


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ake a considerable number of oral challenges superfluous.
2 entify cutoff levels to make some challenges superfluous.
3 hazelnut allergy making some food challenges superfluous.
4  economies will render ethnic group building superfluous.
5 rendering the closed-inactivation transition superfluous.
6 and the ecosystem-level selection process is superfluous.
7  suggests that stabilizing mechanisms may be superfluous.
8  second, electrostatic membrane binding site superfluous.
9  how much of this data is useful and is some superfluous?
10 vioral patterns characterized by redundancy (superfluous actions that exceed the functional requireme
11 despread application of taxon names that are superfluous, ambiguous or incorrect, resulting in mismat
12 ts of baseline characteristics, however, are superfluous and could be harmful if they lead investigat
13 tions as a main route for the degradation of superfluous and damaged constituents of the cytoplasm.
14 n passive absorption models, was shown to be superfluous, as it is already a component of both PSA an
15 e of homeostasis result in the production of superfluous cells that must eventually be disposed of.
16 od vessel networks is achieved by pruning of superfluous connections.
17 f thioredoxin family that accumulates in the superfluous cytoplasm of defective human spermatozoa.
18 d cell death program crucial for eliminating superfluous, damaged, or incorrectly specified cells, an
19             Motor systems often require that superfluous degrees of freedom be constrained.
20 res, precious metals and the installation of superfluous directing groups.
21                  These findings suggest that superfluous endothelial cells are cleared from immature
22             Developmental pruning eliminates superfluous excitatory inputs, suggesting that working m
23 s the reduction in growth rate when there is superfluous expression of a gene.
24     The major ubiquitin ligase targeting the superfluous Fas2 subunit to the proteasome is Ubr1.
25  expression and interaction with CBFbeta are superfluous for AML1-ETO (AE)-mediated transformation of
26 ontains a TGF-beta-NFAT response element, is superfluous for tT(reg) cell differentiation, but has a
27  achieved, at least in part, by silencing of superfluous gene clusters.
28 ia has streamlined its genome by eliminating superfluous genes as it relies on the host cell for a va
29                                          All superfluous haplotypes of the pedigree members will be e
30      However, this robust response generates superfluous hepatocytes, which are eliminated via apopto
31 her hand, demonstrated that these motifs are superfluous in context of the larger Mtx promoter.
32 pics may consider neurology and neurologists superfluous in this environment.
33  where sensory stimuli are abundant requires superfluous information to be ignored.
34                                          The superfluous ketone carbonyl was subsequently removed and
35 dapt to energy demands under stress, whereas superfluous lipolysis causes metabolic disorders, includ
36 ncluded missing markings (n = 36, 24.3%) and superfluous markings (n = 120, 81.1%).
37 tatus to their male partners to avoid costly superfluous mating, using an anti-aphrodisiac pheromone.
38 ale coercion, where females have conceded to superfluous matings as a compromise.
39 Autophagic responses specific for damaged or superfluous mitochondria are crucial for the maintenance
40 gically significant role in the clearance of superfluous mitochondria in T lymphocytes as part of nor
41 uperfused myocytes, exofacial CA activity is superfluous, most likely because extracellular CO2/HCO3-
42 s to persist at atypical locations to induce superfluous neurite extension.
43 te for nutrient recycling in plants by which superfluous or damaged cytoplasmic material and organell
44            Autophagy is the process by which superfluous or damaged macromolecules or organelles are
45 , including specific packaging of damaged or superfluous organelles for lysosomal delivery and breakd
46 uding cell-invading pathogens and damaged or superfluous organelles.
47           Excessive RANKL signaling leads to superfluous osteoclast formation and bone resorption, is
48 e of double-membrane vesicle biogenesis, and superfluous peroxisomes are not degraded in a conditiona
49  into the vacuole, or for the elimination of superfluous peroxisomes.
50                                              Superfluous production of polyamines is thus prevented.
51 step economy", "redox economy" minimizes the superfluous redox manipulations within a synthesis; rath
52 proved end-of-life care and decreased use of superfluous resources.
53 thin human posterior auditory cortex filters superfluous sounds from entering one's awareness.
54  (13)C spectral dimension while disregarding superfluous spectral information in compound identificat
55 rgans are technically challenging and causes superfluous stress.
56 points followed by elimination of presumably superfluous structures.
57 entional classification schemes, and lacking superfluous subdivisions of genuine types.
58 ntain a transposed element while lacking any superfluous T-DNA sequences.
59 m its recognition site allows the removal of superfluous, terminal sequences from the amplified DNA f
60 ight harvester and hole conductor, rendering superfluous the use of an additional hole transporting m
61 hould be directed to minimize the pursuit of superfluous theories.
62 t normal G6PD activity is sufficient but not superfluous to avoid NADPH depletion and ensure timely a
63 charge mobility without the accompaniment of superfluous traps.
64  electrostatic reorganization is shown to be superfluous when suitable interatomic interactions are p

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