


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 omerase I, an enzyme that relaxes negatively supercoiled DNA.
2 elative cleavage enhancement with positively supercoiled DNA.
3 lexes with positively rather than negatively supercoiled DNA.
4  only when the enzyme is bound to positively supercoiled DNA.
5 myc FUSE in vitro only in single-stranded or supercoiled DNA.
6 e reaction and preferentially cut negatively supercoiled DNA.
7 ith AMPPNP, the product is a hypernegatively supercoiled DNA.
8 u and a distant enhancer site (E) located on supercoiled DNA.
9 as well as for 4-way junction structures and supercoiled DNA.
10 vored over the longer loops, particularly on supercoiled DNA.
11 yme intermediate, resulting in relaxation of supercoiled DNA.
12 measure the curvature of apical positions in supercoiled DNA.
13 ase in the relaxation activity of negatively supercoiled DNA.
14 s a sensor of the conformational dynamics of supercoiled DNA.
15  for predicting equilibrium conformations of supercoiled DNA.
16 t formation of FI*, a highly unwound form of supercoiled DNA.
17 istone-like protein HU and close the loop in supercoiled DNA.
18 f topoisomerase IIIalpha to relax negatively supercoiled DNA.
19 multiprotein complex containing GalR, HU and supercoiled DNA.
20 he effect of Mg2+on a cruciform extrusion in supercoiled DNA.
21 ith LacI's preference for binding negatively supercoiled DNA.
22 ngle-stranded DNA and cleave double-stranded supercoiled DNA.
23 ibited toward both positively and negatively supercoiled DNA.
24 n the GalR-binding sites, and (3) negatively supercoiled DNA.
25 s) about the midpoint between OE and OI, and supercoiled DNA.
26 ntal values of the diffusion coefficients of supercoiled DNA.
27 ate promoter (AdMLP) contained on negatively supercoiled DNA.
28 onstant, B, that depends on conformations of supercoiled DNA.
29 position of three sites at a branch point in supercoiled DNA.
30 , we also detect exposed bases in positively supercoiled DNA.
31 nces on the tertiary structure of negatively supercoiled DNA.
32 with respect to their activities in relaxing supercoiled DNA.
33 nt models for encounters of distant sites on supercoiled DNA.
34 de atomistic insight into the flexibility of supercoiled DNA.
35  enzyme to catalyze relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA.
36 ty, demonstrated by their ability to degrade supercoiled DNA.
37  a cofactor for the relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA.
38 the topology (topological linking number) of supercoiled DNA.
39 RuvB proteins displayed helicase activity on supercoiled DNA.
40 role in maintaining DNA topology by relaxing supercoiled DNA.
41 onuclease that makes single-strand breaks in supercoiled DNA.
42  the protein has a preference for binding to supercoiled DNA.
43 regions or nicks as well as relax negatively supercoiled DNA.
44 s between linear double-stranded (dsDNA) and supercoiled DNA.
45 l Escherichia coli RNAPs as they transcribed supercoiled DNA.
46 ies in its preference of relaxing negatively supercoiled DNA.
47  polar region of potential energy within the supercoiled DNA.
48 icient for the production of hypernegatively supercoiled DNA.
49 ecially the V256I variant towards positively supercoiled DNA.
50 gative supercoils to produce hypernegatively supercoiled DNA.
51 al role in the generation of hypernegatively supercoiled DNA.
52 t can crosslink two separate DNA segments in supercoiled DNA.
53 amic continuum rod model of a long length of supercoiled DNA.
54 tions to determine the structure of bent and supercoiled DNA.
55 opoIIalpha-mediated relaxation of positively supercoiled DNA.
56 lity of topoisomerase I to cleave positively supercoiled DNA.
57 G-rich sequence of this region in negatively supercoiled DNA.
58 linear dsDNA and its homologous pairing with supercoiled DNA.
59 ich is necessary for relaxation reactions of supercoiled DNA.
60 ed double-stranded DNA, when transcribed, or supercoiled DNA.
61 lar DNA has been enzymatically prepared from supercoiled DNA.
62 levels of cleavage complexes with positively supercoiled DNA.
63 of linear DNAs but retarded the diffusion of supercoiled DNAs.
64      The interaction of these compounds with supercoiled DNA, a double-stranded DNA fragment, and a s
65 ry out DNA cleavage and strand transfer from supercoiled DNA, a new picture of the disposition of DNA
66 ition are in the range of ms even for highly supercoiled DNA, about two orders of magnitude higher th
67       In the presence of just 10 mM MgCl(2), supercoiled DNA adopts essentially the same set of confo
68 d the formation of joint molecules between a supercoiled DNA and a linear dsDNA substrate with homolo
69 A is the product of the concentration of the supercoiled DNA and a proportionality constant, B, that
70 d III (Topo I and Topo III) relax negatively supercoiled DNA and also catenate/decatenate DNA molecul
71 po IIIbeta only partially relaxes negatively supercoiled DNA and appears incapable of generating full
72 ximately one StpA molecule per 250-300 bp of supercoiled DNA and approximately one StpA molecule per
73 tion activity of Top3beta on hypernegatively supercoiled DNA and changes the reaction from a distribu
74 thesized and tested for its ability to relax supercoiled DNA and cleave linear duplex DNA in a sequen
75 merase I (Top1p) catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA and constitutes the cellular target of c
76 acetylation of oligonucleosomes assembled on supercoiled DNA and dinucleosomes assembled on linear DN
77  Here we report that the irradiation of both supercoiled DNA and DNA oligonucleotides in the presence
78 strand scission leading to the relaxation of supercoiled DNA and formation of at least two different
79 anscriptional activation in vitro depends on supercoiled DNA and high salt concentrations, a conditio
80 s shown that a joint molecule, consisting of supercoiled DNA and homologous ODN targeted to correct t
81 with respect to their activities in relaxing supercoiled DNA and in single-turnover strand cleavage.
82 takes advantage of oligonucleotide uptake by supercoiled DNA and is an important step forward.
83   Relaxation is powered by the torque in the supercoiled DNA and is constrained by friction between t
84    Progress in structural biology studies of supercoiled DNA and its complexes with regulatory protei
85 merase IV, enhanced relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA and knotting by topoisomerase IV, which
86                       TOP3B relaxes negative supercoiled DNA and reduces transcription-generated R lo
87 es the ability of topo I to relax negatively supercoiled DNA and specifically stimulates the religati
88              The process requires negatively supercoiled DNA and the presence of the histone-like pro
89  extracting the cleavage pattern specific to supercoiled DNA and use this method to investigate the h
90  Nicking by RepC occurred only in negatively supercoiled DNA and was force- and twist-dependent.
91 isomerases is required for the relaxation of supercoiled DNA and was hypothesized to be required for
92 ymus topoisomerase I (CT Topo I) on a native supercoiled DNA and, if so, whether the enzyme catalyzes
93                        Moreover, cleavage of supercoiled DNA, and estimates of strand-specific cleava
94 production of relatively large quantities of supercoiled DNA, and low cost.
95 grase, MAP30's ability to irreversibly relax supercoiled DNA, and may be an alternative cytotoxic pat
96 es, identify local alternative structures in supercoiled DNA, and monitor structural dynamics of DNA
97 ved in experimental sedimentation studies of supercoiled DNA, and our results provide a physical expl
98                                   Binding to supercoiled DNA appears to be promoted by protein oligom
99                           Thermal motions in supercoiled DNA are studied by Brownian dynamics (BD) si
100 ruciform, suggesting that these positions in supercoiled DNA are under additional stress and perhaps
101 tically modifies this picture by introducing supercoiled DNA as a competing structure in addition to
102 s to assess the conformational properties of supercoiled DNA as a function of ionic conditions and su
103              We studied the conformations of supercoiled DNA as a function of superhelicity and ionic
104 d crossings, Topo IV can specifically unknot supercoiled DNA, as well as decatenate postreplicative c
105  sinusoidal variation from SfiI reactions on supercoiled DNA at 50 degreesC yielded a helical repeat
106 ve topoisomerase that is capable of relaxing supercoiled DNA at a broad range of Mg2+ concentrations;
107                Eu(III)P3W and Ce(IV)P3W nick supercoiled DNA at pH 6.9, although EuP3W is more active
108 tein interactions in vitro may be favored on supercoiled DNA because of topological constraints.
109 press transcription in the absence of HU and supercoiled DNA both in vivo and in vitro.
110 th the Hin synaptic complex at the base of a supercoiled DNA branch.
111 in TFIIIB transcription factor activity with supercoiled DNA but are inactive with linear duplex DNA.
112  the proteins preferentially bind negatively supercoiled DNA but the details of the topology-dependen
113                    Photochemical cleavage of supercoiled DNA by (S)-A-62176 is much more efficient th
114                         The photocleavage of supercoiled DNA by (S)-A-62176 is unaffected by the pres
115 omerase I (Top1) catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA by a conserved mechanism of transient DN
116 otic type IB enzyme, catalyzes relaxation of supercoiled DNA by cleaving and rejoining DNA strands th
117 ype IB topoisomerases catalyze relaxation of supercoiled DNA by cleaving and rejoining DNA strands vi
118                     Relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA by DNA gyrase is inhibited, whereas the
119 release the free energy stored in negatively supercoiled DNA by extruding the repeat as a cruciform.
120  of Rad51 protein to promote the invasion of supercoiled DNA by homologous GT-rich single-stranded DN
121 -based assay for ATP-dependent relaxation of supercoiled DNA by human TOP2A can also be used under id
122 atively supercoiled compared with positively supercoiled DNA by MukB.
123 at topo IV discriminates between (-) and (+) supercoiled DNA by recognition of the geometry of (+) SC
124 tional change required for the relaxation of supercoiled DNA by the enzyme.
125 e presence of YejK, relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA by topoisomerase IV becomes distributive
126 is-buffered solutions the Raman signature of supercoiled DNA can be obscured by Raman bands of Tris c
127 preparation, but ''ghost bands" of denatured supercoiled DNA can result if the pH is too high or the
128 ve any advantage to (+) supercoiled over (-) supercoiled DNA catenanes for unlinking.
129                        We showed that in (-) supercoiled DNA catenanes this protein-bound bent segmen
130 ter simulation, conformational properties of supercoiled DNA catenanes.
131 partially relaxed molecules with a D-loop or supercoiled DNA circles.
132            To determine how distant sites on supercoiled DNA communicate with each other, the mechani
133 ctive diameter is the primary determinant of supercoiled DNA conformations.
134                       Such highly positively supercoiled DNA, containing ultraviolet irradiation-indu
135 s later discovered to either relax or cleave supercoiled DNA, depending upon whether Nae I position 4
136 y and unambiguously that overall geometry of supercoiled DNA depends dramatically on ionic conditions
137 tomic force microscopy (AFM) for imaging the supercoiled DNA deposited at different ionic conditions.
138 have enabled researchers to obtain images of supercoiled DNAs deposited on mica surfaces in buffered
139 diffused slower when size of DNAs increased; supercoiled DNAs diffused faster than linear ones; mucus
140                    To catalyze relaxation of supercoiled DNA, DNA topoisomerases form a covalent enzy
141                        Whereas DnaD opens up supercoiled DNA, DnaB acts as a lateral compaction prote
142 tion barrier against the merge of oppositely supercoiled DNA domains.
143                              Both linear and supercoiled DNA facilitated GH5 interactions compared to
144 nfected insect cells binds preferentially to supercoiled DNA, forming bands with lower electrophoreti
145  have simulated transfers of a 3760-basepair supercoiled DNA from solution to a surface in both 161 a
146                                  Exc relaxed supercoiled DNA, had a conserved tyrosine as its active
147 on is stimulated over 20-fold from linear or supercoiled DNA if CTP is present during formation of in
148       BapE fragments chromosomes by cleaving supercoiled DNA in a sequence-nonspecific manner, thereb
149 he C-terminal domain partially competes with supercoiled DNA in binding to p53, while antibodies targ
150 old decrease in processivity was observed on supercoiled DNA in comparison with linear DNA.
151 , indicating that TopI is necessary to relax supercoiled DNA in Hi.
152  an exemplary member of this family, relaxes supercoiled DNA in the absence of a divalent cation or A
153 to be active in the relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA in the absence of additional Mg(II).
154 ATA box-directed transcription of linear and supercoiled DNA in the absence of Bdp1.
155        Condensin bound preferentially to (+) supercoiled DNA in the presence of ATP but not in its ab
156 s capable of efficiently relaxing negatively supercoiled DNA in the presence of Mg2+ but does not pos
157  can induce the formation of hypernegatively supercoiled DNA in vitro and in vivo.
158  of nucleosomes on negatively and positively supercoiled DNA in vitro.
159 scopic models of unmelted and locally melted supercoiled DNAs in 20 mM ionic strength are simulated o
160                                   Evidently, supercoiled DNAs in solution are typically deformed fart
161 ritten to perform Monte Carlo simulations of supercoiled DNAs in solution was modified to include a s
162 ever, much about supercoiled DNA (positively supercoiled DNA, in particular) remains unknown.
163  for topoisomerase II-mediated relaxation of supercoiled DNA indicate that the benzodiimidazole and d
164                           To enable entry of supercoiled DNA into cells, the pores should have suffic
165 chain RIP from Phytolacca americana, cleaves supercoiled DNA into relaxed and linear forms.
166                        Tertiary structure of supercoiled DNA is a significant factor in a number of g
167 nd that the affinity of DmORC for negatively supercoiled DNA is about 30-fold higher than for either
168                The photochemical cleavage of supercoiled DNA is also inhibited by 1 mM KI.
169 ow that the decrease in damage in positively supercoiled DNA is controlled at the level of thiol acti
170         Enhanced drug efficacy on positively supercoiled DNA is due primarily to an increase in basel
171  demonstrate that enzyme bound to positively supercoiled DNA is in a different conformation from that
172                          At such conditions, supercoiled DNA is interwound, and the probability of sp
173 aposition kinetics between specific sites in supercoiled DNA is investigated at close to physiologica
174                                              Supercoiled DNA is known to favor transient separation o
175 note that although a particular site i(1) in supercoiled DNA is often in close proximity (juxtaposed)
176 ntities (>/=100 microg) of highly positively supercoiled DNA is reported.
177 stributive, whereas relaxation of positively supercoiled DNA is stimulated.
178 s that becomes topologically linked with the supercoiled DNA is the product of the concentration of t
179 nd reform almost reversibly, indicating that supercoiled DNA is trapped in the condensed structure.
180  two sites, the juxtaposition probability in supercoiled DNA is two orders of magnitude higher than i
181 is independent of hydrolysis when negatively supercoiled DNA is used.
182 nd relaxed or DNA of different length, e.g., supercoiled DNA ladder.
183 move linear DNA from a mixture of linear and supercoiled DNA, leaving the supercoiled form intact.
184                        Whereas Nae I relaxes supercoiled DNA like a topoisomerase, even forming a tra
185 nzyme relaxes both negatively and positively supercoiled DNA like the eukaryotic enzymes.
186 V have critical interactions with positively supercoiled DNA, little is known about the actions of th
187 ce-dependent denaturation in highly bent and supercoiled DNA loops, each also reveals a unique aspect
188 ition of sites in linear DNA or far apart in supercoiled DNA may occur without restraint.
189 unt for how fluctuations in the structure of supercoiled DNA might lead to the juxtaposition of dista
190    Finally, the more complex topology of the supercoiled DNA minicircle gives rise to a secondary DNA
191 n simulated covalently bound to a negatively supercoiled DNA minicircle, and its behavior compared to
192  evaluate the looping of both linear DNA and supercoiled DNA minicircles over a broad range of DNA in
193 essor protein to distal recognition sites on supercoiled DNA minicircles using MD simulations.
194 solvase, the protein binds to two sites on a supercoiled DNA molecule and the loaded sites then inter
195   Transposase made double-strand breaks on a supercoiled DNA molecule containing a mini-ISY100 transp
196 binding proteins are capable of separating a supercoiled DNA molecule into distinct topological domai
197 , and lambda O protein, are able to divide a supercoiled DNA molecule into two independent topologica
198 iple alternate conformations in a negatively supercoiled DNA molecule of kilobase length and specifie
199 vertasome complex assembled at a branch on a supercoiled DNA molecule.
200 B is also able to stabilize writhe in single supercoiled DNA molecules and to bridge segments from tw
201        We have recently shown that apexes of supercoiled DNA molecules are sites that can promote the
202         Our methodology enables the study of supercoiled DNA molecules at greater length scales and s
203 lo simulations, we investigate the shapes of supercoiled DNA molecules that are either knotted or cat
204 o, a recombinant fragment of ATAD3p bound to supercoiled DNA molecules that contained a synthetic D-l
205 gels, they caused a relaxation of positively supercoiled DNA molecules, and thus allowed a separation
206 opo IV is also involved in the unknotting of supercoiled DNA molecules.
207 ng on right-handed plectonemes in negatively supercoiled DNA molecules.
208 neration as well as separation of positively supercoiled DNA molecules.
209 e DNA cleavage agent, displaying significant supercoiled DNA-nicking activity at concentrations as lo
210                Surprisingly, only linear and supercoiled DNA, not nicked-circular DNA, can completely
211 eometric and thermodynamic properties of the supercoiled DNAs on the surface differ significantly fro
212                                              Supercoiled DNA plasmids were exposed in the frozen stat
213 ted G-quadruplex formation within negatively supercoiled DNA plasmids.
214 rcoils), enhancer binding, and properties of supercoiled DNA play critical roles in regulating the in
215 e also observed that the addition of ParE to supercoiled DNA plus gyrase alone resulted in the format
216                                              Supercoiled DNA polymer models for which the torsional e
217 wnian dynamics simulations of the packing of supercoiled DNA polymers in an elongated cell-like confi
218  Despite its importance, however, much about supercoiled DNA (positively supercoiled DNA, in particul
219 ducted on several DNA substrates: negatively supercoiled DNA, positively supercoiled DNA with a misma
220  decreased the overall rate of relaxation of supercoiled DNA probably because of its participation in
221 and could be disrupted by single-stranded or supercoiled DNA, properties distinct from the binding of
222 verse gyrase can completely relax positively supercoiled DNA, provided that the DNA substrate contain
223 posed by the left-handed superhelix of a (+) supercoiled DNA, rather than global topology, twist defo
224 etween DNA helices are important features of supercoiled DNA related to its biological functions.
225 lar reactions catalyzed by topoisomerase IV, supercoiled DNA relaxation, and DNA knotting but not int
226 d that the gamma complex assembles beta onto supercoiled DNA (replicative form I), but only at very l
227  affinity for sigma54-RNA polymerase, but on supercoiled DNA requires either such a bend or a high af
228 scriminate between positively and negatively supercoiled DNA requires the C-terminal domain (CTD) of
229  +/- 0.057 for linear, relaxed circular, and supercoiled DNA, respectively, in good agreement with th
230           Increasing temperature or relaxing supercoiled DNA resulted in a decrease in ospAB promoter
231 te an overwhelming preference for negatively supercoiled DNA ((-)scDNA) as a cofactor for the hydroly
232 rimer-DNA complex crystal, p53 can recognize supercoiled DNA sequence-specifically by binding to quar
233 imm model with a scaling factor of -0.8, and supercoiled DNAs showed a reptational behavior with a sc
234 n apical position in a plectonemically wound supercoiled DNA, similar to the positioning of an A-trac
235  the full-sized topoisomerase: relaxation of supercoiled DNA, site-specific DNA transesterification,
236                                   By using a supercoiled DNA sizing standard of 2-16kb, the size of t
237 synapsis that rely on ordered motions within supercoiled DNA, "slithering" or "tracking", but are com
238                               Linear but not supercoiled DNA stimulated the phosphorylation of severa
239 tivity of PFCP, based on their protection of supercoiled DNA strand from scission by peroxyl and hydr
240 ned computational model that treats both the supercoiled DNA structural monomers and the smaller prot
241 otocrosslinking, using a partially synthetic supercoiled DNA substrate containing photoreactive nucle
242       Mu DNA transposition from a negatively supercoiled DNA substrate requires interaction of an enh
243                       Unwinding depends on a supercoiled DNA substrate, topoisomerase I, single-stran
244 y protein, a recombinational enhancer, and a supercoiled DNA substrate.
245  Topo III-catalysed relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA substrates only 20-fold.
246 al tetramer of phage Mu transposase (MuA) on supercoiled DNA substrates.
247 ction products were generated from linear or supercoiled DNA substrates.
248 lvPG promoter of Escherichia coli requires a supercoiled DNA template and occurs in the absence of sp
249 ing the DNA helix in an upstream region of a supercoiled DNA template in a way that alters the struct
250  the DNA topoisomerase relaxes a negatively, supercoiled DNA template in vitro, in a reaction that re
251 ivating sequence (UAS1) and, on a negatively supercoiled DNA template, activates transcription from t
252 fied GAS RNA polymerase and either linear or supercoiled DNA template.
253  hbs, located between the two operators, and supercoiled DNA template.
254 se promoters had higher activity from a more supercoiled DNA template.
255          In vitro transcription assays using supercoiled DNA templates revealed a preference for a pu
256 ory effect was observed on linear as well as supercoiled DNA templates.
257 on or by differential binding to relaxed and supercoiled DNA templates.
258  affinities to its target site on linear and supercoiled DNA templates.
259  i.e., low salt concentrations or negatively supercoiled DNA templates.
260 s is more pronounced and more extensive on a supercoiled DNA than on a linear template.
261 bind to plasmid DNA, binding more readily to supercoiled DNA than to the relaxed circular DNA.
262 t full-length Tnp interacts efficiently with supercoiled DNA that does not contain ESes.
263 out different conformations from that of (-) supercoiled DNA that is not being replicated.
264 o transcription assays for the first time on supercoiled DNA that mimics in vivo situation.
265             Once translocation is impeded on supercoiled DNA, the DNA is cleaved.
266 ciform extrusion in the short palindromes of supercoiled DNA, thereby allowing the formation of cruci
267  topoisomerase I catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA through a concerted mechanism of DNA str
268 ons that topoisomerase II may be targeted to supercoiled DNA through the recognition of DNA cruciform
269                                  Confining a supercoiled DNA to a plane greatly restricts its configu
270 tations and simulate the dynamic response of supercoiled DNA to a single strand nick.
271 that Fis and E sigma38 bind cooperatively on supercoiled DNA to form a stable complex at P2 that invo
272  topoisomerases decatenate, unknot and relax supercoiled DNA to levels below equilibrium, resulting i
273 molecule experiments observe the response of supercoiled DNA to nicking endonucleases and topoisomera
274 y to induce cell cycle arrest and to convert supercoiled DNA to relaxed and linear forms in vitro.
275                                         From supercoiled DNA to the tight loops of DNA formed by some
276   A Mu transpososome assembled on negatively supercoiled DNA traps five supercoils by intertwining th
277                In this method, the circular, supercoiled DNA vector pUC19 is first linearized with a
278 merase I (Top1p) catalyzes the relaxation of supercoiled DNA via a concerted mechanism of DNA strand
279 forming oligonucleotides able to invade into supercoiled DNA via combined Hoogsteen and Watson-Crick
280 eta and topoisomerase I to cleave positively supercoiled DNA was assessed in the absence or presence
281   However, their ability to relax negatively supercoiled DNA was compromised significantly.
282 ss-linked species of topo IV when positively supercoiled DNA was in the reaction.
283 ility of the resulting BLM analogue to relax supercoiled DNA was largely unaffected by introduction o
284 terogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K with supercoiled DNA was studied.
285 stimulation because relaxation of positively supercoiled DNA was unaffected.
286 ecting successive simulated conformations of supercoiled DNA, we conclude that slithering of opposing
287 l experiments with negatively and positively supercoiled DNA, we have been able to deconvolute the ch
288 oisomerase IV to relax and cleave positively supercoiled DNA were analyzed.
289                 Extraordinary separations of supercoiled DNAs were also obtained by capillary electro
290 tively supercoiled (compared with negatively supercoiled) DNA, whereas topoisomerase IV generated sim
291  imposed torsional constraints on negatively supercoiled DNA, which influenced the ability of the enz
292 an p53 also displays preferential binding to supercoiled DNA, while a mutant peptide, which is unable
293 at normally represses activity on negatively supercoiled DNA, while complementation tests using mutan
294 cells, RNA polymerase (RNAP) must transcribe supercoiled DNA, whose torsional state is constantly cha
295 percoiled DNA with a mismatch and positively supercoiled DNA with a bulge.
296 ates: negatively supercoiled DNA, positively supercoiled DNA with a mismatch and positively supercoil
297                                Unwinding the supercoiled DNA with ethidium bromide also made DNA resi
298                                   HMO2 binds supercoiled DNA with higher affinity than linear DNA and
299             In contrast, on linear DNA or on supercoiled DNA with sites 1605 bp apart, BspMI interact
300           The reaction pathway for FokI on a supercoiled DNA with two sites was dissected by fast kin

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