


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  associations were found in individuals with suicidal ideation.
2 ethality and intent of suicide attempts; and suicidal ideation.
3 among individuals with a lifetime history of suicidal ideation.
4 antly negatively correlated with severity of suicidal ideation.
5 h psoriasis had significant association with suicidal ideation.
6 ies included women with severe depression or suicidal ideation.
7 hat hypnotic medications are associated with suicidal ideation.
8  Lifetime presence of self-reported NSSI and suicidal ideation.
9 ences underlie the vulnerability to NSSI and suicidal ideation.
10  Health Questionnaire-9, which also assessed suicidal ideation.
11  fatigue, but not sadness, worthlessness, or suicidal ideation.
12 her incidence rates of anxiety disorders and suicidal ideation.
13 of substance abuse, risk-taking behavior, or suicidal ideation.
14 on with a suicide attempt history or current suicidal ideation.
15 rsonal implications for physicians including suicidal ideation.
16 mate, suggesting a possible association with suicidal ideation.
17 ons from Iraq for mental health reasons, and suicidal ideation.
18 ders that could lead to both weight loss and suicidal ideation.
19  for up to 1 week in depressed patients with suicidal ideation.
20 elf-harm adverse events in those with higher suicidal ideation.
21  influenced by the presence of depression or suicidal ideation.
22 ecovery from burnout is associated with less suicidal ideation.
23 d higher rates of symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation.
24 tion, hallucinations, sleep disturbance, and suicidal ideation.
25 te-life suicide and for suicide's precursor, suicidal ideation.
26 (SMD=-0.22; p=0.03) were all associated with suicidal ideation.
27 rm that ketamine exerts a specific effect on suicidal ideation.
28  the effects of a single dose of ketamine on suicidal ideation.
29  been studied in patients with low levels of suicidal ideation.
30 students are at high risk for depression and suicidal ideation.
31 phine as a time-limited treatment for severe suicidal ideation.
32  about one out of eight stroke survivors has suicidal ideation.
33 include data on suicide, suicide attempt, or suicidal ideation.
34 d 191 (60%) of 321 patients had a history of suicidal ideation.
35 information integration in MDD patients with suicidal ideation.
36 ) BPF, suggesting a role for both regions in suicidal ideation.
37  at risk for attempts among respondents with suicidal ideation.
38 reased sleep, feelings of worthlessness, and suicidal ideations.
39 ts than did those in unscreened brigades for suicidal ideation (0.4%, 95% CI=0.3-0.5, compared with 0
40 io [OR] 0.45, 95% CI 0.24-0.85; p=0.014) and suicidal ideation (0.5, 0.27-0.92; p=0.025).
41  0.45, 95% CI 0.24-0.85; p=0.014) and severe suicidal ideation (0.50, 0.27-0.92; p=0.025), compared w
42   243 (66%) of 367 respondents self-reported suicidal ideation, 127 (35%) of 365 respondents self-rep
43 rticipants), but not with treatment-emergent suicidal ideation (13 [21%] of 61 vs 19 [29%] of 65 part
44  patient), suicide attempt (4 patients), and suicidal ideation (2 patients).
45  MDD (odds ratio 1.98, 95% CI 1.11-3.53) and suicidal ideation (2.47, 1.19-5.10) compared with their
46 oth NSSI (37% for men and 59% for women) and suicidal ideation (41% for men and 55% for women), while
47 an first- and second-year students to report suicidal ideation (7.9% vs 1.4%; 95% CI for difference,
48 r Suicide, CFI-S), and how well they predict suicidal ideation across psychiatric diagnoses (AUC of 8
49   Indeed, the UP-Suicide was able to predict suicidal ideation across psychiatric diagnoses with an A
50 cts were significantly less likely to report suicidal ideation (adjusted odds ratios, 0.48 [95% CI, 0
51  GRIK2 (which likely play a role in emergent suicidal ideation after antidepressant treatment), GRIK4
52 derstanding of the epidemiological impact of suicidal ideation after stroke is required to identify s
53 and early interventions to prevent and treat suicidal ideation after stroke, especially among subject
54 ral patterns and the expected improvement in suicidal ideation after the start of treatment.
55 d to experience greater acute improvement in suicidal ideation, after adjusting for global depression
56                       Although subjects with suicidal ideation among both genders had higher levels o
57 FDA recently linked adverse event reports of suicidal ideation among children and adolescents in rand
58 ram is associated with reduced likelihood of suicidal ideation among medical interns.
59 is a concerning prevalence of depression and suicidal ideation among medical students, a group that m
60                     The pooled proportion of suicidal ideation among stroke survivors was 11.8% (7.4%
61 ysis was to estimate rates and correlates of suicidal ideation among stroke survivors.
62      Little is known about the prevalence of suicidal ideation among U.S. medical students or how it
63 onnectivity in 46 patients with MDD (23 with suicidal ideation and 23 without) and 36 age- and gender
64  marked differences between adolescents with suicidal ideation and adolescents without suicidal ideat
65 activity subtypes of MDD patients had severe suicidal ideation and anhedonia symptoms.
66 nectivity may be associated with severity of suicidal ideation and attempt lethality.
67                                     Concrete suicidal ideation and attempts during adolescence are pa
68 on is a risk factor for child and adolescent suicidal ideation and attempts.
69 dysmorphic disorder (BDD) have high rates of suicidal ideation and attempts.
70      Individuals with BDD have high rates of suicidal ideation and attempts.
71 ight be associated with an increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior (suicidality) in pediatri
72 SRS's validity relative to other measures of suicidal ideation and behavior and the internal consiste
73  issued a boxed warning concerning increased suicidal ideation and behavior associated with antidepre
74                                              Suicidal ideation and behavior currently have no quick-a
75 hat the C-SSRS is suitable for assessment of suicidal ideation and behavior in clinical and research
76 ivergent validity with other multi-informant suicidal ideation and behavior scales and had high sensi
77 equires a standard method for assessing both suicidal ideation and behavior to identify those at risk
78 personality, and substance use disorders and suicidal ideation and behavior were assessed in 1983 and
79 enders had higher levels of psychopathology, suicidal ideation and behavior, and problem behaviors at
80 on at age 15 on measures of psychopathology, suicidal ideation and behavior, problem behaviors, and a
81 RS) was designed to quantify the severity of suicidal ideation and behavior.
82 viors should receive rigorous assessment for suicidal ideation and behavior.
83 e serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and suicidal ideation and behaviors has received considerabl
84 en right rostral prefrontal connectivity and suicidal ideation and between left ventral prefrontal co
85  the precision of the estimated frequency of suicidal ideation and burnout.
86 sychotic or demented people, those with both suicidal ideation and clear intent, and those with subst
87  impact of a care management intervention on suicidal ideation and depression in older primary care p
88 subjects, and had an increased prevalence of suicidal ideation and depressive symptoms.
89 ed light on the causes of treatment-emergent suicidal ideation and help identify individuals at high
90 y genes that change in expression between no suicidal ideation and high suicidal ideation states (n=3
91 he prefrontal regions, may favor more severe suicidal ideation and higher-lethality suicide attempts.
92 erotonin1A binding potential predicts future suicidal ideation and intent and lethality of future sui
93 ion of suicidal behavior, its lethality, and suicidal ideation and intent.
94 onfidence interval=1.60-4.23) and had higher suicidal ideation and lifetime aggression scores, compar
95 lness, lifetime rates of comorbid diagnoses, suicidal ideation and major depression, family history,
96 czema in late adolescence is associated with suicidal ideation and mental health problems but rarely
97 rotonin1A binding potential predicted higher suicidal ideation and more lethal suicidal behavior duri
98 ion, but they may also heighten the risk for suicidal ideation and parasuicidal behavior.
99        This study examined the prevalence of suicidal ideation and past suicide attempt in adult surv
100               Self-harm behaviors, including suicidal ideation and past suicide attempts, are frequen
101 ization is related to an increased chance of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among children an
102                                 Twelve-month suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
103                        This study focused on suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
104 timization was hypothesized to be related to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.
105 red the lifetime experience of self-reported suicidal ideation and suicide plans or attempts in this
106  autistic traits, empathy, and likelihood of suicidal ideation and suicide plans or attempts.
107 n firing and release, which affects mood and suicidal ideation and thereby decision making.
108 articipants who developed treatment-emergent suicidal ideation and those who did not.
109 e-duty military service members with current suicidal ideation and/or a recent suicide attempt.
110 review to understand the association between suicidal ideations and behaviours and economic poverty i
111 uded studies testing the association between suicidal ideations and behaviours and economic poverty i
112 orting on the relationship between non-fatal suicidal ideations and behaviours and poverty, 36 associ
113  wealth, and unemployment is associated with suicidal ideations and behaviours.
114  compare prevalences of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and anxiety attacks, in adults with a
115 polar or severe personality disorder, active suicidal ideation, and current antipsychotic or antidepr
116 ssion is associated with increased distress, suicidal ideation, and disability compared with nonatypi
117 depression, by targeting of family conflict, suicidal ideation, and drug use may help to reduce their
118 utilization of depression treatment, reduces suicidal ideation, and improves the outcomes of major de
119               Reporting of depression, PTSD, suicidal ideation, and interest in receiving care were 2
120 ondary outcomes of depression, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and problem solving.
121 ess of interventions to decrease depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts or completion.
122 recording lifetime experience of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide plans or attempts, along
123 atures such as depressive symptomatology and suicidal ideation, and the outcome of treatment for depr
124 orders, self-reported trouble with "nerves," suicidal ideation, and treatment for psychiatric disorde
125 nce of depression or depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation; and whether students who screened pos
126 epression (AOR, 2.27; 95% CI, 1.22-4.23) and suicidal ideation (AOR, 3.43; 95% CI, 1.80-6.54).
127  anxiety (AOR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.12-4.05), and suicidal ideation (AOR, 3.68; 95% CI, 1.77-7.67).
128                     Depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation are more common among AD individuals,
129 ajor depressive disorder (MDD) patients with suicidal ideation are poorly understood.
130 lence of depression, depressive symptoms, or suicidal ideation as assessed by validated questionnaire
131    The primary outcome measure was change in suicidal ideation, as assessed by the Beck Suicide Ideat
132 serotonin1A binding potential predicted more suicidal ideation at 3 (b = 0.02; t = 3.45; P = .001) an
133 ion at age 15 were compared to those without suicidal ideation at age 15 on measures of psychopatholo
134                                   Those with suicidal ideation at age 15 were compared to those witho
135  analysis included only participants who had suicidal ideation at baseline (N=167).
136 ent resistance, 58 (12%) of 465 patients had suicidal ideation at screening, and 191 (60%) of 321 pat
137 hom DNA was available and who did not report suicidal ideation at study entry were subsequently treat
138 traumatic stress disorder; anxiety disorder; suicidal ideation/attempt; nicotine dependence; alcohol
139        Predefined outcomes were (1) rates of suicidal ideation based on random-effects pooled proport
140 hs in both black and whites: death ideation, suicidal ideation, bizarre behavior, and making violent
141 Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSSI).
142  decreased biomarkers from the discovery for suicidal ideation (CADM1, CLIP4, DTNA, KIF2C), prioritiz
143 nterns (12 of 100) assigned to wCBT endorsed suicidal ideation compared with 21.2% of interns (21 of
144 ng those with current eczema, 15.5% reported suicidal ideation compared with 9.1% among those without
145   Cyberbullying was more strongly related to suicidal ideation compared with traditional bullying.
146 ths, in the intervention group, raw rates of suicidal ideation declined 12.9% points (29.4% to 16.5%)
147                                     Rates of suicidal ideation declined faster (P =.01) in interventi
148                                              Suicidal ideation decreased rapidly early in the course
149                                              Suicidal ideation decreased with treatment, but less so
150 ons addressing intermediate outcomes such as suicidal ideation, decreased depressive severity, decrea
151                                     Emergent suicidal ideation, defined as a score of 2 or higher on
152 aphic information, negative life events, and suicidal ideation; depression and anxiety were assessed
153                   Symptoms of depression and suicidal ideation did not differ significantly between f
154                                     Rates of suicidal ideation diminished to a substantially greater
155 RIA3 were associated with treatment-emergent suicidal ideation during citalopram therapy.
156 assigned to wCBT were less likely to endorse suicidal ideation during internship year (relative risk,
157 udents experience burnout and 10% experience suicidal ideation during medical school.
158 er attempted suicide or who had shown severe suicidal ideation during the 2 weeks before baseline.
159  the occurrence, course, and responsivity of suicidal ideation during treatment of depression in late
160 ly use and frequent use of cannabis and MDD, suicidal ideation (ever and persistent), and suicide pla
161 12, lower depression, hopelessness, anxiety, suicidal ideation, family conflict, and absence of comor
162 vent was 3 weeks, predicted by high baseline suicidal ideation, family conflict, and drug and alcohol
163 etwork was observed in patients with MDD and suicidal ideation (FDR-adjusted p < 0.05).
164 o are most likely to experience remission of suicidal ideation following a course of MST.
165 blem behaviors at age 30, male subjects with suicidal ideation had lower salaries and socioeconomic s
166                                Subjects with suicidal ideation had more problem behaviors and poorer
167                 After 12 weeks of treatment, suicidal ideation had resolved in all treated patients;
168 psychotic experiences among individuals with suicidal ideation has potential clinical and public heal
169 etween no suicidal ideation (no SI) and high suicidal ideation (high SI) states (n=12 participants ou
170 nt Health Questionnaire-9 was used to assess suicidal ideation (ie, "thoughts that you would be bette
171                               Depression and suicidal ideation improved equally with both formats.
172 purpose of this study was to examine whether suicidal ideation in a community population of adolescen
173 ngs underscore the importance of considering suicidal ideation in adolescence as a marker of severe d
174 t to anecdotal reports of increased rates of suicidal ideation in adults with Asperger's syndrome, an
175 may lead to a small increase in the risk for suicidal ideation in children and adolescents, the risk
176  greater reduction in clinically significant suicidal ideation in depressed patients within 24 hours
177           Pharmacotherapy to rapidly relieve suicidal ideation in depression may reduce suicide risk.
178 ETATION: The increased likelihood of MDD and suicidal ideation in frequent cannabis users cannot be s
179  This study investigated specific changes of suicidal ideation in functional connectivity of MDD pati
180                                  Severity of suicidal ideation in MDD is related to brainstem and pre
181 eft orbitofrontal-both thalamic regions with suicidal ideation in MDD were inversely proportional to
182 lence of depression, depressive symptoms, or suicidal ideation in medical students published before S
183 ence of depression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation in medical students.
184  signal for increase in suicide attempts and suicidal ideation in patients on acute antidepressant tr
185 travenous ketamine on clinically significant suicidal ideation in patients with major depressive diso
186 ng the number of suicide attempts and severe suicidal ideation in school-based adolescents.
187  buprenorphine was associated with decreased suicidal ideation in severely suicidal patients without
188 elated side effects including depression and suicidal ideation in some users.
189 eation in the sample with published rates of suicidal ideation in the general population and other cl
190                      There were six cases of suicidal ideation in the group receiving pregabalin, thr
191 e attempts, and greater symptom severity and suicidal ideation in the index episode compared to those
192 ot have suicidal ideation, the prevalence of suicidal ideation in the past 12 months would be 5.8%.
193                                Prevalence of suicidal ideation in the past year and its relationship
194                      We compared the rate of suicidal ideation in the sample with published rates of
195 d 15 pupils (0.75%) reported incident severe suicidal ideation in the YAM group versus 31 (1.37%) in
196 ion, we found that ketamine rapidly improved suicidal ideation in these patients.
197 ificantly associated with treatment-emergent suicidal ideation in this sample (marker rs4825476, p=0.
198    In a subgroup analyses, the prevalence of suicidal ideation in those with both eczema and itch was
199 ysicians are at particularly high risk, with suicidal ideation increasing more than 4-fold during the
200 ve previously shown to increase the risk for suicidal ideation, interns assigned to wCBT were less li
201                                              Suicidal ideation is an uncommon symptom than can emerge
202 the substantial correlation between NSSI and suicidal ideation is largely driven by overlapping genet
203                                              Suicidal ideation is often associated with TRD and contr
204   The biological basis of treatment-emergent suicidal ideation is unknown.
205 eated measures of weight, mental health, and suicidal ideation, it remains difficult to exclude the p
206  social signs, excessive emotional pain, and suicidal ideation, leading to suicidal behaviour.
207                                              Suicidal ideation, lethality of past attempts, hostility
208  model adjusted for baseline depression, for suicidal ideation measured with the Beck Scale for Suici
209 e-based study to explore the relationship of suicidal ideation, mental health problems, and social fu
210 f psychiatric participants for prediction of suicidal ideation (n=108), and in a future follow-up coh
211 ls with depression, and its association with suicidal ideation, needs further clarification.
212 y genes that change in expression between no suicidal ideation (no SI) and high suicidal ideation (hi
213 in self-harm were much more likely to report suicidal ideation (odds ratio = 8.39; 95% CI, 6.84-10.29
214 iences were more likely to report concurrent suicidal ideation (odds ratio [OR], 5.24; 95% CI, 2.85-9
215 ictimization was found to be related to both suicidal ideation (odds ratio, 2.23 [95% CI, 2.10-2.37])
216 th suicidal ideation and adolescents without suicidal ideation of both genders in most domains examin
217 icide attempters study, worst-point lifetime suicidal ideation on the C-SSRS predicted suicide attemp
218 roup and two in the DP group were related to suicidal ideation; one patient in the DP attempted suici
219                           The biomarkers for suicidal ideation only are enriched for genes involved i
220 e was not a standardized questionnaire about suicidal ideation or attempt.
221                   Suicidality was defined as suicidal ideation or attempted or completed suicide.
222 egimens; suicidality was defined as reported suicidal ideation or attempted or completed suicide.
223 s disorder (PTSD) and suicide has focused on suicidal ideation or attempts; no known study of the ass
224  suicide attempts or emergency referrals for suicidal ideation or behavior ("incident events") were c
225 cally relevant differences between groups in suicidal ideation or behavior and no overall worsening o
226 cence were associated with elevated risk for suicidal ideation or behavior during early adulthood aft
227 elevated risk for major mental disorders and suicidal ideation or behavior during early adulthood.
228  follow-up and ratings of mood, anxiety, and suicidal ideation or behavior.
229      No association was found with increased suicidal ideation or behavior.
230  and those with a current or past history of suicidal ideation or behaviour (1.8% [18.78], t51=0.68;
231 d patients with a current or past history of suicidal ideation or behaviour.
232  (HR, 2.96; 95% CI, 1.24-7.08; P = .01), any suicidal ideation or gesture (HR, 2.44; 95% CI, 1.28-4.6
233 in effect or treatment x time interaction on suicidal ideation or mHDRS-17 was found.
234 parasomnias, which in rare cases may lead to suicidal ideation or suicidal behavior in persons who we
235  relationship between peer victimization and suicidal ideation or suicide attempt in children or adol
236  relationship between peer victimization and suicidal ideation or suicide attempts using meta-analysi
237 lity (including recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, or a suicide attempt), were assessed
238  the CDRS-R, self-rated depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, or on the rate of harm-related or any
239 -62%) and had a 2.2 times greater decline in suicidal ideation over 24 months.
240 e at baseline were independent predictors of suicidal ideation over the following year.
241 e symptoms (P < 0.001) at baseline predicted suicidal ideation over the following year.
242                                   Changes in suicidal ideation over time, rate of responses, and time
243 me and depression were more likely to report suicidal ideation (p<0.0001) and suicide plans or attemp
244 al ideation measured with the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (p=0.03), with benefit increasing with
245 Seven percent of the HCT survivors expressed suicidal ideation; patients with higher scores on depres
246 alized anxiety disorder had higher levels of suicidal ideation; poorer social functioning; a greater
247                                              Suicidal ideation prevalence data were extracted from 24
248 tient Health Questionnaire-2 (modified), the suicidal ideation question from the Patient Health Quest
249                            The prevalence of suicidal ideation ranged from 1102 (24.9%) of 4432 peopl
250 The intervention's effectiveness in reducing suicidal ideation, regardless of depression severity, re
251                         Ketamine's effect on suicidal ideation remained significant after adjusting f
252                     Among patients reporting suicidal ideation, resolution of ideation was faster amo
253 ated that the Met allele was associated with suicidal ideation, sadness, and worthlessness, but not n
254 ion, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, suicidal ideation, self-injury, and suicide attempts.
255 ni biomarker list for predictive ability for suicidal ideation (SI) and for future hospitalizations f
256                               We compared no suicidal ideation (SI) states and high SI states using a
257      Ketamine rapidly (within 1 day) reduced suicidal ideation significantly on both the clinician-ad
258  40 minutes, depressive symptoms, as well as suicidal ideation, significantly improved in subjects re
259 e disorder and a score >/=4 on the Scale for Suicidal Ideation (SSI), of whom 54% (N=43) were taking
260 ession between no suicidal ideation and high suicidal ideation states (n=37 participants out of a coh
261         The lifetime prevalence estimates of suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and suicide attempts a
262 sures were associated with increased odds of suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and suicide attempts i
263                                     Lifetime suicidal ideation, suicide plans, and suicide attempts.
264 While there was increased risk difference of suicidal ideation/suicide attempt across all trials and
265 ts appear to be much greater than risks from suicidal ideation/suicide attempt across indications, al
266 d, and risk differences for response and for suicidal ideation/suicide attempt estimated by random-ef
267  a small but significantly increased risk of suicidal ideation/suicide attempt for children and adole
268  To assess the efficacy and risk of reported suicidal ideation/suicide attempt of antidepressants for
269 fficacy outcomes, and spontaneously reported suicidal ideation/suicide attempt.
270 more likely to report lifetime experience of suicidal ideation than were individuals from a general U
271  that assumed all nonresponders did not have suicidal ideation, the prevalence of suicidal ideation i
272                       Among respondents with suicidal ideation, those with psychotic experiences were
273  progression from disturbed mental health to suicidal ideation to attempted suicide and completed sui
274     Depressed patients with greater baseline suicidal ideation treated with paroxetine compared with
275       The overall pooled crude prevalence of suicidal ideation was 11.1% (2043/21002 individuals; 95%
276 among medical students was 27.2% and that of suicidal ideation was 11.1%.
277                                              Suicidal ideation was evaluated before initiation and af
278                                    Moreover, suicidal ideation was less likely in stroke survivors wh
279 tly in patients with pHPT; the prevalence of suicidal ideation was more than halved from the baseline
280  among patients with minor depression unless suicidal ideation was present.
281                                              Suicidal ideation was reported by 12.7% of all patients
282                                              Suicidal ideation was reported by a mean of 57.8% of the
283  across psychiatric diagnoses for predicting suicidal ideation was SLC4A4, with a receiver operating
284                  The prevalences of NSSI and suicidal ideation were 4.7% and 26.5%, respectively, and
285      The rates of symptoms of PTSD, MDD, and suicidal ideation were higher among former combatants th
286                        Ketamine's effects on suicidal ideation were partially independent of its effe
287 re suicide completions, suicide attempts, or suicidal ideation were reported.
288                                Subjects with suicidal ideation were twice as likely to have an axis I
289 ated with increased likelihood of subsequent suicidal ideation, whereas recovery from burnout is asso
290 om burnout was associated with markedly less suicidal ideation, which suggests that recovery from bur
291 motor cortex-were indicators of remission of suicidal ideation with 89% accuracy, 90% sensitivity, an
292 lar disorder in particular, SLC4A4 predicted suicidal ideation with an AUC of 93%, and future hospita
293           For bipolar disorder, it predicted suicidal ideation with an AUC of 98%, and future hospita
294      Inclusion criteria were the presence of suicidal ideation with intent to die during the past wee
295  who either attempted suicide or experienced suicidal ideation with intent, were randomly assigned to
296 association between depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation with various dermatological diagnoses.
297 d a statistically nonsignificant increase in suicidal ideation with venlafaxine.
298  relationship between peer victimization and suicidal ideation, with a total of 284,375 participants.
299  and multiple TBIs, 21.7%; P = .009), as was suicidal ideation within the past year (0%, 3.4%, and 12
300 ents, and 11.2% (CI, 9.9% to 12.6%) reported suicidal ideation within the past year.

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