


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lood-brain barrier-permeable 5-HT1BR agonist sumatriptan.
2 he RVM did not block the effects of systemic sumatriptan.
3 ation persisted after pain was controlled by sumatriptan.
4 novascular neurons are directly inhibited by sumatriptan.
5 nitially decreased after IS, increased after sumatriptan.
6 itially dropped after IS, remained low after sumatriptan.
7 f after treatment with the antimigraine drug sumatriptan.
8 t continued to have an excellent response to sumatriptan.
9 ished by tonabersat pre-treatment but not by sumatriptan.
10 eurons by the serotonergic antimigraine drug sumatriptan.
11 on into clinical use of the 5HT1B/1D agonist sumatriptan.
12  which predicts the antimigraine efficacy of sumatriptan.
13 urned to normal by a 5-HT1 receptor agonist, sumatriptan.
14                       The same held true for sumatriptan (0.7 mumol/kg) and GTI (0.6 mumol/kg).
15  receptor subtype, since the 5-HT1D agonist, sumatriptan (1 microM), was effective.
16 s inhibited by CP 93129 (1 nM-10 microM) and sumatriptan (1 nM-1 microM), agonists at 5-HT1B and 5-HT
17                                              Sumatriptan 100 mg orally and 6 mg subcutaneously aborte
18 y iontophoresis of ergometrine (9/10 cells), sumatriptan (2/3 cells) and zolmitriptan (9/15 cells) bu
19  Following pre-treatment with vehicle (n=3), sumatriptan (300 microg kg(-1) i.v, n=3) or tonabersat (
20                               The effects of sumatriptan (300 microg/kg i.v.) on central sensitizatio
21                                Coejection of sumatriptan, 4991W93, or ergometrine resulted in a signi
22 triptan, 85 mg, and naproxen sodium, 500 mg; sumatriptan, 85 mg (monotherapy); naproxen sodium, 500 m
23  ratio to receive a single tablet containing sumatriptan, 85 mg, and naproxen sodium, 500 mg; sumatri
24                                              Sumatriptan, 85 mg, plus naproxen sodium, 500 mg, as a s
25     The current study examines the effect of sumatriptan, a 5-HT(1B/1D) agonist and effective antimig
26 over, this study also examined the effect of sumatriptan, a clinically effective antimigraine agent,
27                           In the presence of sumatriptan, a decrease below baseline in cortical rCBF(
28                                              Sumatriptan, a drug commonly used to treat headaches, bl
29 tration of 5HT1(B/D) antagonists on systemic sumatriptan action and (2) determining whether RVM appli
30 ficacy, the cellular target and mechanism of sumatriptan action are not well understood beyond the ph
31 tase inhibitor okadaic acid, suggesting that sumatriptan action is mediated by calcium-recruited phos
32 ed by using the ionophore ionomycin to mimic sumatriptan action.
33                                              Sumatriptan administered into the RVM similarly produced
34 fective migraine drugs, the 5-HT1B/D agonist sumatriptan and a CGRP-blocking monoclonal antibody, att
35                    We first demonstrate that sumatriptan and another 5-HT1 agonist, CGS 12066A (CGS),
36 antagonists blocked the repression caused by sumatriptan and eletriptan.
37                                         Oral sumatriptan and naratriptan are effective as short-term
38        These results suggest that CP-93,129, sumatriptan, and GTI exert their effects via 5-HT1B (5-H
39                                              Sumatriptan appears to decrease the amplitude of nitric
40                                              Sumatriptan blunted the increase in blood flow following
41 RP gene expression during migraine, and that sumatriptan can diametrically oppose that activation via
42 tured trigeminal neurons to demonstrate that sumatriptan can directly repress CGRP secretion from sen
43            Here we examined whether the drug sumatriptan can prevent and/or suppress peripheral and c
44 y of the 5-HT1B autoreceptor but shifted the sumatriptan concentration-response curve to the right (P
45                               The potency of sumatriptan, CP-122,288, CP-93,129, and 5-CT in wild-typ
46                                     Systemic sumatriptan did not alter pain relief-induced CPP in rat
47 y effective antimigraine 5-HT(1B/1D) agonist sumatriptan did not inhibit forskolin-stimulated CGRP re
48                                Unexpectedly, sumatriptan did not lower cAMP levels, in contrast to th
49 gered by nitroglycerin and was unaffected by sumatriptan, dihydroergotamine and ergotamine.
50 ion was established in both types of neuron, sumatriptan effectively normalized intracranial mechanic
51                                We found that sumatriptan effectively prevented the induction of sensi
52 (1B/D) agonists, including the triptan drugs sumatriptan, eletriptan, and rizatriptan that are used f
53                                     Systemic sumatriptan elicited a dose- and time-related blockade o
54                                              Sumatriptan had no effect on the number of depolarisatio
55       The most widely used 5-HT1D agonist is sumatriptan; however, this agent reportedly displays lit
56 ation of saline or the antimigraine compound sumatriptan in chloralose-anesthetized cats.
57                                         Late sumatriptan intervention counteracted two aspects of cen
58                      On the other hand, late sumatriptan intervention did not reverse other aspects o
59                                        Early sumatriptan intervention effectively blocked the develop
60             The mechanism for this action of sumatriptan is unknown but may include; modulation of ce
61                                              Sumatriptan is used specifically to relieve headache pai
62 and 23% in studies 1 and 2, respectively) to sumatriptan monotherapy (16% and 14% in studies 1 and 2)
63 ilar between sumatriptan-naproxen sodium and sumatriptan monotherapy.
64                            Pretreatment with sumatriptan (n = 9) produced a highly significant reduct
65 ally in the treatment of migraine, including sumatriptan, naproxen, and a calcitonin gene-related pep
66 ain-free response for the comparison between sumatriptan-naproxen sodium and each monotherapy.
67  of absence of nausea did not differ between sumatriptan-naproxen sodium and placebo (65% vs 64%; P =
68 absence of nausea for the comparison between sumatriptan-naproxen sodium and placebo, and the percent
69 idence of adverse events was similar between sumatriptan-naproxen sodium and sumatriptan monotherapy.
70  nausea 2 hours after dosing was higher with sumatriptan-naproxen sodium than placebo in study 1 (71%
71                                              Sumatriptan-naproxen sodium was more effective than plac
72  2- to 24-hour sustained pain-free response, sumatriptan-naproxen sodium was superior at P<.01 (25% a
73 rison with known antimigraine agents such as sumatriptan, naratriptan, rizatriptan, and VML-251.
74 th an initial trial of ibuprofen followed by sumatriptan nasal spray for children over 12 years of ag
75 f migraine are ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and sumatriptan nasal spray, all of which have shown safety
76  superoxide concentrations and the effect of sumatriptan on each variable.
77                      The effects of systemic sumatriptan on referred hypersensitivity were tested in
78 esion of the rACC or treatment with systemic sumatriptan or alphaCGRP(8-37) abolished RVM lidocaine-i
79            Co-administration of NXN-323 with sumatriptan over several days prevented the expression o
80                  Following initiation of SD, sumatriptan pretreatment (300 microg kg(-1) i.v., 15 min
81                                              Sumatriptan regulation of CGRP gene expression did not c
82                               Treatment with sumatriptan repressed NGF- and MAPK-stimulated CGRP prom
83 d (2) determining whether RVM application of sumatriptan reproduced the actions of systemic drug admi
84  increased after IS, remained elevated after sumatriptan; response threshold to heating of the skin,
85                      Treatment with the drug sumatriptan returns CGRP levels to normal coincident wit
86 -4-yl)pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrid-5-one (CP-93,129), sumatriptan, serotonin-5-O-carboxymethyl-glycyl -tyrosin
87                                              Sumatriptan significantly (Students t-test, P<0.05, two
88 and safety of a fixed-dose tablet containing sumatriptan succinate and naproxen sodium relative to ef
89                         We analyzed data for sumatriptan succinate nasal spray and zolmitriptan, elet
90                    Our findings suggest that sumatriptan suppresses either inflammatory or noninflamm
91                                              Sumatriptan treatment blocked NAc dopamine release in IM
92                     The possible efficacy of sumatriptan was investigated in 2 models of visceral pai
93                                   Effects of sumatriptan within the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM

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