


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 Raman microscopy was unable to visualize the sublayer.
2 uling propensity that occurs in the membrane sublayer.
3  nanoparticles fabricated on a thin metallic sublayer.
4 e between the nanoparticles and the metallic sublayer.
5 in the inner third of the IPL, within the ON sublayer.
6 ) monostratify at the outer limit of the OFF sublayer.
7  sublayers and OFF-dominant responses in OFF sublayers.
8 elopment into eye-specific layers and ON/OFF sublayers.
9 al arbors that are highly specific for these sublayers.
10 a grinding tool recovered at Grotta Paglicci sublayer 23A [32,614 +/- 429 calibrated (cal) B.P.], Sou
11 g is observed between the surface (77)Se and sublayer (77)Se sites due to spin diffusion in the Cd(77
12 he feasibility of regenerating the tethering sublayer after binding was investigated.
13 eal that the UO(x) film is composed of three sublayers: an approximately 38 A thick layer of U(3)O(8)
14  the compaction of dense-selective layer and sublayer and helps to retain membrane performance during
15                                 The superior sublayer and medial division also stain strongly for GAB
16 ion each project to the SC/NOT; the superior sublayer and medial division of the PrGC are connected r
17                       This increase was both sublayer and projection-class specific, restricted to co
18 cking, orthogonal microcracking in laminated sublayers and geometrically corrugated junctions between
19 sponses, showing ON-dominant responses in ON sublayers and OFF-dominant responses in OFF sublayers.
20 as the epithelium, mucosa, cartilage and its sublayers, and glands at a resolution higher than any cl
21 chronological order from deep to superficial sublayers; and (3) whereas the average GCP proliferation
22 s intercalated between aliphatic hydrocarbon sublayers at or near room temperature.
23                            Layer V has three sublayers based on the types of neuron and their sublami
24        Thus, CA1 pyramidal cells in adjacent sublayers can address their targets jointly or different
25  the UO(x)/substrate interface; the adjacent sublayer consists of an approximately 900 A thick single
26 chically structured composites in which each sublayer contributes a distinct function to yield a mech
27 ctions were selective for neurons in certain sublayers: corticospinal neurons in upper layer 5B and c
28 campus and assessed the relationship between sublayer dynamics and learning.
29 laminar distribution, but cortical layers or sublayers enriched for one isoform do not correlate with
30 al symmetry of the quasicrystal is broken in sublayers, forming a random tiling of rectangles, large
31 ease in the density of very large neurons in sublayer Illc.
32 ons residing in the deep and superficial CA1 sublayers in rats.
33 inals in separate inner (ON) and outer (OFF) sublayers in response to light intensity increments and
34 lear layer and send their processes into two sublayers in sublaminae a and b of the inner plexiform l
35 nement of retinogeniculate axons into ON/OFF sublayers in the ferret lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN)
36 phases that result exhibit biomacromolecular sublayers intercalated between aliphatic hydrocarbon sub
37 se force that is confined within the viscous sublayer; it has its maximum at the wall and decays expo
38 xamined geniculocortical inputs to these two sublayers labeled by tracer or virus injections or an an
39                                       The ON sublayer occupied 75% of the IPL thickness, including bo
40  layer characterized by a middle hydrophobic sublayer of 7-8 A with lower scattering length density a
41 to the deep, rather than to the superficial, sublayer of CA1.
42 st that the predilection of a extremely thin sublayer of inner Bruch's membrane for accumulating lipi
43 re Brn3a-immunoreactive neurons in the inner sublayer of layer 10.
44 terial-specific temperatures within a turbid sublayer of poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE) through a h
45  on solid medium revealed a fragile sac-like sublayer of the exosporium basal layer, to which caps we
46 n line with the extended thickness of the ON sublayer of the inner plexiform layer in the microbat re
47  bottlebrush endings in the most superficial sublayer of the SGS.
48 and two almost symmetrical hydrophilic outer sublayers of 6-8 A with higher scattering length density
49 coding dynamics between deep and superficial sublayers of hippocampal CA1, suggesting how the hippoca
50  H2-Mv(-) VSNs reside in the lower and upper sublayers of the basal layer, respectively.
51  with axonal projections limited to specific sublayers of the cerebellar cortex.
52 ottlebrush endings arrayed within the middle sublayers of the SGS.
53 r lies in the lower part of sublamina a (OFF sublayer) of the inner plexiform layer where it costrati
54 s ramify broadly throughout sublamina a (OFF sublayer) of the inner plexiform layer.
55 ndary between sublaminae a and b (OFF and ON sublayers) of the inner plexiform layer, occupying the n
56 tial connectivity is established by neuronal sublayer positioning and actual connectivity in this fra
57  long-range axonal targets or their layer or sublayer positions, but by both, in specific combination
58 onment, while their counterparts in the deep sublayer provide a more flexible representation that is
59 na includes the retinorecipient and superior sublayers, rostrally, and the medial division, caudally.
60 skinned FO membrane comprises a fully porous sublayer sandwiched between (i) a truly dense skin for s
61 (-ir) was seen in all layers except area and sublayer specific bands in layer 4.
62                                      We find sublayer-specific arbor specializations within the inner
63 ese observations indicate that at least some sublayer-specific projections emerge by elimination of e
64                  However, the development of sublayer-specific projections was not always precise fro
65                          The retinorecipient sublayer stains most intensely for GABA and SP.
66                                          The sublayer streaks seem to be passive and are often simply
67 segmentation, and termination on the viscous sublayer streaks, and they coincide with local concentra
68 ateral LSO axonal bands that occupy adjacent sublayers supports the idea that the initial establishme
69 tree shrew striate cortex, we identified two sublayers that differ in their intracortical and thalami
70 and allows objective measurements of corneal sublayer thickness and backscattering.
71                                As the LaCoO3 sublayer thickness approaches its fundamental limit (i.e
72 e enables to form noninvasive images of thin sublayers through highly turbid overlayers.
73  layer, followed by a lateral motion of GeTe sublayer to the final, low energy structure.
74 In contrast, films without DIO exhibit three-sublayer vertical phase morphology with phase separation
75 ctional partition of the IPL into ON and OFF sublayers was shown by using antibodies against vesicula
76 alyses of the retina, choroid, and choroidal sublayers were performed, and associations with clinical
77 r occupies the upper part of sublamina b (ON sublayer), where it costratifies with ON alpha dendrites
78 ea catalysis, or bridged to form a networked sublayer with complimentary properties.
79            A combination of the neutral gold sublayer with the antimicrobial properties of silver nan
80            We find that the magnetopause has sublayers with thickness comparable to the ion scale.
81 rs and subsequently On-center and Off-center sublayers within the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (
82 eams in transverse slices were restricted to sublayers within the molecular layer, conducting slowly

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