


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Subconjunctival 5-FU injection was performed postoperati
2  ng/ml) injection when compared to posterior subconjunctival (76+/-6 ng/ml) and intravitreal (108+/-3
3                                              Subconjunctival administration in rat eyes was by inject
4 ocular drug levels for at least 7 days after subconjunctival administration in rats, and prevented co
5                                              Subconjunctival administration of liposome-encapsulated
6                                              Subconjunctival administration of neutralizing Ab to IL-
7                                              Subconjunctival administration of neutralizing antibody
8                                 Furthermore, subconjunctival administration of optimal range dosages
9                    The positive results with subconjunctival administration of P-IQACRG suggest that
10                                              Subconjunctival administration of rhuPEDF or 34-mer at 0
11                                              Subconjunctival administration of TPT in FS to one eye a
12 trast, providing additional Slit2 protein by subconjunctival administration resulted in significantly
13                                        After subconjunctival administration, both budesonide-PLA nano
14  on choroidal neovascularization (CNV) after subconjunctival administration.
15 ion was performed, with recipients receiving subconjunctival alpha-MSH or sham injections twice weekl
16                             A combination of subconjunctival and i.p. administration of IL-1beta poly
17          Administration of flagellin via the subconjunctival and intraperitoneal routes 24 h prior to
18  and 2-fold (p = 0.03) higher than posterior subconjunctival and intravitreal injections, respectivel
19 d at 10 and 27.5 minutes, respectively, with subconjunctival and intravitreal injections.
20 eviews currently used techniques of topical, subconjunctival and regional block anesthesia used in op
21                   Our results indicated that subconjunctival and subcutaneous injection of HC-HA/PTX3
22                                              Subconjunctival and submandibular lymph node macrophages
23                                     Anterior subconjunctival and topical ketorolac were compared to c
24                        The successful use of subconjunctival anesthesia demonstrates a new alternativ
25 uenced by the use of intracameral (0.898) or subconjunctival antibiotics (0.331), whereas the use of
26 newer antibiotics and the appropriateness of subconjunctival antibiotics are reviewed.
27 ative antibiotics, intracameral antibiotics, subconjunctival antibiotics, systemic antibiotics, and p
28 r more effective than traditional topical or subconjunctival approaches.
29                       To describe the use of subconjunctival bevacizumab (SCB) injection in the combi
30  Eighteen eyes underwent trabeculectomy with subconjunctival bevacizumab injection (2.5 mg/0.1 mL), a
31                                              Subconjunctival bevacizumab may offer an adjunctive meas
32                             Both topical and subconjunctival bevacizumab treatment reduced neovascula
33                                         Only subconjunctival bevacizumab treatment resulted in signif
34                                   Adjunctive subconjunctival bevacizumab with trabeculectomy is effec
35        Interestingly, mouse neonates given a subconjunctival BMP4 injection displayed a phenotype res
36 irus-40 T-antigen-positive mice received six subconjunctival CA-4P injections at doses of 0.5, 1.0, 1
37 platin (18.7 mg/kg of body weight), a single subconjunctival carboplatin injection (5.0 mg/400 microL
38 tcome (log rank test, P < 0.001) and reduced subconjunctival collagen deposition (P < 0.01) compared
39 irmed excellent efficacy and tolerability to subconjunctival corticosteroids.
40 rom each group received either of 2 doses of subconjunctival CsA (group A, low-dose CsA; group B, hig
41                                    High-dose subconjunctival CsA implants do not significantly affect
42 y, either during a cycle of carboplatin (six subconjunctival deliveries) or after the completed cycle
43                                              Subconjunctival delivery of CA-4P is associated with ext
44                                              Subconjunctival delivery of neutralizing antibody agains
45                                              Subconjunctival delivery of paclitaxel effectively inhib
46 onjunctiva, cornea, retina, and sclera after subconjunctival delivery.
47        Bleb characteristics, the presence of subconjunctival drainage, and local reaction to treatmen
48 nt pterygium excision followed by removal of subconjunctival fibrovascular tissue and application of
49                                              Subconjunctival Fl-PEDF or Fl-ovalbumin administration i
50            Intraoperative complications were subconjunctival hemorrhage (290, 26.2%), anterior capsul
51 ts were recorded, with the exception of mild subconjunctival hemorrhage at the injection site.
52 ted with the surgical procedure and included subconjunctival hemorrhage in 8 patients and ocular hype
53 raocular pressure (IOP), exposure keratitis, subconjunctival hemorrhage, a sore throat, and a transie
54 is, together with conjunctival membranes and subconjunctival hemorrhage, were the earliest signs, pre
55 lion visits were for conjunctivitis (28.0%), subconjunctival hemorrhages (3.0%), and styes (3.8%).
56                   This effect was blocked by subconjunctival hexamethonium.
57              MMC-treated tissue demonstrated subconjunctival hypocellularity associated with peripher
58 6 mice after DS, and this was exacerbated by subconjunctival IFN-gamma injection.
59 on, failure of Mucin 5ac (Muc5ac) synthesis, subconjunctival inflammation and epidermal metaplasia in
60                                              Subconjunctival infusions failed to produce detectable l
61                           As an alternative, subconjunctival infusions of drug to the episclera of th
62                               The effects of subconjunctival-injected parstatin on corneal neovascula
63 of six New Zealand white rabbits was given a subconjunctival injection at the 12-o'clock position wit
64                                              Subconjunctival injection for each group (XG-102 90 mug,
65 e VEGFR1_MO, STD MO and PBS groups following subconjunctival injection in mice that underwent normal
66 cinolone acetonide, and PBS groups following subconjunctival injection in mice that underwent penetra
67 40 mug) was administered every 3 months as a subconjunctival injection in only one randomly assigned
68 rance of the nanoparticles in the eyes after subconjunctival injection in vivo.
69                                     Anterior subconjunctival injection led to high, though short-live
70                                              Subconjunctival injection may be a useful approach for d
71 -inflammatory drug (NSAID) or intraoperative subconjunctival injection of 2 mg triamcinolone acetonid
72 The time course and extent of mydriasis from subconjunctival injection of 2% pirenzepine were determi
73          Patients were administered a single subconjunctival injection of 250 muL XG-102 90 mug (n =
74  The study drug was administered as a single subconjunctival injection of 30 muL (1320 mug) sirolimus
75 eedling with HA-5FU mixture or needling with subconjunctival injection of 5FU solution alone.
76   The right eye of 15 mice received a single subconjunctival injection of a 1.5-microL solution of 0.
77 ed keratitis was significantly reduced after subconjunctival injection of a monoclonal antibody (mAb)
78 nase modulation after AA treatment, a single subconjunctival injection of AA (300 microg) was deliver
79                                  Conversely, subconjunctival injection of Ab to ICAM-1 did not impair
80                                              Subconjunctival injection of Ab to PECAM-1 significantly
81 ek-old, LH(BETA)T(AG) mice received a single subconjunctival injection of anecortave acetate (1200, 6
82 ek-old, LH(BETA)T(AG) mice received a single subconjunctival injection of anecortave acetate (600, 30
83                   The fellow eye was given a subconjunctival injection of balanced salt solution.
84                                Postoperative subconjunctival injection of bevacizumab is associated w
85      Depletion of local macrophages, through subconjunctival injection of clodronate liposome, attenu
86  We induced mast cell degranulation by local subconjunctival injection of compound 48/80.
87                                              Subconjunctival injection of disodium cromoglycate signi
88  16-week-old mice were treated with a single subconjunctival injection of either anecortave acetate (
89                                              Subconjunctival injection of HA-5FU to revive bleb funct
90 help prove the concept that subcutaneous and subconjunctival injection of HC-HA/PTX3 is a novel appro
91                                     Anterior subconjunctival injection of ketorolac produced high int
92 s showed that different suturing techniques, subconjunctival injection of long-acting steroid, and ta
93  CpG DNA, which binds TLR9, was tested after subconjunctival injection of mice with control or CpG DN
94                                              Subconjunctival injection of mitomycin C in the rabbit p
95                                              Subconjunctival injection of MMP13i prior to P. aerugino
96                                  Strikingly, subconjunctival injection of P-IQACRG was very effective
97                         In the mouse cornea, subconjunctival injection of the morpholino-inhibited co
98              Dutch-belted rabbits received a subconjunctival injection of triamcinolone acetonide to
99                                     A single subconjunctival injection of XG-102 at the end of ocular
100 venous delivery than after focal delivery by subconjunctival injection or CCI.
101 oroid, vitreous humor, and optic nerve after subconjunctival injection or iontophoretic carboplatin d
102 ix cycles of 5.0 mg carboplatin delivered by subconjunctival injection or six transscleral carboplati
103 to prevent corneal graft rejection following subconjunctival injection provided initially during tran
104 red to the mouse retina and uveal tissues by subconjunctival injection through transscleral diffusion
105 either mBD1 or mBD2 small interfering RNA by subconjunctival injection together with topical applicat
106 ic preoperative antibiotics or postoperative subconjunctival injection was associated with a 40% to 5
107 lated-P-IQACRG delivered via intravitreal or subconjunctival injection was demonstrated by avidin-bio
108 on of neutrophil recruitment was achieved by subconjunctival injection with an antibody against macro
109  Infected BALB/c mice also were tested after subconjunctival injection with recombinant murine (rm)ST
110  with HSV-1 were vaccinated periocularly (by subconjunctival injection) with gD1 and adjuvant, gD2 an
111       Ketorolac was administered by anterior subconjunctival injection, posterior periocular injectio
112                  It was reported that, after subconjunctival injection, RNA nanoparticles with tri-wa
113 er: suprachoroidal > intravitreal >posterior subconjunctival injection.
114 Cs were selectively depleted by timed local (subconjunctival) injection of diphtheria toxin (DT) into
115                                        Daily subconjunctival injections (0.01-10 pmol/d protein) were
116  = 5) 10 weeks of age received two 20-microL subconjunctival injections delivered with a 72-hour inte
117                                              Subconjunctival injections of 0.0002% to 0.2% pirenzepin
118                                              Subconjunctival injections of 0.002% or less pirenzepine
119                                              Subconjunctival injections of 0.02% or greater pirenzepi
120 d to receive a postoperative course of seven subconjunctival injections of bevacizumab (1.25 mg, 25 m
121 d to receive a postoperative course of seven subconjunctival injections of CAT-152 (1 mg/mL), 5-FU (5
122 ce was tested by depleting macrophages using subconjunctival injections of clodronate-containing lipo
123                    Control mice received two subconjunctival injections of DMSO or of saline solution
124  concentration of 0.2 mg/mL or postoperative subconjunctival injections of either ilomastat or phosph
125  randomly allocated to receive postoperative subconjunctival injections of either phosphate-buffered
126  group of mice of both strains also received subconjunctival injections of exogenous IFN-gamma or veh
127 BETA)T(AG) mice were treated with six serial subconjunctival injections of focally delivered carbopla
128 g, 16-week-old mice were treated with single subconjunctival injections of the selective vascular-tar
129 ocal recombinant Gal-1 (rGal-1) treatment by subconjunctival injections significantly diminishes P. a
130 arboplatin was administered through biweekly subconjunctival injections to right eyes only for 3 week
131  when compared to intravitreal and posterior subconjunctival injections.
132                                              Subconjunctival inoculation of spantide I during the cli
133                                              Subconjunctival inoculation of spantide I, SP receptor a
134 n of endogenous MIP-2 and KC was achieved by subconjunctival inoculation of the appropriate antibody.
135  conjunctiva, epidermis, hair follicles, and subconjunctival lymphoid follicles.
136 ft eye with a slight elevation, suggesting a subconjunctival mass.
137                                              Subconjunctival mitomycin C injection may cause limbal s
138  country, the American patients have not had subconjunctival nodules but have manifested more invasiv
139 its, catheters were placed anteriorly in the subconjunctival or intrascleral space and infused with G
140 o-penta-acetic acid (Gd-DTPA) infused in the subconjunctival or intrascleral space was investigated b
141    Focal administration of carboplatin using subconjunctival or noninvasive CCI safely and effectivel
142 ere noted; procedure-related adverse events (subconjunctival or subretinal haemorrhage and mild cell
143  Dawley rats after suprachoroidal, posterior subconjunctival, or intravitreal injections.
144                                              Subconjunctival parstatin inhibited corneal neovasculari
145 S in one eye was injected into the posterior subconjunctival (periocular) space in rats under anesthe
146 ddition, these data prompt the proposal that subconjunctival protein delivery may represent a feasibl
147 art review of 4 patients diagnosed with late subconjunctival relapse of previously resected iris mela
148 dian of 2.5 years (mean: 7.7 years) from the subconjunctival relapse, no further episodes of intraocu
149 ls were treated with intravenous (IV) and/or subconjunctival (SC) Cl(2)MDP-LIP or PBS-LIP at the foll
150        Macrophage depletion was performed by subconjunctival (SC) delivery of liposomal clodronate.
151 terior subtenon (PST), retrobulbar (RB), and subconjunctival (SC) injection.
152  benefit as a postoperative agent to prevent subconjunctival scarring after glaucoma filtration surge
153 ificantly improved surgical outcome, reduced subconjunctival scarring, and minimized the risk of corn
154 ter virus infection was achieved by repeated subconjunctival (SCJ) and/or intravenous (IV) injection
155                                              Subconjunctival sirolimus appears to be well tolerated i
156                                              Subconjunctival sirolimus leads to a short-term reductio
157                                              Subconjunctival sirolimus may not be beneficial in the p
158                                     Repeated subconjunctival sirolimus was well-tolerated in patients
159 limination rate constant of Gd-DTPA from the subconjunctival space into the episcleral veins and conj
160          Cultured RPE cells implanted in the subconjunctival space of syngeneic mice elicited an inte
161  Gd-DTPA were manufactured and placed in the subconjunctival space on the episclera or in the vitreou
162 n, continuous release of cyclosporine in the subconjunctival space with the episcleral implant was an
163 ass through the trabeculectomy site into the subconjunctival space, and an extra amount was injected
164  anterior chamber, the subretinal space, the subconjunctival space, and underneath the kidney capsule
165 f newborn C57BL/6 mice were implanted in the subconjunctival space, the anterior chamber, or the subr
166 d to control as well as topical and anterior subconjunctival steroid treatments in uveitis induced by
167 let cell expansion that invaginates into the subconjunctival stroma in the mouse eye.
168 nd promoted the formation of a nearly normal subconjunctival stroma.
169 ells than normal specimens were noted in CCh subconjunctival tissue and Tenon's capsule.
170              Depletion of macrophages in the subconjunctival tissue before corneal infection was not
171 arying levels of TGF-beta in the aqueous and subconjunctival tissues may thus significantly modify th
172 terally with a single 30-microL injection of subconjunctival TPT in FS (0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0
173 lar area was 55% (P < 0.05) by week 8 in the subconjunctival treatment group and 33% (P = 0.15) in th
174                              However, in the subconjunctival treatment group, 33% of corneal grafts s
175  with systemic dexamethasone or intravitreal/subconjunctival triamcinolone.
176 isk host beds, and graft recipients received subconjunctival vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF
177                                Postoperative subconjunctival wound healing remains the commonest caus

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