


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uch as steric and electronic factors, do not suffice.
2 ing that cross-reacting influenza antibodies suffice.
3 le or stand-alone treatment strategy may not suffice.
4 asurement of MBF in diagnostic protocols may suffice.
5 em function, including apnoea testing, would suffice.
6 rrent systems biological approaches will not suffice.
7 king sequence, a non-specific sequence could suffice.
8 subunit, as recruitment of any receptor will suffice.
9 u protein containing only domains III-V will suffice.
10 t international definitions may, or may not, suffice.
11 cooling by approximately 75 degrees C should suffice.
12 c circumstances, a nonoperative approach may suffice.
13  viability, and either groEL1 or groEL2 will suffice.
14 in some cases, a simple timing mechanism may suffice.
15 ely responsible, and no single solution will suffice.
16 as a selection marker, as few as 4,000 cells sufficed.
17 that an oligo comprised of nucleotides 10-48 sufficed.
18 ous known examples, two channel uses already sufficed.
19 able ecosystems where longer-term protection suffices.
20 the more basic adaptation of language likely suffices.
21 larity is required, or a random connectivity suffices.
22 e NO-levels, however, neither nutrient alone suffices.
23 ot determine whether these receptor elements suffice and whether ligands or mutations act directly or
24  the available atmospheric moisture does not suffice anymore to release the latent heat needed to mai
25 N may need to be modified because it may not suffice as a fully integrative model of aMCC function.
26 ecific signal transduction inhibitors rarely suffice as anti-cancer agents.
27                              CD4 T cells can suffice as effector cells to mediate primary acute cardi
28 arkers have been discovered, but few of them suffice as stand-alone indicators for disease presence o
29   Therapy with systemic methotrexate did not suffice, as all the patients also required some form of
30 logies a single long branch parameterization suffices both for distant and close homologous relations
31 ns in as few as three driver genes appear to suffice for a cell to evolve into an advanced cancer.
32 transcription machinery that, by themselves, suffice for activated transcription (initiation and elon
33 c, an average T2 value per metabolite should suffice for any brain region and lesion regardless of di
34 s lasting 16 h as endorsed by SM&T might not suffice for ascertainment of maximum (steady-state) bioa
35 nts containing the PxIxIT consensus sequence suffice for calcineurin-substrate docking; and that sequ
36 that unexpectedly simple potential functions suffice for certain symmetrical configurations, and we a
37 e defects, and a paracrine source of C3 will suffice for clonal expansion of CD8 T cells in vivo.
38 Watson-Crick base-pairing interactions alone suffice for complex chemical dynamics and that autonomou
39  helix and the intracellular module together suffice for constitutive activity even at low densities,
40 ic protein (BMP) signaling, but whether BMPs suffice for CPEC induction is unknown.
41  functional maternal contribution, which can suffice for embryogenesis in the zygotic null mutant, bu
42  lipids allow low concentrations of Vam7p to suffice for fusion; without acidic lipids, the block to
43 topology is already known, then seven leaves suffice for identifiability of the numerical parameters.
44 l loops and part of the dimerization domain, suffice for localization.
45 pus-like renal disease at 12 wk, but may not suffice for longer periods consistent with a need for co
46    Limiting the available processing time to suffice for lower- but not higher-level operations is a
47  nor transgenic strategies can by themselves suffice for managing vector-borne diseases, integrating
48 r transcripts in the nNOS(-/-) animals might suffice for normal physiologic function.
49  only 10% of the neighbourhoods of a network suffice for optimal performance, leading to a drastic re
50  1 x 10(11) pu single-dose ChAd3-EBO-Z could suffice for phase 3 efficacy trials of ring-vaccination
51 e diameter between 0.6 and 2 nm, which would suffice for polypeptide translocation across the membran
52 hat the knowledge of the native topology may suffice for predicting the mechanism.
53 5% generated by translational mechanisms can suffice for reactivation, but reversion can also contrib
54              Data for family history may not suffice for reliable identification of patients through
55          High-quality medical management may suffice for some patients, but there are few data regard
56 ery low ESI voltages (typically 1.4-1.75 kV) suffice for stable ESI, which eventually allows for the
57  test whether ligand interactions with beta3 suffice for stable ligand binding and headpiece opening.
58          We conclude that 1 semen sample may suffice for studies aimed at identifying average differe
59 ely few innate pattern recognition receptors suffice for survival of pathogen-infected nematodes, ins
60          Small, randomly oriented structures suffice for the analysis, which is based on simple recog
61 anoparticles, none of those previous methods suffice for the larger particles needed for photonic app
62          However, whether the three proteins suffice for the organization/maintenance of this complex
63 s and not on the neovascularization seems to suffice for the regression of the new vessels.
64                   A minimum of two mutations sufficed for (low) CQ transport activity, and as few as
65                                  Each kinase sufficed for activation in response to stress, but Sak1
66 gment of the 231-amino acid Yhc1 polypeptide sufficed for vegetative growth.
67 generic BUB recruitment modules in KNL1 thus suffices for accurate chromosome segregation.
68 promoter shows that a 'one-site' minimal UAS suffices for activation by Ptr2, and specifies the requi
69 at AdnAB's processive DSB unwinding activity suffices for AdnAB function in HR.
70 rne lead for merely one hour in the GI phase suffices for assessment of the bioavailable fraction as
71 rons in the primary olfactory cortex of mice suffices for associative learning independent of any odo
72 An N-terminal 120-amino-acid segment of Ntr1 suffices for binding to Prp43 and for stimulating its he
73 found that phosphorylation of either subunit suffices for cell proliferation.
74 translated in the oocyte or unfertilized egg suffices for early development.
75 ctive transport of a small fraction of GAP43 suffices for efficient sorting to growth cones.
76 Hinfp mice survive, indicating that 1 allele suffices for embryogenesis.
77 either of two nonconsecutive disulfide bonds suffices for function.
78                              PDK1 expression suffices for its activity, owing to auto-activation, or
79 tals, and ceramics, none of the known models suffices for macroscopic dynamic finite element analysis
80 rated that the transmembrane core of barttin suffices for most effects on the alpha-subunit.
81 en impaired association of barttin and CLC-K suffices for normal intracellular trafficking.
82   We question whether one type of early diet suffices for normal neurodevelopment with a normal body
83  vitro, and it has been proposed that TFIIIB suffices for pol III recruitment in vivo.
84 the natural rubrerythrin (rbr) promoter also suffices for positive regulation by Ptr2 in vitro, and T
85        Although either polyubiquitin linkage suffices for postinternalization sorting, both types of
86 ation pathways sharing a common ground state suffices for power enhancement.
87 in a small number of identifiable cells thus suffices for programming behaviorally meaningful memorie
88 nesis in the zygotic null mutant, but rarely suffices for pupal metamorphosis, revealing later functi
89 nd (c) the cellular response to the strains, suffices for reproducing the behavior of individual endo
90 -dependent activation, a single binding site suffices for target gene activation.
91                                The flow rate suffices for the delivery of drugs, such as a meal-assoc
92  lipid anchor that spans half of the bilayer suffices for the fusion of isolated vacuoles, although t
93                       Here we show that RctB suffices for the oriCII-based plasmid replication, and r
94  mild RTK signal is transduced and Ras alone suffices for the purpose.
95      Unlike other models, a single substance suffices for the reaction-diffusion at early, but not in
96                 The GR ligand-binding domain suffices for these biological responses.
97 specific T cells in the draining LN, without sufficing for clonal expansion.
98  about half that for "macroscopic" units but sufficing for many applications.
99 le, which endowed the nanocarriers with self-sufficing H2O2 stimuli in tumor tissues.
100 up-regulation of tumoral H2O2 level and self-sufficing H2O2-responsive drug release to achieve novel
101 ly the variation contained in annotation may suffice if an investigator is interested only in well-ex
102 uently two or more glycoproteins can largely suffice in any step.
103 the native topology, by itself, seems not to suffice in determining the folding mechanism.
104 nd suggest that demographic rescue alone may suffice in larger populations even if only moderately in
105  link a sensory stimulus to one response may suffice in some situations, often, the application of mu
106 uced by three enzymes, any one of which will suffice in the absence of SDH.
107 scheme for 5' RACE described here is simple, suffices in many instances in which RACE is needed and c
108  activation and repression by Hill functions suffices in our model.
109 mple brain size-pinwheel density scaling law suffices in predicting the self-organized and disorganiz
110 ddition of ectopically expressed PORA, which suffices in the absence of either PORB or PORC to direct
111 ing demand for new chemical syntheses, which suffice the high claim to stereoselectivity and chemosel
112        The use of a catalytic amount of base suffices the need.
113 zations with D27-pLpxL, suggesting it cannot suffice to account for the improved survival that result
114 tural changes in the alpha-helical subdomain suffice to account for the observed conformational trans
115 lations, and separable states in particular, suffice to achieve an advantage over any strategy that u
116 ring contribution of LPS in AD that, per se, suffice to activate local MC and elevate skin S1P.
117  But undoing the field's homogeneity may not suffice to address this problem.
118 al measurement of the Green's function would suffice to calculate the Casimir force.
119 g, have suggested that vacuolar SNAREs alone suffice to catalyze membrane fusion in vitro.
120 at a small number of signature CpG sites can suffice to classify two groups of samples.
121               Neutralizing antibodies do not suffice to clear the infection.
122 onuclear cells of vaccine recipients may not suffice to compare the potencies of different vaccine re
123 that physiological amounts of DNase I do not suffice to completely degrade NETs in vitro, suggesting
124 stresses, we hypothesized that TDM alone may suffice to confer dehydration resistance to the membrane
125 reatment and/or laser trabeculoplasty do not suffice to control the intraocular pressure.
126 ologists, because text alone often could not suffice to describe observations of biological systems.
127 protein-folding contact order model will not suffice to describe RNA folding.
128  ion channel and the activity of an ion pump suffice to dramatically increase the propensity for arrh
129                      Hence, the data may not suffice to effectively discredit uninformed, but strateg
130  aberrant HH/GLI signaling in B cells do not suffice to elicit a CLL-like phenotype in mice.
131 self peptides themselves and that this might suffice to elicit autoreactive T cell responses that lea
132 gment humoral autoimmunity, but this may not suffice to engender end-organ disease in lupus.
133 ciding if the clinical and experimental data suffice to establish a causal relationship based on only
134      A single electrophysiological study may suffice to establish the ultimate electrodiagnosis of GB
135 characteristics of stereovision, it does not suffice to explain many binocular phenomena.
136 strate that changing muscle lengths does not suffice to explain our experimental findings.
137           To test whether local interactions suffice to explain the formation of fruiting bodies and
138 ions, we show that passive mechanical forces suffice to explain the observed size control in the post
139 ations between neurons or groups of neurons, suffice to explain those observed activity patterns.
140 ransporter suggests that one transporter may suffice to fill each vesicle.
141 ductive signal favor one geometric model and suffice to fit most of its parameters.
142  deformation of monomeric cytochrome c would suffice to form the hydrocarbon binding site occupied by
143  SNARE-mediated selective fusion of vesicles-suffice to generate and maintain compartments.
144 ar, does a simple activation/feedback scheme suffice to generate singularity?
145 ily important and on the protein surface can suffice to identify an enzyme activity and substrate.
146                           This failure could suffice to impair radial maze performance despite spatia
147 at training operators with clear stimuli may suffice to improve performance in a range of clear and n
148 netic stimulation of oxytocinergic terminals suffice to increase DA neuron activity in the VTA but do
149 her enhanced thalamocortical T-type currents suffice to induce an epileptic phenotype, two BAC transg
150 n of liposomes, implying that CURT1 proteins suffice to induce membrane curvature.
151 ering agents, very low levels of added Vam7p suffice to induce vigorous fusion.
152  are superior to others, no single model can suffice to inform preclinical target validation and mole
153 ibit the enzymatic activity of LOXL2 may not suffice to inhibit completely the effects of LOXL2 on co
154 el of the GLI transcription factors does not suffice to initiate a CLL-like phenotype characterized b
155  substitutions of the corresponding residues suffice to lock the Top1-clamp.
156 ble factor (HIF) transcription factor, could suffice to mediate local and remote ischemic preconditio
157    Yet what are the best options, and do any suffice to meet climate policy targets?
158 we show that these two regulation mechanisms suffice to obtain a stable symbiotic relationship under
159 ve site complexity, only three gene products suffice to obtain active recombinant [FeFe]-hydrogenase,
160                       These levels of TK can suffice to permit reactivation from latently infected mo
161 of 5 cm and a temperature difference of 10 K suffice to polymerize 200-mers of RNA in micromolar conc
162  vitro and in vivo systems, three parameters suffice to predict nucleosome occupancy with correlation
163 van der Waals diameters in themselves do not suffice to predict TPP channel entry.
164 nvoluntary movement and tone alone might now suffice to produce a sense of agency, even when the volu
165                                Three sensors suffice to promote channel opening with FL(4)-like volta
166  modeling indicated that such exchange would suffice to promote polarization.
167 orkforce between 20 and 40 per 100 000 would suffice to provide the world's missing surgical procedur
168 1, Brn2 (also called Pou3f2) and Myt1l, that suffice to rapidly and efficiently convert mouse embryon
169 w tens of such stereotyped reference neurons suffice to recover nearly all information that would be
170 und that chromatin acetylation, Orc2 or Cdt1 suffice to recruit all downstream replication initiation
171 ession level of the glycoprotein gene do not suffice to render a pathogenic rabies virus apathogenic
172 mmalian cortices, the cortical column, might suffice to reverse engineer and simulate the functions o
173 to that used in islet transplantation, would suffice to reverse hyperglycemia in diabetic mice.
174 riation, and thus, for many purposes, it may suffice to sequence each mRNA sample only once (i.e., us
175 -DTR mice halved Treg numbers, which did not suffice to significantly aggravate cGN.
176             We show that 3 genomic locations suffice to specifically detect the SSG-resistant parasit
177                     The acetal (H1C1) groups suffice to spectroscopically resolve approximately 20 di
178 nce, stochastically distributed mtCU may not suffice to support local Ca(2+) transfer.
179 as the midpoint potentials of NAD(P)H do not suffice to support the measured hydrogen production unde
180  though low ratios of manganese to magnesium suffice to switch DinB2 to its more mutagenic mode.
181 nown whether Sxl's action on tra alone would suffice to trigger a fully feminizing nonautonomous sign
182                         Neither signal alone sufficed to activate transcription.
183                      Forced Tie2 suppression sufficed to attenuate barrier function and sensitize end
184 dent on its size, while even mild activation sufficed to close the five membered ring.
185                         Knockdown of IGF2BP3 sufficed to confer both phenotypic and molecular feature
186                         Nan and Iav together sufficed to confer cellular insecticide responses in viv
187    Incorporation of the five changes in eMDH sufficed to convert the enzyme from one with (k(cat)/K(m
188                  Arrays with only three BBVs sufficed to discriminate between sugars (e.g., lactulose
189                      D1LR priming for 30 min sufficed to disrupt MOR function in otherwise naive rats
190      Interestingly, the T allele of rs997509 sufficed to distinguish a 121Q-carrying haplotype that w
191 tostimulation in nucleus accumbens by itself sufficed to drive conditioned place preference in freely
192 onstitutively active but not wild-type Rac-1 sufficed to drive GLUT4 translocation to the membrane of
193                        Whereas handling once sufficed to evoke Fos expression within ACe and BnST, ex
194 l brain slices, either flanking region alone sufficed to generate a neurotoxic conformation, while th
195  8-oxo-dGTPase, human MutT homolog 1 (MTH1), sufficed to induce a DDR as well as premature senescence
196                             CHCHD4 depletion sufficed to induce a respiratory defect that mimicked th
197               The virion glycoproteins gH/gL sufficed to induce IFN1 and NF-kappaB via this pathway.
198 rent as a second NA exposure for only 60 min sufficed to induce large T-type currents.
199         Unlike PS, the presence of Nif alone sufficed to induce TRPM3 activity and demonstrated disti
200 es demonstrated that a single virus particle sufficed to kill a cell.
201         Nonetheless, a three-state mechanism sufficed to map between measured Ca(2+) transients and a
202 ubsets retained the same place fields, which sufficed to preserve an accurate spatial representation
203 m/tm mice, the transmembrane form's presence sufficed to prevent defects in transsynaptic adhesion, S
204 creasing the levels of circulating estrogens sufficed to promote the formation and progression of ER-
205  Simple acylation conditions (HBTU/HOBt/NMM) sufficed to provide near quantitative reaction of test a
206  only the alpha(2) peptide, whose expression sufficed to rescue bouton formation.
207  well as in mice also heterozygous for Kv3.1 sufficed to restore simple spike brevity along with norm
208 mphohematopoietic engraftment at levels that sufficed to reverse the sickle cell disease phenotype.
209       Retention of H5 in the absence of H1-4 sufficed to support SLP-76 self-association with smaller
210  alpha-helical structure by trifluoroethanol suffices to accelerate productive folding and mimic the
211                 The volume of the apo cavity suffices to accommodate benzene but, even with toluene,
212 he extracellular domain of a nAChR surrogate suffices to accommodate cooperative interactions.
213 but it is not known whether this interaction suffices to account for the regulatory functions of Rsd.
214      We find that a surprisingly low epsilon suffices to achieve stability, even in small populations
215 fact engineering a 2D yield stress interface suffices to achieve such performance at submonolayer par
216 oom body (MB) but not the antennal lobe (AL) suffices to achieve the enhancement effect.
217 on of Cdc42, and constitutively active Cdc42 suffices to activate NF-kappaB and induce TNFalpha.
218 vation by Rac2 such that even wild-type Rac2 suffices to activate the mutant enzymes upon its introdu
219 nd p4 are configured so that a single marbox suffices to activate transcription from both promoters.
220 for cellulose biosynthesis in vitro but also suffices to bundle individual glucan chains into cellulo
221 ates suggest that 20-30 mm electrode spacing suffices to capture neural signals on the scalp, but rec
222 s misexpression within a limited time period suffices to cause anomalies that phenocopy lower spine N
223       However, Orc6 depletion during mitosis suffices to cause asymmetric division and failure in cyt
224 mulation of these restricted mutations still suffices to completely erase the characteristic compactn
225 , the receptor-type guanylate cyclase GCY-9, suffices to confer cellular sensitivity to both molecula
226 ing mice with a single peptide, YopE(69-77), suffices to confer significant protection from lethal pu
227 e paddle motif comprises a minimal core that suffices to confer voltage gating in the physiological v
228 nt domain-driven mechanism of budding, which suffices to control the shape of these proteolipid vesic
229 ient coexpression of exogenous Slug and Sox9 suffices to convert differentiated luminal cells into Ma
230  insertion of early endosomal SNARE proteins suffices to convert liposomes into trafficking vesicles
231 folded proteins generated by ribosome errors suffices to create all of the observed covariation.
232 ol over an externally applied magnetic field suffices to create and manipulate Majorana bound states.
233 icelle concentration at a single temperature suffices to define an effective heat capacity according
234  basic familiarity with spreadsheets already suffices to define and use spreadsheet workflows with Ta
235        In conclusion, mere scanning of a DBS suffices to derive its approximate hematocrit, one of th
236 onent in the mixture, a single NMR titration suffices to determine binding constants for all other de
237 tivation in a different area, represents and suffices to determine positive or negative facial prefer
238 es avoidance to the conditioned stimulus and suffices to drive avoidance without any conditioned sens
239 loss due to cadherin type switching in ADPKD suffices to drive cystogenesis.
240 le activation is function of body curvature, suffices to drive elastic instabilities associated with
241 t potent elevation of Rac-1 activation alone suffices to drive insulin-independent GLUT4 translocatio
242 r perturbation of any given gene in a genome suffices to drive subsequent genetic changes, we analyze
243 nner) versus convex (outer) side of the hook suffices to establish an auxin maximum in the epidermis
244 stimulus classes (spirals and gratings), and suffices to explain decoding from fMRI responses in V1.
245                            We find that this suffices to explain the mutants' loss of activity, altho
246 tion bias of observing only large diffusions suffices to explain these patterns.
247  is that a magnetic field less than 10 tesla suffices to force the Dirac electrons into the lowest La
248   Multiple assays are used to show that FliP suffices to form a channel that can conduct a variety of
249 ts target neurons, even though equal current suffices to generate APs in neurons postsynaptic to the
250 ely charged carboxylate at the sn-2 position suffices to generate high binding affinity to class B sc
251  an alternative, slicing-independent pathway suffices to generate Piwi-bound piRNAs that repress tran
252 MDs) and the thickness of the lipid membrane suffices to induce clustering of proteins.
253    In conclusion, the mere activation of JNK suffices to induce insulin resistance in pancreatic beta
254 thelial stem cell expression of the protease suffices to induce malignant transformation.
255  that forcing lipid membranes close together suffices to induce membrane fusion.
256 cretion of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) suffices to induce the same behavioral deficits.
257 N-terminal half of Pgamma to the GAF domains suffices to induce this allosteric effect.
258  in Runx2 null cells, DLX3 forced expression suffices to induce transcription of Runx2, osteocalcin,
259 hich the symmetry-mismatched binding of ClpA suffices to induce.
260                    It is unclear whether MCC suffices to inhibit all cellular APC/C.
261  and expression of cad8 ectopically in vitro suffices to initiate cystogenesis.
262  monocytes with Tat protein for 10 to 30 min suffices to irreversibly engage the activation of the TL
263  acid (E90) and an asparagine (N258) residue suffices to keep the gate of C1C2 closed and to disable
264 te that the cytoplasmic (beta) chain of LRP1 suffices to limit cholesterol accumulation in LRP1(-/-)
265  that the output of other signaling pathways suffices to mediate directional sensing when cells perce
266 These results indicate that TRAF3 deficiency suffices to metabolically reprogram B cells, a finding t
267 ons, and possibly multiple equilibria and so suffices to model both the case of stable language popul
268 e a single alanine to glycine point mutation suffices to more than double the mechanical stability.
269 l simulations confirmed that the covariation suffices to normalize the somatic AP waveform.
270 ation during cell division, but whether RhoA suffices to orchestrate spatiotemporal dynamics of furro
271 s of PGE(2), that each receptor individually suffices to organize behavior, and that PKA is upstream
272  that a primarily proliferation-driven model suffices to predict labelled cell dynamics over most tim
273 brillation kinetics and inhibitor affinities suffices to predict the effect of kinetic inhibitors on
274               The dsRNA-binding domain of E3 suffices to prevent activation of the innate immune resp
275         Interestingly, one alphaBTX molecule suffices to prevent the twist motion.
276                              This activation suffices to prime macrophages but keeps T cell responses
277 pheric pressure ionization mass spectrometer suffices to produce analyte ions, but unlike the previou
278  Enhancing ubiquitination of a prion protein suffices to promote its delivery to the juxtanuclear inc
279 lation sites with phosphomimetic amino acids suffices to promote the checkpoint transcriptional progr
280             The explanatory power of the GRN suffices to provide a causal explanation for all observa
281 w that artificial targeting of those domains suffices to recruit Hsl7 to septin rings even in unbudde
282 on of NOTCH ligand activity in muscle fibers suffices to reduce the progenitor pool.
283  simple acidic treatment of these precursors suffices to release the characteristic Maillard flavours
284 ty of about one elementary charge per 10 nm2 suffices to render prototypical paraffin surfaces hydrop
285 suggesting that elimination of a single gene suffices to render reprogramming a deterministic process
286 ous Hh response in Drosophila embryos, alone suffices to rescue embryonic Hh signaling defects.
287 signaling, enhances Wnt and Bmp4 signals and suffices to rescue the arrest of cardiac differentiation
288 ns and K48- and K63-linked ubiquitin chains, suffices to restrict bacterial proliferation.
289                 An acute treatment with PGE2 suffices to robustly augment muscle regeneration by eith
290  Moreover, the extracellular domain of 4F2hc suffices to stabilize solubilized LAT2.
291            Hence, the depletion of PI(4,5)P2 suffices to suppress current fully, and other second mes
292 d near and away from the ligand-binding site suffices to switch the binding specificity of PSD95(pdz3
293 al portion of helix 11 between TRiC subunits suffices to transfer specificity for a given substrate m
294 samples containing only 5 vol% of antigorite suffices to trigger acoustic emissions, a laboratory-sca
295  show that the membrane domain of plant HMGR suffices to trigger ER proliferation and OSER biogenesis
296       Silencing of SIX1 in human fibroblasts suffices to trigger senescence, which is mediated by p16
297  positional distribution of the donor groups suffices to tune the emission wavelength of the resultin
298 quality standards for mental health services suffice when we know that often people with intellectual
299          However, it is unclear whether this suffices when attended and ignored features overlap to s
300  same structure when pressure alone does not suffice, without nitrogen altering the resulting backbon

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