


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ditions for C-N coupling reactions (heat and strong base).
2 ions (visible light, ambient temperature, no strong base).
3 but override the Heck pathway by employing a strong base.
4  alkylated at 2-N with methyl propenoate and strong base.
5 e dissolution of the PSi nanocrystallites in strong base.
6  air and moisture, and even resist acids and strong bases.
7 reported to be resistant to deprotonation by strong bases.
8 uted quinuclidines are screened as potential strong bases.
9 ecourse to protecting-group manipulations or strong bases.
10 and effectively making phosphines and amines strong bases.
11 ification conditions; recovery was poor with strong bases (0.2 and 0.5 M KOH) and best with weak base
12 n, and the unknown) were best recovered with strong base after 6 hours of saponification at room temp
13  an epoxidase that oxygenates vitamin K to a strong base and a carboxylase that uses the base to carb
14  out during methylation in the presence of a strong base and by liquid extraction of the per-O-methyl
15 is reported that dimsyl anion, formed from a strong base and DMSO (solvent), is responsible for induc
16 SDVB-based strong acid cation exchangers and strong base and weak base anion exchangers were evaluate
17 hough this protecting group is stable toward strong bases and nucleophiles, long reaction times are r
18 he benzylation of alkynes without the use of strong bases and/or organometallics.
19 echanism where MeMgCl acts as a nucleophile, strong base, and Lewis acid possibly explains the format
20                After AS18 latex coating, the strong base anion exchange capacity was on the order of
21 articles (CaF2-Eu) with either TEVA resin or strong base anion-exchange resin (Dowex 1 x 8-400(Cl)).
22                                              Strong bases are avoided in this desaturation approach,
23  not merely by the need for an exceptionally strong base, but by the inherent instability of the resu
24 sted probase strategy is devised, in which a strong base can be generated in situ from silylamide (pr
25 reaction involving cryogenic temperature and strong base conditions.
26 useful compounds by not requiring the use of strong base, cryogenics, or an anhydrous and inert atmos
27 ing group strategy in which non-nucleophilic strong-base (DBU) labile nucleobase protecting groups an
28                This method avoids the use of strong base, does not necessitate inert or low temperatu
29 ong periods in significant concentrations of strong base (e.g., >/=10 mM NaOH).
30 rementioned model organisms still provides a strong base for dissecting light responses in such speci
31 the inner wall of capillary, pretreated with strong base for hydrolyzing the ester.
32 ive, or correlational designs that provide a strong base for understanding the validity and reliabili
33 hyl chlorofluoroacetate, when treated with a strong base, forms an alpha-chloro-alpha-fluorocarbanion
34 eatment of CYP4B1, CYP4F3, and CYP4A5/7 with strong base generated a new, chromatographically distinc
35                           In the presence of strong base, however, N-protected indazoles are prone to
36 treatment with tert -butyl hydroperoxide and strong base in acetonitrile to generate a metastable com
37 f weak base character, about the same as the strong base ion exchange capacity.
38 he case of photosynthetic water oxidation, a strong base is postulated to facilitate the deprotonatio
39 B(C6 F5)4], was simply deprotonated with the strong base K(N(SiMe3 )2 ) to give 5.
40                             Whereas standard strong bases (n-BuLi, s-BuLi/TMEDA, n-BuLi/t-BuOK, TMPMg
41 innings of health and health inequalities; a strong base of international support from the Diaspora J
42 eloped for the determination of concentrated strong bases ([OH-] = 1-10 M).
43 ry inert and can only be activated by a very strong base or a metal catalyst.
44          The latter could be rearranged with strong base, oxidized, and deprotected to the desired o-
45 posed that a weak base (cysteine) produces a strong base (oxygenated KH(2)) capable of generating the
46 resence of catalytic amounts of the nonionic strong bases P(RNCH(2)CH(2))(3)N (R = Me, i-Pr, i-Bu) in
47 ntaining single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) free of strong base pairing interactions can be created either b
48 h binds U1 small nuclear RNP (snRNP) through strong base-pairing with U1 snRNA.
49 enriched in clay and the other, OM, using 29 strong bases (pKa > 8).
50 ooxidation of isopropanol in the presence of strong base (potassium t-butoxide) with an onset potenti
51 um compounds synthesized on treatment with a strong base produce the 1,4-imino tautomer whose UV spec
52                        In this approach, the strong base produced will be transient and not be in exc
53 arnesyl group is not stable to the excess of strong base required for rearrangement of a vinyl phosph
54 esyl lactone was not stable to the excess of strong base required for the rearrangement.
55 droxybutanoate carbonate) in the presence of strong base results in a stepwise unzipping of the polym
56 ve and ferrocyanide positive electrolytes in strong base shows stable cycling performance, with over
57                                              Strong-base stability of the photolabile linker allowed
58                                              Strong base stacking at the 3'-RNA terminus can compensa
59 rget protein binds to the aptamer probe, the strong base stacking effect can lead to a favorable and
60 pared with C3'-endo/anti conformers and very strong base stacking in fd DNA; hydrogen-bonding interac
61 e natural DNA context revealed exceptionally strong base stacking propensity for both.
62 ementarity, extensive protein side-chain and strong base-stacking interactions for the guanine moiety
63 xyurea and methyl methanesulfonate, and is a strong base substitution and frameshift mutator.
64                           In the presence of strong bases such as NaOt-Bu, KOt-Bu, and NaH, clean for
65 arious functional groups that react with the strong bases that are typically used in Pd-catalyzed C-N
66 nveniently, without the need for an external strong base to generate the NHC by deprotonation of an a
67 rate chemical hydrolysis procedures--using a strong base to recover xanthophylls and a weak base to r
68 vivo, recognizing a special DNA context with strong base-unpairing propensity.
69 no lactone, in part, because only 1 equiv of strong base was required.
70 ffect of pH on the sorption coefficients for strong bases with pK(a) > 7 was small, within 0.3 log un
71  substitution reaction upon treatment with a strong base, yielding either cycloalkylphosphine derivat

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