


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 are, benign vascular tumor of the dermis and subcutis.
2 erapy) in the cecum and liver but not in the subcutis.
3  in the medium to large size arteries of the subcutis.
4  in the medium to large size arteries of the subcutis.
5 nt was up-regulated in tumors growing in the subcutis and pancreas.
6 he infiltration of the epidermis, dermis, or subcutis by neoplastic leukocytes (leukemia cells), resu
7 assay, using injection of keratinocytes into subcutis combined with limiting dilution analysis, to as
8 mesenchyme was increased, and essentially no subcutis developed.
9           Growth of the variant lines in the subcutis did not yield similar results, indicating that
10 e injected into the prostate (orthotopic) or subcutis (ectopic) of nude mice.
11 died subsequent to growth in culture, in the subcutis (ectopic) or cecal wall (orthotopic) of nude mi
12 nt lines were grown in tissue culture in the subcutis (ectopic) or pancreas (orthotopic) of nude mice
13 adenocarcinoma cells were implanted into the subcutis, footpad, and pancreas of syngeneic IFN-gamma(+
14   Four tumor types implanted in the brain or subcutis in nude mice were studied: a murine rhabdomyosa
15            Mycolactone destroys cells in the subcutis, leading to the development of large ulcers wit
16 roblast growth factor and implanted into the subcutis of BALB/c mice were vascularized to the same ex
17 y-derived strains were transplanted into the subcutis of immunocompromised mice, and the donor origin
18  an osteoblastic reaction in bone and in the subcutis of immunodeficient mice.
19 alysis probes were implanted into the dorsal subcutis of male Sprague-Dawley rats for 0, 3, 5, and 7
20  The ability of the mutant to survive in the subcutis of mice appeared to be compromised.
21 d neural tissue after transplantation to the subcutis of nude mice.
22 te into neurons after transplantation to the subcutis of nude mice.
23 resh human lung tumor biopsy tissue into the subcutis of severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice
24 LL), we implanted 3LL variant cells into the subcutis of syngeneic C57BL/6 mice.
25 10 FSA and 8 9L tumors transplanted into the subcutis of the hind leg of Nembutal-anesthetized (50 mg
26 uced active stromal reaction, whereas in the subcutis, the stromal reaction was minimal.
27 iature osmotic pumps were implanted into the subcutis to continuously infuse either saline or 70 mg/k
28 red to be bone-specific in comparison to the subcutis where tumor incidence was greater than 60% for

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