


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  of net walking costs (i.e., with resting EE subtracted).
2 led once codon and dipeptide biases had been subtracted.
3 ed, and bacteriorhodopsin contributions were subtracted.
4 s of CO2 and changes in solar irradiance are subtracted.
5 n the random coil conformation still must be subtracted.
6 uished by asking how quantities are added or subtracted.
7 d ratio (TBRmax/mean), and the maximum blood-subtracted 18F-NaF activity (bsNaFmax).
8 sel size distribution derived from digitally subtracted 2D CT angiographic sections were quantified;
9  on organ surfaces facing the peritoneum, we subtracted a phage display library with female mouse per
10 ctive during one task, but not the other, we subtracted a resting-state condition from each task and
11                                        After subtracting a background value, we found that 87.9% of r
12 ates a quantum state to another by adding or subtracting a particle, depending on how many are alread
13 e changed state-even from inaccurate maps-by subtracting a proportion of the confounding 'ground stat
14           A difference map was calculated by subtracting a pseudoatomic capsid from the cryoEM recons
15                For a ring lattice, adding or subtracting a single lattice site can switch the photon
16 this stimulus-related component--obtained by subtracting a substantial task-related component--is par
17  paper provides a correction for the bias by subtracting a term derived from the representation of th
18 ndary electron acceptor have been studied by subtracting absorption difference profiles for cyanobact
19 e library produced using this approach was a subtracted adult mouse inner ear cDNA library (sIEa).
20 age (stage III) primary ovarian tumors, each subtracted against cDNAs derived from normal ovarian epi
21 in the average number of reproductive years (subtracting age at menarche from age at natural menopaus
22 veolar dead-space fraction was determined by subtracting airway dead space from physiological dead sp
23 nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) remained after subtracting all database SNPs from a mutant's critical r
24                  With the diffuse scattering subtracted an average structure comprised of an undistor
25 uantity available to humans is calculated by subtracting an annual estimate of the water needed to ma
26 ased on the production of ESTs from serially subtracted and normalized cDNA libraries, and we describ
27                                           By subtracting apoE4 from total apoE, the concentration of
28 n estimate of the complex substrate image is subtracted at each iteration.
29 his high resting neuronal activity, which is subtracted away in brain mapping studies by positron emi
30  dynamic range constraint can be relieved by subtracting away components of the signal that can be pr
31                                           By subtracting away linearly modeled placebo analgesia from
32 ligomer size distribution due to the need to subtract background noise, we can make the results more
33                  We propose a simple "Add to Subtract" background subtraction method and show that it
34 fied from an MS/MS database search are first subtracted before using the MS peaks as unique mass iden
35                              Peak background subtracted bioluminescent signal was fourfold higher whe
36 ximately 2000 cDNA clones generated from the subtracted breast tumor library were arrayed on the micr
37 essure divided by mean aortic pressure, both subtracted by central venous pressure.
38 ressure divided by mean aortic pressure both subtracted by mean central venous pressure.
39     Absolute excess risks were calculated by subtracting cause-specific mortality values of controls
40 g and high throughput microarray analysis of subtracted cDNA clones.
41                                    Among the subtracted cDNA fragments confirmed as differentially ex
42 enocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) mice, we subtracted cDNA isolated from mouse kidney and spleen fr
43 eneration of tissue-specific, normalized and subtracted cDNA libraries has the potential to character
44     The 2304 randomly picked clones from the subtracted cDNA libraries represent 1255 distinct genes,
45 proximately 250 enriched, normalized, and/or subtracted cDNA libraries.
46 atrix protein, was identified in a PCR-based subtracted cDNA library from mouse thymic stromal cells.
47        This approach involved screening of a subtracted cDNA library prepared from human melanoma cel
48                               By screening a subtracted cDNA library that is enriched in upregulated
49      Of the 15,581 clones sequenced from the subtracted cDNA library, sequences from 10,506 clones ma
50 ined from a retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)-subtracted cDNA library.
51 ne, trp-p8, by screening a prostate-specific subtracted cDNA library.
52              Through macroarray screening of subtracted cDNAs two genes were identified, Pca21 and Pc
53                                 Mean placebo-subtracted change in LVEF was 3.2% (95% CI 1.8-4.7; p=0.
54                                        After subtracting change in advice only, the mean net reductio
55                              More than 1,400 subtracted clones were sequenced.
56                                      Using a subtracted complementary DNA (cDNA) library and sequence
57 provides a sensitive and accurate method for subtracting confounding background fluorescence at the p
58  cannot ask, "What would be subtracted if we subtracted consciousness but left everything else the sa
59                                           By subtracting contributions from the poleward flux of kMTs
60 g both Tower of London (planning) and simple subtracting ("control") problems.
61 pical ciliary muscle fibers were obtained by subtracting corresponding CMT2 values from CMT1 and CMTM
62 ity-associated medical costs were derived by subtracting costs for active adults from costs for inact
63     IBD-attributable costs were estimated by subtracting costs for non-IBD patients from those for pa
64 lso facilitates the generation of background subtracted cyclic voltammograms remarkably free from all
65  Functional evaluation of two genes from the subtracted data set revealed their importance in hair bu
66 phine-regulated brain mRNAs identified using subtracted differential display techniques.
67 come, and indirect effects are identified by subtracting direct effects from total effects.
68 ermined for 5-second-long electrograms (QRST subtracted) during AF in vivo and in ex vivo optical map
69              Dopamine release, quantified by subtracting each participant's d-amphetamine scan from h
70 rations were then obtained from total RNA by subtracting eucaryotic ribosomal and messenger RNAs.
71  food production, imports, beginning stocks, subtracting exports, ending stocks, and nonfood uses, pr
72                                   Background-subtracted fast-scan cyclic voltammetry coupled with car
73 chnological advances have allowed background-subtracted fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to emerge as a p
74                                   Background-subtracted fast-scan cyclic voltammetry was used to meas
75 and their derived images (first postcontrast subtracted [FAST] and maximum-intensity projection [MIP]
76 ations in live brain tissue using background-subtracted, fast-scan cyclic voltammetry.
77  cell locomotion also play a role, adding or subtracting FliM subunits to maximise sensitivity to pat
78 nnulus and LV ejection volume to give MR (by subtracting flowmeter LV outflow).
79 alance in a respiratory chamber by adding or subtracting food items.
80 tive in a virtual account, from which $2 was subtracted for every day of nonadherence to the monitori
81                         In addition, several subtracted fragments generated from an independent labor
82 ostatin-expressing (SOM) neurons principally subtract from excitatory responses and sharpen selectivi
83 g the various ways younger craters add to or subtract from the population is a fundamental aspect of
84 pectively from 1 to 5; the highest score was subtracted from 6 to determine a score (from 1 to 5) for
85 fferencing scheme where the average value is subtracted from all data points.
86       When corresponding values of CMT2 were subtracted from CMT1 and CMTMAX, apical fibers at CMT1 (
87  +100 mV in the absence of external Na+ were subtracted from current records obtained under Na+/Na+ e
88 mine neurons, where the reward prediction is subtracted from delivered reward.
89  of resonances related by local symmetry are subtracted from each other (rather than from analogous r
90                 The axial positions are then subtracted from each other to determine the separation o
91 or baseline was used as a reference that was subtracted from encoding and recognition conditions by u
92 onsists of only exocrine and duct cells, was subtracted from fetal wild-type pancreas to enrich for t
93 late that inferences of high-level areas are subtracted from incoming sensory information in lower ar
94 ribution, meaning that the trimer energy has subtracted from it the sum of the energies obtained by c
95 ifest as power increases when go trials were subtracted from nogo trials.
96 ially, endothelial cell lines were in silico subtracted from non-endothelial cell lines to identify e
97                Residual resting activity was subtracted from stress data and images reconstructed wit
98             Video intensity at 4 minutes was subtracted from that at 3.5 minutes to derive target-spe
99  NT H. influenzae middle ear strain G622 was subtracted from that of NT H. influenzae throat strain 2
100 tivity from this additional delayed scan was subtracted from the activity of the second injection.
101 and p222(1) crystals, which was subsequently subtracted from the average of two independent p2 projec
102 , in which the fitted CIV MCP capsomers were subtracted from the CIV cryoEM reconstruction, showed th
103 ven when normal lung or tongue profiles were subtracted from the corresponding carcinomatous lesions,
104 ckground and the generated cone a-waves were subtracted from the dark-adapted responses to produce ro
105  the heat stress-induced gene expression was subtracted from the gene expression of 17Syn(+) latent T
106 that occurs when chromosomes are added to or subtracted from the karyotype (aneuploidy).
107                           The MIBG image was subtracted from the methoxyisobutylisonitrile (MIBI) ima
108 t infections and should be accounted for and subtracted from the naive pool if truly naive T cells ar
109 ology in the cofractionating organelles were subtracted from the NE data set.
110        The contribution of quantum noise was subtracted from the NPS of a flood-field uniformity imag
111             The generated prediction is then subtracted from the observed current to the voltammetric
112 which the longest diameter of any cavity was subtracted from the overall longest diameter of that les
113  containing 2 MM-CoA ligands per hexamer was subtracted from the Raman spectrum of a 12S crystal cont
114 um in at least one peak, then unchanged D is subtracted from the raw spectra of the labeled metabolit
115 determined with fluorescent tracers and were subtracted from the RTFO to give airway secretory output
116                             These genes were subtracted from the sets of genes differentially express
117 titer remaining in the supernatant, which we subtracted from the starting titer to determine the infe
118 subject the inhaled room concentrations were subtracted from the time-coincident concentrations in ex
119 UC) method, in which the GFR measurement was subtracted from the total (bone plus renal) clearance (K
120 nce estimated from the whole-body counts was subtracted from the total clearance measured from the ra
121 he presence of nimodipine (1 mum), which was subtracted from the total current to yield the Ca(v)1.3
122 1) after dietary inorganic sulfur intake was subtracted from urinary sulfate.
123              Effectiveness was calculated by subtracting from 1 the rate ratios for the incidence rat
124   Similarly, blink-on events are detected by subtracting from each frame the previous one.
125 e bleach or blink-off events are detected by subtracting from each image of the series the subsequent
126                              Furthermore, by subtracting from our metric an appropriate null model co
127 h seroneutralizing titer were isolated after subtracting from the library those clones binding to swi
128   Specific binding to apoER2 was obtained by subtracting from the total binding to the receptor-expre
129  Specific binding to SR-BI was determined by subtracting from the total binding, nonspecific values m
130 omposed of probes of 832 EST-unigenes from a subtracted, fruit development, cDNA library of watermelo
131 arbon fiber microelectrodes using background-subtracted FSCV.
132 , we constructed 21 regular, normalized, and subtracted full-length cDNA libraries from brains of zeb
133          Encoding processes were isolated by subtracting fusion task ERPs corresponding to pairs late
134 ve developed a methodology to electronically subtract gene expression in one or more components of a
135 e defined the Planctomycetes core genome and subtracted genes of well-studied model organisms.
136 ancer-related genes from our marker sets, we subtracted genes that also were expressed differentially
137 UC) and deriving bone clearance (K(bone)) by subtracting glomerular filtration rate (GFR) from K(tota
138                To assess the validity of the subtracted hair-cell data set, we verified the presence
139 ransformation may be achieved by vectorially subtracting hand location from target location, with bot
140                                              Subtracting high-field fits from the aligned fiber's MR
141                                              Subtracting home-cage values removed high scores (i.e.,
142 r parameters are included in the nonbaseline subtracted I(j) derivations.
143  consciousness we cannot ask, "What would be subtracted if we subtracted consciousness but left every
144                   For each reader, scores of subtracted image readability were highest for group 3.
145 tion) of ADC, (b) enhancement ratio, and (c) subtracted images for the presence of enhancement (confi
146 two investigators independently reviewed the subtracted images of all lesions and subjectively determ
147                                Phase-matched subtracted images were used to quantify regional lumen v
148 ariance of the differential frames, obtained subtracting images at different time-lags.
149 ranscript subtraction (DTS) was developed to subtract in silico known human sequences from expression
150 viously shown to bind prions, by BioAssay of Subtracted Infectivity in Complex Solutions (BASICS).
151  and hepatic arterial flow were estimated by subtracting infrahepatic from suprahepatic IVC flow and
152 ray, and measure the ratio of the background-subtracted intensities at each probe site.
153 ets to the probe, and measure the background-subtracted intensity at each probe site; the other is to
154 e height-width (H:W) ratio of the background-subtracted interfibrillar x-ray reflection, was also not
155  plastidial-targeted proteins; and third, to subtract known thylakoid membrane proteins.
156 pproximately 90 and approximately 80% of the subtracted known genes and ESTs are up-regulated (> or =
157 role than previously thought and that, after subtracting land-use emissions, tropical ecosystems may
158 -adaptive method to determine the background-subtracted lesion activity (BSL) and the background-subt
159 round activity-based PET metrics (background-subtracted lesion activity [BSL] and background-subtract
160 rmal hearts and hearts with HCM and screened subtracted libraries by Southern blotting.
161 of using custom microarrays derived from RDA-subtracted libraries for both gene discovery and gene ex
162  forward (CGL1-CGL3) and reverse (CGL3-CGL1) subtracted libraries were constructed.
163 epresentation from both cochlear and retinal subtracted libraries.
164 ailed study that compared EST sequences of a subtracted library generated from mouse retina to those
165 spect of our strategy was to complement this subtracted library with genes known to be involved in my
166 on was utilized to construct a breast cancer-subtracted library.
167 equenced from a normalized (and subsequently subtracted) library generated from adult A. mellifera br
168 e markedly superior to the usual practice of subtracting local background estimates.
169 ated by behavior to enhance neural coding by subtracting low-frequency signals from the inputs to mot
170 nd Raman intensity from water, but the water-subtracted lysozyme spectrum was still shot-noise-limite
171                               The background-subtracting measure [Formula: see text] at k = 6 gave th
172               DB-DN times were calculated by subtracting median DN time from median DB time at a hosp
173 s from a Split GAL4 expression pattern or to subtract neurons of interest from a pattern to determine
174 nding of (18)F-florbetapir was calculated by subtracting nonspecific from total binding measurements
175 e Genetics, Moffitt and colleagues show that subtracting normal epithelial transcripts can provide in
176  outcome of a free decision to either add or subtract numbers can already be decoded from neural acti
177 ed excess mortality rates were calculated by subtracting observed rates during pandemic months from r
178 ned to opposite directions are thought to be subtracted on the dendrites of wide-field motion-sensiti
179  the event-related potential analysis was to subtract "on" signals from "off" signals, the latter ass
180                                      We then subtracted OPC transcripts found in tumor samples from t
181 ain identifies and globally discounts (i.e., subtracts) optic flow patterns across the visual scene-a
182            We also used the dynamic clamp to subtract, or 'block' the native I(to) in epicardial cell
183 rial and postacquisition image processing to subtract out the ingested opacified bowel contents.
184 od leverages the separation of timescales to subtract out the persistent component of motion from sin
185                            Cystic areas were subtracted out or excluded from the outlined lesion.
186 culations of 64CaO glass structures with few subtracted oxygen atoms (additional electrons) confirm t
187 adults, children, and even infants to add or subtract pairs of dot arrays and to compare the resultin
188                                           We subtracted positron emission tomography scans obtained d
189 r candidates were revealed in the background-subtracted profiles of the pooled ibipinabant-treated sa
190 ts from various experiments can be averaged, subtracted, re-scaled, error-barred, and/or scatter-plot
191                          Mutations that add, subtract, rearrange, or otherwise refashion genome struc
192 V(SBR)) method, and the iterative background-subtracted relative threshold level (RTL) method to esti
193     Contraction anisocoria was calculated by subtracting relative constriction amplitude in the conse
194 he integralDeltaF/F(0) for the [Ca(2+)](res)-subtracted response to the second of paired stimuli, res
195 totrophic respiration (Ra) was calculated by subtracting Rh from Rs.
196 structed from un-normalized, normalized, and subtracted RNA populations of zygotic and somatic embryo
197 ology to BMP-2 and BMP4 were isolated from a subtracted RPE cDNA library.
198 the integralDeltaF/F(0) of the [Ca(2+)](res)-subtracted second response over that seen in ACSF; (b) P
199  from three sequential DCE-MRI post-contrast-subtracted sequences (SUB1, SUB2, and SUB3).
200 during sexual differentiation is bypassed by subtracting Ser7, signifying that imbalance in the phosp
201  by intense fluorescence, but by using SSRS (subtracted shifted Raman spectroscopy) we have obtained
202  = .018) lower spatially averaged background-subtracted SO2 (mean, 5.4% +/- 3.5 [standard error]) whe
203 ristic curve constructed from the background-subtracted SO2 values.
204 h-mass-resolution analysis of the background-subtracted SOA spectra in the Gulf (for short, "Gulf SOA
205 is study is whether it is possible to add or subtract space from the substrate-binding pocket of this
206 arization of rods to light, HC feedback will subtract spatially averaged luminance levels from the re
207 rs of difference-UV spectra were obtained by subtracting spectra of unheated and denatured protein so
208                                   Background subtracted square wave voltammograms (SWV) showed the ap
209 e and putamen, and calculates the background-subtracted striatal uptake ratio (V3'').
210 of recruitment/derecruitment was analyzed by subtracting subsequent images.
211 entropy on T2-weighted and contrast-enhanced subtracted T1-weighted MR images for all filters (unifor
212 ng signal to local electrophysiology without subtracting task-related components.
213                                           By subtracting temporal cDNAs derived from uninfected astro
214            The principle of the method is to subtract the dominant fixed-structure noise and obtain a
215 ly derived parameters, this model is able to subtract the gaze shift from the vector representing the
216 trix in parallel with the labelled cells and subtracted the extracellular matrix movement from the gl
217 dertook a comparative genomics approach that subtracted the nonflagellated proteome of Arabidopsis fr
218 olving small corrections (stationary), after subtracting the activations associated with saccadic mov
219 d years from expected symptom onset (EYO) by subtracting the affected parent's symptom onset age from
220 ed blood was measured during each surgery by subtracting the amount of water used for irrigation from
221 o quantify regurgitant volume (RV) of OMR by subtracting the aortic forward flow volume from the tota
222 e cholinergic component was reconstructed by subtracting the atropine-resistant pressures from the fu
223    We quantified nighttime dose increases by subtracting the average hourly daytime dose on the prece
224                    The MMN was visualized by subtracting the averaged event-related brain potential t
225 ined the UV Raman spectrum of the B10 Tyr by subtracting the B10 mutant spectrum from the wild-type s
226        The technique consists of nonlinearly subtracting the background fluorescence, thresholding th
227 hypocotyl apex was isolated in each image by subtracting the baseline with a robust local regression
228  representation of target location, and then subtracting the body-centred location of the hand.
229                                              Subtracting the CD spectrum of rK1 from that of rNK1 yie
230      The rod-driven component was derived by subtracting the cone-driven component from the mixed rod
231 al along the bilayer normal were obtained by subtracting the contribution of the atomic potential fro
232 gests that the allosteric matrix obtained by subtracting the correlation matrix of the correct and in
233 with retinal disparity, which is computed by subtracting the distance of each half image from its res
234  therapy were calculated for each patient by subtracting the estimated on-treatment risk from the est
235 d scans performed after 6 h were adjusted by subtracting the estimated residual activity from the fir
236                        RPR was calculated by subtracting the foveal spherical equivalent refraction f
237  to a given lipid class is achieved by first subtracting the heteroatom and lipid backbone contributi
238     Attributable mortality was calculated by subtracting the in-hospital mortality of patients withou
239                        SGU was calculated by subtracting the integrated decrease in glucose infusion
240                        SGU was calculated by subtracting the integrated decrease in glucose infusion
241                                           By subtracting the known (3)P700 spectral signatures, we pr
242 after the cohort was produced and later) and subtracting the later from the earlier number.
243 eous fat area at each site was calculated by subtracting the lean/visceral area from the total area.
244                    A DDLP was obtained after subtracting the Lp(a)-depleted lipoprotein density profi
245 oiety of the glycopeptides was identified by subtracting the masses of the glycans derived from PNGas
246 sformation, and corrected for background, by subtracting the mean of the smallest 70% of pixel values
247 activity toward the sulfatide is obtained by subtracting the nonhydrolyzed sulfatide from the total s
248 ncy and three normalized word frequencies by subtracting the number of expected from the observed wor
249 bility score was converted into a z score by subtracting the participant's time from the population b
250 lties) in the match, which was calculated by subtracting the percentage fill rate for all specialties
251           H(+) influx was then calculated by subtracting the predicted H(+) efflux from the experimen
252 he IOL prediction error (PE) was obtained by subtracting the predicted IOL power from the power of th
253 mple and calibrators eliminates the need for subtracting the procedural blank from the result obtaine
254  at the interproximal area was calculated by subtracting the radiographic crestal BL at the time of c
255 bipyridl method, and DHA can be estimated by subtracting the reduced portion from the total ascorbate
256 d equal to invisible sales) is calculated by subtracting the registered, also called "visible", sales
257 ity (MMN), an evoked potential calculated by subtracting the response to a standard repeated stimulus
258  eye data to the right eye configuration and subtracting the right eye value from that of the left ey
259                                              Subtracting the S1 domain diminishes RNA phosphorylase a
260 Delta1-2) was obtained for each algorithm by subtracting the second measurement from the first.
261 t each measured point in the visual field by subtracting the sensitivity value obtained during sessio
262 o-middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) ratios by subtracting the SI ratio at the first MR imaging examina
263    Raman difference spectra were obtained by subtracting the spectrum of the apo crystal from that of
264  be used to derive the planetary spectrum by subtracting the stellar spectrum measured during eclipse
265 ivity optimization, the opposite strategy of subtracting the structural features that contribute more
266 -item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score subtracting the suicide item (mHDRS-17).
267 culate endothelial cell-autonomous motion by subtracting the tissue-level mesothelial motion from the
268        Asymmetry measures were calculated by subtracting the values of the smaller disc from those of
269                 Here, we present methods for subtracting the varying contributions of gas-phase carbo
270          PCI-related delay was calculated by subtracting the XDB from the door-to-needle time in each
271         When we calculated the contrast that subtracts the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMR
272 hift to exogenous melatonin was corrected by subtracting their phase shift to placebo (a free-run).
273 noise, characterizing them, and subsequently subtracting them from the otherwise unprocessed data set
274  the images from the two eyes, and the other subtracts them.
275                                        After subtracting these, we find hot gas structures that are c
276 timated by Illumina is consistently low, and subtracting this background is beneficial for detecting
277                                        After subtracting this offset, perceived vertical closely matc
278                                           By subtracting this residual non-EAAT current from the resp
279 he dynamic nature of spectral background and subtracts this background accordingly during ion chromat
280 h, a retroviral sequence was identified in a subtracted thymus cDNA library and in genomic DNA librar
281 antly to total cell displacement and must be subtracted to measure true cell-autonomous displacement;
282 uired at different digital thresholds can be subtracted to yield spectra of low molecular weight cons
283 dent oriented swimming behavior, inferred by subtracting track velocity from modeled ocean velocity,
284                                  The placebo-subtracted treatment effect for sitaxsentan 50 mg was 24
285    Margination volume (MV) was calculated by subtracting true from apparent plasma volume.
286 ed on germ-line frameworks by simultaneously subtracting up to 19 redundant non-germ-line residues in
287 d approximately 10% for CO(2) was removed by subtracting upwind concentrations from those downwind of
288 f formation from the crystallized forms were subtracted using referenced states.
289  channel-dependent (*) DeltapH(S) or P(f) by subtracting values for H(2)O oocytes from those of chann
290 cumflex (LCx) territory, and peak background-subtracted video intensity was determined.
291 ted lesion activity (BSL) and the background-subtracted volume (BSV).
292 tracted lesion activity [BSL] and background-subtracted volume) as prognostic markers for progression
293 re the molecular weight of fluorine has been subtracted, was found to be a more relevant descriptor.
294                                     The soil-subtracted weathered biochar-water isotherms were more l
295 pearing white matter masks were generated by subtracting white matter lesions identified on the proto
296 anes (macroarray or high-density array), and subtracted with cDNA probes derived from mature lineage
297 rachyury at its peak stage of expression was subtracted with message sequence from embryos in which B
298 ust prior to the normal onset of expression, subtracted with message sequence taken from normal embry
299 ne-associated polyribosomal cDNA library was subtracted with RNA from normal brain, liver, lung, kidn
300  ecology, where neural mass may be added and subtracted without compromising basic function.

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