


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ost-extubation UAO and 49 (12%) of whom were subglottic.
2 mastoid cell fluid (25%), sinus fluid (83%), subglottic airway fluid (92%), and pulmonary ground-glas
3 s (50%) had high-attenuation sediment in the subglottic airways.
4 G) activity was also recorded, together with subglottic and esophageal pressures.
5 inflammatory infiltrates were present in the subglottic and proximal tracheal regions, whereas respir
6            We describe a case of an acquired subglottic cyst presented with persistent stridor and vo
7 nts with the syndrome and the formation of a subglottic cyst.
8 inability to differentiate supraglottic from subglottic disease.
9                                              Subglottic edema and acquired subglottic stenosis are po
10                                              Subglottic edema is the most common cause of pediatric e
11 he incidences of failed extubation caused by subglottic edema or acquired subglottic stenosis in neon
12  that the use of prophylactic probiotics and subglottic endotracheal tubes are cost-effective for pre
13 ion, penetration, extralaryngeal spread, and subglottic extension were correlated with pathologic fin
14 r airway obstruction (UAO) and differentiate subglottic from supraglottic UAO.
15 osal necrosis, submucosal edema, swelling of subglottic glands, and submucosal infiltration of inflam
16                                   Studies of subglottic hemangioma have compared the outcomes of trea
17 allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, and subglottic hemangioma.
18 mations (port wine stains) and cutaneous and subglottic hemangiomas is reviewed within the context of
19 aid in the early diagnosis of postintubation subglottic injury and help reduce the incidences of fail
20  incomplete and is more commonly seen at the subglottic level, resulting in a spectrum of characteris
21 e dynamic MRI, for supraglottic, glottic and subglottic location, was 100%, 80%, and 92%; 100%, 85%,
22  and esophageal manometry) and classified as subglottic or supraglottic based on airway maneuver resp
23 yngeal (P < 0.001; multiple r(2) = 0.44) and subglottic (P < 0.001; multiple r(2) = 0.55) airway wall
24                                         Peak subglottic pressure occurred during glottic narrowing an
25 rmine the intraabdominal, intrathoracic, and subglottic pressure, control of which is necessary for g
26 arts of the airway including the larynx, the subglottic region, or the more peripheral aspects of the
27 ative included head-of-bed elevation, use of subglottic secretion drainage endotracheal tubes, oral c
28                                              Subglottic secretion drainage is associated with fewer v
29                                              Subglottic secretion drainage is associated with lower v
30 ic review and meta-analysis of the impact of subglottic secretion drainage on duration of mechanical
31 guidelines recommend endotracheal tubes with subglottic secretion drainage to prevent ventilator-asso
32                                              Subglottic secretion drainage was associated with lower
33 erved significantly less antibiotic use with subglottic secretion drainage whereas a third did not.
34 on, patient position, sinusitis prophylaxis, subglottic secretion drainage, tracheal cuff monitoring)
35  are required to demonstrate the benefits of subglottic secretion drainage.
36 ve of the study was to confirm the effect of subglottic secretion suctioning on ventilator-associated
37                                              Subglottic secretion suctioning resulted in a significan
38 ents intubated with a tracheal tube allowing subglottic secretion suctioning were randomly assigned t
39                     Continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions (CASS) is believed to lower the in
40 intestinal tract bleeding, and aspiration of subglottic secretions and oscillating beds in select pat
41                                Aspiration of subglottic secretions and oscillating beds may be useful
42                           Microaspiration of subglottic secretions plays a pivotal role in ventilator
43                    Leakage of fluid from the subglottic space to the lungs occurs along the longitudi
44  HVLP cuffs for leakage of dye placed in the subglottic space to the tracheobronchial tree in a rigid
45  illustrated by studies on Wegener's-related subglottic stenosis and endobronchial involvement, it ha
46                Subglottic edema and acquired subglottic stenosis are potentially airway-compromising
47                      One patient with severe subglottic stenosis developed pneumococcal tracheobronch
48 ation caused by subglottic edema or acquired subglottic stenosis in neonates.
49                Some forms of damage (such as subglottic stenosis or renal insufficiency) occur as the
50  asthma and otolaryngological complications (subglottic stenosis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, or cancer)
51 or outcomes, with less risk of posttreatment subglottic stenosis.
52  recurrent pneumonias, asthma, sinusitus, or subglottic stenosis.
53 ategy from the hospital perspective included subglottic suction endotracheal tubes, probiotics, and t
54 tioning, minimization of gastric distension, subglottic suctioning, avoidance of ventilator circuit c
55   Twenty-six subjects (93%) had fluid in the subglottic trachea and main bronchi.
56         Microspheres were instilled into the subglottic trachea to assess pulmonary aspiration.
57 ings of pan sinus fluid, mastoid cell fluid, subglottic tracheal and bronchial fluid, and ground-glas
58 sophageal manometry can objectively identify subglottic UAO after extubation.
59  leak pressures or cuff leak volumes predict subglottic UAO in children, but only if the ETT is cuffe
60   Risk factors independently associated with subglottic UAO included low cuff leak volume or high pre
61 Objective 2 was to identify risk factors for subglottic UAO, stratified by cuffed versus uncuffed end
62 9, with 14 (41%) of these 34 attributable to subglottic UAO.
63 f preextubation leak was not associated with subglottic UAO.
64 a positive correlation between laryngeal and subglottic wall thickness and duration of intubation, su

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