


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 scriptome signatures related to psychosis or suicide.
2 , as well as the risk of hospitalization and suicide.
3 ychiatric consultations, hospitalization, or suicide.
4 he claim that hypnotics increase the risk of suicide.
5 /CTD are associated with substantial risk of suicide.
6 tients with OCD are at a substantial risk of suicide.
7 2, and D1 receptor binding did not differ in suicide.
8 le-exome sequencing for the investigation of suicide.
9 cide attempt and 3.08 (95% CI=1.34-7.08) for suicide.
10  or alcohol-related death alongside risks of suicide.
11 ance use disorder also increased the risk of suicide.
12 empt was the strongest predictor of death by suicide.
13 ity to this risk, and identify predictors of suicide.
14  suicidal ideation or attempted or completed suicide.
15 omen, 10793 of whom were bereaved by spousal suicide.
16 ct and/or be a proxy for the core biology of suicide.
17 5 had died by suicide and 4297 had attempted suicide.
18 the mate search rate, including evolutionary suicide.
19 t support legalization of physician-assisted suicide.
20 HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) are at an increased risk of suicide.
21 cs are associated with an increased risk for suicide.
22  morbidity and mortality, including maternal suicide.
23 s), chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, and suicide.
24 somnia is associated with increased risk for suicide.
25  and examine the risk of hospitalization and suicide.
26 tial for both death by suicide and attempted suicide.
27  support directed toward spouses bereaved by suicide.
28 sociated with subsequent suicide attempt and suicide.
29 ental health outcomes such as depression and suicide.
30 uce self-harm among those who have attempted suicide.
31 ADHD) are at an increased risk of attempting suicide.
32          Of the 790 deaths, 123 (15.6%) were suicides.
33  incidence of pesticide suicides and overall suicides.
34 el using 2008-2009 data to predict 2010-2012 suicides.
35  risk included only 0.1% of soldiers (1047.1 suicides/100 000 person-years in the 5 weeks after the v
36 n 12-14 year olds, for every boy who died by suicide, 109 attended hospital following self-harm and 3
37           In 15-17 year olds, for every male suicide, 120 males presented to hospital with self-harm
38 ommunity, whereas for every girl who died by suicide, 1255 attended hospital for self-harm and 21 995
39 d in the community; whereas for every female suicide, 919 females presented to hospital for self-harm
40 adversity-related injury had higher risks of suicide (adjusted subhazard ratio 4.54 [95% CI 3.25-6.36
41                     To quantify the rates of suicide after discharge from psychiatric facilities and
42                                  The SMR for suicide after GBP was increased among females (n = 13),
43 el using 2004-2007 data to predict 2008-2009 suicides, although stability decreased in a model using
44 ed TBI, psychiatric diagnoses, and attempted suicide among 273,591 veterans deployed in support of Op
45 ecialty visits could be developed to predict suicides among outpatients.
46                                     To avoid suicide, an antibiotic producer harbors resistance genes
47 mple of 9512 enlisted soldiers who attempted suicide and 151526 control person-months, most were male
48                    Of these, 545 had died by suicide and 4297 had attempted suicide.
49 ort design to estimate the risk of deaths by suicide and attempted suicide in individuals diagnosed w
50 d but remained substantial for both death by suicide and attempted suicide.
51   Brain gene expression profiling studies of suicide and depression using oligonucleotide microarrays
52 on, and oxytocin receptor expression in both suicide and depression, and provisional evidence for alt
53  the relationship between physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and withholding or withdrawing li
54 ethical issues related to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia from the perspective of healthcar
55 y common debate regarding physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia holds implications for the practi
56 ion central to evaluating physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in medical practice: 1) the benef
57 ious objection related to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in the critical care setting.
58 ous objections related to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.
59 were no associations between rates of prison suicide and general population suicide, any other tested
60 ruptions of striatal dopaminergic indices in suicide and major depression.
61 ing systems have been studied in relation to suicide and psychiatric disorders that increase the risk
62 ollowing each type of index injury, risks of suicide and risks of drug-related or alcohol-related dea
63                                           In suicides and controls with reported ELA, there was no co
64  the dorsal striatum postmortem from matched suicides and controls.
65  predictor of future attempted and completed suicides and has been associated with poor quality of li
66 ation in reducing the incidence of pesticide suicides and overall suicides.
67 ds, were followed by reductions in pesticide suicides and, in three of these countries, falls in over
68 f Science were searched, crossing the terms "suicide" and "suicidal" with each of the modern FDA-appr
69 9 men, 4814 of whom were bereaved by spousal suicide, and 3514959 women, 10793 of whom were bereaved
70 s of excess mortality due to alcohol misuse, suicide, and accidents.
71 ly avoidable causes such as drug poisonings, suicide, and chronic liver disease and cirrhosis.
72 ortality (all-cause, natural, unintentional, suicide, and homicide); social health outcomes; and heal
73 rocytic cell functions contribute to MDD and suicide, and identify putative pathways and mechanisms f
74 ted with decreased pediatric, unintentional, suicide, and overall FFR, but homicide and Black FFR app
75  of hormonal contraception, suicide attempt, suicide, and potential confounding variables.
76 e studies of inflammation in the etiology of suicide, and provide a neurobiological basis for differe
77 e-related genes and risk for mood disorders, suicide, and treatment response, particularly with regar
78 tes of prison suicide and general population suicide, any other tested prison-related factors, or dif
79  and the rate of self-injurious behavior and suicide are markedly higher than in the general populati
80                The highest IRR found was for suicide at 66.9 (95% CI, 56.4-79.4), followed by alcohol
81  outcomes combined (symptoms, self-harm, and suicide) at posttest, the investigated psychotherapies w
82 ipants with bipolar disorder who had a prior suicide attempt (the attempter group) and 42 participant
83 participants with bipolar disorder without a suicide attempt (the nonattempter group).
84                                  The odds of suicide attempt among soldiers in a unit with 5 or more
85                                      Risk of suicide attempt among soldiers increased as the number o
86 recent users was 1.97 (95% CI=1.85-2.10) for suicide attempt and 3.08 (95% CI=1.34-7.08) for suicide.
87 tions between hormonal contraceptive use and suicide attempt and suicide in a nationwide prospective
88 his study was to assess the relative risk of suicide attempt and suicide in users of hormonal contrac
89                   Adjusted hazard ratios for suicide attempt and suicide were estimated for users of
90 on was positively associated with subsequent suicide attempt and suicide.
91                        Relative incidence of suicide attempt during periods when patients were expose
92 ion between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and suicide attempt have yielded conflicting results.
93  number of self-harm repetitions following a suicide attempt in people who complete the helpsheet and
94       To examine whether a soldier's risk of suicide attempt is influenced by previous suicide attemp
95 y of other unit members, but whether risk of suicide attempt is influenced by previous suicide attemp
96 t future documented suicidal behavior (i.e., suicide attempt or death).
97  United States enrolled adults with a recent suicide attempt or ideation and was composed of 3 sequen
98 tween hormonal contraceptive use and a first suicide attempt peaked after 2 months of use.
99            Within the OCD cohort, a previous suicide attempt was the strongest predictor of death by
100                           Risk estimates for suicide attempt were 1.91 (95% CI=1.79-2.03) for oral co
101 tted to a hospital in Edinburgh, UK, after a suicide attempt were deemed eligible for the study if th
102 f tics beyond young adulthood and a previous suicide attempt were the strongest predictors of death b
103  prescriptions, 154 had their first recorded suicide attempt within the study period; of these indivi
104  of 288 participants (20.9%) made at least 1 suicide attempt, and there were 548 total suicide attemp
105  soldier's unit as a predictor of subsequent suicide attempt, controlling for sociodemographic featur
106 e (defined as psychiatric rehospitalization, suicide attempt, discontinuation or switch to other medi
107 rmation about use of hormonal contraception, suicide attempt, suicide, and potential confounding vari
108 repeat self-harm in the 6 months following a suicide attempt.
109 tween hormonal contraceptive use and risk of suicide attempt.
110                                              Suicide attempters compared with the other groups exhibi
111                                              Suicide attempters have been found to be impaired in dec
112                      The primary outcome was suicide attempts (nonfatal and fatal) over the 52-week f
113 red the magnitude of trends in prevalence of suicide attempts across levels of sociodemographic and p
114 s from the 2004-2005 to 2012-2013 surveys in suicide attempts across sociodemographic and psychiatric
115                 A recent overall increase in suicide attempts among adults in the United States has d
116 -in-differences analysis compared changes in suicide attempts among all public high school students b
117 me-sex marriage with year-to-year changes in suicide attempts among high school students in 15 states
118  1 suicide attempt, and there were 548 total suicide attempts among participants.
119 has occurred and in characterizing trends in suicide attempts among sociodemographic and clinical gro
120 rs) with a mean age of 21 years, 6,999 first suicide attempts and 71 suicides were identified.
121                  The observed higher risk of suicide attempts before treatment may reflect emerging p
122                     The overall incidence of suicide attempts during methylphenidate treatment was 9.
123 ng whether a coincident national increase in suicide attempts has occurred and in characterizing tren
124 on analyses examined the number of past-year suicide attempts in a soldier's unit as a predictor of s
125 of suicide attempt is influenced by previous suicide attempts in a soldier's unit is unknown.
126 of suicide attempt is influenced by previous suicide attempts in that soldier's unit.
127 ributable risk proportion for 1 or more unit suicide attempts in the past year indicated that, if thi
128  more likely to attempt suicide if 1 or more suicide attempts occurred in their unit during the past
129 rvention phase had significantly fewer total suicide attempts than participants in the TAU phase (inc
130 mined whether the influence of previous unit suicide attempts varied by military occupational special
131                                  The ARD for suicide attempts was also significantly larger among adu
132                         An increased risk of suicide attempts was detected during the 90-day period b
133  preceding first treatment, the incidence of suicide attempts was not elevated (IRR, 0.78; 95% CI, 0.
134                                  The ARD for suicide attempts was significantly larger among adults a
135 treatment-refractory depression and multiple suicide attempts with an associated severe deficiency of
136 oldiers increased as the number of past-year suicide attempts within their unit increased for combat
137 ly in those with persistent tics, history of suicide attempts, and psychiatric comorbidities.
138 king, disability score, days unable to work, suicide attempts, intimate partner violence, and resourc
139 proportion of high school students reporting suicide attempts, providing empirical evidence for an as
140 1.2 to -0.01 percentage points) reduction in suicide attempts, representing a 7% relative reduction i
141 tion in depressed patients with a history of suicide attempts.
142 der, concerning the occurrence and timing of suicide attempts.
143 tion between methylphenidate and the risk of suicide attempts.
144 iation between methylphenidate treatment and suicide attempts.
145 xual minorities experience elevated rates of suicide attempts.
146 agnosis, and other unit variables, including suicide-, combat-, and unintentional injury-related unit
147 amined miRNA networks in the LC of depressed suicide completers and healthy controls.
148 nificantly associated with a higher risk for suicide completion.
149       We sought to identify risk factors for suicide completions among male Marines who entered basic
150 acted data from studies presenting pesticide suicide data and overall suicide data from before and af
151 resenting pesticide suicide data and overall suicide data from before and after national sales restri
152 not significantly associated with a risk for suicide death (HR = 0.53, 95% CI: 0.26, 1.05).
153 in Denmark, but there were also decreases in suicide deaths from other methods.
154                                              Suicide deaths have been reported from single-agent hypn
155 4 predictors optimized sensitivity (45.6% of suicide deaths occurring after the 15% of visits with hi
156 e detailed case reports for hypnotic-related suicide deaths reported through its Adverse Event Report
157  factors, or differing criteria for defining suicide deaths.
158  with a history of schizophrenia, psychosis, suicide, depression, alcoholism, or autism (relative ris
159 paring risks of death in five causal groups (suicide, drug-related or alcohol-related, homicide, acci
160 hods were at significantly increased risk of suicide during the first 30 days after the initial event
161 arge facilities), including a total of 17857 suicides during 4725445 person-years.
162                                              Suicide FFIs increased (change = 0.07; Ptrend < 0.0001)
163 ns: self-harm (g = 0.32; 95% CI, 0.09-0.54), suicide (g = 0.44; 95% CI, 0.15-0.74), health service us
164 to oocytes in transgenic mice expressing the suicide gene, herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (HSV
165        The elimination of senescent cells by suicide gene-meditated ablation of p16(Ink4a)-expressing
166                          Thus, Cas9-mediated suicide-gene insertion may be a viable genotype-specific
167 odel, we demonstrate that early-intervention suicide-gene-mediated senescent cell ablation improves p
168 pting normal life and increasing the risk of suicide greatly.
169 ise correlated specifically in the depressed suicide group, but not in the control group.
170 by other manners of death, those bereaved by suicide had higher risks for developing mental disorders
171              Spouses bereaved by a partner's suicide had higher risks of developing mental disorders
172         Calls to legalize physician-assisted suicide have increased and public interest in the subjec
173 e trials for borderline symptoms, self-harm, suicide, health service use, and general psychopathology
174                We estimated the incidence of suicide, hospital-presenting non-fatal self-harm, and co
175 models, soldiers were more likely to attempt suicide if 1 or more suicide attempts occurred in their
176  window towards understanding the biology of suicide, implicating biological pathways related to neur
177 al contraceptive use and suicide attempt and suicide in a nationwide prospective cohort study of all
178 cts due to depression or anxiety, or risk of suicide in AD patients.
179  one or more pesticides and the incidence of suicide in different countries.
180               However, the increased risk of suicide in girls following violent injury versus acciden
181  the risk of deaths by suicide and attempted suicide in individuals diagnosed with OCD, compared with
182                         The risk of death by suicide in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorde
183 h national registers to estimate the risk of suicide in OCD and identify the risk and protective fact
184 pt were the strongest predictors of death by suicide in TD/CTD patients (hazard ratio: 11.39; 95% CI:
185                      Self-reported attempted suicide in the 3 years before the interview.
186                         A recent increase in suicide in the United States has raised public and clini
187 ess the relative risk of suicide attempt and suicide in users of hormonal contraception.
188                                  Of the Army suicides in 2004-2009, 41.5% occurred among 12.0% of sol
189                 We collected data for prison suicides in 24 high-income countries in Europe, Australa
190 over the last 30 y is responsible for 59,300 suicides in India, accounting for 6.8% of the total upwa
191 chiatric disorders that increase the risk of suicide including depression, less is known about the co
192 e an in vivo example of a Serpin acting as a suicide inhibitor in plants, reminiscent of the activity
193                                              Suicide is a leading cause of deaths in the United State
194                                              Suicide is a public health crisis with limited treatment
195 ected suicidal intentions, although risk for suicide is only one of the considerations when providing
196                                  Exposure to suicide is stressful and affects the bereaved spouse on
197                                              Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adole
198 ssociation between their therapeutic use and suicide is unclear.
199        The primary outcome measures were the suicide items from clinician-administered (the Montgomer
200 e had significant benefits on the individual suicide items of the MADRS, the HAM-D, and the QIDS-SR b
201  disorder suicides (MDD-S, N=21) and MDD non-suicides (MDD, N=9) in the dorsal lateral prefrontal cor
202 CON, N=29), DSM-IV major depressive disorder suicides (MDD-S, N=21) and MDD non-suicides (MDD, N=9) i
203          Necroptosis is a physiological cell suicide mechanism initiated by receptor-interacting prot
204 83% of the association of TBI with attempted suicide mediated by co-occurring psychiatric conditions
205 s (men: 0.3; women: 0.2), and a decrease for suicide (men: -0.7; women: -0.5) and accidents (men: -0.
206  two studies investigating trends in overall suicide mortality reported a fall in deaths in Denmark,
207 n three of these countries, falls in overall suicide mortality.
208     I study India, where one fifth of global suicides occur and suicide rates have doubled since 1980
209                                        Three suicides occurred during the follow-up period, a rate co
210 s aged 15-24 years, and more than 50% of the suicides occurred in females.
211                                One death (by suicide) occurred in the MVC-TDF group but was judged no
212 h OCD had an increased risk of both dying by suicide (odds ratio (OR)=9.83 (95% confidence interval (
213 nce interval [CI]: 2.89-6.67) and attempting suicide (odds ratio: 3.86; 95% CI: 3.50-4.26).
214 ects, had an increased risk of both dying by suicide (odds ratio: 4.39; 95% confidence interval [CI]:
215 ncer-specific survival, and risk of death by suicide of women who were and were not treated for depre
216 le day's temperature causes approximately 70 suicides, on average.
217 ions were followed by decreases in pesticide suicides; one of the two studies investigating trends in
218 r altered DNA-dependent ATPase expression in suicide only.
219 e interval (CI), 8.72-11.08)) and attempting suicide (OR=5.45 (95% CI, 5.24-5.67)), compared with mat
220 k factors for repeat self-harm and completed suicide over the following year among adults with delibe
221 roportion of high school students attempting suicide owing to same-sex marriage implementation.
222             Standardised mortality rates for suicides (p < 0.001) and infant mortality (p = 0.003) in
223 firearms, have an exceptionally high risk of suicide, particularly right after the initial event, whi
224 ighest prison suicide rates of more than 100 suicides per 100 000 prisoners apart from Denmark (where
225 an countries had rates ranging from 23 to 67 suicides per 100 000 prisoners.
226  estimate postdischarge suicide rate was 484 suicides per 100000 person-years (95% CI, 422-555 suicid
227 calculate a pooled estimate of postdischarge suicides per 100000 person-years.
228 des per 100000 person-years (95% CI, 422-555 suicides per 100000 person-years; prediction interval, 8
229 ; and standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for suicide post-surgery.
230  (ED) is an opportune setting for initiating suicide prevention efforts, ED-initiated suicide prevent
231 ractice, are likely to be more effective for suicide prevention in rural Asia.
232 ing suicide prevention efforts, ED-initiated suicide prevention interventions remain underdeveloped.
233    Apoptosis is a genetically regulated cell suicide programme mediated by activation of the effector
234  (R(2)=0.31, p<0.05) that was not present in suicides (R(2)=0.00, p=0.97).
235                                          The suicide rate after discharge from psychiatric facilities
236            The pooled estimate postdischarge suicide rate was 484 suicides per 100000 person-years (9
237                                          The suicide rate was highest within 3 months after discharge
238 tion rates were associated with lower prison suicide rates (b = -0.504, p = 0.014), which was attenua
239 son administrations for 2011-14 to calculate suicide rates and rate ratios compared with the general
240 where one fifth of global suicides occur and suicide rates have doubled since 1980.
241                           We examined prison suicide rates in countries where reliable information wa
242 00), followed by western Europe where prison suicide rates in France and Belgium were more than 100 p
243      Nordic countries had the highest prison suicide rates of more than 100 suicides per 100 000 pris
244                            Changes in prison suicide rates over the past decade vary widely between c
245  Repeat self-harm per 1,000 person-years and suicide rates per 100,000 person-years (based on cause o
246                                              Suicide rates were higher among samples collected in the
247                                       Prison suicide rates, rate ratios, and associations with prison
248 cularly temperature, significantly influence suicide rates.
249 s have experienced a substantial increase in suicide rates.
250 e in reducing pesticide-specific and overall suicide rates.
251           The difference in hazard ratios of suicide-related events between lithium and valproate was
252 action suggested that 12% (95% CI 4%-20%) of suicide-related events could have been avoided if patien
253 on was used to estimate the hazard ratios of suicide-related events during treated periods compared w
254                     During follow-up, 10,648 suicide-related events occurred.
255 ciations of these two drugs with the risk of suicide-related events, and possible differences between
256 nificant associations between medication and suicide-related events, the population attributable frac
257 een imaging modalities and associations with suicide-related symptoms and behaviors.
258 eriod is a time of marked risk, but rates of suicide remain high for many years after discharge.
259                                              Suicide remains a clear, present and increasing public h
260  predictors phenotypic measures as apps (for suicide risk (CFI-S, Convergent Functional Information f
261 , and a clinical data set built to determine suicide risk from the language of emergency department p
262 d depression as well as specific elements of suicide risk including suicidal and death-related though
263     Our data indicate that stress-associated suicide risk is elevated in carriers of the GABRA6 rs321
264 ong-term safety and its efficacy in reducing suicide risk is needed before clinical implementation.
265  enriched information on clinician-evaluated suicide risk mandated by the VA/DoD CPG to be recorded.
266 us an intervention, which included secondary suicide risk screening by the ED physician, discharge re
267             Screening consisted of universal suicide risk screening.
268                                              Suicide risk should be carefully monitored in patients w
269  Post hoc measures for phenotypes related to suicide risk were also tested for association with rs321
270 ing the period of depression, disability and suicide risk.
271 e suicidal ideation in depression may reduce suicide risk.
272  post-ED telephone calls focused on reducing suicide risk.
273 e basis of autonomy, that physician-assisted suicide should be a legal option at the end of life.
274 ncreased in the post-mortem PFC of depressed suicide subjects relative to matched controls.
275             We created a linker based on the suicide substrate arabinosyl-2'-fluoro-2'-deoxy NAD(+) (
276 er understand such pressing social issues as suicide terrorism, holy wars, sectarian violence, gang-r
277 s with TBI (16%) were more likely to attempt suicide than those without (0.54% vs. 0.14%): adjusted h
278   Genetic models for studying localized cell suicide that halt the spread of pathogen infection and i
279                                              Suicides that occurred during active-duty military servi
280 whether blood gene expression biomarkers for suicide (that is, a 'liquid biopsy' approach) can be ide
281 gh environmental stress also plays a role in suicide, the possible role of this allele has not been i
282 we used either genetic (i.e., the INK-ATTAC 'suicide' transgene encoding an inducible caspase 8 expre
283 oach to dimerize an E3 ligase to trigger its suicide-type chemical knockdown inside cells.
284 gh throughput sequencing in brain samples of suicide victims who had suffered from major depressive d
285 ng and the UTR sequences within the genes of suicide victims.
286                                The hazard of suicide was higher after initial self-harm events involv
287  determine whether bereavement after spousal suicide was linked to an excessive risk of mental, physi
288                                              Suicide was the leading cause of injury deaths in indivi
289 terations in the striatal dopamine system in suicide, we conducted a quantitative autoradiographic su
290 nts are not known to be strong predictors of suicide, we investigated whether a precision medicine mo
291        Hazard ratios of repeat self-harm and suicide were estimated by Cox proportional hazard models
292 justed hazard ratios for suicide attempt and suicide were estimated for users of hormonal contracepti
293                      Those who had attempted suicide were included in the analysis.
294                                     Risks of suicide were increased following self-inflicted injury (
295                     INTERPRETATION: Risks of suicide were significantly increased after all types of
296 1 years, 6,999 first suicide attempts and 71 suicides were identified.
297  greater unintentional, pediatric, and adult suicide, White and overall FFR than restrictive states (
298 ears and compared people bereaved by spousal suicide with the general population and people bereaved
299  were from depressed individuals who died by suicide, with (N=27) or without (N=25) a history of seve
300 ticide self-poisoning accounts for 14-20% of suicides worldwide.

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