


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 te two distinct motor patterns, swimming and struggling.
2 ng reliability/intensity during swimming and struggling.
3 iors, swimming across a range of speeds, and struggling.
4 racellularly using QX314 during swimming and struggling.
5 taneous sensory pathways during swimming and struggling.
6 in their susceptibility to showing decreased struggling activity in a swim test after being exposed t
7 d a population that displayed no decrease in struggling after shock (swim-test resistant).
8  that displayed large decreases in swim-test struggling after shock (swim-test susceptible) and a pop
9 e economic development, especially for those struggling against poverty and high burdens of disease.
10 ehaviors during and after CIS, specifically: struggling, aggression, learned helplessness, inhibitory
11  conditioning) and inescapable stress (i.e., struggling and helplessness).
12 reated animals spent significantly less time struggling and virtually no time in immobility and spent
13 other types of neurons active in swimming or struggling are raised by hyperpolarization from the acti
14 e on the basis that differences in swim-test struggling behavior for which the two populations were s
15 nterneuron types during escape, swimming and struggling behaviors.
16                                       During struggling, continuous sensory inputs lead to high level
17 confirm the effects of CIS on aggression and struggling during immobilization, and correlate individu
18  care systems, and indirect costs also drain struggling economies.
19 B-RAF cells, has given encouragement to this struggling field.
20 ionally peripheral and are likely transients struggling for success in the given environment.
21  taxonomy is alive today although constantly struggling for survival and recognition.
22 enzoate and ovariectomized control groups in struggling, immobility, and swimming.
23 le proportion of these families appear to be struggling in the face of war-related stressors.
24 timulation, which evokes vigorous and slower struggling movements.
25   Control rats spent significantly more time struggling or being immobile during a comparable period.
26 to its oral cavity, where the jaws grasp the struggling prey animal and transport it back to the thro
27  result, video recordings show that formerly struggling prey are temporarily immobile after this form
28             The behaviors displayed included struggling, swimming, and immobility.
29                             Science is still struggling to assign detailed mechanisms and functions t
30 workload and may further pressure physicians struggling to balance advocacy with honesty.
31  China is a prominent and important example, struggling to balance rapid economic growth and environm
32     A nascent cellulosic ethanol industry is struggling to become cost-competitive against corn ethan
33               Our institution, like many, is struggling to develop measures that answer the question,
34                             Many nations are struggling to develop structured systems and guidelines
35 knowledge that the health delivery system is struggling to effectively implement.
36   Healthcare systems worldwide are therefore struggling to find ways to ensure that their health prof
37 en investigated, by-and-large they are still struggling to gain acceptance because of inherent limits
38 tionary biologists working on speciation are struggling to get the most out of very large population
39  in self-regulatory control while presumably struggling to maintain adequate task performance.
40 tivity of nanofibre forming methods is still struggling to meet the increasing demand.
41 ale offenders, the US correctional system is struggling to meet the specialized needs of its female i
42 in research, and biotechnology companies are struggling to obtain venture funds.
43 eins (HSPs) can benefit a microbial pathogen struggling to penetrate host defenses during infection,
44 e products, waste management, and policy are struggling to prevent plastic waste from infiltrating ec
45 nterventions that could prevent a life spent struggling to read.
46 th systems, rooted in Soviet traditions, are struggling to respond effectively to the challenges of r
47   Latin American and Caribbean countries are struggling to respond to increasing morbidity and death
48 mestown) settlement while the colonists were struggling to survive in the face of inadequate supplies
49 nistic actions have left us marveling at and struggling to understand the role these factors serve in
50 lenges the field of PD therapeutics has been struggling with during the past decades.
51 ederal, regional, and state policymakers are struggling with several crucial policy matters.
52                                  Most people struggling with suicidal thoughts and behaviours do not
53                        Epidemic modelers are struggling with these same issues in forecasting the spr
54 lop adult schizophrenia enter primary school struggling with verbal reasoning and lag further behind

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