


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                      Cohort studies have suggested that biological mesh closure of the pe
2                                                     Earlier studies have suggested a role of switch-activated protein 70
3                                                     Initial studies have suggested the azoheteroarenes-the arylazopyrazol
4                                         Recent longitudinal studies have suggested that caries is most strongly correlate
5                                         Initial mechanistic studies have suggested that mavacamten primarily reduces the
6 equencing technologies, an increased number of metagenomics studies have suggested the dysbiosis in microbial communities
7                            Recent observations and modeling studies have suggested that the ice sheet contribution to fut
8                                          Some observational studies have suggested that this regimen may lead to high fai
9                               Although sparse observational studies have suggested a link between migraine and cervical a
10                                              However, other studies have suggested that location-specific cues allosteric
11                                          Recent preclinical studies have suggested that it also inhibits glial cell activ
12                                                    Previous studies have suggested a role for cytokinin in feeding site f
13                                                    Previous studies have suggested an association between nonwhite race a
14                                                    Previous studies have suggested that a CA1 neuronal population in the
15                                                    Previous studies have suggested that acute respiratory infection (ARI)
16                                                    Previous studies have suggested that azithromycin may reduce the incid
17                                                    Previous studies have suggested that better health care delivery model
18                                                    Previous studies have suggested that darker-skinned individuals tend t
19                                                    Previous studies have suggested that gamma oscillations (30-80 Hz) mea
20                                                    Previous studies have suggested that multifunctional nonstructural pro
21                                                    Previous studies have suggested that neutrophil dysfunction may underl
22                                                    Previous studies have suggested that ORMDL3 induces endoplasmic reticu
23                                                    Previous studies have suggested that overexpression of the oncogenic p
24                                                    Previous studies have suggested that pre-existing disulfide links are
25                                                    Previous studies have suggested that rfaH may be required for Yersinia
26                                                    Previous studies have suggested that the maternal vaginal microbiota c
27                                                    Previous studies have suggested the benefits of physical exercise for
28                                                    Previous studies have suggested the involvement of amacrine and/or hor
29                                          Data from previous studies have suggested a possible association between antibio
30                                                       Prior studies have suggested that miR-181a is part of the reward ne
31                                                       Prior studies have suggested that traumatic brain injury may affect
32                                                      Recent studies have suggested possible therapeutic targets for some
33                                                      Recent studies have suggested that changes in cellular metabolism ar
34                                                      Recent studies have suggested that Ebola virus (EBOV) ribonucleic ac
35                                                      Recent studies have suggested that epigenetic alterations, particula
36                                                      Recent studies have suggested that pulmonary arterial compliance may
37                                                      Recent studies have suggested that Ras homologue enriched in brain (
38                                                      Recent studies have suggested that the two excitatory cell classes o
39                                           Results of recent studies have suggested that low-level constitutive activity o
40                                                Since recent studies have suggested that both epigenetic mechanisms underl
41                                                      Rodent studies have suggested that dopaminergic pathway projecting t
42                                      Results of small-scale studies have suggested that stem-cell therapy is safe and eff
43                                                     Several studies have suggested that malaria parasites stack the odds
44                                                     Several studies have suggested that there is a link between synaesthe
45                                                     Several studies have suggested that Wnts might contribute to skin fib
46  present in most major neurodegenerative diseases, and some studies have suggested that mitochondrial processes may be al
47                                               However, some studies have suggested a positive regulatory role for NLRX1 i
48 pite antigenic similarities with dengue viruses, structural studies have suggested the extended CD-loop and hydrogen-bond
49 latives, suggesting a genetic contribution to EoE, and twin studies have suggested a powerful contribution from environme
50                                                Uncontrolled studies have suggested efficacy of the proteasome inhibitor b

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