


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pendent RNA helicase eIF4A, this HEAT domain suffices for 48S ribosomal complex formation with a pico
2 ns in as few as three driver genes appear to suffice for a cell to evolve into an advanced cancer.
3 Relatively few such normal variations should suffice for a vast range of compound odors whose specifi
4 expression on marrow-derived cells therefore suffices for a C. parvum infection to be cleared, while
5                            Either form alone suffices for a functional clock at some temperatures, bu
6 that hydrophobic residues at these positions sufficed for Abd1p function.
7 generic BUB recruitment modules in KNL1 thus suffices for accurate chromosome segregation.
8 transcription machinery that, by themselves, suffice for activated transcription (initiation and elon
9 previously shown that stabilization does not suffice for activation.
10                                  Each kinase sufficed for activation in response to stress, but Sak1
11 promoter shows that a 'one-site' minimal UAS suffices for activation by Ptr2, and specifies the requi
12 at AdnAB's processive DSB unwinding activity suffices for AdnAB function in HR.
13 ithout a single cross-bracing disulfide bond sufficed for antimicrobial activity, and some of the ana
14 c, an average T2 value per metabolite should suffice for any brain region and lesion regardless of di
15 s lasting 16 h as endorsed by SM&T might not suffice for ascertainment of maximum (steady-state) bioa
16 ple of approximately 20 offspring would have sufficed for assessing the true number of biological par
17 rne lead for merely one hour in the GI phase suffices for assessment of the bioavailable fraction as
18 rons in the primary olfactory cortex of mice suffices for associative learning independent of any odo
19 aller catalytic domain, Prp22(466-1145) that suffices for ATP hydrolysis, RNA binding, and RNA unwind
20 d core factor, and promoter sequence to -38, suffice for basal transcription.
21 An N-terminal 120-amino-acid segment of Ntr1 suffices for binding to Prp43 and for stimulating its he
22        An even smaller domain, Cgt1(1-367)p, suffices for binding to the guanylyltransferase docking
23 cid fragment of the guanylyltransferase Pce1 suffices for binding to the Spt5 C-terminal domain (CTD)
24 cleotidyltransferase motifs I, IV, and V and suffices for both enzyme adenylylation (step 1 of the li
25 reduced levels of PI(3)P or functional Ypt7p suffice for bypass fusion.
26 nts containing the PxIxIT consensus sequence suffice for calcineurin-substrate docking; and that sequ
27 tes an N-terminal domain, Cgt1(1-387)p, that suffices for catalytic activity in vitro and for cell gr
28 found that phosphorylation of either subunit suffices for cell proliferation.
29 that unexpectedly simple potential functions suffice for certain symmetrical configurations, and we a
30 ent of the holoenzyme or associated proteins suffices for chromatin remodeling.
31 e defects, and a paracrine source of C3 will suffice for clonal expansion of CD8 T cells in vivo.
32 specific T cells in the draining LN, without sufficing for clonal expansion.
33 Watson-Crick base-pairing interactions alone suffice for complex chemical dynamics and that autonomou
34  helix and the intracellular module together suffice for constitutive activity even at low densities,
35 ic protein (BMP) signaling, but whether BMPs suffice for CPEC induction is unknown.
36 n N-terminal catalytic domain of CPL1, which suffices for CTD Ser-5 phosphatase activity in vitro, in
37 ay hybridization shows that these probes now suffice for detection of differentially expressed mRNAs
38    Thus, partial movement of the neck linker suffices for directionality but not for normal processiv
39 reatly reduced levels of cyclin E transcript suffice for DNA replication until late in development.
40 translated in the oocyte or unfertilized egg suffices for early development.
41  type of connection between two kinetochores suffices for efficient bi-orientation.
42    A 6-nucleotide segment of complementarity suffices for efficient flap ligation.
43 ctive transport of a small fraction of GAP43 suffices for efficient sorting to growth cones.
44 es of Kek1-Kek2 chimeras that while the LRRs suffice for EGFR binding, inhibition in vivo requires th
45  functional maternal contribution, which can suffice for embryogenesis in the zygotic null mutant, bu
46 Hinfp mice survive, indicating that 1 allele suffices for embryogenesis.
47 ighly reproducible, a single measurement can suffice for energy expenditure studies in girls aged 6-1
48 ow that either tyrosine residue Y464 or Y479 suffices for Epo-dependent cell proliferation.
49 cies and the drug resistances of the mutants suffice for explaining the data.
50 ypes, myocardin-independent mechanism(s) can suffice for expression in some smooth muscle lineages.
51 either of two nonconsecutive disulfide bonds suffices for function.
52  lipids allow low concentrations of Vam7p to suffice for fusion; without acidic lipids, the block to
53  the transcriptional machinery to a promoter suffices for gene activation is based partly on the resu
54 tiation codon, which was previously shown to suffice for growth-regulated expression, the murine thym
55 topology is already known, then seven leaves suffice for identifiability of the numerical parameters.
56 ds, an N-terminal fragment (Tmod1(1)(-)(92)) suffices for in vitro function, even though the C-termin
57   In heterologous systems, Kv1alpha subunits suffice for induction of voltage-dependent potassium cur
58                   Contact at filopodial tips suffices for induction.
59 atterns of substitution on the aromatic ring suffice for inhibition when Mn(2+) is used as a cofactor
60                                Surgery alone suffices for INSS stage 1 neuroblastoma, even if biologi
61                              PDK1 expression suffices for its activity, owing to auto-activation, or
62 l loops and part of the dimerization domain, suffice for localization.
63 pus-like renal disease at 12 wk, but may not suffice for longer periods consistent with a need for co
64                   A minimum of two mutations sufficed for (low) CQ transport activity, and as few as
65    Limiting the available processing time to suffice for lower- but not higher-level operations is a
66 tals, and ceramics, none of the known models suffices for macroscopic dynamic finite element analysis
67  nor transgenic strategies can by themselves suffice for managing vector-borne diseases, integrating
68  about half that for "macroscopic" units but sufficing for many applications.
69 o-phase (chromatin plus buffer) picture that suffices for meiotic chromosomes has to be supplemented
70  primary tumor is resected, PET and BM tests suffice for monitoring NB patients at high risk for prog
71                   Thus, the last 18 residues suffice for most of the binding energy, which was due ma
72 rated that the transmembrane core of barttin suffices for most effects on the alpha-subunit.
73 r transcripts in the nNOS(-/-) animals might suffice for normal physiologic function.
74 en impaired association of barttin and CLC-K suffices for normal intracellular trafficking.
75   We question whether one type of early diet suffices for normal neurodevelopment with a normal body
76  only 10% of the neighbourhoods of a network suffice for optimal performance, leading to a drastic re
77  1 x 10(11) pu single-dose ChAd3-EBO-Z could suffice for phase 3 efficacy trials of ring-vaccination
78  vitro, and it has been proposed that TFIIIB suffices for pol III recruitment in vivo.
79 e diameter between 0.6 and 2 nm, which would suffice for polypeptide translocation across the membran
80 the natural rubrerythrin (rbr) promoter also suffices for positive regulation by Ptr2 in vitro, and T
81        Although either polyubiquitin linkage suffices for postinternalization sorting, both types of
82 ation pathways sharing a common ground state suffices for power enhancement.
83 hat the knowledge of the native topology may suffice for predicting the mechanism.
84 in a small number of identifiable cells thus suffices for programming behaviorally meaningful memorie
85 minal coiled-coil domain of the NUDE protein suffices for protein function when overexpressed.
86 nesis in the zygotic null mutant, but rarely suffices for pupal metamorphosis, revealing later functi
87 5% generated by translational mechanisms can suffice for reactivation, but reversion can also contrib
88              Data for family history may not suffice for reliable identification of patients through
89 nd (c) the cellular response to the strains, suffices for reproducing the behavior of individual endo
90 frames (ORFs) present in BYV, ORFs 1a and 1b suffice for RNA replication and transcription.
91  of signaling, nuclear accumulation of Ci155 suffices for significant induction of Hh targets, and ac
92          High-quality medical management may suffice for some patients, but there are few data regard
93                                    Dpp alone sufficed for some differentiation, but Notch was not suf
94       When fused to GST, the peptide SLDFLYE suffices for specific gp45 binding.
95               As few as four nonamer repeats suffice for Spt5 binding to Pct1 in vitro, whereas six r
96 ery low ESI voltages (typically 1.4-1.75 kV) suffice for stable ESI, which eventually allows for the
97  test whether ligand interactions with beta3 suffice for stable ligand binding and headpiece opening.
98          We conclude that 1 semen sample may suffice for studies aimed at identifying average differe
99         Thermoenergy (Brownian motion) would suffice for substrate translocation across the membrane;
100  good structural mimic of bound cation which suffices for substrate binding but not for catalytic act
101 ely few innate pattern recognition receptors suffice for survival of pathogen-infected nematodes, ins
102 -dependent activation, a single binding site suffices for target gene activation.
103  domain to heterologous DNA sequences should suffice for targeting to the viral capsid.
104 O, estimates of the latter two lambda's will suffice for the analysis of power and the necessary samp
105          Small, randomly oriented structures suffice for the analysis, which is based on simple recog
106 , while particular pairs of pentanucleotides suffice for the assembly of T-ag double hexamers.
107 anoparticles, none of those previous methods suffice for the larger particles needed for photonic app
108          However, whether the three proteins suffice for the organization/maintenance of this complex
109 l motor representation of that action should suffice for the purpose.
110 s and not on the neovascularization seems to suffice for the regression of the new vessels.
111 mal functional domain, Prp22(262-1145), that suffices for the activity of Prp22p in vivo when express
112                                The flow rate suffices for the delivery of drugs, such as a meal-assoc
113  lipid anchor that spans half of the bilayer suffices for the fusion of isolated vacuoles, although t
114                       Here we show that RctB suffices for the oriCII-based plasmid replication, and r
115                         Any one of the three suffices for the progression of ISN pioneer growth cones
116  mild RTK signal is transduced and Ras alone suffices for the purpose.
117      Unlike other models, a single substance suffices for the reaction-diffusion at early, but not in
118 en that E2F-1, which occupies the Rb pocket, suffices for these actions of E1A.
119                 The GR ligand-binding domain suffices for these biological responses.
120 A C-terminal catalytic domain, Topo(81-314), suffices for transesterification chemistry.
121 gment of the 231-amino acid Yhc1 polypeptide sufficed for vegetative growth.
122 ukaryotic ATP-dependent DNA ligase known; it suffices for yeast cell growth in lieu of the essential
123 t has an intrinsic nick-sensing function and suffices for yeast cell growth.

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