コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 l ("PAPS synthetase") ancestor of fungal ATP sulfurylase.
2 erminal domain that is present in fungal ATP sulfurylase.
3 ress curves during the first turnover of ATP sulfurylase.
4 c differences between the two classes of ATP sulfurylase.
5 -terminal APS kinase and a COOH-terminal ATP sulfurylase.
6 code APS kinase, while exons 6-13 encode ATP sulfurylase.
7 get superoxide dismutases, laccases, and ATP sulfurylases.
8 and a carrier-free [35S]-Na2(35)SO4 with ATP sulfurylase, a recombinant APS kinase and inorganic pyro
11 o sulfurylase activity, and H506A had normal sulfurylase activity but produced an effect on kinase ac
15 tant role for the HXGH histidines in the ATP sulfurylase activity of bifunctional PAPS synthase and s
17 G59A caused a significant decrease in ATP-sulfurylase activity without effect on APS kinase activi
18 d kinase activity, R522A and R522K showed no sulfurylase activity, and H506A had normal sulfurylase a
19 e exon 6-encoded peptide showed no kinase or sulfurylase activity, demonstrating that exon 6 encodes
20 xhibited a significant (60%) loss of reverse sulfurylase activity, suggesting that this peptide regio
21 that the HXXH motif plays a role only in the sulfurylase activity, whereas the PP-loop is involved in
26 domain of the mouse bifunctional enzyme ATP sulfurylase/adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS) kinase con
30 s synthesized by the concerted action of ATP sulfurylase and adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS) kinase
31 resses a gene product that exhibits both ATP sulfurylase and adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (APS) kinase
32 lase kinase (SK) polypeptide having both ATP-sulfurylase and adenosine-phosphosulfate kinase activiti
33 t containing an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sulfurylase and an adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS) kin
36 tial actions of two cytoplasmic enzymes, ATP sulfurylase and APS kinase, and then must be transferred
37 to the nature and control of the enzymes ATP sulfurylase and APS kinase, which catalyze the early ste
38 Arabidopsis plants the total activity of ATP sulfurylase and APS reductase declines by 3-fold in leav
41 emiluminescent detection of PP(i), using ATP sulfurylase and firefly luciferase, was adapted to monit
47 mposed of cysteine biosynthesis enzymes, ATP sulfurylase and O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase, each with
48 selenate, (b) activation of selenate by ATP sulfurylase, and (b) conversion of selenomethionine (SeM
49 unctions of this unique protein (reverse ATP-sulfurylase, APS kinase, and an overall assay) were used
50 ution X-ray crystal structure of Aquifex ATP sulfurylase-APS kinase bifunctional enzyme is presented.
51 and sequence comparison of bifunctional ATP sulfurylase/APS kinase and monofunctional ATP sulfurylas
53 genes, ATPSK2 and Atpsk2, encoding novel ATP sulfurylase/APS kinase orthologues in the respective reg
54 ty sulfate transporter (AST68) and three ATP sulfurylases (APS1, APS3 and APS4) in higher plants.
57 e activity of key S assimilatory enzymes ATP sulfurylase (ATPS), APS reductase (APR), and serine acet
58 ulfate through adenylation by the enzyme ATP sulfurylase (ATPS), forming adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate
59 -affinity sulphate transporter and three ATP sulfurylases (ATPS) were the target genes of AthmiR395 (
60 merization interface compared with other ATP sulfurylases but was similar to mammalian 3'-phosphoaden
63 ur-assimilating organisms such as fungi, ATP sulfurylase catalyzes the first committed step in sulfat
64 nas reinhardtii adenosine triphosphate (ATP) sulfurylase cDNA clone (pATS1) was selected by complemen
65 e in this pathway, adenosine-5'-triphosphate sulfurylase, conferred significant protection against mu
66 mino acid sequence of the C. reinhardtii ATP sulfurylase, derived from the nucleotide sequence of the
67 kinase-like C-terminal region of fungal ATP sulfurylase does not account for the lack of APS kinase
68 Expressed protein generated from the ATP-sulfurylase domain alone was fully active in both the fo
69 The former reaction is catalyzed by the ATP-sulfurylase domain and the latter by the APS-kinase doma
70 this peptide region is interacting with the sulfurylase domain as well as functioning in the kinase
71 ) synthetase consists of a COOH-terminal ATP-sulfurylase domain covalently linked through a nonhomolo
72 phosphodiester bond of ATP, whereas the ATP sulfurylase domain involves cleavage of the alpha-beta p
73 ted mutagenesis of the HXGH motif in the ATP sulfurylase domain of human PAPS synthase (amino acids 4
74 highly conserved HXGH motif found in the ATP sulfurylase domain of PAPS synthases is involved in ATP
75 of a highly conserved HXGH motif in the ATP sulfurylase domain of PAPS synthases, a motif implicated
79 nd step in which APS, the product of the ATP-sulfurylase domain, is phosphorylated on its 3'-hydroxyl
80 e, chlorate, and perchlorate bind to the ATP sulfurylase domain, with the first five serving as alter
83 osulfate (APS) kinase consists of kinase and sulfurylase domains, and catalyzes two sequential reacti
89 e present here, the crystal structure of ATP sulfurylase from this bacterium at 1.7 A resolution.
94 r chemolithotrophic bacteria, the enzyme ATP sulfurylase functions to produce ATP and inorganic sulfa
96 ct release step(s) were confirmed in the ATP sulfurylase-GTPase reaction by a burst of product in pre
99 ATS1), is 25 to 40% identical to that of ATP sulfurylases in other eukaryotic organisms and has a put
101 on of chlorate, a widely used cell-permeable sulfurylase inhibitor, function to reduce lithium-induce
102 by the binding of activators that drive ATP sulfurylase into forms that mimic different stages of th
104 g of mGMPPNP to the E.AMP.PPi complex of ATP sulfurylase is biphasic, indicating that an isomerizatio
105 tion of Arabidopsis leaves revealed that ATP sulfurylase isoenzymes exist in the chloroplast and the
106 reaction, the x-ray crystal structure of ATP sulfurylase isoform 1 from soybean (Glycine max ATP sulf
109 APS synthesis is catalyzed by a bifunctional sulfurylase kinase (SK) polypeptide having both ATP-sulf
111 ast to the wild type enzyme, recombinant ATP sulfurylase lacking the C-terminal allosteric domain was
115 lanine mutants (H425A, H428A, and R421A) had sulfurylase or overall activity, whereas they all exhibi
117 ucture and kinetic analysis suggest that ATP sulfurylase overcomes the energetic barrier of APS synth
118 otal, the results suggest that cytosolic ATP sulfurylase plays a specialized function that is probabl
119 eady-state kinetic analysis of 20 G. max ATP sulfurylase point mutants suggests a reaction mechanism
120 ase sequence at the NH2-terminal side of the sulfurylase recombinant eventually stabilized sulfurylas
121 in the fungal enzyme, the motif serves as a sulfurylase regulatory domain that binds the allosteric
122 tions in the sulfate activation pathway, ATP-sulfurylase (S) and APS-kinase (K), are fused as 'KS' in
123 ulfurylase/APS kinase and monofunctional ATP sulfurylases shows a limited number of highly conserved
126 aled that paralemmin, molybdopterin synthase sulfurylase, Tel6 oncogene (ETV6), a cleavage-specific f
127 rium was found to contain high levels of ATP sulfurylase that may provide a substantial fraction of t
128 lly linked to the chemistry catalyzed by ATP sulfurylase, the first enzyme in the cysteine biosynthet
129 ch targets three out of four isoforms of ATP sulfurylase, the first enzyme of sulfate assimilation, a
130 iption factor maintain optimal levels of ATP sulfurylase transcripts to enable increased flux through
133 ne, reported to be an inhibitor of brain ATP sulfurylase, was without effect on PAPS synthetase isofo
134 y-state stages of the catalytic cycle of ATP sulfurylase were studied using tools capable of distingu
135 ifex enzyme is reminiscent of the fungal ATP sulfurylase, which contains a C-terminal domain that is
136 encodes the ATPS1 isoform of the enzyme ATP sulfurylase, which precedes adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate
137 ted step in this pathway is catalyzed by ATP sulfurylase, which synthesizes adenosine 5'-phosphosulfa
140 he reported crystal structures of fungal ATP sulfurylases, which contained bound substrates, but it i
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