


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 suicide (ES) could inform China's efforts on suicide prevention.
2  therapeutic target to substantially advance suicide prevention.
3 of Mental Health and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
4 reakthroughs in security countermeasures and suicide prevention.
5  youth for suicide may be a critical step in suicide prevention.
6 decline highlight the relevance of pediatric suicide prevention.
7 al care in a randomized, controlled trial of suicide prevention.
8 ghts may offer new therapeutic strategies in suicide prevention.
9 ons affected by them may lead to progress in suicide prevention.
10 mentation and outcome evaluation for firearm suicide prevention.
11        Thus, the US surgeon general has made suicide prevention a national priority.
12                                  Research on suicide prevention and interventions requires a standard
13 eir family members are important targets for suicide prevention and treatment.
14 r self-harm and mental health are crucial to suicide prevention, but the wide range of antecedents em
15 eived a psychosocial therapy intervention at suicide prevention clinics in Denmark during 1992-2010 w
16 thium has positive effects in depression and suicide prevention, cognition, and reducing the incidenc
17 nhance suicide prevention efforts by linking suicide prevention data with existing data systems.
18 ives and suicide could help to inform future suicide prevention efforts and improve safety for patien
19  the continuing global recession, additional suicide prevention efforts and long-term monitoring and
20 ort provides a road map for optimizing youth suicide prevention efforts by highlighting strategies fo
21 s untapped potential to evaluate and enhance suicide prevention efforts by linking suicide prevention
22 ctive, and precipitating factors relevant to suicide prevention efforts in children younger than 12 y
23 port that addressed data systems relevant to suicide prevention efforts through a contract with the A
24  (ED) is an opportune setting for initiating suicide prevention efforts, ED-initiated suicide prevent
25  for using antidepressant treatment in youth suicide prevention efforts, especially for males, older
26 tion has the potential to critically bolster suicide prevention efforts.
27 nderstanding of this association may improve suicide prevention efforts.
28 lth-service-seeking, alternate approaches to suicide-prevention efforts may be needed for those less
29  increase suicide risk in youth and consider suicide-prevention efforts specific to rural settings.
30                                           18 suicide prevention experts from 13 European countries re
31 rane Library using multiple terms related to suicide prevention for studies published between Jan 1,
32 rm in prisoners is an essential component of suicide prevention in prisons.
33 res the need for substantial improvements in suicide prevention in prisons.
34 ractice, are likely to be more effective for suicide prevention in rural Asia.
35 use of maternal death, but evidence to guide suicide prevention in this group is scarce.
36 rtant and hitherto unrecognised component of suicide prevention in young adults.
37                                Approaches to suicide prevention include those targeting high-risk gro
38                   In the quest for effective suicide prevention initiatives, no single strategy clear
39 ing suicide prevention efforts, ED-initiated suicide prevention interventions remain underdeveloped.
40 nt updated evidence for the effectiveness of suicide prevention interventions since 2005.
41                                        Youth suicide prevention is a major public health priority.
42                                     Although suicide prevention is ideally primary, in fact most trea
43                                              Suicide prevention is now a health priority in many coun
44 e exists to assess the possible benefits for suicide prevention of screening in primary care, in gene
45                                      Optimal suicide prevention plans must consider major local risk
46                                            A suicide prevention program has never been tested in a re
47                                    Sustained suicide prevention programming efforts may be needed to
48 ed an observational study of community-based suicide prevention programs for youths across 46 states
49                                              Suicide prevention programs have become ubiquitous among
50 menting the effectiveness of community-based suicide prevention programs in reducing the number of no
51                  Comprehensive, multifaceted suicide prevention programs, including gatekeeper traini
52              A pressing question in military suicide prevention research is whether deployment in sup
53 ata from prevention studies to advance youth suicide prevention research.
54                Many countries are developing suicide prevention strategies for which up-to-date, high
55 ed for developing more far-reaching national suicide prevention strategies is indicated.
56 enefit in addressing economic poverty within suicide prevention strategies, with particular attention
57  the chosen suicide methods may help improve suicide prevention strategies.
58 essed elderly men are particular targets for suicide prevention strategies.
59 ess to lethal means [such as firearms]) as a suicide prevention strategy.
60 idence regarding lethal means reduction as a suicide-prevention strategy.
61 fective and should be an important part of a suicide-prevention strategy.
62 t on the individual characteristics present, suicide prevention usually includes a pharmacological co

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