


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 enes related to unfolded protein binding and sulfate assimilation.
2  regulation of APR gene expression and plant sulfate assimilation.
3  incorporate it into cysteine during primary sulfate assimilation.
4  cysteine auxotrophy, indicating its role in sulfate assimilation.
5  we analyzed regulation of the key enzyme of sulfate assimilation, adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reduct
6 ain by the APR2 isoform of the key enzyme of sulfate assimilation, adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reduct
7        A single cell model that includes the sulfate assimilation and ethanol degradation pathways re
8 alysis revealed that transcripts involved in sulfate assimilation and sulfonate metabolism were drama
9 PS kinase, which catalyze the early steps of sulfate assimilation, and of the Aspergillus enzyme, cys
10                 However, other components of sulfate assimilation are induced by sulfate starvation,
11 orms of ATP sulfurylase, the first enzyme of sulfate assimilation, as well as a low-affinity sulfate
12 ndicate that fprA is necessary for effective sulfate assimilation by P. putida and that the effect of
13 ut the molecular mechanisms of regulation of sulfate assimilation by stress.
14       Transposon insertions within genes for sulfate assimilation (cysD, cysNC, and cysG [cobA2]) dom
15 y the glutathione-depletion driven model for sulfate assimilation gene induction during cadmium stres
16 are necessary to induce the transcription of sulfate assimilation genes during early cadmium stress.
17                         Mutations that alter sulfate assimilation in Arabidopsis were mapped to the s
18 alyzes the first committed step of reductive sulfate assimilation in pathogenic bacteria, including M
19  Thus, Zap1 is responsible for a decrease in sulfate assimilation in zinc-limited cells.
20                                              Sulfate assimilation is a critical component of both pri
21 t the FeS cluster is possible and that plant sulfate assimilation is predominantly dependent on reduc
22                                        Plant sulfate assimilation is regulated by demand for reduced
23 he most intriguing link between hormones and sulfate assimilation is the fact that the main regulator
24 two genes encoding subsequent enzymes in the sulfate assimilation pathway but using different mechani
25  reductase (APR), an enzyme of the reductive sulfate assimilation pathway in prokaryotes and plants.
26 scripts to enable increased flux through the sulfate assimilation pathway in sulfate-deficient plants
27  regulation of plant APR and reveal that the sulfate assimilation pathway is controlled by a complex
28 8.4.9) catalyzes a key reaction in the plant sulfate assimilation pathway leading to the synthesis of
29                            Consequently, the sulfate assimilation pathway of M. tuberculosis proceeds
30  genes encode the first three enzymes of the sulfate assimilation pathway.
31        These metabolites are products of the sulfate assimilation pathway.
32 a mutant lacking the reductive branch of the sulfate assimilation pathway.
33 APS) reductase catalyze two reactions in the sulfate assimilation pathway.
34 adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate reductase in the sulfate assimilation pathway.
35 ction of sulfite to sulfide in the reductive sulfate assimilation pathway.
36 t proteins of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis sulfate-assimilation pathway (SAP) represent major immun
37                                    Bacterial sulfate assimilation pathways provide for activation of
38                                              Sulfate assimilation provides reduced sulfur for synthes
39 te that, in addition to participating in the sulfate assimilation reductive pathway, SiR also plays a
40 eductase (SiR) is an essential enzyme of the sulfate assimilation reductive pathway, which catalyzes
41 rylase catalyzes the first committed step in sulfate assimilation to produce APS, which is subsequent
42  that cells that are unable to down-regulate sulfate assimilation under zinc deficiency experience in
43                   Measuring the flux through sulfate assimilation using [(35) S]sulfate confirmed the
44  of the regulatory circuit controlling plant sulfate assimilation with a complex mechanism of action.

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