


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  (P < 0.01 vs. glucose alone after 90 min of superfusion).
2  dominant regulator of surface pH under pH 5 superfusion.
3 ulation and elicited inward currents by NMDA superfusion.
4 developed after prolonged (more than 45 min) superfusion.
5 e out of the vasculature in response to fMLF superfusion.
6 d neurotoxicity were examined using in vitro superfusion.
7 nule; P < 0.01 vs. control) after 120 min of superfusion.
8 ce imaging of [H(+)] dynamics in cells under superfusion.
9 t occurred 2 min after onset of arachidonate superfusion.
10 ase when they were both included in the same superfusion.
11 qually during acute and chronic moxifloxacin superfusion.
12  additional prolongation occurred on chronic superfusion.
13 d intact neural mouse retinae, maintained by superfusion.
14 ed a marked fade during the 10-min period of superfusion.
15 ma xenograft in cranial window, whereas VEGF superfusion (10-1000 ng/ml) failed to increase permeabil
16                                         VEGF superfusion (100 ng/ml) significantly increased vascular
17                            Furthermore, VEGF superfusion (1000 ng/ml) increased vascular permeability
18 y both in vivo electrochemistry and in vitro superfusion: (2) similar, albeit attenuated effects are
19                     With either pH 5 or pH 3 superfusion (a) gastric pit lumens had the most divergen
20                                      Ethanol superfusion also decreased paired-pulse facilitation of
21                                        Focal superfusion altered both the extent and the direction of
22 isation-induced release of [125I]BDNF during superfusion and batch protocol experiments.
23                                              Superfusion and electrical field stimulation of rat hipp
24 tal differences between in vitro brain slice superfusion and in vivo brain perfusion.
25                                     In vitro superfusion and in vivo electrochemistry were used to in
26 that the gastric mill rhythms elicited by PK superfusion and MCN1 stimulation in the isolated STG are
27 0, 3, 30 or 300 nM) estradiol throughout the superfusion and subsequently given a dopamine (1 microM)
28 stigated using both the Ussing chamber and a superfusion apparatus.
29                               A small-volume superfusion assay and high-pressure liquid chromatograph
30                         Using a small-volume superfusion assay and HPLC with fluorescence detection a
31                                         In a superfusion assay of DA efflux, cells overexpressing SYN
32 ed, rabbit neural retinas were maintained by superfusion at different times of the regular light/dark
33 +) channel blocker BaCl(2) is present in the superfusion bath.
34 elaxing factor and a neurotransmitter with a superfusion bioassay cascade technique.
35         These results show that (1) in vitro superfusion can be used to dynamically evaluate dopamine
36                          Dopamine applied by superfusion caused a slow monophasic hyperpolarisation i
37 at specified times transferred to an acrylic superfusion chamber designed to allow controlled flow of
38 g video imaging with Fura-2 in a 37 degreesC superfusion chamber.
39 rescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2 and mounted in superfusion chambers for fluorometric measurement of [Ca
40                         Dopamine output from superfusion chambers which received infusion of MPP(+) w
41 tion to shortening, depending on duration of superfusion, concentration, and CL.
42 red during a 30-s stimulation under constant superfusion conditions.
43 e circadian phenomenon is independent of the superfusion conditions.
44                                     Bioassay superfusion demonstrated a twofold augmentation of the b
45                                     Solution superfusion did not produce any obvious changes in cell
46     f-actin staining revealed that TNF alpha superfusion disrupted f-actin filaments when compared to
47                   Short time-fraction (30 s) superfusion experiments showed that the [125I]BDNF relea
48                                 For in vitro superfusion experiments, dopamine and dihydroxyphenylace
49 milar results were observed with and without superfusion flow; (c) local mucus gel thickness was a po
50         Adding exogenous BH4 directly to the superfusion fluid leads to a massive increase in [3H] do
51 ent-clamp recordings, SP (100 nM) applied by superfusion hyperpolarized the membrane potential (7 +/-
52 larizations and caffeine applications during superfusion in Ca(2+)-free, Sr(2+)-containing solutions
53 pplying voltage clamp depolarizations during superfusion in Na(+)-free, Sr(2+)-containing solutions.
54 on of individual capillaries in EHP fixed by superfusion in situ revealed thickening of capillary end
55                                     Extended superfusion led to a local, apparent increase in light t
56 pattern of SP release was also observed when superfusion medium containing CO2-HCO3 buffer, pH 7.4, w
57                     [Me-14C]Ch placed in the superfusion medium for 30 min during a 1-h stimulation p
58                   Omission of calcium in the superfusion medium markedly attenuated hypoxia-induced S
59 ntal pulp was prepared and stimulated by the superfusion method with BK alone and in combination with
60 receptor in liver was analyzed using a novel superfusion method.
61 t up for studies of [3H]NE release using the superfusion method.
62 own on Cytodex-3 beads and placed in special superfusion microchambers.
63                                        Brief superfusion of 11-66 mM ethanol significantly increased
64                                              Superfusion of 2-methylthio-adenosine-5'-triphosphate (2
65 ression to produce axonal injury, unilateral superfusion of 3 microM TTX into the rat supraoptic nucl
66                                              Superfusion of 4-AP (0.8 mM) reversibly depolarized a lo
67                                              Superfusion of 4-AP (50 microM) induced two types of act
68                                        Acute superfusion of 44 mM ethanol increased the amplitude of
69 Cs(+)-based intracellular solution or during superfusion of 5 mm TEA, suggesting the presence of an a
70                                              Superfusion of 5-66 mM ethanol decreased compound glutam
71                                              Superfusion of 5-HI (100 microM) increased the mean freq
72 ed cardiomyocyte function improved after the superfusion of a PKCbeta selective inhibitor.
73          An increase in [H(+)]i, produced by superfusion of acetate (salt of membrane-permeant weak a
74 ponsiveness to cumulative (10(-10)-10(-4) M) superfusion of acetylcholine or phenylephrine.
75 arinic acetylcholine receptors), attained by superfusion of agonists or weak, sustained (approximatel
76 h aspartate iontophoresis were suppressed by superfusion of agonists.
77                                              Superfusion of ANCA IgG over rolling cells resulted in c
78                                     In vitro superfusion of bovine dental pulp was used to evaluate t
79 n-sensitive nociceptive neurons via in vitro superfusion of bovine dental pulp.
80                                              Superfusion of brain slices with PrRP (100-300 nm) produ
81  blocked by 30 nm IbTx but was unaffected by superfusion of Ca(2+)-free solution, nifedipine or Bay K
82  response to photorelease of caged IP(3) and superfusion of caffeine, respectively.
83 nsport and NO release were unaffected during superfusion of cells with a nominally Ca(2+)-free soluti
84          However, in the same ganglia, after superfusion of CO in the presence of ZnPP, tetanic stimu
85 ced L-glutathione mono-ethyl ester (GSH-MEE) superfusion of conjunctival tissues pre-exposed to mucos
86 ing HPLC with electrochemical detection from superfusion of corpus striatum fragments with Kreb's rin
87 larizing current injections before and after superfusion of cPGI (1 microM and 10 microM).
88                                              Superfusion of diazoxide inhibited fast synaptic activit
89 e amplitude of depolarization in response to superfusion of different tachykinin agonists (neurokinin
90 n slice preparation for cellular recordings, superfusion of DynA onto pPVT neurons decreased the freq
91        This current was still present during superfusion of either IbTx (60 nm) or apamin (300 nm) bu
92                This effect was reversed with superfusion of excess L-arginine (1 mM).
93                                   Continuous superfusion of fMLP was also essential for maintenance o
94                                              Superfusion of GABA resulted in a concentration-dependen
95                            In naive animals, superfusion of ghrelin increased the amplitude of evoked
96 tes excluded by the wall was very different; superfusion of growing hyphae with PEG-6000 or dextran-6
97                                              Superfusion of hippocampal slices isolated from rats chr
98                                              Superfusion of IL-1beta-stimulated rabbit mesentery with
99                                        Rapid superfusion of immobilized Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependen
100               Four rats received a localized superfusion of L-NAME (1 mmol/L) through the cranial win
101 al labyrinth in compensating animals through superfusion of local anaesthetic on the round window.
102 plied 5-HT was reproducibly inhibited by the superfusion of low concentrations of 5-HT which evoked l
103                                 In addition, superfusion of low micromolar concentrations of glutamat
104 on of mesenteric microvessels in response to superfusion of methacholine and bradykinin.
105                                              Superfusion of myocytes at 37 degrees C with Ca2+-free s
106                                              Superfusion of neurones with zero calcium (1 mM EGTA) Ri
107                                              Superfusion of NO donor (spermine NO, 100 mumol/L) incre
108                                              Superfusion of Noc robustly depressed spontaneous bursti
109                                              Superfusion of normoxic cells with H2O2 (25 microM) for
110 stsynaptic potential (IPSP) was abolished by superfusion of omega-conotoxin (omega-CTX) GVIA (3-300 n
111                                              Superfusion of omega-CTX MVIIC (500 nM) also suppressed
112                                              Superfusion of orexin A or B (10-300 nM) caused a slow d
113                                              Superfusion of other cyclic nucleotide analogues (8-Br-c
114                                              Superfusion of PASMCs or SASMCs with hypoxic media incre
115                                              Superfusion of PASMCs with hypoxic media increases the H
116                                       During superfusion of permeabilized hepatocytes, submaximal con
117                         We demonstrated that superfusion of rat mesentery with LPS resulted in signif
118 and VIP, we developed assay systems based on superfusion of rat pituitary and pineal cells.
119 tric oxide was examined by using a method of superfusion of rat striatum slices in vitro.
120                                              Superfusion of S1P (0.001-10 muM) evoked concentration-d
121                                              Superfusion of SKCa and IKCa channel blockers UCL 1684 +
122                                    Moreover, superfusion of spinal slices from opiate-tolerant rats w
123              In the absence of A1R agonists, superfusion of the A1R antagonist, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dip
124 laced in a chamber that allowed for separate superfusion of the brainstem, spinal segments C(2)-C(4),
125                                              Superfusion of the cannabimimetics WIN55212-2 or methana
126  over a surface coated with platelets, until superfusion of the chemotactic peptide formyl-methionyl-
127                                              Superfusion of the GABAA agonist muscimol resulted in a
128                                              Superfusion of the GHS-R1A antagonists D-Lys3-GHRP-6 and
129 s that was reduced in amplitude by prolonged superfusion of the IMG with either PACAP27, maxidilan, P
130                                         Bath superfusion of the kappa-opioid agonists U69,593 (0.3-1
131                                              Superfusion of the lymphotoxin-stimulated neovasculature
132 mmatory action of D-glucose was inhibited by superfusion of the mesentery with 30 nmol/l bisindolylma
133                                              Superfusion of the muscle with NMA partially restored ar
134 in septic and control rats, before and after superfusion of the muscle with the nitric oxide synthase
135                                              Superfusion of the NK1R agonist (2 microM) elicited a pr
136                                      Topical superfusion of the nonselective NOS inhibitor N(G)-monom
137                                  Concomitant superfusion of the rat mesentery with 10 nmol/liter of e
138                                              Superfusion of the rat mesentery with 50 micromol/liter
139                                              Superfusion of the rat mesentery with either 0.5 U/ml th
140                                              Superfusion of the rat mesentery with either thrombin or
141                                Thus, in vivo superfusion of the rat mesentery with stable lipoxin ana
142                      It was not prevented by superfusion of the slices with alpha1 or alpha2 or beta-
143                                              Superfusion of the slices with N2,2'-O-dibutyrylguanosin
144 ypertonic solution (HS) was applied by local superfusion of the synaptic area.
145                                              Superfusion of the vas deferens with exogenous epsilon-A
146                                        Local superfusion of the ventral tegmental area with glutamate
147                                        Local superfusion of the ventral tegmental area with the D2 ag
148                                              Superfusion of tissue slices with 0.1 nM to 100 nM 2-p-(
149                                     However, superfusion of tissue slices with CGS 21680 over the sam
150                                              Superfusion of tolbutamide, a K(ATP) channel sulfonylure
151  In oocytes expressing GAT1 and syntaxin 1A, superfusion of transporter substrates increases the GAT1
152                                      Topical superfusion of vasoactive compounds on skeletal muscle r
153                 Acute displacement of pH(i) (superfusion of weak acids/bases) triggered rapid pH(i) r
154 ignificant differences were obtained between superfusions of striatal tissue fragments stimulated wit
155 L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 100 mumol/L superfusion or 10 mg/kg intravenously) significantly dec
156 scarinic receptor agonist, applied by either superfusion or iontophoresis, produced an atropine-sensi
157         Applied to the spinal cord slices by superfusion, PACAP-38 (10-30 nM) caused intense neuronal
158 s in DA recovery rates were obtained between superfusions performed in the presence or absence of TMX
159  automated pipets (subsequently called "dual superfusion pipet"), each providing the ability to dispe
160 n switching around the cell, additional dual superfusion pipets were inserted into the microchannel f
161 r ionic composition were unaltered after the superfusion procedures.
162             Increased [K+]o (5-10 mM) in the superfusion, producing modest depolarizations, consisten
163                               Increasing the superfusion rate decreased the thickness of the surface
164  20 mM propionate after approximately 40 min superfusion resulted in an alkalinization of approximate
165   Intravenous infusion with IS confirmed the superfusion results and caused shedding of heparan sulfa
166                                  During acid superfusion, RX 77368 delayed acidification and enhanced
167     In group 4 (n=8), L-arginine pericardial superfusion significantly increased NO overflow measured
168                                         VEGF superfusion significantly increased permeability in both
169 teric arterioles in response to elevation of superfusion solution PO2 from approximately equal to 3 t
170  of assessing dopamine uptake using in vitro superfusion, striatal tissue from ovariectomized female
171 tus solitarius (NTS) were employed for slice superfusion studies of electrically evoked [3H]serotonin
172                                   Under pH 5 superfusion, surface pH was relatively acidic (pH 4.2 +/
173                         These studies used a superfusion system to investigate the hypothesis that NO
174                                      A rapid superfusion system was used to apply various drugs for k
175 , RC-121, were compared in the rat pituitary superfusion system, both compounds were found to suppres
176                                      Using a superfusion system, we compared the effect of NPY on NMD
177  pituitary cells to 100 nM Cetrorelix in the superfusion system, which is devoid of LH-RH, did not ca
178 rated male rats as studied using an in vitro superfusion technique.
179                               Using in vitro superfusion, the depolarization of spinal cord triggered
180 ncentration of 5-HT was not dependent on its superfusion time but on the number of activations of the
181 , in the case of the latter experiment), the superfusion was continued for another 115 min.
182                                   Rapid drug superfusion was used to study the mechanism of alcohol p
183                   Rabbit corneal endothelial superfusions were performed under an in vitro specular m
184 causing fixed block after 50 minutes of drug superfusion, which prevented reentry at all delays.
185                                              Superfusion with 0.01 to 100 nM 11,12-EET caused graded
186 ed nicotinic EPSCs also were desensitized by superfusion with 1 microM nicotine, had extrapolated rev
187                                              Superfusion with 10 microM IP3 under conditions that min
188 ld be desensitized almost completely by bath superfusion with 100 nM nicotine.
189 etics; pH gating sensitivity was measured by superfusion with 100% CO2-saturated media.
190 .2-0.4 pH units of Helix neurones induced by superfusion with 3 mM concentrations of the weak bases t
191 mechanical stimulation of the soma, or brief superfusion with 300 nM capsaicin, resulted to [Ca(2+)](
192  while cells were progressively acidified by superfusion with a bicarbonate-buffered solution gassed
193   Intracellular acidification was induced by superfusion with a bicarbonate-buffered solution gassed
194                                      Neither superfusion with a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-m
195                              After excision, superfusion with anti-PIP2 antibodies induced the appear
196 GPx-1((tg-)) mice showed vasoconstriction to superfusion with beta-methacholine and bradykinin (P < 0
197  mV in isolated type I cells recorded during superfusion with bicarbonate-buffered saline solution at
198                                              Superfusion with bicuculline (10 microM) and strychnine
199 cy induced by Bay K 8644 was not affected by superfusion with Ca2+-free solution (with 10 mmol/L EGTA
200 ed by 60 +/- 5% following a 10 min period of superfusion with caffeine (10 mM) to deplete the endopla
201                                              Superfusion with CCL21, but not CXC chemokine ligand 12,
202 or this idea comes from the observation that superfusion with cesium selectively reduces IR and elimi
203                                              Superfusion with Cl(-)-free solution also abolished the
204                                 In addition, superfusion with compound 48/80 (25 microg/ml) constrict
205    The clearance of FITC-dextran-10 K during superfusion with compound 48/80 in the presence of WT.3
206 ffer (no added Ca2+ + 1 mM EGTA) followed by superfusion with control (Ca2+-containing) buffer.
207  of AP frequency (max. dAP/dDeltamV), during superfusion with cPGI.
208                                 Simultaneous superfusion with either DHT or 3alpha-diol significantly
209 y to undergo vasoconstriction in response to superfusion with endothelin-1.
210                                 In contrast, superfusion with ethanol significantly enhanced the GABA
211                                  Conversely, superfusion with GABA receptor antagonists decreased the
212 ar effects could be demonstrated after brief superfusion with high concentrations of adenosine itself
213                                              Superfusion with high performance liquid chromatographic
214                                              Superfusion with IS induced strong leukocyte adhesion, e
215 sed during SS and was reduced by pericardial superfusion with L-arginine compared with control (6005.
216 o significant difference between control and superfusion with L-arginine, a NO precursor (222+/-20 ve
217                                              Superfusion with l-arginine, an NOS substrate, caused de
218                                              Superfusion with low-Ca(2+) bathing medium (no added Ca(
219 oamine-depleted ganglia, tetanus preceded by superfusion with m-CPBG readily induced LTP.
220                    In wild-type mice, spinal superfusion with naloxone hydrochloride (10 mM, 30 micro
221 n measures of gastric defense during mucosal superfusion with neutral solutions.
222                                              Superfusion with pCS and pCG combined caused impaired bl
223 s release inhibition was prevented partly by superfusion with sulpiride (47% inhibition) and was redu
224                                              Superfusion with the agonists (GABA or glycine) produced
225 ists SKF 38393 or SKF 81297-C and blocked by superfusion with the D1 antagonist SCH 23390.
226 air cells by whole-cell voltage clamp during superfusion with the potassium channel antagonists, tetr
227  the CA3 region of rat hippocampal slices by superfusion with the potassium channel blocker 4-aminopy
228 he DMV neurones were also less responsive to superfusion with the satiety neuropeptides cholecystokin
229                                   Continuous superfusion with the uncoupling agent carbonyl cyanide-p
230 e capillaries were examined before and after superfusion with varying concentrations of adenosine (or
231                                       During superfusion with vehicle (saline), clearance of FITC-dex
232                                       During superfusion with vehicle (saline), clearance of FITC-dex
233                                       During superfusion with vehicle, clearance of FITC-albumin, FIT
234                                       During superfusion with vehicle, clearance of FITC-dextran-10K
235                                       During superfusion with zero [Ca2+]o and EGTA, about 73% of 40
236                                              Superfusion with zero calcium produced no effect on curr

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