is another GPI-AP regulating stomata development whose function is dependent upon TMM
130 ike protein (RLP) TMM, a signal modulator of stomata development, in a ligand-independent manner, sug
131 tiation is a synchronized event in which the stomata differentiation and the transition of pavement c
132 ing pedicel growth: a proliferative stage, a stomata differentiation stage, and a cell elongation sta
133  stomata, the function of fern and lycophyte stomata diverged strongly from seed plant species upon r
134 ir apparent mechanism for maintaining closed stomata during drought.
135 t and nonhost disease resistance due to open stomata during pathogen infection.
136 ccation rather than high ABA levels to close stomata during sustained water stress.
137  of the hormone abscisic acid (ABA) to close stomata during water stress.
138                                              Stomata enable gaseous exchange between the interior of
139                             The formation of stomata, epidermal pores that facilitate gas exchange, i
140                                              Stomata, epidermal valves facilitating plant-atmosphere
141 tion and other environmental stresses, while stomata facilitate gas exchange and transpiration.
142 onic acid isoleucine and promotes opening of stomata for bacterial entry, bacterial growth in the apo
143 raulic supply is crucial to maintaining open stomata for CO2 capture and plant growth.
144                                              Stomata form at the base of the sporophyte in the green
145      Our results also show that BR-dependent stomata formation and expression of some, but not all, S
146 ND DISTRIBUTION1 The effects of the GATAs on stomata formation are light dependent but can be induced
147 we hypothesize that PIF- and light-regulated stomata formation in hypocotyls is critically dependent
148 ana LLM-domain B-GATA genes are defective in stomata formation in hypocotyls.
149 plant Arabidopsis thaliana and essential for stomata formation in moss.
150                   Phylloxera feeding induced stomata formation in proximity to the insect and promote
151 und, GATA expression is sufficient to induce stomata formation in the dark.
152                                              Stomata formation is induced by a set of basic helix-loo
153                                  Conversely, stomata formation is strongly promoted by overexpression
154 icate that these B-GATAs act upstream of the stomata formation regulators SPEECHLESS(SPCH), MUTE, and
155 APs are important for root and shoot growth, stomata formation, apical dominance, transition to flowe
156 screen targeted to identify genes regulating stomata formation, we discovered a missense mutation in
157 t by studying a porA mutant that retains its stomata formation.
158 inactivates the Speechless gene required for stomata formation.
159  of the ERf signaling pathway that regulates stomata formation.
160                                          The stomata, formed by a pair of guard cells, dynamically in
161                                 Furthermore, stomata from isolated epidermal strips of Arabidopsis AB
162  Hydathode surface presents pores resembling stomata giving access to large cavities.
163 ange between the leaf and bulk atmosphere by stomata governs CO(2) uptake for photosynthesis and tran
164 ringae virulence, including invasion through stomata, growth in the apoplast, and induction of diseas
165 s a more localized synthesis of stilbenes in stomata guard cells and cell walls is induced by P. viti
166          Interestingly, approximately 45% of stomata had an unusual, previously not-described, morpho
167 plants with over twice the normal density of stomata have a greater capacity for nitrogen uptake, exc
168                                Few models of stomata have been developed from the bottom up, however,
169                                              Stomata have long been modeled mathematically, but until
170 s one of the earliest plant groups to evolve stomata, hornworts are key to understanding the origin a
171                                              Stomata in abaxial epidermal strips of Arabidopsis ecoty
172  SGC plants showed a loss of ability to open stomata in anticipation of daily dark-to-light changes a
173                                          The stomata in basal lineages of vascular plants, including
174 s the veins as liquid and travels toward the stomata in both the vapor and liquid phases before exiti
175       Genotypes with proper spacing (< 5% of stomata in clusters) achieved Diffusive g(smax) values c
176 though there are several genera that exhibit stomata in clusters.
177 red to soybean, indicating a smaller role of stomata in dictating the ET response to elevated [CO2 ].
178                  Records of occasional giant stomata in fossil bennettites could indicate development
179 indings identify an architecture and fate of stomata in hornworts that is ancient and common to plant
180 xpression of HDG2 confers differentiation of stomata in internal mesophyll tissues and occasional mul
181  The results show that ABA did not close the stomata in isolated epidermal strips of des1 mutants, an
182  may coordinate the positioning of veins and stomata in monocot leaves and that distinct mechanisms m
183                                              Stomata in most plants are separated by at least one epi
184  how plants allocate leaf epidermal space to stomata in order to achieve an economic balance between
185                  Although the involvement of stomata in plant responses to elevated CO2 has been well
186         Our results suggest that the lack of stomata in porA-1 may contribute to the dwarfed phenotyp
187 lipins and salicylic acid favored closure of stomata in response to Pseudomonas syringae infection.
188 a model for the involvement of ROS, ABA, and stomata in systemic signaling leading to systemic acquir
189 e TAM-GFP signal levels in the mesophyll and stomata in the 35S:TAM-GFP lines only differ slightly.
190 upporting a single ancient genetic origin of stomata in the ancestor to all stomatous land plants.
191           Both soils and incompletely closed stomata in the canopy contributed to nighttime fluxes.
192 OCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR(PIF) mutants form stomata in the dark, and in this genetic background, GAT
193   We were able to show that the emergence of stomata in the last common ancestor of mosses and vascul
194  extremely low number of sometimes clustered stomata in the leaves, whereas the hypocotyls did not ha
195 ermore, the GFP signals in the mesophyll and stomata in the TAM:TAM-GFP and 35S:TAM-GFP lines were al
196                                     Although stomata in true leaves display normal density and morpho
197 ogens, we know very little about the role of stomata in viral infection.
198 ore prominent in detached leaves with closed stomata, indicating that photorespiratory recycling of C
199  characterized, the pathways by which mature stomata integrate environmental signals to control immat
200          The aberrant function of chc mutant stomata is consistent with the growth phenotypes observe
201 ealed that abscisic acid-mediated closure of stomata is impaired in Attre1 lines, whereas the AtTRE1
202                                    Moreover, stomata-less sporophytes of DeltaPpSMF1 and DeltaPpSCRM1
203                   The fossil record suggests stomata-like pores were present on the surfaces of land
204                                           In stomata, loss of OsK5.2 functional expression resulted i
205                                              Stomata mediate gas exchange between the inter-cellular
206 ng growth architecture, pathogen resistance, stomata-mediated leaf-air gas exchange, and possibly pho
207 subtilis FB17 (hereafter FB17) restricts the stomata-mediated pathogen entry of PstDC3000 in Arabidop
208                                              Stomata, microscopic pores in leaf surfaces through whic
209 tants exhibited delayed dehiscence, implying stomata might have promoted dehiscence in the first comp
210 ene that confers the fate of MIs, as well as stomata, might facilitate the development of strategies
211                                  Plants have stomata, mouth-like pores on their surface, to adjust to
212                                              Stomata movement and gas exchange are altered in chc mut
213 ic vacuole remodeling that occurs as part of stomata movements.
214                                              Stomata of an independent allele of the PIR gene (Atpir-
215 how impairment of ABA signal transduction in stomata of calcium-dependent protein kinase quadruple mu
216     Motivated by studies suggesting that the stomata of ferns and lycophytes do not conform to the st
217                 These data indicate that the stomata of Juniperus may be more sensitive to acid depos
218                                              Stomata of plants expressing bacterial NO dioxygenase, w
219 a membrane of stomatal guard cells, although stomata of the Arabidopsis syp121 loss-of-function mutan
220               It has been suggested that the stomata of the basal vascular plants, such as ferns and
221         Neither NO nor H(2)O(2) increased in stomata of the uvr8-1 mutant.
222   Normalization of CO2 responses showed that stomata of transgenic plants respond to [CO2 ] shifts.
223                       Here, we show that the stomata of two temperate fern species respond to ABA and
224                                          The stomata of WT and mutant plants responded similarly to a
225         Electron microscopy was used to show stomata on leptomeningeal coverings of blood vessels in
226                                              Stomata on mature leaves may act as stress signal-sensin
227 ylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae, induces stomata on the adaxial surface of grape leaves where sto
228 al pathogens invade plants primarily through stomata on the leaf surface.
229 s)) is constrained by the size and number of stomata on the plant epidermis, and the potential maximu
230 s)) is constrained by the size and number of stomata on the plant epidermis, and the potential maximu
231                                              Stomata open at the leaf epidermis, driven by solute acc
232 anges in the appearance of microtubules when stomata open or close.
233 of microtubule bundles within guard cells as stomata open.
234 anges in the appearance of microtubules when stomata opened or closed.
235 ression patterns of AtJAZ genes and measured stomata opening and pathogen resistance in loss- and gai
236 P34 overexpression showed increased relative stomata opening even with ABA treatment.
237                                        Thus, stomata opening, enhanced leaf cooling, and ABA insensit
238 OsRZFP34 may modulate these genes to control stomata opening.
239 teria into the plant apoplast by stimulating stomata opening.
240          Mutants lacking SPCH do not produce stomata or lineages.
241 ready in mosses, the oldest plant group with stomata, or were acquired more recently in angiosperms r
242 ole in the regulation of transpiration, with stomata passively responsive to leaf water potential.
243                    The formation of a proper stomata pattern is also dependent upon the restriction o
244 gnaling because their overexpression rescued stomata patterning defects in BR-deficient plants.
245 ing seed germination and shows a more closed stomata phenotype.
246                            The patterning of stomata plays a vital role in plant development and has
247 Guard cell swelling controls the aperture of stomata, pores that facilitate gas exchange and water lo
248  the most ancient extant lineages to possess stomata, possess orthologs of these Arabidopsis (Arabido
249                                     Pores or stomata present on CSF-facing leptomeningeal cells enshe
250                       The differentiation of stomata provides a convenient model for studying pattern
251         All ABA-deficient lines closed their stomata rapidly and extensively in response to high VPD,
252 m a water-stressed state, fern and lycophyte stomata rapidly reopened to predrought levels despite th
253                                              Stomata regulate the uptake of CO2 and the loss of water
254              COR-induced signaling events at stomata remain unclear.
255  the uvr8-1 null mutant was exposed to UV-B, stomata remained open, irrespective of the fluence rate.
256                                              Stomata respond to darkness by closing to prevent excess
257 e light independent, and thus plants without stomata should continue to take up COS in the dark.
258 t present in immature guard cells, yet young stomata show a normal opening response.
259                      Guard cells with closed stomata showed more cytosolic GFP-fluorescence than thos
260         Guard cells kept in the dark (closed stomata) showed increases in microtubule structures and
261                   Terrestrial plants rely on stomata, small pores in the leaf surface, for photosynth
262 ect plant gas exchange that is controlled by stomata, small pores on plant leaves and stems formed by
263     The results suggest a partial closure of stomata-small pores on the leaf surface that regulate ga
264               These results demonstrate that stomata-specific regulators can alter mesophyll properti
265                         Because induction of stomata suggests a significant manipulation of primary m
266 on plants have reduced H(+)-ATPase activity, stomata that are less responsive to pathogen virulence f
267 ice (Oryza sativa) and other cereals possess stomata that are more complex than those of Arabidopsis.
268 ochemistry that identify a role for hornwort stomata that is correlated with sporangial and spore mat
269 duces leaf stomatal apertures and density of stomata that plays out as reductions in evapotranspirati
270                                        Plant stomata, the cellular interface between a plant and the
271 n terms of enhanced levels of ABA and closed stomata, the function of fern and lycophyte stomata dive
272 fra Moreover, in A. hybridus, despite closed stomata, the leaf metabolic profiles combined with chlor
273                                              Stomata, the microscopic pores on the surface of the aer
274 howed activity in several tissues, including stomata, the organs controlling transpiration.
275              These functional insect-induced stomata thus comprise part of an extended phenotype, whe
276  measured guard cells across the genera with stomata to assess developmental changes in size and to a
277 s no relationship between the sensitivity of stomata to COS and the rate of COS uptake (or, by infere
278 new insights into how guard cell walls allow stomata to function as responsive mediators of gas excha
279 hether plants regulate transpiration through stomata to function near E(max).
280 ks the functioning of guard cells and forces stomata to reopen.
281 s related to a locally higher sensitivity of stomata to the drought-hormone abscisic acid (ABA).
282 nitrosoglutathione induced closure of uvr8-1 stomata to the same extent as in the wild type.
283  from the intercellular air spaces below the stomata to the site of initial carboxylation in the meso
284  new tool for characterizing the response of stomata to water availability.
285 lism mutants (sdp1, pxa1, and cgi-58) and in stomata treated with a TAG breakdown inhibitor.
286 on the adaxial surface of grape leaves where stomata typically do not occur.
287                 amy3 bam1 plants close their stomata under osmotic stress at similar rates as the wil
288                 Guard cells, which flank the stomata, undergo adjustments in volume, resulting in cha
289                                              Stomata underpin the challenges of water availability an
290 n and abscisic acid (ABA), while thin-shaped stomata were continuously closed.
291 d the physiological parameters controlled by stomata were strongly correlated with Anatomical g(smax)
292 d the physiological parameters controlled by stomata were strongly correlated with Anatomical g(smax)
293 cid-insensitive1 (abi1-1) does not close the stomata when epidermal strips were treated with H2S, sug
294 nts: for example, drought induces closure of stomata, whereas many pathogens exploit stomata and caus
295 through wounds and natural openings, such as stomata, which are adjustable microscopic pores in the e
296           Plant gas exchange is regulated by stomata, which coordinate leaf-level water loss with xyl
297  immune response is the transient closure of stomata, which delays disease progression.
298 perture measurements of normal kidney-shaped stomata, which lack chlorophyll, showed stomatal closing
299 cular ledge and plants lacking FOCL1 produce stomata without a cuticular ledge.
300                                Consequently, stomata would remain open below water potentials that wo

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