コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 m corneum surface to the first viable layer (stratum granulosum).
2 on of the calcium gradient especially in the stratum granulosum.
3 te in a specific layer of the epidermis, the stratum granulosum.
4 basal/spinous layers and high levels in the stratum granulosum.
5 ed by the separation of the epidermis at the stratum granulosum.
6 xtending from the stratum basale through the stratum granulosum.
7 monstrated that sciellin is expressed in the stratum granulosum.
8 e in the differentiated epidermal layer, the stratum granulosum.
9 pression was replaced by accentuation in the stratum granulosum.
10 s and exhibiting nuclear localization in the stratum granulosum.
11 stratum basale, and poor development of the stratum granulosum.
13 lin granules and filaggrin expression in the stratum granulosum, a loss of keratin 10 expression in t
14 ted dUTP nick end-labeling-positive cells in stratum granulosum and newly cornified cells by electron
15 tor was prominently expressed throughout the stratum granulosum and the plasma membrane staining patt
16 a relatively flattened stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum, and a non-keratinizing stratum corne
17 els increase progressively towards the outer stratum granulosum, and declining again in the stratum c
21 rtant in psoriasis as it is expressed in the stratum granulosum, attracts polymorphonuclear cells, an
25 lated with a restoration in calcium in outer stratum granulosum cells in epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
26 ession, within the cytoplasm of cells in the stratum granulosum, decreased rapidly postmortem, unlike
27 GF-I to the basal keratinocytes and that the stratum granulosum-derived IGF-I may be an autocrine reg
28 um comprises corneocytes, derived from outer stratum granulosum during terminal differentiation, embe
30 l as stronger staining of cathepsin B in the stratum granulosum of affected individuals than in that
31 esence of AQP5 at the plasma membrane in the stratum granulosum of both normal and affected palmar ep
32 e skin, Cx31 and Cx30.3 are expressed in the stratum granulosum of the epidermis with a suggested rol
34 GF-I expressed both in the dermis and in the stratum granulosum, or that dermal fibroblasts are respo
36 of preformed lamellar bodies from the outer stratum granulosum, regulated through modulations in ion
37 dominantly acidifies membrane domains at the stratum granulosum-SC interface, is inhibited, postnatal
38 , in extracellular "microdomains" at the SC- stratum granulosum (SG) interface, where pH-sensitive li
39 omewhat lower in the epidermis (i.e., at the stratum granulosum-stratum corneum interface), was found
40 shed beta-glucocerebrosidase activity at the stratum granulosum-stratum corneum junction and a modest
43 del identified penetration of FLG+RMR to the stratum granulosum, the epidermal layer at which FLG def
44 d mass lesion hippocampi showed that, in the stratum granulosum, the greatest mRNA increases were in
45 n beta-endorphin-containing keratinocytes in stratum granulosum throughout the epidermis of the hindp
46 expression, within granules of cells in the stratum granulosum, was prominent, corresponding to hype
47 rrier perturbations reduce calcium levels in stratum granulosum, we studied the regulation of murine
49 Ca2+ in normal tissue, peaking in the outer stratum granulosum, which disappeared after barrier disr
50 s found to be expressed predominately in the stratum granulosum with a punctate pattern of staining a
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