


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hibitors are administered intermittently and suboptimally.
2 ral networks can become unstable and perform suboptimally.
3 hologic and surgical variables were reported suboptimally.
4 ble for patients in whom stents are deployed suboptimally.
5 eatest effects when secretion was stimulated suboptimally.
6         This is the case even when the RF is suboptimally activated by a stimulus of nonpreferred ori
7 e experiments demonstrated that NK cells are suboptimally activated by wmfl DCs, which showed impaire
8 increased transcriptional activity by CBN in suboptimally activated cells.
9 ibutes to the productive infection of HIV in suboptimally activated T cells.
10   However, PA28 molecules reconstituted from suboptimally active alpha mutants and wild type beta sub
11  women with early-stage breast cancer may be suboptimally adherent to adjuvant anastrozole therapy.
12 damaged circuit continues to function albeit suboptimally, and state-shifted functionality, resulting
13 es, while essentially intact, likely operate suboptimally at most NMJs of CMT2D mice.
14 a large population of V1 neurons is combined suboptimally by subsequent processing stages to mediate
15                                Optimally and suboptimally calcium-activated calcium release channels
16 ed routinely by cardiologists in clinic have suboptimally controlled BP, with wide variability in per
17 cate that in patients with persistent asthma suboptimally controlled by triamcinolone therapy alone b
18 ugh 65 years with persistent asthma that was suboptimally controlled during a 6-week run-in period of
19 eting DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia with suboptimally controlled positive symptoms despite treatm
20 bitopertin over placebo for the treatment of suboptimally controlled symptoms of schizophrenia.
21        Ninety participants (aged 14-20) with suboptimally controlled type 1 diabetes (hemoglobin A1c
22                          Among patients with suboptimally controlled type 2 diabetes and OSA, CPAP tr
23 en in subjects with asthma whose disease was suboptimally controlled.
24 led by snow melt will grow less, and fish in suboptimally cool streams will grow more.
25 n of cyclin E was evaluated in 139 advanced, suboptimally debulked epithelial ovarian cancer specimen
26 atin and cisplatin were equally effective in suboptimally debulked ovarian cancer and extensive-stage
27 cells) was seen in 62 (45%) of the advanced, suboptimally debulked ovarian cancer patients.
28 place cisplatin in chemotherapy regimens for suboptimally debulked ovarian cancer.
29                                          For suboptimally debulked patients, confirmation of the pred
30 ents amenable to therapeutic intervention in suboptimally debulked patients, pathway analysis was com
31 ts associated with survival in optimally and suboptimally debulked tumor sets at a P value of <0.01.
32 ately, the prognostic classifier defined for suboptimally debulked tumors may aid in the classificati
33 ase of expression profiles of advanced stage suboptimally debulked tumors.
34 l health treatments often are unavailable or suboptimally delivered.
35  mitigates SMA histopathological features in suboptimally dosed adult Delta7 mice.
36 V1-follistatin ameliorates muscle atrophy in suboptimally dosed Delta7 mice.
37  rituximab clearances and hence appear to be suboptimally dosed when rituximab is given at 375 mg/m(2
38 tipsychotics is common when one treatment is suboptimally effective, but the relative effectiveness o
39 rrent therapies for transplant rejection are suboptimally effective.
40 ith respect to both vaccine antigens and was suboptimally efficacious in providing protection in mice
41 typing was lower on the DBS that were stored suboptimally from clinical trial #2 (56% versus 88% for
42 at muscimol facilitates lordosis behavior of suboptimally hormonally primed female rats.
43 ble for the absence of sexual receptivity in suboptimally hormonally primed ovariectomized rats.
44  muscimol may enhance lordosis responding in suboptimally hormonally primed rats by activation of GAB
45 needle inoculation in the skin was safe, but suboptimally immunogenic and protective.
46      Current oral rotavirus vaccines perform suboptimally in resource-poor settings.
47 s undergone a mutation causing it to operate suboptimally in RNA replication and in the expression of
48 o kappa-chains, dual kappa B cells responded suboptimally in vitro, most likely because of reduced Ag
49 sely, GP failed to suppress (-7%) and GU was suboptimally increased (+34%) in response to Hy in the P
50 quires caspase-1 and NLRP3, but caspase-1 is suboptimally increased by ADE and can be significantly e
51                              Thus, PERVs can suboptimally infect cells that contain cognate receptors
52  potential to result in miscommunication and suboptimally informed treatment decisions.
53                     Tapasin retains empty or suboptimally loaded MHC class I molecules in the endopla
54 tation includes the restriction of export of suboptimally loaded MHC class I molecules to the cell su
55 which, with respect to antigen detection, is suboptimally located within anterogradely transported ve
56 tream GU-rich elements, both of which appear suboptimally located, only the proximal GU-rich sequence
57 n of problems is often poorly understood and suboptimally managed, mostly with long-term indwelling c
58 primary care settings yet is often missed or suboptimally managed.
59  = 22 734, TIV n = 6195) and 12 741 during a suboptimally matched season due to mild antigenic drift
60 nd 165 cases per 1000 person-seasons for the suboptimally matched season, respectively.
61 .97; 95% confidence interval [CI], .90-1.06; suboptimally matched season: HR, 1.00; 95% CI, .90-1.11)
62 les in which metals are misidentified and/or suboptimally modeled are abundant in the Protein Data Ba
63 gands of C1qR(P), also enhanced ingestion of suboptimally opsonized IgG-fAbeta, whereas control prote
64 ulting in the enhancement of phagocytosis of suboptimally opsonized targets.
65 , and to enhance the phagocytosis of targets suboptimally opsonized with IgG or complement components
66 ivalently enhanced phagocytosis of sheep RBC suboptimally opsonized with IgG or complement, compared
67 d mutant rMBL on the phagocytosis of targets suboptimally opsonized with IgG or with IgM and C4b by h
68 e evidence would also suggest that when used suboptimally or when individuals have not bought in to t
69 ssified the tumors according to survival for suboptimally (P = 0.0179) but not optimally debulked (P
70 mains an unproven screening modality that is suboptimally performed by at-risk patients.
71 ce that this primary intervention is usually suboptimally performed during cardiopulmonary resuscitat
72                   However, these trials were suboptimally powered to detect small but clinically impo
73                   However, these trials were suboptimally powered to detect small but clinically impo
74 f CT colonography to depict medium polyps in suboptimally prepared colons.
75        Surprisingly, like alphabeta T cells, suboptimally primed Vgamma2Vdelta2 T cells in vaccinia v
76 ute GVHD, which develops in unprophylaxed or suboptimally prophylaxed transplant recipients.
77                Currently, available vaccines suboptimally protect the elderly population.
78  concern, the majority of young women remain suboptimally protected against NTDs.
79 nts with KRAS exon 2 wild-type resectable or suboptimally resectable colorectal liver metastases were
80 nfidence interval, 1.87-6.60, P < 0.001)] as suboptimally restrained children to suffer an abdominal
81 lower risk of abdominal injury than children suboptimally restrained for age.
82 ow best to identify human HF stages, even in suboptimally sectioned tissue, and practical recommendat
83             The ECG analyses of F-wave shape suboptimally separate NIDAFL from IDAFL.
84 n the absence of beta-catenin, it does occur suboptimally, showing its redundancy in the liver.
85 nent bleeding in two (6%) of 31 lesions, and suboptimally small tissue samples in three (10%) of 31 l
86 ole in discarding precursors of regulated or suboptimally spliced transcripts.
87  significantly more environmental conditions suboptimally than optimally.
88               Aged naive CD4 T cells respond suboptimally to IL-6 compared with young cells, such tha
89 ing been previously recognized as responding suboptimally to ivermectin-with statistically significan
90                             Neonates respond suboptimally to many vaccines.
91 ffer unduly from infections and also respond suboptimally to most commonly used vaccines.
92       In the absence of IBP, T cells respond suboptimally to TCR engagement, as demonstrated by dimin
93 vide benefit to patients with PBC responding suboptimally to UDCA.
94 efore benefit patients unable to receive, or suboptimally treated with, omalizumab.

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