


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 terns generated by ants, termites, and other subterranean animals are globally widespread, locally im
2 o form migratory slugs that translocate from subterranean areas to exposed sites, where they culminat
3           Overall, our results indicate that subterranean atmospheres may be acting as sinks for atmo
4                                              Subterranean blind mole rats (Spalacidae) are considered
5 rats are eusocial rodents that live in large subterranean colonies in which one queen breeds with one
6               Naked mole-rats live in large, subterranean colonies where breeding is restricted to a
7        Parasitic members of this family form subterranean connections, or haustoria, on neighboring h
8                     Plants germinating under subterranean darkness assume skotomorphogenesis, a devel
9 critical initial emergence of seedlings from subterranean darkness into sunlight.
10 om buried seed grow vigorously upward in the subterranean darkness toward the soil surface.
11 n patterns worldwide have been attributed to subterranean ecosystem engineers such as termites, ants,
12 ground herbivore larval D. speciosa, and the subterranean ento-mopathogenic nematode natural enemy He
13 ole-rats are presumably adaptations to their subterranean environment and that they are the only know
14 nes that changed at accelerated rates in the subterranean environment due to relaxed constraint and a
15                                              Subterranean estuaries (STEs) are of major importance fo
16                                              Subterranean estuaries extend inland into density-strati
17 carbon cycle and ecosystem function of karst subterranean estuaries.
18 t that the longer residence times within the subterranean estuary during the winter, which would resu
19 n coastal aquifers, groundwater transits the subterranean estuary, a region of sharp gradients in red
20 cled nutrients from the coastal ocean to the subterranean estuary.
21 reduction in nitrogen attenuation within the subterranean estuary.
22  naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) is a subterranean eusocial rodent with a markedly long lifesp
23 ergone adaptive changes corresponding to the subterranean evolution of the blind mole rat.
24 miedaphic arthropods to selective aspects of subterranean existence are examined in light of overlapp
25 ve numerous anatomical specializations for a subterranean existence, including rows of sensory hairs
26 on, taxonomy and conservation of the cryptic subterranean fauna.
27 , shales) becomes an important new branch of subterranean fluid mechanics.
28        Amphicarpic plants produce aerial and subterranean fruits on an individual plant, and these he
29                      It is similar to extant subterranean golden moles in having reduced digit segmen
30  an investigation is complicated by both its subterranean habit and the persistence of genotypes over
31              Many species adapted to aphotic subterranean habitats have lost all body pigmentation.
32 yidae) are restricted to specialised coastal subterranean habitats or nearby freshwaters and have a h
33 s an apomorphy associated with adaptation to subterranean habitats, but in isopods it appeared to be
34 symplesiomorphy unrelated to colonization of subterranean habitats.
35 ased approach when applied to organisms with subterranean habits.
36 ral, genetic, and geologic data from a young subterranean insect lineage in lava tube caves on Hawai'
37 th recent observations of nematodes over its subterranean leaves, prompted the suggestion that the ge
38 ctivity was modified during the evolution of subterranean life and shows that tissue-specific promote
39 ole-rat's (Heterocephalus glaber) social and subterranean lifestyle generates a hypoxic niche.
40 assic docodontan shows specializations for a subterranean lifestyle.
41 eting signs of unrest in terms of the causal subterranean magmatic processes.
42 hat contributes to cancer resistance of this subterranean mammal extremely adapted to life undergroun
43 we examined the SC of the star-nosed mole, a subterranean mammal that, instead of using vision, explo
44  studied convergence in evolutionary rate in subterranean mammals in order to associate phenotypic ev
45 se findings reveal a heretofore unrecognized subterranean methane sink and contribute to our understa
46                                    The blind subterranean mole rat is a model for hypoxia tolerance w
47                                    The blind subterranean mole rat of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspec
48 and analyzed expression of Flk1 in the blind subterranean mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi.
49                                 The strictly subterranean naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber) has
50  protrude from the ground meters above their subterranean nests.
51                              The surface and subterranean populations were genetically distinct, with
52 c evidence we suggest that these specialized subterranean predators are the sole surviving representa
53 o (Ctenomys sociabilis), a social species of subterranean rodent that is endemic to southwestern Arge
54       Blind mole rats Spalax (BMR) are small subterranean rodents common in the Middle East.
55                  African naked mole-rats are subterranean rodents that have a robust orienting respon
56 om nymph to adult, during which a shift from subterranean root-feeding to feeding on aboveground part
57 n the volatile organic compounds used by the subterranean root-knot nematode (RKN) Meloidogyne incogn
58     Aerial seed yield was affected more than subterranean seed yield by shading intensity.
59                                   Aerial and subterranean seed yield, seed mass and number for both A
60  life cycle from aerial seeds (ASP) and from subterranean seeds (SSP).
61 ch is a key evolutionary adaptation vital to subterranean social insects such as termites and ants.
62 tude lakes are best explained as supplied by subterranean sources (within the last 10,000 years), whi
63                                              Subterranean species dependent on touch have particularl
64 imposes unique demands on life that have led subterranean species to evolve specialized traits, many
65 s for producing the specialized corticies of subterranean species.
66 omic resources become available, and as more subterranean termite researchers incorporate molecular t
67 as model to simulate tunnels of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki.
68 niques have made contributions to studies on subterranean termites at all levels of biological organi
69                                              Subterranean termites excavate tunnels in a search patte
70  Recent results on the behavioral ecology of subterranean termites reveal a picture different from lo
71 ts, Monomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus), eastern subterranean termites, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar),
72 , community ecology, and invasion biology of subterranean termites.
73 and insects (Class Insecta); three habitats: subterranean, terrestrial and airborne; and three integr
74 y ants vary in microhabitat use from largely subterranean to largely above-ground active species and
75 ire ant Solenopsis invicta, which constructs subterranean tunnel networks (nests).
76 agma build-up before volcanic eruptions, and subterranean tunnels.
77 dwelling amphibian Proteus anguinus inhabits subterranean waters of the north-western Balkan Peninsul
78 i.e., burrows, streams, standing waters, and subterranean waters).
79                                          The subterranean world hosts up to one-fifth of all biomass,

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